18 She is my strength...

The Strength of Our Strings

"This is crazy!" Claimed his manager. "I just called her and told her about you! Are you sure this is right?"  They were standing at a hidden corridor. Luckily, the security and the guards managed to hold the crowd outside the hospital and ensured safety for all. 

"Yes!" He answered steadily. "I don't want her to be worried." He was full of determination. He put his hand on his head. He felt a little dizzy. There were still blood spill on his shirt. "H-How's the stunt man? I hope he is not badly injured?" Despite his condition, he still had worries for others, he leaned to the wall to gain support. His body ached all over from the momentum shock. 

"He's stable now. A few fractures. Luckily, they have the second stuntman ready or else we have to push back the schedule which can be costly," His manager explained to him. Min Ho exhaled with relief knowing that his stuntman was allright. "Send someone to constantly check on him and find out what he needs and give it to him. We need to take good care of him." He continued. "I want to be updated regarding his progress." He frowned a little bit. He wondered what else could go wrong but his mind quickly was reminded of Shin Hye whom his manager had just informed. "When can we go?" He asked. His manager hesitated a little bit, his biggest worry was that their director would come in anytime soon to check him out but luckily he was out of town so this could buy them a little bit of time. 

"At least, clean up a bit." His manager advised him as he drove. He threw the extra shirt they had in store at the back of the van which he grabbed as he put Min Ho into the van.  Luckily, the hospital was not that far from Ara's home and traffic was not bad that night. He reached Ara's building just in time before Shin Hye and Ara left as her car was still parking in the basement. The security guard had already acknowledged Min Ho's van as at times, Shin Hye and him would meet up Ara for some dinner or event. As they were slowing down, Min Ho noticed another van from which he saw Min Hyuk appeared. He was headed to a car which was parked just accross Ara's car. Min Ho stared at the car. "It's her friend Yong Hwa." Manager Han announced. "And Min Hyuk Ssi" He added. "Maybe they want to go together." He presumed. 

Min Ho observed them for a bit while waiting for Shin Hye to come down with Ara. Yong Hwa had a saddened expression while Min Hyuk seemed to console him. He wondered what could be the reason. Yong Hwa's expression seemed to bother him a little bit. He was reminded the time when Yong Hwa came to visit them at their scene. He remembered how he felt at that time. He wasn't comfortable seeing Shin Hye and Yong Hwa acting chummy. He remembered how he kept on finding reasons to in their conversation and Shin Hye being her friendly self would naturally invited him to join hanging up with them. 

'Neh Oppa.. come sit down. You do know Yong Hwa do you?" Shin Hye introduced. Yong Hwa was beaming with smile from their previous conversation.

'Why is he so happy?' Min Ho whispered in his heart, "Neh... Min Hyukkie's band leader! I heard some of your songs. Really catchy!" He accepted the offer of conversing as he sat in front of Shin Hye. "So, how's your drama doing?" Min Ho asked.

"It's doing great just as they scheduled." Yong Hwa answered as he nodded and smiled.

"It must have been great filming with one of Korea's top actresses,Yoon Eun Hye!" Min Ho assumed.

"Majayooooo!!!!" Shin Hye chimed in excitingly. "Wahhh.... Uri Yong Hwa must feel like being in heaven!!!!" Shin Hye teased. "Everyday to see beautiful angel beside him." She grinned generously. 

"Ya!" Yong Hwa pretended to be shy as he lightly hit Shin Hye's arm. "I know! That's why I turned down the role of Young Do. I can't miss the chance to act with a goddess can I?" He continued. "I bet Min Ho-ssi would do the same?" He asked Min Ho. 

Min Ho broke his gaze from Shin Hye who was looking at Yong Hwa's face while conversing. He was burning up with jealousy. At that time, he knew he wanted to be the one being looked at by Shin Hye. 'Aish.... those eyes should just look at me!' He whispered in his heart. "Huh!? Yoon Eun Hye- Ssi?" He repeated. "Well, I want to be greedy, if I could I would take both roles, Hahahahaha but I am very content to deal with this one Goddess here in front of me. " He smiled at Shin Hye who was now blushing as he said that.

"You're being too much Min Ho -Ssi! You're putting to much burden on me. I have yet to work hard for that level. I don't deserve it yet. " Shin Hye said humbly. "Although, I am happy to know at least a person thinks so. Unlike... you!" She cheerfully pointed her finger on Yong Hwa's nose teasing him. Yong Hwa laughed as she did that.

'Aishhhh.. Why do they look like a loving couple!' He raged inside but tried his hardest to maintain his cool. "If you will excuse me, I need to rehearse my lines." He suddenly stood up with a weird smile on his face. "It is very nice to meet you Yong Hwa -Ssi. Do invite me to your concert!" Shin Hye blinked her eyes a few times. She found Min Ho being strange as he was usually very playful with anybody. Yong Hwa not noticing nodded and agreed.

