Baekhyun: Chapter Nineteen!

You Captured My Heart!

Minah’s POV


“I think we should clean this misunderstanding.” Chanyeol was right. We should clean this misunderstanding because I don’t feel right with it. I don’t want to lie to Baekhyun and I don’t want to use Chanyeol. If one day Baekhyun wll ask again and I’ll be sure about my answer, I’ll tell the truth.

“Yes. I think we should do that.” After I replied and nodded, Chanyeol received a text message.

He read it and grinned. “Chen’s planning a hangout at his house! I think we should tell the truth there.” I nodded and smiled.

“Yeah, way much better.”

We threw the cans in the trash and waited for the bell to ring. After what seemed like an eternity, the rest of the classmates ran inside and after two minutes the lesson started.

After three full hours of learning, chatting, writing, singing, writing, writing, writing, the bell finally rang and I headed home with Baekhyun.

“So he’s your crush.” Baekhyun whispered.

“Shut up Baekhyun.” I whispered back.

“I miss the times you called me Baek.”

“Shut the hell up Baek.” I granted his wish but he went on with his ‘feelings’.

“Why oh why?” He started singing.

“What the hell is wrong with you Baek?”

“I just can’t believe it.”

“What?” I asked, annoyance taking over me.

“That you have a crush on my best friend?” He replied with an asking voice.

“Shut up Baekhyun. It’s totally a misunderstanding.” I can’t hold this anymore. It’s making me worst.

“What do you mean?” His eyes widened, happiness taking over him. For a moment I thought he was happy that it was a lie and I didn’t have a crush, but then I realized he was happy that his best friend Chanyeol was free.


I was… disappointed.


I didn’t answer, he already got the answer he wanted to get, by my silence.  

“You wanna know why I’m happy?” He asked with an amusement I haven’t seen before. I decided to keep silent since I didn’t feel like talking.

He gave me a strange glance with one of his eyebrows raised in a questionable look.

“I’m happy because that means I won’t be alone.” Even though he could see I wasn’t comfortable, he went on with his happiness. “I don’t want to lose my best friends. You and Chanyeol… If you two get together you’ll only think of yourselves and forget about me and your free time will be full with lovey dovey… and... and…” His confession surprised me. So he doesn’t want to lose us, that’s why. But why is he stuttering now?

“Come on. Spit it.” I yelled as my eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“HellIlikeyoustupid!” He said it so fast and without a single breath that I didn’t catch a single word.

“Eh?” I tilted my head and he took a deep breath. “Speak more clearly, what did you say?”

“Nothing. I said nothing.” He opened the door of ‘our’ house and ran inside, leaving me dumbfounded in the hallway. I blinked twice and shrugged it off.


Baekhyun’s POV


The sound of my deep, fast and unsteady breathing was filling my room. I closed the door with its key so Minah wouldn’t come in.

“Baekhyun you’re so stupid. Stupid, stupid! Y U SO STUPID?! Stupid.” I whispered to myself as I tried to calm my heart and mind. “What the hell were you thinking?! Why the hell did you listen to Baekbom?”


-One Day Ago-


“Byun Baekhyun. Let’s have a brother to brother talk.” Baekbom called me, I gulped and followed him to his room.

“OMGIsawyou! I saw you! You’reheadoverhealsforher. Oh my God you stupid idiot confess to her before you die!” I blinked and chuckled. Baekbom was fanboying and screaming so much that I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

“What the hell are you talking?”

“Confess to her! I know you know what I’m talking about! You like Minah, Baekhyun… You should find the right time to tell it to her.”

“Stop talking nonsense and let me go sleep!” I shouted and ran to my room.




“Oh God why happened to me?” I mentally slapped myself and took a deep breath. “She didn’t understand me. That’s way much better!” I stop up from my bed and walked with a smile over the kitchen. “Remember, she’s your best friend, nothing more.”

I walked in front of the fridge and grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk.

“Did something get in your a while ago?” Minah walked past me and grabbed another bottle of chocolate milk on the fridge.

“I don’t know. I was just trying to express my fanboy feelings.”

“Yeah right.” She shot me a glare and then smiled. “Today we’ll hang out with EXO and Minyoung so go get ready, I’m waiting for you outside.” She left the house and I ran upstairs to my room. As soon as I finished dressing up, I walked outside the house, locked it and then greeted Minah and the others that were waiting for me.

“Today we’ll go at my house! Mind if you come for a sleep over?” Chen winked while Kris and Chanyeol were smirking.

