Baekhyun: Chapter Twenty-One!

You Captured My Heart!

Minah’s POV


I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and ran to the back of the house. I opened the door and I was saluted by the aroma of the baking cookies in the kitchen. I felt like a superhero in rescue and ran with the speed of the light to Baekhyun’s room. I opened the door and then locked it, so if Minyoung tried to come in, she wouldn’t because she doesn’t have the spare key to open it.


I took a deep breath and packed my stuff. ‘I must leave.’ I whispered to myself as I was checking all around the room for my clothes. Once I finished, I popped my head out of the window to see if the road was clear. Then I gave a glance at the hallway and living room to be sure that MoonRi wouldn’t see me. ‘Great!’ I whispered with a grin and walked carefully outside the house.


As I closed the door carefully, it made an inaudible ‘click’ and I sighed in relief. When I turned around…




“Baekhyun!” I half whispered half shouted. My eyes grew big because of the shock I got and I tried to run away.


“Where are you going? And why are you taking those bags with you?” He shouted but I put a finger over my mouth, indicating that he should shut up. He immediately obeyed and I ran to my home next door.


I closed the door and threw my bags inside my room. ‘What was she doing there?’ I asked myself until a ray of realization hit my useless brain.


“Shoot! I forgot that MoonRi is the cousin of Baekbom’s wife!” I mentally slapped myself for being such an idiot. “What if Baekhyun starts to like her again? No no no! I have to work hard so he can end up with Jieun.” I felt my heart sank with the last sentence. “Jieun…” I repeated, half whispering.


I was going to float in my thoughts but my phone’s ringtone woke me up. Super Junior - Break Down started to play and I understood it was Minyoung. She totally loves them! Her room is filled with pos-. Oh I should answer the call.




“Yah! Why didn’t you answer my call?!” She shouted on the other line, making my eardrums hurt in protest.


“I can explain!” I said like a boyfriend who just cheated on his girlfriend.


“Then explain.”


“I like the ringtone.” I said while trying to hold my laughter while I heard a slap. Yup, she just face palmed her brains out.


“Y U so stupid?!” She said while chuckling as I walked to my room’s window.


“I don’t know… Ask mother nature.” I half whispered and the other line went silent.


I opened the curtains and the windows and popped my head out to breathe some fresh air.


“You there?” I asked and Minyoung replied with a ‘yes’.


“Sorry, I forgot to turn off the stove.” She chuckled and so did I... Until that chuckle fell away along with my heart. I picked the phone again and told Minyoung to wait a minute.


Baekhyun and MoonRi were fighting in Baek’s room. I don’t know why though. So I decided do listen to their conversation.


“Baekkie, please! I know I’ve been so stu-“


“Shut up!!!” MoonRi’s words were cut off by an angry Baekhyun.


“After a whole Goddamn year you’ve come back to say you’re sorry and that you want us to turn back to our old selves?! What are you? Retarded?”


I felt like laughing but then they would see me eavesdropping and I didn’t want to end it up like that. I wanted Baek to shout it to her y face that he isn’t the old stupid guy and that he has already… changed.


“But Baekkie!” She took a deep breath and kicked the ground with her right foot before going on. “Don’t tell me you like that ? She is nothing compared to m-“


“Shut the hell up or I’ll throw you out of the window!” He shouted like Kai in Mama. I put my hand over my mouth so I could stop my laughing.


‘Wait! Who’s the girl they’re talking about?’ I blinked as I waited for one of them to talk again.


“You’re changing because of her Baekhyun! I worked so hard to turn you like that and-“ She stopped herself before going further. ‘So she did it on purpose?’ I thought as my widened.


“What?! You wanted me to turn into a cold guy? Just because you wanted me for yourself?” Baekhyun’s eyes widened as he saw her with disbelief. He knew that she was using him, but he didn’t know her other plan was to make him a cold person and live his life like he’s in hell.


“N-no Baekhyun! It’s not like that!” She stuttered but still managed to get her words out.