"It's nice to get to meet the man of every woman's dream. Shin Hye is probably not able going to wake up from hers." He teased Shin Hye further.

"Ya!!" Shin Hye nudged Yong Hwa's rib. That somehow, made Min Ho's heart flutter.

"I would be most grateful!" He replied with a wink towards Shin Hye.

"Ya, Oppa!!!!" She tried to glared at Min Ho but ended up laughing. 


'Why would Yong Hwa look that sad?' Min Ho wondered again in his mind. 'We are not that close. If it was Min Hyuk I could understand.' He thought. Then, suddenly it hit him. "Hyung! I think this has nothing to do with me!" He said. Manager Han turned to face him with a puzzled look. "This is all about Shin Hye!" He declared.

"Ya!!! I better bring you back to the hospital! You're not thinking straight!" His manager scolded him. "Not everything is about her!" He continued. He was about to open his mouth for another lecture but Min Ho cut him in. 

"Shin Hye!" He pointed out as he saw Shin Hye and Ara walking out of the elevator. Shin Hye looked very sad and worried as they walked to Ara's car and she didn't seemed to notice either his van nor Yong Hwa's car. She was probably worried about him. He noticed that Min Hyuk realized Shin Hye's presence as well. Without thinking, he quickly went out of the car. He was limping a bit but he forced himself to reach her as fast as he could. Shin Hye lifted her head as she was about to position herself at Ara's passenger's seat and she immediately saw him. Her eyes widened and she seemed to tell Ara regarding him but being frantic, Ara instead of turning around jumped into her seat.  

"A-aa--araaaa!!!" Shin Hye called out to Ara but her eyes were glued to him horrified at what she was witnessing. She blinked a few times not believing what she was seeing. As soon as he reached her, he placed both his hands on Shin Hye's shoulder. He could hear Ara screaming at SHin Hye.

"Shin Hyeeeee!!! Get innnnnn!" Ara screamed frantically. 

"You..." She whispered as her eyes teared. Her eyes were checking every inch of his face. There were bruises on his fore head and left cheek from the impact of the accident earlier. "Waeeee?" She asked. He smiled at her. Seeing her face made him forget the fresh pain. Ara was still screaming mad. He got into the passenger seat, he saw her fighting her handbag's sling. He smiled and said, "You don't have to take her there." Ara didn't lift her head instantly. She took her time to process everything. When she was ready, she looked up.

"Yyyyou?" She looked confuse. "Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" She said. "You're bleeding!"

"Kenchana!" He secured her. "I am taking Shin Hye with me. Thank you for your concern." He said as he got out of the car leaving Ara confused. 

"A-a-re you sure?" Shin Hye asked worried. 

"Kenchana!" He assured her as well. "You're the reason I am fine. " He said smiling at her. He wiped her tears and immediately grabber her hand and took her with him to his van. As they were about to enter,

"Shin Hye yahhhh!" A male voice yelled her name. He knew who it was. Shin Hye stopped and turned.

"Y-y-yong Hwa?" She said. Min Ho turned around as well. Yong Hwa and Min Hyuk came running towards them.

"You're alright hyung? Woo Bin texted me and said you were badly injured." MIn Hyuk asked but his eyes quickly went down to see them holding hands. Min Hyuk had a confused look. "Aah.. Erm.." He said as he pointed out them holding hands.

Shin Hye wanted to let go but Min Ho tightened his grip.

"O-o-oppa!" She tried to remind him that they should not know about them yet but Min Ho was insistance. 

"Why are you here?" Yong Hwa asked Min Ho. "Where are  you taking her?" He asked feeling weary. 

"Uh.. We.. Min.. Ho.. I" Shin Hye was out of words and panicked. She was not settled with the frantic she had earlier and now she had to face this.

"Well.. They... I..." Ara tried to help out SHin Hye to find explanation as well. Min Hyuk meanwhile just nodded lightly comprehending the situation right in front of him but he needed to respect Yong Hwa's feeling so he just kept quiet. 

Like any male who felt threaten, Min Ho pulled Shin Hye closer and put his hand on her shoulder. "Yes, I am with her and she is with me." Ara eyes widened and so were Shin Hye. Min Hyuk continued nodding his head as his theory was confirmed. His manager in the car let out a heavy sighed who feared of what might become. Yong Hwa on the other hand became expressionless, turned around, Shin Hye could see his shoulders lowered. As if Min Ho knew that Shin Hye would run after him, he tightened his hold on her shoulder disabling her from moving. Min Hyuk knew his cue was indicated at both Shin Hye and Min Ho that he would follow Yong Hwa. After Yong Hwa and MIn Hyuk left, Min Ho lessen the grip on her shoulder.

"Are you crazy?" Ara was the one who asked first. "What if he tell?" Ara widened her eyes in anger towards Min Ho. "Did you hit your head hard?" She continued.

