You remember me? You forgot me?

Am I Good Enough Now?


A few months flew by, and you have been training really hard, your skills have definitely improved a lot, so has your Korean. You couldn't meet Minhyuk often though that was what you yearned for practically everyday. He was rarely at CUBE, and when he was, you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him, all you did was sit from afar.

Among the trainees, you were more often known as the weird one. You still kept your cover, it became a habit. You couldn't fit in with the other trainees, you just ended up covering and hiding your hair and face whether Minhyuk was anywhere near or not. You hear them gossip about you in Korean often, you used to not really understand much, now? You just pretend you don't at all. 

Winter has came and the weather was nothing but cold. You were seated in a nearby cafe, with a warm coffee, and your favourite book. Finally you got a day off of training, and everyone else went home, well, you couldn't of course. "Sigh." You couldn't help but think of your home. Your friends, how were they doing? It was your final year in high school, supposingly, were they coping well with the coming exams? Your parents, were they healthy? With the big time difference, you couldn't talk to them often and it makes you worried, and homesick.

You started to think of whether any of this was worth it. Of course you were absolutely exhausted, and lonely. It has also been 4 months but nothing has changed, everyone was doing well, getting closer to debut, but you weren't moving much. Why am I even here? Minhyuk? My dreams? 

Your chain of thoughts were broken by the ringing of the bells in the silent cafe. You looked up and saw a man come in with a lady, holding her around her waist. He was wearing a cap, with his scarf covering his face. The lady, was gorgeous, I couldn't help but stare, she was so slim and pretty, she looked as though she came out of a magazine. He led her to the back corner of the cafe and left to order drinks. His body frame couldn't help but look so familiar.

You suddenly got a call, 


"Yeon Seo, can you come by to the company.. well now? We have something to discuss with you."

You heard your Manager speak over the phone, he was in charge of all the trainees.

"Oh of course no problem! I'll be right there!"

I picked up my coffee and packed my things and immediately stood up. I was about to walk past the counter, when I heard the boy…..

"May I have one Iced Americano, and One Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra chocolate chips and milk please!" 

I froze.

Mind flying back to the past…

"Minhyuk, what coffee do you want to have?"

"Hmmm, what do you like? We can share!"

"Let's come up with a drink that is only ours to share! I I like… Chocolate Cookie Crumble!!" I said excitedly as I pointed towards the drink on the menu.

"Lets add some things to make it special! Add chocolate chips! Double sweet! Just like you and me" Minhyuk winked as I blushed at his words.

"Milk milk milk I love extra milk!"

"Alright, we will have one Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra chocolate chips and milk please!" The counter lady gave us a weird expression at the choice of drink, but just nodded and started making our drink.

"Now, this will be our special drink, only for us." Minhyuk whispered in my ear as he pecked my cheek.

My phone rang again, snapping me out of my daze. 

"Yeon Seo, are you near??"

"Oh I am I am, I'm on my way!!"

I decided to start running for the company, realising how late I was.

But the moment I moved forward, I crashed into the man and my coffee spilt down my clothing.

"Ahhh!" I half-shouted, the coffee burning my skin amidst the cold weather. 

"Can't you look before walking!"

That voice was too familiar. 

I looked up. 

And saw Minhyuk's brown orbs staring right at me.

I quickly looked down, hoping he didn't recognise me.

"I'm sorry I'll be leaving now." Pushing him aside, I ran as fast as my feet could take me towards the CUBE Building.

He remembers our drink… I couldn't help but smile towards myself. At least it was something.

I pushed open the room door, still breathing hard.

"I'm sorry I'm late!"

"Oh its alright, sorry for making you come back on a day of your break!" My Manager chuckled.

"Its fine, I'm not doing anything important either!"

"Well, be prepared for what I am about to tell you. There is a new song written for a female soloist, and the CEO has selected you, with four other girls, to audition to get the song! Its called "Oops!" It was originally meant for G.NA, but we have another song in store for her, so one of you girls will get to debut!"

I couldn't believe it. This felt just like when I got into CUBE.

"You.. You're not joking right??" 

"Why would I! You girls will get to record the song tomorrow, and practice with it. Then in about 2 months, you guys will audition infront of the CEO."

I was beyond excited, this was just amazing. 

"THANK YOU SO MUCH I can't believe this omg I thought you guys forgot about me and didn't think I was good enough!" I exclaimed jumping around the room.

"Of course not, you're one special girl Yeon Seo. Go home and get some rest! Oh and by the way, Ilhoon is featured in the song! So you will get some time with him almost week to rehearse, and other days the BTOB members will help out!" Your Manager said before quickly leaving the room, knowing you are a Melody, he heard loads of your fangirling before.

B.. BTOB???????!!!!!!!! OMG BTOB! Means I'll Get to see Minhyuk more often, means I'm closer to my goal, means..... everything is getting better! I pumped my fist in the air as I made my way out of the company, could today get any better?

You went back to your dorm, walking by the back alley you behind the company, it was a shortcut. You skipped along the pavement till you heard someone talking. You couldn't make out who it was since it was practically pitch black. You could only see their shadow under the moonlight.

The boy kissed the girl, it was such a romantic scene, an alleyway kiss. You thought.

You were walking pass them when you heard him whisper.

"I love you, Soo Yeon ah."

That voice.


You turned around and stood still.

Minhyuk was brushing her hair with his hands as he kissed her deeply, and she placed her hands around his neck, doing the same.

