To Infect or Not Infect?

Don't Lie to Me

----------------Two days later---------------

~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

The past few days, I have found myself constantly patting the blazer’s pocket, checking if the USB is still in my pocket.

Today I am going to use Mr Georgalis’ computer to put in the malicious software but I am worried about getting him caught. Usually I’m not worried about using other people’s computers to hack into places but the teachers here are so nice, I don’t want any of them in trouble.

“Jae Mi ah, do you need to go to the bathroom or something?” Jungkook asked me.

I laughed nervously, “What? No? I am just excited to go out to lunch. I think I had too much coffee this morning.”

Nice save.

Jungkook chuckled, “Our Jae Mi is so cute when she’s hyperactive.”

I heard the principal’s voice from the hallway, “Yes detective, please follow me to the library.”


“Oh! The police are here!” a student announced.

I stretched my neck out and saw Team leader Bae walking past the classroom. Did he finally get a warrant to interview the students? Maybe I don’t have to use the virus after all.

“It’s Team Leader Bae. Not detective.”

Jungkook nudged me and I retracted my neck, “Why do you think the police are here?”

“I read something on the internet about some of our alumni sunbaes, being brutally murdered,” Ji Won cringed.

She read this online? I was pretty sure that I censored every post about that on the internet… I guess some leaked through my program. Far out…

“Where did you read this from?” I questioned.

Ji Won pouted, “I would show you but I was reading a quarter of the post and then it got erased. I didn’t even refresh the page or anything. It just disappeared in front of my eyes.”

Oh okay,  my program is still working.

“Moon Jae Mi,” Mr Georgalis called out.


“Can you call your brother to my office and ask him to print out the soccer team’s permission note that I saved up as a word document?”

“You want me to call my brother? You don’t want me to just do it myself?”

“I put a password on all the soccer team files because I don’t anyone taking our tactics and giving them away. Go get him.”

Um… okay…

“Yes, sir.”

“Sir, it seems like Jae Mi doesn’t want to go, I can go instead of her,” Jungkook offered.

“Does Jae Mi’s brother know about your intentions?” Mr Georgalis joked, “Go on Jenny. I need them to get a copy of the plans before they go home. School is over soon, go do it quickly.”

~~~~~End of your POV~~~~~

“Why did Mr Georgalis tell you to call me out of class?” Seung Heon asked.

You shrugged, “You are meant to print out the soccer team’s permission notes.”

“Look, Jen- Jae Mi, I am really sorry about how I treated you the past two days. I didn’t mean to give you the silent treatment yesterday. I was really upset with you on the first day but yesterday I had soccer practise so…” Seung Heon began laughing, “Are you really letting me explain all of this?”

You nodded, “What if something important was at the end of that?”

“I just wanted to say that I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you. It wasn’t your fault that you wanted to go out. You’re homesick and probably just wanted to hang out with your friends.”

“It’s all good, oppa. I won’t go out next time. Not until I am out of school.”

“I am sorry team leader Bae…”

After hearing the principal’s voice, you and Seung Heon slid towards the walls and listened.

“I can’t let your team interview my students. It will cause a lot of problems, the word of three past students being murdered is too much for the school, for the students, to handle. We have spent a decade trying to build up our school’s representation of zero tolerance on bullying. You cannot come here and say that the deaths of those graduates is due to a bullying incident that happened a decade ago. No. I will not let you.”

“Principal Oh, you have to understand, we don’t want this either but it is crucial for us to interview these students,” Hyung Jin pleaded, “Something happened during the anniversary and your third year students planned it alongside with some of the past students. They must have noticed something.”

“I cannot-”

“You cannot or you will not, principal Oh? We have three people dead and a serial killer on the lose. If he kills anymore, you school will be on the front page of the newspapers and number 1 on sites.”

You tugged on Seung Heon’s shirt, “Let’s go, we already know the outcome of this. We don’t have a warrant and the school doesn’t want its reputation being tainted. Lets just go to Mr Georgalis’ computer.”

“You have got to be the only person here who can say his name without sounding like a complete idiot.”

“Thank you.”

Both of you turned left into Mr Georgalis’ room and to your dismay, another teacher was in the room.

“What are you two doing here?”

“I am printing out soccer permission notes.”

“And I am taking it back to Mr Georgalis.”

“Oh, okay. Just remember to send the documents to the printer in the English staffroom. We don’t want anyone getting a copy of Mr Georgalis’ soccer plans.”

You thanked the teacher and paced over to Mr Georgalis’ desk. Your heart beat raced as you stood over his computer.

“Should I really be doing this?”

"Well we're here now and we can only go forward," Seung Heon let out a deep breath and crossed his arms, "Do what you've got to do, I'm going to get our things."

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: OMG this is so good but at the same time not a great idea to read at night lol
Angelz0715 #2
I am so exited to read this xD
Chapter 35: Hellooooo I am back and omg so much catching up to do I started reading again from the beginning haha
And wooooooow the creep is messing with Jenny x Kris this is 10000% unacceptable
And is Mr Georgalis supposed to be a Mr Hellius equivalent??
Aaaaah I hope you update soon!!
Chapter 31: AIGOOO =___= Sounds like trouble :/
Chapter 30: OMG HIS SISTER :O :O :O OMO O___O
Chapter 29: OMO O__O hmm.. interesting, getting into his past... ^^
Chapter 28: the guys knows jenny?? Boy ._.
Update soon!!
Chapter 28: O______O OMO O___O
Chapter 27: YAY ^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