"It's for the best. He might as well know now." Min Ho answered calmly. Shin Hye stood still. She was unable to accept of what had just happened. 

"Aishhh... Your jelousy is something I ought to bow for." Ara said sarcastically. "So, what happens now?" She asked.

"I'm taking her with me." Min Ho told Ara. 

"All right then. Please remember to return her back. " She added. Min Ho just smiled at Ara and nodded.

"Come Shin Hye." He instructed her but Shin Hye just stood still. "Are you all right?" Min Ho asked since she didn't budge. "Shin Hye... " He tapped her shoulder. 

Shin Hye finally came to her senses, she blinked a few times and finally peeped an answer, "Neh..." She slowly moved to enter his van. She sat down quietly. Her worries over Min Ho turned into something else ratherly unexpected. 'What's wrong with Yong Hwa? Why was he at Ara's building?' She wondered. 

"Uhum...!" Min Ho cleared his throat loudly trying to get Shin Hye's attention. Shin Hye blankly turned to Min Ho and just stared at him.  Her mind was somewhere else still. Unable to read her expression, he assumed the worst. He thought Shin Hye might take his approach as being too much without discussing with her. "Shin Hye.. yah.... err... Yoebo...." To this Shin Hye fluttered her eyelashes and finally looked at him. "I am so sorry that I was being rash. I wasn't thinking straight but .... somehow I felt threaten." He explained his action.

"Neh?" Shin Hye was not yet up to speed of what Min Ho was saying. "Threaten?" She gave him a confused look.

"That's why I told you to stay in the hospital!" His manager interjected.

"Yahhhh!" Min Ho yelled at his manager," I am fine!" He declared.

"Says who?" Shin Hye questioned him, she was angry as well as worried. Min Ho looked at her tenderly. "Look at you... You've got bruises here and there. We might as well let the doctor check you up." She suggested as her soft fingers ran through his bruises. "You were limping as well. We need to ensure that nothing is broken." She quickly tried to take off his left shoe and check his foot and leg. MIn Ho quickly stopped her and held her hands.

"I am fine!" He said once again.

"But.." Shin Hye tried to argue.

"You're here now... That is what matter to me. All I could think before we hit that building was you. I can't accept the idea that my time with you is short. When I woke up, I see so many people around me but I couldn't find you. I knew instantly that I must see you..." He explained.

"Yeap... He nearly said your name. He was asking where you were. I had to lie and say it was his mom." His manager confirmed with him.

"Yahhh... Chakgya... You have to be careful!" She said to him.

"Arasso... but it was an instant of that moment... It could also be a good thing if I suddenly blurted out and let the world know." He said cheekily. "We can be together in public all we want and be a normal husband and wife like we always wanted." He continued.

"We wish for it and pray for it but we both know deep inside now is not the time..." She smiled warmly at Min Ho's expectation. "You're safe now but we must get you proper medication." She said still worrying about him. 

"I told you I'm fine... You're here..." He said smiling happily at her. "Look at your beautiful eyes, they are puffy now. You must have cried so hard. " He looked at her tenderly.

"Of course ... You should be worried if I didn't. It means something wrong with me," She and smiled contently at him.

"You know Shin Hye... You are my strength..." He declared as he kissed her hand. 



What's happening to our friendship?

Why did you turn away?

What did I do wrong?

We promised that we would be supportive...

If each one of us finds the person who would cherish us...

Where are you my friend...


P/S: MinShin have turned me into a hopeless romantic... :P Lack of news between them nowadays make it harder for me to try to stay logical in sequencing I guess but I love how my imagination goes about them hehehe... 


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tekla4u #1
Chapter 44: re- read again hope your doing well better health and enjoying spring ,thank you again for the story . also hoping for a continuation more chapter with kids lol . I just love minshin story even now with the news still love to read about them. THnak you so much
Chapter 44: I so much love this story and i"ll keep re-reading. Love minshin always and forever.....thanks for your effort authornim hwaiting!!!
avrylle #3
Chapter 37: how are you our dear ElexiaMonk?
gelai5 #4
Chapter 44: A very nice story indeed to start my new year, thank you very much authornim, wish you all d best in life and may you continue to write sweet moments of MinShin.....
minshin214 #5
Chapter 44: Wow!!! What a beautiful story, looking forward to another's story of your's love it this story<3<3<3
Hatchi06 #6
Chapter 44: I cannot believe I coming back here again...and read all over again hahaha...
avrylle #7
Chapter 44: I love the humor that you created with Lee Min Ho...ahahaha...thank you
Chapter 44: I just found this story ...Its a beautiful one that make any MinShinners happy and wish this conspiracy theory is real.hahahha..
Mosquito #9
Chapter 44: Thank you Elexia for such a nice & sweet wrap up to MinShin #2 story, looking forward to your new story~
fayeiris #10
Chapter 44: P.S. the Serendipity song was my fav from the Heirs soundtrack -I'm so glad you included it here.