Chapter 10 - Movie Night!! (Part 1)

Life with SHINee

April's POV


I was making slushies! Yay! I made the blue raspberry kind and the cherry kind!!! Yay!


언니 was making popcorn with real corn! *gasp* Isn't it cool? I <3 Popcorn! Especially the buttery kind!!!!


Anyways, we were in the kitchen making food and Key 오빠 was worriedly watching Chloe 언니 just in case she burned something (Which she does often. Like Daily Often). Slushies don't involve fire. I don't burn ANYTHING!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!


Minho's POV


I was watching Sam run around like 미친 사람, getting ready for a date with Justin Bieber TT_______________________TT


What does she see in that guy?? He looks AND sounds like a girl unlike me who looks and sounds like a guy (Which I am ^_______^)! And he's short! I'm tall, don't girls like tall guys?? Justin Bieber can't dance, unlike me! I can dance! Mwahaha!


"Um... 형....? Why are you acting like a crazy, evil person? Taemin was shying away from me, in the farthest corner of the living room.


"Um... No reason... At all!" I chuckled nervously. "Go help April and Chloe!"


Taemin ran as fast as lightning into the kitchen, yelling, "Key 형! April, Chloe!!" *Minho Sweatdrops*


"You guys! I'm leaving! ZOMG!!!!!! JUSTIN BIEBER IS SO HOT!!!! HEHEHEHEHE!" Sam yelled happily as she happily skipped out of the door humming an annoyingly catchy tune (a.k.a. Justin Bieber's Baby)


Sigh. T________________T


10 Minutes Late


The movie was playing now, Taemin and April snuggled together on the couch. Key and Chloe sat side by side on the floor, holding hands in "secret" (psh... even a blind person could see they were holding hands!!!!) with Onew 형 and Jonghyun 형 pretending to be a gay couple..... O_______o And there I was... being a loner..... T__________T


I got up suddenly, walking "calmly" over to my room. The door slamming shut and I jumped up onto the bed.


"So..." a voice suddenly said and I fell out of the bed to find Chloe and April leaning against the door frame. "You are being an emo depressed guy. Is it because Sam's on a date... with the wannabe skater boy/gay singer?"


"Psh... Why would I be upset about that? Psh. No." I denied.


"He's in denial," April said to Chloe, shaking her head disapprovingly.


"Very much in denial. You should tell her you like her," Chloe said, sitting down next to me on the floor. "She likes chocolate covered roses. OH! And white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. ^_____^"


Thus began Chloe and April's "How to Confess to Sam 101" class!


Sam's POV


Yay! I was on a date with Justin Bieber! Although he was too busy staring at the city..... T_______T


"OOH! White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies!!! Can we get some???"


"Sure! You go get some. I wanna go over here." He walked in the opposite direction from the cookies. TT_________________TT

This was the worst date ever......


At the SHINee Dorm


When I got back, the dorm was very dark and scary..... O_____O


"Is anyone awake???" I the lights and found Minho 오빠 sleeping on the computer desk. (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... so cute!!!! ^_____^)


I poked him. "Are you asleep???"


He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Sam, I have something to tell you."

"... Minho 오빠 sleeping on the computer desk."
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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!