“We’re free, so yes.” I was going to grab Minah’s hand but then something inside of me stopped me to do so. I took my hand back and shove it inside my jeans pocket. Minah was confused but she didn’t say anything.

I walked forward with Kris, Sehun and Chen while Minah was staying behind with Chanyeol and the others.


I miss her warm embrace so much right now.



Minah’s POV


Something must be wrong with Baekhyun today. He has been acting like a weirdo all the day and this makes me worried. While we were walking over at the Kim’s family, he tried to avoid eye contact and skinship. He didn’t hold my hand, he didn’t talk with me and everytime I called his name he acted like I wasn’t there.

I’m really worried now. Is he still thinking I have a crush on Chanyeol? Or did I say or do something I shouldn’t?

I better ask Chanyeol for this!

“Channie~” I said with my voice full of aegyo as he started chuckling.

“What’s wrong?” He threw an arm around my shoulders as we kept on walking.

“I told Baekhyun that it was just a misunderstanding… He was happy at first but then something happened to him and he said something so fast while stuttering and I couldn’t understand what he was saying! He turned totally pink and then since that moment he’s trying to avoid me…” I pouted and a grin appeared on Chanyeol’s face.

“Kreeeees! This is dayuuuuum perfect!!!” Chanyeol called Kris as he pinched my cheeks. “I’ll go tell Kris something and then clear this up with Baek. He might have a problem with himself.” I just nodded and Chanyeol gave me a reassuring nod and smile.

He started whispering things in Kris’ ear that made Kris super exctited.

“Perfect!” Kris winked and Chanyeol showed him his famous grin.

After finishing his conversation with Kris, he started another conversation with Baekhyun.

“Babewww what’s wrong?” He hugged Baekhyun and I tried to hold my laughter.

“Nothing…” Baekhyun replied with a poker face.

“Come on. If it’s about me and Minah, then you’re wrong. We don’t have anything! And you already know that I like someone, so don’t worry.” Chanyeol cleaned the misunderstanding but it turned out that Baekhyun believed me when I told him the truth.

“It’s not that…”

“Then what’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked with furrowed eyebrows and Baekhyun whispered something in his ear that left Chanyeol startled.

“Oh my God! That’s so cool!!! You two would be per-“ Baekhyun placed his hand in front of Chanyeol’s mouth and told him to shut up.

“It’s a secret. Got it?”

“Got it, sir!” Chanyeol grinned and walked over to Kris again.

He whispered something in Kris’ ear that left him the same as Chanyeol when Baekhyun told him whatever he told him.

They kept fanboying and jumping on the street with happiness while chit-chatting with each other away from us.

They must be making plans or something.


Baekhyun’s POV


Minah’s face was like ‘what-the-hell-are-they-saying’ but then Minyoung called her and they started talking girly stuff.

If she found out that she likes me and that Chanyeol knows now, I’m afraid our friendship will change… And I don’t want that to happen.


After half an hour of walking we arrived at Chen’s house. A big building was standing in front of us and Minyoung with Minah were left with a wide open mouth.

“Is this a dream or something?” Minyoung asked Minah.

“I’m sure this is Suho’s castle.” Minah replied and we all chuckled.

“Nope girl, it’s my house.” Chen grinned and told us to go in.

We went in and explored his castle and then we went to his big room. After eating and discussing about stupid stuff, we decided to play a game.

“Let’s play a game!!” Chanyeol and Kris shouted and we all looked at them in awe.

“What game?” Xiumin asked as we all sat on the floor, making a big circle.

“Pepero Game!” Kris suggested and everyone accepted.

Chen gave the pepero stick to Chanyeol and they started biting it. Then Chanyeol gave one to Minyoung, Minyoung to Xiumin, Xiumin to Kris and so on. But then the pepero sticks finished and there were only two left. So we deciced to make new rules for the game. Everyone had to pass it to each other but only bite a little bit of the pepero. And so we started again until it was my turn to give it to Luhan. After I gave it to him, it was only a little bit left. After Luhan is Minah… Oh God no. Please no.


Luhan turned around with just a little bit left of that pepero. There was a 99.9% chance that their lips were going to touch and I didn’t want that to happen. But I couldn’t do anything, it was the game, the rules, and if I tried to prevent that from happing, everyone would understand that I have a crush on Minah. Or they would start thinking I’m gay with Luhan. Oh God no.

Minah was looking at Luhan and didn’t think twice. They both leaned forward and… BOOM.








Lay place his hand in the middle and nothing happened. I thank Lay so much for saving my heart.

