3 Rich Brothers & 3 Poor Brothers(3 풍부한 형제 & 3 가난한 형제)

“It's called a Chifferobe and it's over 80 years old.” Yong Guk nodded towards the chifferobe and Zelo stared in amazement.  


He ran his fingers over the furniture again carefully inspecting every detail about it. “I would like to have something like this in my room” He said softly.


Yong Guk smiled, “I can do that for you. We can pick out one for you soon. Ok?”


Zelo beamed brightly and could not contain his excitement. “Really! That would be so cool, Thank you Gukkie” He breathed.


He had moved until he was standing in front of the large double doors and Yong Guk smiled as he pushed them open.


“Oh Wow!” Zelo exclaimed as he looked around and stepped further inside.


The closet was so huge and it was full of clothes, so many different types of clothing all hung neatly on hangers. Zelo looked a little further beyond and saw another opening, he could see rows and rows of shoes, all lined up on the wall.


His eyes were wide as he stared at all the clothing in the closet.


“Do you wear all these clothes?” He asked as he inspected a crisp looking shirt.


Yong Guk rubbed the back of his neck. “Well....no, not all of them” He confessed. “We kind of went on a grand shopping spree when our money was found...I kind of went a little crazy”


Zelo nodded, “There are so many people who could benefit from the clothes that you don't wear.”


Yong Guk smiled, always thinking of others, he thought to himself.


“I will go thru them and we can go and donate them together.” He smiled.


Zelo beamed happily “I would like that very much!”


Ah, there's that smile that makes me feel like I'm floating thru the air, Yong Guk thought dreamily.  He came to the shelves and peered at them curiously.


“Tigger” He read the name out loud on the shirt of the stuffed animal. Yong Guk came up besides him and took one of the stuffed animals down and held it close to his chest.


“Ne, I've liked this since I was a small child.” He said warmly


“Awww, that's pretty cool” Zelo said smiling. “I wonder if Jong Up or DaeHyunnie would like this.” He ran his hands over the stuffed animal lovingly and then suddenly gasped, “Oh yeah! DaeHyunnie's birthday is coming up, me and Jong Up still have to figure out what to get him” Zelo sighed.


Yong Guk thought for a moment, “Is that what the look was for that you gave Jong Up?”


Zelo blushed slightly and grinned “Oh, you saw that. Ne, my mom and your mom is throwing a surprise party for him, but I really don't know what to get him.”


Yong Guk frowned.  A party? Well when was Him Chan, Young Jae and I going to be told about this party? He thought to himself. The day it actually happened! We would be just as surprised as DaeHyun, he thought dryly.


“Your mom said she told you.....I guess she didn't” Zelo said quietly.


Yong Guk waved the matter away. “Well, no but it's Ok. So lets see” Yong Guk began to pace to room, he appeared to be deep in thought. “What would you like to get your brother? What does he like?”


Zelo's eyebrows furrowed as he thought. “I really don't know what I would like to get him, I know he likes to sing and he likes to cook. We really haven't been able to do a lot of things since we were so poor, I just don't know.” He sighed heavily.


Yong Guk's heart went out to the boy, Zelo was not used to things like he was. He had a very privileged life, but Zelo's life was a daily struggle. Not anymore though, Yong Guk thought as he smiled at that thought. I want to do something for him.

Yong Guk walked over to the table besides his bed and pulled out his wallet, he took out a 50000 won and held it out to Zelo.


“Here.” He said and Zelo lifted his eyes and froze.


The room began to fill with dark, hazy smoke that swirled around Zelo. His eyes went wide as he struggled to see thru the smoke, but it was blocking his view, everything around him was becoming black, Yong Guk was disappearing, the smoke was swallowing him and soon Zelo could not see Yong Guk at all. Zelo's heart rate had picked up and he looked around confused and frightened. He tried to call out to Yong Guk but his voice would not work. Suddenly the blackness swirled again and Zelo could see again, but he was not in Yong Guk's room anymore. He was outside? The sunlight hit his eyes and Zelo shielded his sight from the bright glare. He looked and saw that he was on a street corner and there was a tall boy walking in front of him a few feet away. The boy's back was to him but Zelo knew who it was, he knew that person was him. I'm looking at myself?


He saw the boy walking and begging from car to car, some stopped and gave him money, most drove on.


I remember this.


Zelo watched as he stood and a flashy ferrari pulled up a few feet from him and stopped. He watched as a slender arm slowly extended out from the car and a 50000 won was waved in front of his face.


I remember this....is this...happening again?


Zelo watched as he saw the money and his face lit up in happiness, it was so much money and they needed it so bad.


No! Don't let this happen again....


Zelo watched himself walk to the money and hold out his hand.


Please not again!


“What the do you want?” He heard Yong Guk say and Zelo fought the tears that sprang up in his eyes.


Please.....no. Zelo tried to look away but a force kept his eyes locked on the scene in front of him, it hurt to hear Yong Guk talk to him like that. Zelo saw himself drop his hand. “Do you want this money?” Yong Guk spat out, he looked at Zelo with such a mean look. Where is the loving look?


“Neh, I need it for my family” Both Zelo's spoke simultaneously, but Zelo had tears in his eyes.


“I need it for my family” Him Chan mocked, the tears fell even harder from Zelo's eyes as he watched them all laugh at him. Oh, please stop....make it stop!


“Ok, here take it” He heard Yong Guk say. No, no noooo.


Zelo saw his hand extend out...don’t....he saw Yong Guk begin to smile a nasty smile. He saw the car lurch forward...don't do this gukkie....he saw himself stumble forward, his eyes were locked onto the money just a little closer...watch out!


He saw himself fall and hit his knee, he winced as well even though he felt no pain. Get up! He watched as the boys all laughed, but then...wait. What was this? The car door opened and Yong Guk was getting out, his face had transformed into something horrible and Zelo wanted to look away desperately, he didn't like that face. Yong Guk was looking at Zelo with so much hate, like he....disgusted him. Zelo watched helplessly as he saw Yong Guk slowly walking towards him...no...this wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.


Yong Guk walked up to him and slowly brought his hand up, there was a large drink in his hand and he grinned a horrible grin. Zelo felt like he wanted to throw up, but he still couldn't look away. He watched thru eyes blurred by tears as Yong Guk lifted the drink and slowly poured it all over him, he gasped at the same time he saw the drink hit his body, it was if he could actually feel it. He fell to the ground as gut wrenching sobs racked his body. He still could not look away though. He saw Yong Guk come closer to him and then Yong Guk bent down and grabbed a hold of his arms and lift him up off of the ground.


No! What are you doing!? He saw Yong Guk sneer and laugh in his face and then Yong Guk began to shake him, harder and harder. Zelo's head flopped and he felt like he was going crazy....I must stop this! He opened his mouth, but no sound came out and Yong Guk still shook him harder and faster.


StooooooOOOOOPP!! Zelo screamed out and Yong Guk gasped.


“Zelo-ah! Zelo-ah!!, what is it!? It's Yong Guk, please Zelo, say something. It's Ok. I'm here.”


Zelo was panting heavily and he blinked his eyes as they slowly began to focus, he looked around. “where is....what?”


He felt so dizzy, he looked up and saw Yong Guk kneeling in front of him. Yong Guk's face looked really worried, gone was the face that caused Zelo to shrink away in fear, gone was the face that made him cry and made his heart hurt so horribly, the face that he had come to love was staring back at him and Zelo just broke down.


“Yong Guk?” He asked, tears began to pour over his cheeks and Yong Guk's heart just broke.


“Yes, baby. Oh God. What is wrong? I was so scared” He began to pull Zelo to his chest to give him a hug but stopped when he felt Zelo resist a little, but then the boy melted into him sobbing uncontrollably.


Yong Guk's heart was beating rapidly as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He really didn't know, one minute Zelo was fine but then he just blanked out and stood there. Yong Guk watched as Zelo seemed to look around like he didn't know where he was and then he seemed to be seeing something that Yong Guk couldn't see.

What is wrong with my baby??? He had stood quickly and rushed over to Zelo and peered into his face calling his name, but Zelo didn't seem to hear him. He watched in a rising panic as Zelo's face seemed to contort in pain and extreme sadness, his mouth was moving but only strained cries and whimpers came out. He began to gently shake him when he saw Zelo began to cry, his chest heaving as deep, deep sobs shook his body, then Zelo just shouted out in a loud painful voice, stooooooopp, and Yong Guk didn't know what to think. He stopped shaking Zelo and began to call out the boys name. God, he was so scared.

He held the sobbing boy tightly until he heard the boy quiet down.


