Voice Butterfly .

Wild Butterfly .




Now , we were in front of the poo-chocolate-colored house ! It so tiny and small! And , there are many wild flowers all over the walls! It looks soooooo spooky. Why did the vampire leader gave this mission to us?! And, what the heck do we have to follow his order?!


"Stop cursing in your mind , Chen." Luhan ge looks at me furrowed. I just stuck out my tongue. He chuckles and mumbles "childish" . Whatever ..


"Then, where can we start?" Xiumin asked with wider eyes . I just shrugged.


"Well .. I think we can start from.... SLEEPPING !" I chuckled. I'm so sleepy now. Suddenly, Lay ge throw me a broom . And, I make a "what-the-heck" face.


"You say, you want to start from SWEEPING !" Lay ge mocks. Luhan ge bursts out with a cranky laugh . I glared at Lay ge. But , he just stuck out his tongue to me . Oh my god ! Troller being troll by a newbie troller!


"Uhh~ I don't want to this ." Kris ge hissed . Yeah .. me too , Kris ge . Say it loud again . I like to hear it .


"We have to keep our promise to help Na-bi , Kris ge ." Tao says or more specific , whispers. Well , everybody knows that Kris ge hates Na-bi very much . I also don't know why he hates our angel so much.


 "Chen , can you take the key of this tiny house in the mansion? Suho hyung left it at his room ." Lay asked me or more accurate .. give me a COMMAND. I just sighed and walked away to the mansion . We have the key for this mansion . I walked into the vampire mansion .


"What a dark mansion ! It looks spooky and .. what is that disgusting smell ?!" I exclaimed when I passed the kitchen . It smell like iron. Wait ! Blood! Yeahh ! It ing blood. Uhh .. I just walked, climbed the stairs and ran until I got into Suho hyung room .


"Uh. This room needs some lights." I complained again .Well .. I like to complain. XP I searched for the keys. And , I see it at the table, facing the big window in this room .


"Tiny poo house ! Here I come! " I exclaimed after the key in my grips . I run out from the room when suddenly , I hear someone spoke .


"Chen .." one girl voice call me with soft voice . It makes my leg stop from moving . Uhh .. Chen you have to keep moving or you will be eaten by some vampire es .


"Are you Chen ?" she asked . What the heck !


"Yeah ! I'm Chen ! Why ?! You want to bite me ?!" I try to be brave . I'm strong . Strong . Strong . Strong . Strong .


"Ouhh ... I miss you." she sighed . I can feel depressed emotion from the tone she saying "I miss you." Wait ! Comeback to the reality , Chen .


"WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU ?!" I scream ! And , the echo filled the mansion . No respond . ! is it just my ing imaginations ?! Chen ... you such a troll . I start my step . Faster and faster .


 Tupp !


"Ohh ! ! What is it this time ?!" I rub my forehead that pain from hitting something . And , when I look to that something ...


"Hey Chen ge ! Why you take so long ? We have finish clean that tiny house yard . Are you loitering or what ?" Tao crossed his arms in front of his chest , raising his eyebrows .


"Before you accused me .. Help me stand up first !" Tao help me stand on my feet again .


"And , tell me .. What happen ?!" Tao starts to give me a questions . Again . He really looks like a police officer wanting to arrest me that occurring anything bad.


"What did you eat until I got red forehead ?!" I try to turn the subject upside down . Hehe ! Brilliant brain , Chen ! Good job .


"Well .. I eat some app- .. Chen ge , don't change the subject ." Aishh ! Tao ! Why you so stupid then me ?!


"Uhh~! Okay , okay ... I just take the key . Only that . No loitering . No eating . No drinking and NO WORK ! Yeahh ! " I throw my hands up to the air ! And, dance ! Party hard ! No work because their finish .


Suddenly , Tao take the key that in my grips . "Don't forget , Chen ge .. That tiny house have 2 rooms , one kitchen and 1 bathroom ! So .. don't ever think you don't have any works ." Tao chuckle with the key tossed into the air .


" ." I curse under my breath . Well .. I don't have any choice . So ,both of us walked back to the tiny house .


Do I need to tell them about that voice ? What if they do not believe it ? Uhh~ Just ignore it , Chen .


 "Hey ! What are you doing at that house ?!" Luhan the first or second ask me with furrow eyebrows . I hope he don't read my mind .


"Yeah ! Are loitering or ion ?!" Xiumin the third asking me . And ... What ?! ion ?! Hell no ! I'm not a weird, disgusting men ! And , why I had to ion that mansion ?


 " ! I didn't do both of that things , guys ." I hissed .


"Whatever ." Lay continued to sweep the ground . Like always , he doesn't care about a . That’s our Lay ge . Carefree and focused .


"Well .. Now , open the door. I want to go back quickly." Kris pushs me to the door . He looks really impatient now .


"Err .. Kris .. Tao has the keys ." they look for Tao . But , nothing . Nothing .


"Where‘s our Tao ?"



Hey yo ! First , I have to ask you this : Do you had saw the trailer ? xD Second , : I'm back , you !  Uhh~ I miss you so much xD ..haha .. Well .. This is our awesome troller , Chen ! haha .. he not so funny at here .. because , I can't think the funny moments . Btw , Oh Sehun for the next chapter ! haha ! Okay that only for today <3 see yaa <3




Luhan Secret Sister

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FunnyYolo #1
Updateee itt pleasseee~
natsuki-exo #2
Chapter 24: cool iwant to ......................................became part of the story
natsuki-exo #3
Chapter 18: cute and sweet story
I'm also still waiting for this to be updated
Chapter 33: why do he even say it like that..nvmd that, update MORE
Chapter 33: Update soon!
Chapter 33: The first story on the new story updates of my subscriptions, i almost cry from happiness..like how many yrs you've take to update a chapter..anyways,,YOU BETTER UPDATE MORE!!
Chapter 33: Finally you updated!! Last chapter? I don't get it .... - Yuki
SmExofan #9
when are you going to updateee....im waiting for years