
Am I Good Enough Now?


You checked the time on your phone, "23:30". Half more hour! You picked up your book and your coffee at the nearby cafe and made your way to CUBE. Why were you so excited? Its just practice! 

"I really like dancing with you Yeon Seo ssi, you're a really good dancer keke." Ilhoon gave you a bright smile.

You blushed just at the thought of it. The way his nose scrunches up a little when he smiles and laughs, it was so adorable. You entered the company building and saw a lot of weird faces looking back at you, oh right, I forgot my hat. I quickly zoomed down the corridor till I reached the practice room, and put on my hat. Phew that was close. I decided to start to stretch first while waiting for him, and started to dance a little too. I checked the time again, "00:06". Hmmm just when was he coming? I was about to pull out my phone to call him, then I realised I didn't have his number. I pouted, he will come.. right? It will be worth the wait... I decided to practice on my own.


I sat on the floor in exhaustion, wow I wiped out all my energy before even practicing with Ilhoon. Where was he? I checked the time on my phone for the nth time today, "01:30". He's over an hour late, he's not coming. "Yeon Seo what a loser, no idol would sacrfice time for you, oh wait, no one would for you." I chuckled, I'm so stupid, just when I started to believe in the annoying gender called "Male". I picked up my bags and left the practice room, I felt hot tears start to roll in my eyes as I tried hard to keep it in, why was I feeling such a wave of hurt and disappointment? Its just practice. But I couldn't help but feel all he was doing was playing with my feelings. It really . Tears started to fall and I started to run, fast. I reached my dorm and dived into my pillow, all that anticipation was for nothing, he played you, just like every other guy..... well that guy did. Was it that all guys are jerks or am I that much of a horrible person?

A/N: HI GUYSSSS. Okay so I am definitely going to update more today, cause its only a short chapter here! What's going to happen in the next chapter, I feel should be seperated from this, so =P Of course this isn't going to be a perfect love story HAHAHAHA disappointments have to exist! I'll update one more chapter soon but if you read it meanwhile, I shall leave you with a mini cliffhanger ^^ Till next time~!

((Ilhoon is learning extreme unglamness from Sungjae OH NO but they're so cute T_T))



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful