
Our Love Story

Sorry guys for the long wait! School and life has been endless! Ill try to do my best to update soon :)


Hayoung's point of view

There are secrets that are kept hidden away from the world. These secrets wander around invisibly, away from your grasp, cloaked by a coat of darkness, but then there are times when that darkness fades and comes into light, revealing their most buried secrets to the surface. Will it be bad or will it be good? We do not know until that shroud of blacken smog completely drenches us. 

What was the truth to me? Was I disappointed? Was I satisfied?

Coming here, to this school, to this new life..I did it all just to find my past, but....why is it that I wish i hadn't?

As I began to wonder these thoughts, no matter how hard I tried, everything came to a blank. What I wanted to do with my life, Who i was, all these answers were nonexistent. Perhaps it was then, when I had fully cross my past, that the answers came storming into me like a hurricane. Powerful gusts of my missing memories came shattering, destroying the stable ground I was on. The waves crashed down on my mentality, soaking me with regret. All this time, I had been concious of my own self. I didn't want to leave the twins. I didn't want to leave my friends, I didn't want to be alone. 

As the woman in front of me, stares into my eyes, I began to see the resemblance. Her eyes, her lips, her nose...they are looked like mine. Its curious how I had always thought twins were amazing, being almost exactly alike, but what fascinates me even more is the relationship between a parent and their child. Like a before and after, it was as if I was looking into my future self. 

Was this what I would look like in twenty years?

My inner voice thinned as my soul returned to my body. I clenched my fist nervously. This woman...she was my mother. I still couldn't believe it.

Han Yoo-Jin, a legend in a world I didn't understand, in a world of celebrities and fame,  was my biological mother. It didn't make sense that I was her daughter.


Kwangmin's point of view

I glanced at the clock every few seconds, anxious. Walking around the dark room, I made my way to my desk, flipping the white phone upwards, checking the glowing numbers on the screen. 2:45 AM

I looked out of the window, at the large building across the butterfly garden that was now dried, and brown. Biting my lip, I began to wonder if something had happened. "Where was she?" I muttered to myself.

Han Yoo-Jin. Hayoung.. What were their relationship?

I touched the chilled glass under my fingertips, my skin reacting to the cold under my light cotton tee. Where are you Hayoung?


Youngmin's point of view

I couldn't sleep. Peering at the dark shadow by the window sill, I knew that Kwangmin was the same, restless. No matter how much I assured myself she was fine, a storm of "what if's?" appeared in my mind. I clenched my fists, frustrated. Why was it that whenever I couldn't see her within my view, I felt nervous? As if, if I looked away, she would disappear from sight. Biting my lip, I squeezed the bed sheets, shutting my eyes.

Don't be somewhere where I can't see you, dammit...


Hayoung's point of view

"Thank you." I closed the door behind me as the car turned, disappearing into the trees. The campus was bright and busy when I returned. Tugging at my bag, I walked down the large street that was covered in snow and dead leaves. Amazingly, it was beautiful and serene, calming my beating chest. I closed my eyes, standing alone in the quiet, hearing my heart flutter.


I breathed deeply, arranging the words in my mind. I will go. I will not go. It was a game of tug and war. One side wanted to stay, while the other wanted to leave. Which were my real emotions?

When I was sitting in the backseat, I felt as if refusing was what I wanted, what my heart needed, but now... all those solid feelings crumbled to dust. I was back to the beginning, struggling with myself. 


I looked up from the ground, into her eyes, observing her. For the first time, I noticed the dark circles softly staining her pale skin, and the light wrinkles on her forehead. To be honest. at first...I hated her. She had left me, to fend for myself so she could be free of her child wasn't like that. She had to leave, she had to give me away. She hadn't done anything wrong and I knew that. She did what she had to do didn't change the fact, I was alone for sixteen years. It didn't change the fact that she made my life the way it was, being looked down upon because I was an orphan...or were. 

So what was I supposed to do? Ignore her? Join her? My heart was tearing at the thought of leaving. Confused, I tried to understand why my chest was in so much pain. Was is because of Kwangmin... Youngmin? Why couldn't I understand anything?!

My body was limp as I felt the distress ripping me apart. 

"Hayoung..." She gazed at me, her expression gentle. "I understand you do not want to leave the life you have here. The twins, your friends, you love them, don't you?" I nodded slowly. She smiled, standing and walking towards the door. " I do not want to force you from happiness. You do not have to come with me..just continue to smile the way you have been. Goodnight..."

She turned the knob as I felt my heart jump, reacting without registering it in my mind. "Wait!" My words spilled from my lips. She stared at me, curiously. 

Why did I not notice it until now? I have been all this time thinking of my own pain, my own sufferings, I never looked carefully at hers. This women that smiles and laughs, since when did it all become an act? Since when did she lose her affection for life? Even if we were separated and had become strangers over time...could we possibly start over? 

It was true I was regretful of taking a new life, when I was barely make it through this one but...if she stood by my side, would it become easier? Would I learn to become a stronger person?

I bit my lip, my thoughts and emotions bombarding and shaking inside my head.

"I..." Somewhere deep down, I knew I wanted to start over..I wanted to learn how to love her. 

"I..." I swallowed, knowing this decision would change everything. Closing my eyes, I felt my hands loosening from their sweaty grip. I smiled softly, looking up at my mother.

"I will go."

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I LOVE YOUR FIC!~ I'm just now getting around to read it. a little late, huh. Please update~
Jo twin <3 <3 Exciting story - 44 subscriber - Subscribes NOT ANYMORE XD
NicoleBF #3
ill start reading it excited!!!...
this is really good! keep writing! update soon! ^^
almightyLA #5
Thank you! I hope I get more readers like you ~<br />
I just started reading and it's quite good. love Boyfriend! I love the storyline~
almightyLA #7
Yeah it's been a pretty hectic month but I plan to catch up to my story so stay tuned!<br />
i feel sad 4 kwangmin, his love is onesided<br />
that's so sweet of youngmin! it is cliche but its so sweet that his like a personal knight for hayoung! <br />
damn......*sniff* too heart breaking BUT I LOVE IT!<br />
stupid marie! ya think u can win sum1's heart just by playing a trick on 'em?!?! HA U MUST'VE CAME/COME FROM A STUPID FAMILY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR MAKING ME LAUGH W/ UR STUPIDITY!!!!
almightyLA #10
I did :) I suppa love it :) II posted it on chapter 1 :) check it outtt.