All To Myself

Our Love Story
Hayoung's point of view

The cafeteria was b by the time we got there. Rows and rows of tables were alined at the sides while at the back, students were impatiently waiting to order their food. Joori handed me a blue ticket with the number forty seven printed in black at the front."This is how you pay for you food. Once you deposite money into your student account, tickets are given each week. The color changes but I've been saving all of them so whenever they repeat a color, I don't have to pay!" I laughed. "Aren't you part of the student council?" Its not very honorable of you to steal lunch money."I joked. "Hey! I worked hard for this school. I think I deserve a few free meals." I sighed, not bothering to change her lifestyle. "So!" she changed the subject, "How was your first day so far?" "Its better then what I thought it would be." I ignored the thoughts of Mr. Smitten.

She smiled, satisfied. "Excellent!" Squinting her eyes, she looked past me, in search for something. "Where are the twins? I haven't seen them around since morning, I thought they'd be with you." I shook my head again, disagreeing. "They left class before third period to rehearse for their concert.Joori sighed sadly, kicking the ground with her sneaker. "If only I could get scouted at the Centennial." She had a glum look on her face.

"Is it that important to get scouted?"  I asked honestly. She looked at me, stupefied. "Of course! That was the only reason I came to this school. Basically, thats what everyone came here for. Only the lucky or extremely talented like the twins actually make it though. "I looked around. Were everyone's goals really all the same? to become famous? I began to wonder what my goals were, or what this unknown guardian's intentions were in sending me here. The more I thought about it, the more lost I became.

Almost at the front of the line, I gave Joori my ticket. "Order for me, I'll buy drinks at the vending machine. " She agreed, taking the blue slip. "I want that fruit fuzz drink from last time." I nodded as I existed the line, walking towards the vending machines. I began to ponder what the twins were doing. It must have been hard on them being both student and idols. 

After finding the vending machine that had the beverage Joori wanted, I looked for an empty table. Sitting down, I noticed the numerous unoccupied seats. Guessing everyone liked to eat outside on campus, I began to recall the memories of my old high school.

Opening the can of Oolong tea, I began to reminisce, lost in thought. As the cold liquid brushed against my lips, I recalled how we used to eat outside as well, since we didn't have a cafeteria and when it rained, we'd sit in the classrooms. It wasn't much, but it was still plenty. My daydream was cut short when In-Tak sat in front of me.

He frowned, upset that I had stood him up. "What happened? I waited for you after class."Guiltily, I apologized. "Sorry, Mr. Smitten wanted to speak with me in his class so I couldn't keep my promise." He raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested. "He wanted to talk to you?" I nodded, annoyed at myself for following the brute. "What for?" He asked. I sighed, not wanting to think of him. "He just wanted to apologize for putting me on the hot seat earlier."

In-Tak raised his hand, grinning past me. I recognized the voice as his footsteps approached closer. "Your here!" His breath was heavy as I felt his presence by me."Yeah, it just ended." Youngmin sat next to me, his blonde hair damp from sweat. I blushed of how close he was.

"How was practice?" In-Tak asked eagerly. Youngmin took a long breath and grinned. "Tiring, we rehearsed for three hours non stop. I can't even feel my legs." He stared at the cold tea bottle, his lips. I pushed it towards him. "Would you like some?" He stared at me, surprised but then nodded happily.

"Thank you." As he put his lips on the brim, I blushed, realizing it was an indirect kiss. He wiped his mouth, satisfied. "Dong Hyun hyung is so strict. He wouldn't let us drink anything until we got everything right." He pouted as he complained. I laughed, amused at Youngmin's child like side.

"Where's Kwangmin?" In-Tak asked. "It's rare seeing you guys apart." After he closed the lid, he sighed." He's still practicing with Minwoo in the studio. Dong Hyun Hyung wouldn't let him go until he perfected the flip so Minho's helping him." I began to feel remorseful for Kwangmin. He must have been worn out, not to mention hungry. "I told him to eat before he started again but he's stubborn."

Joori showed up with our orders on a tray. "Oh! In-Tak... Youngmin! You're here." She clicked her tongue. "What should I do? I only ordered for two." She sat down, handing me a napkin. "Eh!" In-Tak exclaimed. Before he could throw a tantrum, I offered a resolution. "It's fine, we can share. It's alot anyways." I pointed at the heap of food. "But In-Tak eats like a monster!" Joori complained. " Speak for yourself, troll!"

As they bickered, I placed my plate between me and Youngmin. Handing him chopsticks, I smiled. "Here." 