Tears formed in your eyes, and in a matter of seconds, started running down your face. You wanted to run, but your body just couldn't listen to what your heart wanted to do. 

Minhyuk realised someone was looking and broke the kiss. Looking at you, "What are you doing staring?" He spat.

Realising what was happening, you spun and ran off without looking back this time. For a second I thought he remembered me, but at the same time, he forgot me. Minhyuk, how could you? I meant it when I said I'll prove to you I am worthy. I wiped my tears as I continued running. As they said, good things come to an end, fast.


I finally got an evening off work, it felt so good. I called Soo Yeon immediately,

"Soo Yeon ah, are you free today?"

"I guess, why oppa?"

"I finally have a day off! Let's go on a cafe date!!"

"Oooh ooh alright! But I need to get ready!"

"Don't worry, I'll fetch you at 6?"

"Alright oppa, see you later! I can't wait!"

I looked at the clock, "17:00".

Well, time for me to get ready too!

I put on my newest jacket, and a matching grey scarf Soo Yeon had bought me for our  2 month anniversary. Yes, we are only into our 3rd Month of dating. But does it matter? I love her. Heh.

I did my hair nicely and put on some bb cream, of course not like Hyunsik, after his experience, I really learnt to check the skin tone and amount of bb cream I use.

I grabbed my keys and prepared to leave the house.

"Going to meet Soo Yeon again?" Ilhoon asked as his eyes still remained on the Television.

"Yep, we haven't met in so long!" I replied excitedly, only to get an eye roll from him.

"What was that for?" I asked, ticked off by his attitude.

"Well, you guys didn't even meet for more than 3 times and you guys have been dating for 3 months? What a relationship." Ilhoon replied monotonously.

I curled my fists. Only to see it was already 17:45, I had to get going!

"I'll deal with you when I'm home!" I said as I stomped out of the house.


"Minhyuk stomped out of the house again, hah, like what I said was wrong." I mumbled to myself.

"Why so grumpy Ilhoon?" Hyunsik asked as he sat next to me, offering me potato chips.
"Haha, no thanks. Diet remember? And Minhyuk changes his girlfriends faster than the seasons change. As much as I love him as a brother, he is such a jerk, really. I pity those girls that love him." 

"Ahh that Minhyuk, don't worry, he will probably learn his lesson someday." Hyunsik said, patting my back to calm me down.

I blew a raspberry and decided to enjoy the latest episode of Running Man on TV, having a whole 2 hours of good laughs with Hyunsik.


"Stupid Ilhoon." I started mumbling to myself, while waiting for Soo Yeon to come down.

After a while, my car door opened. 

"Hi Oppa!" Soo Yeon greeted me excitedly.

She was in a cute light pink winter coat, with a matching white beanie, with her brown boots, making her look extra tall and slim, why did I not notice this before?

"Hey babe!" I said as I pulled her in for a kiss the moment she entered the car. She was slightly startled, I could feel her tense, then she relaxed and we kissed for about a minute long. BEST KISS EVER.

We entered the cafe nearby our company, and I led her to the corner of the cafe, before going to order our drinks.

"May I have one Iced Americano, and One Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra chocolate chips and milk please!" 

I smiled at the counter lady, oh, she's cute.

I thanked her for the drinks and turned before crashing into someone, lucky for me, I haven't took the drinks off the counter. Unlucky for her, or him? I couldn't see any hair on ITS head. It's coffee spilt all over it. 

"Can't you look before walking!"

I snapped, annoyed.

She looked up. Then quickly looked down. She looked familiar, did I meet her somewhere before?

"I'm sorry I'll be leaving now." She pushed me aside as she ran out of the cafe. Well, someone's certainly in a hurry.

The rest of the night was amazing. We went to shop at Apgujeong, and spent a while at the Han River.

Sadly, I had practice at midnight so I needed to return to the office.

I brought her to the back alley, almost no one ever went there, I doubt anyone would be there today.

We talked for a while longer, before I had to go.

I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers, under the moonlight, two of us just enjoyed the moment while it lasted. 

Who knows when will be the next time.

"I love you, Soo Yeon ah."

My hands were brushing her hair as I kissed her deeply, and she placed her hands around my neck, doing the same.

I heard someone shuffle past, but I couldn't be bothered. 


Until I still felt that presence around and not leaving. 

I broke the kiss and looked towards the person's direction. 

"What are you doing staring?"

But I was shocked too see that girl with tears rolling down her face staring at me, its her again, that girl from the coffee shop. Those vulnerable tear-filled eyes look so familiar.. no, it can't be. She's far off from that and far gone from here.

She spun off and ran away, something in me wanted to chase her. Something in me sensed she was more than just a girl I met at a coffee shop.

A/N: YAY HI GUYS!!! I'M BACK!!!:> Instead of a double update, today i have a superb super duper long update for you guys!^^ How is it? The fun starts here, I can't wait to update again tomorrow(= 13 subbies!! Thank you guys so much, do comment more and subscribe if you like my story ^^ I'm really thankful that you guys waited for me=D 

Oh by the way, yes, the song "Oops!" is a song sung by G.NA feat. Ilhoon, its really good, you guys should listen to it! But here, treat it as G.NA didn't sing that song okay guys? heh=P

But for those that didn't listen to this song before, here's the link!

Hope you guys liked this chapter! 

Till then~

(Hyunsik and his overloaded BB Cream sigh this boy!)



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful