Chapter 13 - Schedules and Yoogeun

Life with SHINee

Chloe's POV


Fitting was boring, the lyricists were lazy and had only half the song done, and dance rehearsal was -______________-. At least the 오빠들 were there.


Key 오빠was scolding the stylists at the fitting for “picking such a girly color”… pink. He said it didn’t suit me…. Jonghyun 오빠 was finishing the song for the lyricists because he wasn’t lazy like them! ^^ And at the dance rehearsal… there was no choreography…. Taemin 오빠 ended up creating the dance (a complicated dance.)


"Ahhhh!! Finally! We are done!!" I yelled, pumpling my fist in the air and jumping (well kinda hopping/bouncing) It had taken us almost five hours to finish all that..... Now we were free!!! Or so I thought....


"No, we still have one more thing to do. It's 유근이's birthday today. You three are going with SHINee to give him a party. Then you are done!"




"Really? We're going to go see 유근이? When?" Key 오빠 was asking Charlene, 언니, bouncing up and down, "I need to go buy a present and a card! 세아야! Let's go! Ooh, I get to see my baby again!!! It wasn't fair because Minho got to see him when he was filming Dream Team 2! And-!"


I poked 오빠 in the side to get him to stop talking. "You talk to much, 오빠. Let's get him Power Ranger toys!!!"


We skipped off towards a toy store nearby with April and Taemin 오빠 following along. Sam was texting someone, blushing every once in a while and giggling. Charlene 언니 was texting someone too and blushing and smiling... hmmmm... who could that be.....???


"Ooh!! Let's get this one!!" Key 오빠 exclaimed, pointing to a life-sized Power Ranger plushy.....


"Isn't that a little too expensive.....?" I asked, sweatdropping and my mouth wide open....


"야!!! Nothing's too expensive for my baby 유근이!!!" Key 오빠 dragged me over to the sales lady and declared, "I want THAT ONE!!!"


The lady's eyes widened as she brought it down from the shelf it sat on. "Um... it'll be ₩100,000...."


" 세아야, give me... ₩30,000 please....." Key oppa gave me the puppy eyes... it was cute and all but his facial features were more catlike...


I pulled out my wallet with a sigh, handing him the money. "You're broke now, aren't you?" 오빠's cheeks turned reddish.... nodding shamefully. "I'll pay for the card. 아이고, 오빠 why are you so foolish??"


" 미안해.... ;_;" he pouted as he gave the lady the money. "I didn't realize it'd be that expensive.... But how are we going to wrap it??? I wonder... I'm gonna go pick out wrapping paper.... do you still have money???"


"Yes, 오빠," I sighed... What was I gonna do with him.... -____________-


April and Taemin 오빠 were picking out a pair of Power Ranger pajamas for 유근이 and a box of those yummy Hello Panda cookies....


Sam picked out a box of small action figures and the other 오빠들 (Jonghyun, Minho, and Onew 오빠들) were picking out a bunch of random stuffed animals.... This child was going to get lots of presents...


At 정유근's House


"유근아!!! 아빠들 are here!!!" Minho yelled, as 유근이's mom let us in. The little boy ran out, yelling, "아빠!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


He was soooooooo cute and he looked just like Minho 오빠 with those pretty eyes and the hair that was kind of longish...


"아빠! Who are they??" He pointed at us, tilting his head cutely.... "Are they my 엄마들??"


The SHINee 오빠들 fell over, bewildered... "Um... 유근아, they are your 누나들..." Key 오빠 said, taking my hand and dragging me up closer to the boy, "This is 세아 누나 and this is 애히 누나 and this is 수민 누나... okay??"


"Okay! Can I give 누나들 a hug???" He said, running to hug my legs. I picked him up and cuddled him in my arms.


"Wahhhhhhhhhhh! You're so cute!! Happy Birthday, 유근아!!"


And so the party began!!


유 근이 fell asleep around nine o'clock, hugging the Power Ranger plushy that Key 오빠 and I gave him, cutely smiling as he slept. We each placed a kiss on his forehead and bid goodbye to his mother, silently leaving the house.


The SHINee 오빠들 were all upset that they might not get to see 유근이 again but at least we took a picture all together... ^^ Key 오빠 and Taemin 오빠 were pouting all the way home... It was cute... ^^

SHINee 아빠들 and Baby 유근이
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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!