“If you ever talk to me and Minah… If I ever see you again… I will kill you with these hands. Selfish !” He yelled, anger taking over him. I’ve never seen this side of Baekhyun before and I accept the fact that I wanted to burry myself alive so he wouldn’t see me with that look in his eyes. Oh well, at least it’s not me the one he’s talking to. Correction: Yelling to.


“Before anything happens just tell me one thing.” MoonRi asked Baekhyun and he saw her with suspicious eyes. “Do you really like Minah?”


‘Were they talking about me all this time?!’ My eyes widened and I waited for his answer, when suddenly MoonRi noticed me staring at them and a smirk grew on her face. I gasped and tried to hide myself but I froze.


“This is none of your bu-“ Baekhyun’s words were cut when MoonRi’s lips landed on his. His eyes almost fell from it’s sockets as he struggled to get away. MoonRi pulled back and smirked again.


“Welcome to hell.” She said quietly while pointing at me. Baekhyun opened the rest of the half opened curtains and his eyes widened in shock.


I was looking down, my shoulders shaking while I tried to hold back my tears. I heard Baekhyun calling my name over and over again but I just chose to ignore it as I closed the curtains and took a long romantic walk to the fridge.


I poured the chocolate milk into the glass and drank it with one gulp.


“Why should I even care? I’m not his lover or something. Just his best friend…” I smiled and took a walk outside, when suddenly my phone rang.



Baekhyun’s POV


I opened the door to my home after I came back from my date with Jieun. I messed up everything today.


“I love you.” She confessed to me and I replied with a stupid answer:

“I love me too.”


Can it get any worst? Well of course it can! When I opened the door I was greeted by MoonRi and Baekbom.


The three of us talked for a while about Baekbom’s wedding preparations and it’s only two weeks away from now. My sister-in-law was going to come next week and she told MoonRi to come by earlier. Great! Awesome! Amazing! Unbelievable!!!


‘Can it get any worst?’ I thought and again I got the same answer. Yes. A lot more worst.


MoonRi asked me to be together again just like in old times. Those times that darkened my eyes and blinded me like an idiot. Is she retarded or something?


I didn’t get mad because of that though, cause one day it was going to happen and of course I was going to reject her, but the problem was that she insulted my Minah.


That’s when I felt like killing her. But of course I couldn’t! I don’t want to ruin my brother’s wedding and end up in jail!!


But little did I know that Minah was watching us all this time.


I saw a smirk appearing on MoonRi’s face and she kissed me. I struggled away from her and tried to keep my breath steady. That was a full shock and I didn’t like it at all. But the worst moment was when…


Minah saw MoonRi kissing me.


“Welcome to hell!” MoonRi said with a voice of victory to Minah and I opened the curtains fully, to see Minah shaking.


“Minah! Minah! Yah! Listen to me! Minah!” I kept calling her name but she closed her window’s curtains and walked away.


I fell on my knees as I ruffled my hair angrily. “You can’t stop, can you?” I asked MoonRi and she giggled.


“Nah… I’ll stop. Your life is and will always be like hell even without me.” She walked past me but then stopped when she arrived at the door. “I’ll leave after the wedding day. Good luck with your Minah.”

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 34: Wahhh i love this storyyy ^^
alexoe13 #2
Chapter 30: i really love this story it's one of my favorite thank you so much!!<3
jasminexx #3
Chapter 33: awww this is one cute storyyy hahahah
well doneee!! /o/
xiaoLu_ieyla #4
Chapter 30: omg! this story is so cute! i really enjoyed reading it. good job authornim. :)
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 27: Ahhhh!! I felt as if I read this again, yet I don't know but oh well, great job!!!! Enjoy my second comment if it is, LOLOLOL XD.
tamariska_jason2320 #6
Chapter 30: OMG.. so cute... by the way the story is really great.. its cute, sweet yet really funny with the jokes.. i love this story..
ayooitscathy #7
Chapter 31: WAAAAH SO CUTE <3
Chapter 33: omg kyaaaaa fangirl for a while . aigoo how can you make me scream like crazy hahaha..
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 31: Aye~ just finish read this. It was long but worth to read! What a sweet couple they made! Hahaha~*squealing much now!* happily ever after.. :-D and now i'm going to read the sequel. 1,2,3 go!!