Out Late.

Don't Lie to Me

~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

I sat in front of the computer at home, typing away, making sure that the final touches on the virus close to impossible to track back to the specific computer. After finding out that the wireless connection between the computers at the school were not separated from each other, I realised that I didn’t need to worry about the email to the principal, I could just put the virus on another computer and let it make its merry way to the principal’s computer.

“You’re not studying?” Seung Heon chuckled as he stepped out of his room.

I scoffed, “You aren’t studying? It’s your final year of high school, oppa.”

Seung Heon sat down next to me, “Still working on the virus?”

I nodded, “I just have to make sure that people cannot track it back specifically to Mr Georgalis’s computer. He’s so nice, I couldn’t get him into trouble.”

“So you’re just putting in some new parts to it.”

“Basically, my plan tomorrow is to ask Mr Georgalis if I could use his computer to finish off an essay. I open up the file on my USB and voila, the whole school is infected and full access to the confidential files to the school.”

Since the ‘bullying theory’ turned out to be the most likely thing right now, I guess I am on the right track.

Seung Heon turned his head to the side, “But… don’t you feel… bad for hacking into people’s computer?”

So the question has finally come out. I guess I saw it coming… Hackers are quite renowned for their lack of “ethics”.

“I follow these rules that I learnt from a great hacker; don’t damage the computer systems, don’t change the information unless it’s to alter the log so people can’t trace me and to share the information that I find. These rules make sure that I always stay on the right tracks; to find the bad and get justice.”

Seung Heon smiled lightly, “That has probably got to be the best thing I’ve heard from someone who does what you do. Unit A doesn’t necessarily follow those rules, that’s why I asked to move to unit B.”

“You asked to move to unit B?”

“Yeah, those guys are ruthless.”

Content with the answer that I gave him, Seung Heon smiled, “I am really thankful that I met you and that we get to be partners on this case.”

“Ayee… don’t get so soppy with me now. We probably have a-”

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Oh! A video chat with Kris. Seung Heon and I were in the middle of a talk… but I really want to talk to Kris…

I looked up at Seung Heon and he patted me on the back, “It’s okay. I’ll get started on dinner, you go talk to your friend.”

Right… he doesn’t know Kris is my boyfriend… He’s probably going to feel bad thinking I put another friend of mine over him.

Seung Heon stood up and walked to the kitchen and I clicked on the video chat with Kris.

“Hey Kris!”

Kris was in a car, probably going to his next schedule or something.

“Jenny, I am just calling because EXO has another comeback soon and I will not be able to talk to you for a really long time.”

“A comeback? Already?” I teased.

Kris chuckled, “Funny. No but really, I just wanted to tell you that if only have two days left before I get bombarded with things for the comeback. Would it be too much to ask if we just go out for a few hours before I have my comeback?”

Go out? But that would mean that there is a possibility of me getting caught. I am not too concerned about fans finding out that Kris is dating because a majority of EXO fans are laid back, except for a few… extreme… fans.

“I know you don’t want to get caught but… I am kind of already outside your house.”

My eyes widened as I turned my head to the window. The curtains were in the way but the two flashes of light reinforced that Kris was telling the truth.

“How did you find out where I live?” I questioned.

“Kwangsoo hyung told me.”

“KWANG-“ I smacked my forehead with my hand, “Why would he tell you that?”

“He has full trust in you. He knows you won’t get caught for not being undercover. I’ve got some homemade dinner and a movie on this laptop. So what do you say?”

Pulling the curtains apart, I saw Kris smiling like an idiot out the window of his car.

“Are you sure that Kwangsoo oppa let you?”

 “I am not a hacking genius, I can’t just find your address so easily.”

I narrowed my eyes at Kris as he nodded, holding up the bento boxes next to his face and grinning

“Fine, but only this time okay?”

“By the time that I finish all promotions, you would have cracked this case wide open.”

“I’ll see you outside but I am not dressing up for you.”

“That’s fine with me.”

I transferred the infected file onto my USB and turned off the computer.

“Oppa, you don’t have to worry about making dinner for me. I am going out.”

Seung Heon stepped out of the kitchen, “Where are you going?”

I tilted my head to the side, “I am playing my role as a little sister and disobeying your orders. I am going out at night even though I shouldn’t.”

“What?! They are minors!”

I laughed, “Not with kids from school. It’s outside of school. Don’t worry, Kwangsoo oppa has already said yes. You should probably take this time to go outside to see family and friends as well. See ya in a few hours!”

“Um… okay. I will see you in a few hours too.”

~~~~~End of your POV~~~~~

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 35: OMG this is so good but at the same time not a great idea to read at night lol
Angelz0715 #2
I am so exited to read this xD
Chapter 35: Hellooooo I am back and omg so much catching up to do I started reading again from the beginning haha
And wooooooow the creep is messing with Jenny x Kris this is 10000% unacceptable
And is Mr Georgalis supposed to be a Mr Hellius equivalent??
Aaaaah I hope you update soon!!
Chapter 31: AIGOOO =___= Sounds like trouble :/
Chapter 30: OMG HIS SISTER :O :O :O OMO O___O
Chapter 29: OMO O__O hmm.. interesting, getting into his past... ^^
Chapter 28: the guys knows jenny?? Boy ._.
Update soon!!
Chapter 28: O______O OMO O___O
Chapter 27: YAY ^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