 Youngmin's point of view

I couldn't help but notice my feelings whenever I was around her. The simple gestures and things she would say, I watched them all, careful not to miss a thing. I never knew what she was thinking.Trying to resist her, I put a barrier around me, to make these emotions inescapable, but like nothing, she managed to break through, entering my heart.

Was it selfish of me to want the same thing? To have her by my side? When I felt tired or nervous, I would wanted her to hold me and reassure me. When she was worried or troubled, I wanted her to come to me. All these desires kept burst like fireworks in my body. I was fearful of her finding the real me, not  the one that was cool, but the one that was cowardly and selfish.


Hayoung's point of view

As the cafeteria began to empty, Youngmin parted, wanting to shower before going to our last class. Joori and In-Tak, still playfully quarreling, ran after one another. I grabbed my book bag and threw away the remaining trash. As I was about to leave, I recalled Kwangmin who was still practicing on an empty stomach.

Standing in front of the bakery stand, I noticed the few pastries still left unsold. "Excuse me?" I peeked my head through the small window. A lady with a dark hairnet sat in the back, watching a familiar game show. "Yes?" She asked, standing up from her stool. "These," I pointed towards the unsold bread, " Could you wrap them up for me?"  


Kwangmin's point of view

"Again!" Dong Hyun yelled. "Hyung! We've been practicing for four hours straight, could we please have a small break?" Minwoo pleaded. Dong Hyun glanced at his watch, his stern face replaced with sympathy. "Sorry, I don't mean to be working you guys so hard, but this is our first concert. We have to do better then any other performance." I collapsed on the ground, sweating and panting. My muscles were aching and it didn't help that I was starving.

Once Dong Hyun granted us our short break, he left the studio to search for towels. Minwoo grunted in frustration as he laid besides me. Glancing at his phone, he sighed, realizing lunch was already over. As we laid on the cold wooden floor, I heard a light knock echo. Minwoo sat up, terrified. "No way! He's back already?" 

The door slightly opened as my eyes widened. I recognized the bow in her hair as Hayoung walked in. Cautiously, she looked around, her steps light and jumpy. I quickly stood up, rearranging my messy appearance. "Hayoung? What are you're doing here?" I asked, my surprise clearly visible. She raised a black plastic bag, grinning. "Delivery."

"I heard you haven't eaten." She poured out the black bag, reveal the numerous pastries. "I didn't know which one you guys liked, so I got a couple." ping her backpack, she pulled out two ice cold water bottles.  She handed them to me and Minwoo as the freezing water felt amazing against my scraped and pained hands. Suddenly, all my frustrations and fatigue disappeared, instead replaced with this explosion of energy. 

Remembering Minwoo, I quickly introduced him. " This is Minwoo, he's the youngest of Boyfriend. Minwoo shyly gestured a hello as he bit into the cream bread. I began to feel embarrassed at my attire. I was sweating through my shirt and my hair was disheveled.

Surprisingly, she pulled a yellow handkerchief from her pocket and gently dabbed it at my forehead. "Your a mess." she laughed. Her hand felt cool against my skin as I felt my face flush. She suddenly stood up, brushing the dust on her knees. "I have to go to class now." Still in a daze, I watched her in a state of numbness. Minwoo laid down again, rubbing his stomach in satifaction. I gazed at the door as she left, closing it softly behind her. I could still feel her lingering touch on my blushing face.



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I LOVE YOUR FIC!~ I'm just now getting around to read it. a little late, huh. Please update~
Jo twin <3 <3 Exciting story - 44 subscriber - Subscribes NOT ANYMORE XD
NicoleBF #3
ill start reading it excited!!!...
this is really good! keep writing! update soon! ^^
almightyLA #5
Thank you! I hope I get more readers like you ~<br />
I just started reading and it's quite good. love Boyfriend! I love the storyline~
almightyLA #7
Yeah it's been a pretty hectic month but I plan to catch up to my story so stay tuned!<br />
i feel sad 4 kwangmin, his love is onesided<br />
that's so sweet of youngmin! it is cliche but its so sweet that his like a personal knight for hayoung! <br />
damn......*sniff* too heart breaking BUT I LOVE IT!<br />
stupid marie! ya think u can win sum1's heart just by playing a trick on 'em?!?! HA U MUST'VE CAME/COME FROM A STUPID FAMILY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR MAKING ME LAUGH W/ UR STUPIDITY!!!!
almightyLA #10
I did :) I suppa love it :) II posted it on chapter 1 :) check it outtt.