“Zelo, come with me here.” Yong Guk said gently. He kept a tight hold of Zelo, as he led the boy to the little nook and sat him on the loveseat. Zelo kept his eyes down, as tears fell from his eyes and cascaded down his cheeks. He looks so lost, and so sad, Yong Guk thought, as he stared at Zelo.


“Zelo. Please tell me what is wrong. What happened just then. I was so worried, I thought you were hurting or...or...something. I didn't know what to do. What happened to you?” He sat next to Zelo and placed his arms lovingly around the quiet boy.


Zelo's heart rate quickened, I can't say anything. I don't want to remember it...it was too bad, he thought in a panic to himself.


Zelo shook his head furiously and shut his lips tight. Yong Guk sighed deeply and ran his hands over Zelo's hair.


“Baby, please. Don't keep this inside, whatever it is....you can tell me. I am here for you. Please Zelo” Yong Guk pleaded, tears began to fall over his cheeks.


I can't, Zelo whispered inside his head. He shook his head again and began to cry harder.


“I don't want to see you be like that again, I can't help if you don't tell me what it is”


It was you.


“I want to help you Zelo”


You hurt me.


Yong Guk felt like he was going insane. He really could not stand to see Zelo like this, he was so closed off...whatever happened really scared him and Yong Guk didn't like that at all.


“Zelo” Yong Guk gently took ahold of Zelo's chin and brought the boys face up to meet his.


“I don't know...what happened, but please tell me as soon as possible. I won't push you to do something that you don't want to do, but I am very worried. Ok. I will protect you and keep you save,  I just love you so much. I love you Zelo.”


Yong Guk watched as Zelo slowly brought his eyes up to meet him. He was totally quiet and he stared at Yong Guk with round wide eyes. Yong Guk just said he loved him. Yong Guk said he loved me. Zelo's lower lip began to tremble as he fought the emotions that were about to boil over inside him. It seemed as though all the pain that he had just felt when he had that vision vanished. All he felt now was love for the boy seated so close next to him. Zelo felt like he was dizzy again and he closed his eyes and breathed in deep, tears poured over his cheeks again, but these were tears of happiness.


“gukkie” He whispered.


Yong Guk smiled and gathered the boy in his arms, he grazed his lips gently over Zelo's slightly parted lips and they panted slightly into each others mouths before Yong Guk pushed his head closer sealing their lips together. The kiss became more heated and the boys urgently grabbed at each other, their hands roaming from each other's hair down to their tightly entwined bodies. Their tongues swirled around each other and Yong Guk pressed himself onto Zelo's body, loving the taste...the feel of him. He wanted to kiss his pain away, he wanted to make Zelo happy. He wanted to make sure that Zelo never went thru something like that again, he wanted to let Zelo know that he loved him very much. They were in a world all their own, the rest of the world was totally lost to them, which is why they didn't see Mr. Choi staring up at them in shock and total disbelief from the poolside.





A/N:::::Two chapters for you to enjoy!!  Please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for future chapters.



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I am using my computer from work because it's hard to type on my Ipod :p I will update as soon as I can!!


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Vanja77 #1
this story is really amazing
Chapter 32: This was really heartfelt and touching. Thank you for this great story.
Chapter 2: I'm just in chapter two and I'm already in love with your story!! ^^
Robins124 #4
Chapter 32: I absolutely loved the ending it made me happy and made me cry.
The ending was like telling me that even though you lost someone you love you can still go on with them knowing your always going to be together wether dead or alive

So touching *tear*
Chapter 8: I loved this story a lot!
The characters were really well designed and I don't think I've seen this story line too many times..
EVerything was well written but did you purposely chose to write "through" like "thru"
It confused me a bit

But overall I loved your story
carolinaprincess26 #6
Chapter 32: I enjoyed this story so much, you seriously deserve some type of an award for this, was truely a great read.
Chapter 32: I literally just finished this story. I spent day and night reading this. My whole weekend basically. And I'm glad. It was time well spent. I love this story! It's so beautiful, cute and heartwarming. I'm so glad I read this and I wish I found it earlier. Thanks for writing this story. I enjoyed every moment of it! I absolutely adore DaeJae, Banglo and HimUp so I was so excited to read this. I'm sad that it's the end because it's hard to let go of such great things. Once again, I love you for writing this and good luck for future stories! ^-^
Chapter 32: I cry. I live this story so much. <3