“The last rule says that if the pepero is ‘uneatable’ then the game stops and the winner is Baekhyun!” Lay took the side of justice and everyone nodded. “Now let’s go on with the last pepero stick. Please change places.” Since when did Lay act so… manly?

We all changed seats and I was next to Minah who was next to Lay and Sehun. It was our turn to get the pepero and more than the half of it was eaten. The only couple left was Sehun and Lay who had to finish it. Minah took a bite of it but it ended up breaking and it was only a bit left. Minah gave it to Sehun.

The atmosphere got pretty tense. What was going to happen now? The stick was still ‘long’ enough to be eaten. D.O quickly sat in front of them to see if they were cheating or something and BOOM!






They kissed! (A/N: China Big Love Concert Kiss lol xD )

“Oh My God!!!” Everyone shouted but Minah and D.O were the only ones laughing.

“They didn’t kiss don’t worry.” Both Minah and D.O who saw it live  said. Everyone whiffled calmly and Chanyeol with Minah tried to break the silence.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Minah suggested and we all nodded.

“Yeah! Great idea.” Chaayeol grinned and we spinned the bottle. Xiumin had to ask Chen and he chose truth.

“Who’s the brightest member?” Xiumin asked Chen and the latter one chuckled.

“Of course it’s me!”

“But Chen hyung! I’m the brightest member!” Chanyeol said cutely and we all ended up rolling on the floor.

Chen spinned the bottle and it landed on Luhan.

“Truth or dare?” Chen asked and Luhan replied with confidence.


“Roll on the floor two times.” Chen smirked and Luhan’s eyes widened.

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, do it now.” Chen activated his poker face and Luhan started rolling on the floor.

“I gotta film this!” Kai said in amusement and started recording Luhan rolling like a buffalo with his phone.

After Luhan finished rolling and we finished dying from laughter, it was his turn to spin the bottle.

“Kai, truth or dare?” Luhan asked innocentely.

“Dare.” Kai smirked and so did Luhan. Oh no one knew what was in the mind of this little deer.

“Strip in front of D.O” D.O and Kai’s eyes widened and Kai gasped.

“You meanie!” Kai said to Luhan and the latter one ended up chuckling.

“I love karma.” He winked and started recording Kai while stripping in front of D.O who got redder than a tomato.

Then after some other spins it was Taoris’ turn. Tao chose truth so Kris asked him:

“Have you ever been drunk before?”

“No.” Tao answered honestly. “But you’ve been.” Kris gasped and his eyes widened.

“Never!!!” He shouted and we started laughing.

“You called yourself ugly.” And that was the . Kris almost dropped dead on the floor as the shocked expression on his face didn’t change. Neither did our laughter.

“Oh God…”

“Spin the bottle Tao.” Kai said but Tao shook his head.

“I’ll do it.” Kris grinned like a Cheshire cat and took the bottle.

“I thought you were dead.” Kai joked and we started laughing.

“How can someone as handsome as me die? That would be a mistake of mother nature.” We all laughed like crazy until he finally spinned the bottle.

It was a great day until something I least expected happened.

“Truth or dare, Baekhyun?” Kris asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Dare.” I replied and then his smile grew bigger.

“Kiss Minah…” I gasped and he went on. “On the lips.”

And meanwhile I was calculating in my mind what the hell just happened, everyone’s eyes were on us, waiting for my response. 

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 34: Wahhh i love this storyyy ^^
alexoe13 #2
Chapter 30: i really love this story it's one of my favorite thank you so much!!<3
jasminexx #3
Chapter 33: awww this is one cute storyyy hahahah
well doneee!! /o/
xiaoLu_ieyla #4
Chapter 30: omg! this story is so cute! i really enjoyed reading it. good job authornim. :)
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 27: Ahhhh!! I felt as if I read this again, yet I don't know but oh well, great job!!!! Enjoy my second comment if it is, LOLOLOL XD.
tamariska_jason2320 #6
Chapter 30: OMG.. so cute... by the way the story is really great.. its cute, sweet yet really funny with the jokes.. i love this story..
ayooitscathy #7
Chapter 31: WAAAAH SO CUTE <3
Chapter 33: omg kyaaaaa fangirl for a while . aigoo how can you make me scream like crazy hahaha..
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 31: Aye~ just finish read this. It was long but worth to read! What a sweet couple they made! Hahaha~*squealing much now!* happily ever after.. :-D and now i'm going to read the sequel. 1,2,3 go!!