Why me?

Am I Good Enough Now?


I entered the CUBE building, it has become a daily routine for me now, but I liked it. I had dance practice today. I walked to the counter of the cafe, 

"May I have one Iced Americano, and One Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra chocolate chips and milk please!" 

I waited for my drink, scrolling through the news on my phone awkwardly,

"So you still remember our drink eh?"

I flipped around, shocked to see Minhyuk right infront of me. Our faces slightly close. I gulped, "Minhyuk ssi, what are you doing?" I hissed, not wanting to attract attention. 

"So it is you eh? I knew it. I never knew you could get more perfect than you did then, Seo ah." He whispered as his face inched closer towards mine.

"Why are you here though? Do you still have feelings for me? Do you want me?" Our foreheads were touching, and our lips were inches apart. I could smell his breath, it was mint.

Why is he doing this, I know he has someone else, why is he doing this to me.

"Erm miss, your coffee....." 

I looked up and pushed him away, grabbing my coffee. 

"Don't make such stupid assumptions Minhyuk ssi." I ran off into the practice room, in my tears. 


"Don't make such stupid assumptions Minhyuk ssi."

I smirked. I can see right through you, denying your feelings for me? We'll see Yeon Seo ah. I went to the office to find the other members.


Dance practice started and Ilhoon and I were improving by the day, I'm starting to be able to catch my breath and sing while doing the choreo too. After a while, my mind couldn't help but wander...

"Why are you here though? Do you still have feelings for me? Do you want me?"

His breath, that mint scent, it was just like 3 years ago. I heart started to thump faster, just thinking about it. 


I tripped on Ilhoon's foot and fell to the ground with a loud thump

"Yeon Seo ah are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere??" Ilhoon rushed towards me.

"My ankle hurts..." I flinched at the excruciating pain in my right ankle.

Ilhoon slowly moved his hands towards my anke. "Ouchhh!" I whacked him when he touched my ankle.

"YA!! Why are you hitting me!!" 


More careful this time, he slowly lifted my pants and saw my swollen ankle, "Sigh, why are you so clumsy and out of it these few days? See now you're injured!"

I sighed. I couldn't continue being so out of things but neither could I help it. Great I wonder how long my ankle is gonna be like this.

"Come here." Ilhoon slowly lifted me up bridal style, without touching my ankle and laid me on the bench in the room, "You wait here, I'll be right back!" 


I went out of the practice room to get an ice pack and the first aid kit, why was she so out of it these days? Should I ask her whats happening... would she tell me? 

"Hey Ilhoonie!" I saw Minhyuk standing outside the practice room as I went back to look for Yeon Seo.

"What are you doing here Hyung?" I raised an eyebrow at him, we were using the trainee practice room. 

"Oh nothing, I wanted to grab a few music sheets from the room."

"Um okay then if you can excuse meeee." I made my way past him, only for him to grab me back.

"Ya, I want to tell you about my date yesterday!!" Wth hyung seriously?


"Why not now?? Are you in a rush? Ah it doesn't matter anyways, Soo Yeon and I.. we finally did IT."


"Yeah you know..... that thing."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Well, no one else wanted to listen to me.... they said I was gross."

"Then what makes you think I would think differently?"

"Cause you're our Kwiyomi Ilhoonieeeeee."

"Would you stop calling me that if I let you tell me?"

Minhyuk nodded excitingly. Then started his story, but my mind had already drifted off by then. Ever since our little conversation the other night in the dorm, we haven't really talked, why now?

"...... She totally led me on, obviously I mean she wasn't a but I was, wow she did a good job as a dominant. I can't wait for the next time." He got so excited the decibel got louder by the minute.

"Can you believe it omg!!!" Minhyuk was really excited, but all I could do was just give him a slight nod. 

"Hyung, I need to go..."

"Okay bye Ilhoonie I'll talk to you later!!" Um wow so he couldn't let me leave just now and now he just.... argh he's being so weird.

I pushed open the room door and saw Yeon Seo sitting up on the bench, she was crying uncontrollably, wailing. 

"Yeon Seo ah, what happened!!" I put the ice pack down and went to sit next to her on the bench. 

"Ah Ilhoon ah.. I'm fine." She breathed in and out deeply, trying to keep in her tears.

"Stop telling me you're fine, you are obviously not fine! Something just happened that made you like this, why can't you ever tell me?! Do you know how much I care for you!" I shouted, but she started to cry even more, I felt horrible and softened. 

"Yeon Seo ah I-"

"Ilhoon ah, it hurts, everything hurts so much." She choked between her words.

"Your ankle?" 

"No you pabo! Everything hurts!! I don't want to be hurt by him anymore, why is he so cruel to me, why is he doing this to me why Ilhoon why!!!" She shouted in pain, something in her was hurting so badly. Who was "he"?

I saw her start to shake as her tears kept pouring out, and I quickly pulled her into my embrace, she cried harder, but this time, she hugged me back. "Ilhoon ah, why me? Can you tell me why it always has to be me?" She whispered through her sobs.

I pat her back and got into deep thought, something caught my attention, I looked at the slightly open door of the practice room, Minhyuk hyung smirked before running away.


Then it hit me. He never came in to find any music sheets.

A/N: HI GUYS!!! UPDATE^^ Hehe today's youth day here in Singapore so I have no school \O/ So i'm back!! How is it? (= Sorry minhyuk fans if I potray minhyuk like such a bastard omg HAHAHHA. Omg 90 subbies I CAN'T ANYMORE THANK YOU YOU GUYS<3<3 If I hit 100 subbies, I'll do a triple update!! HEHE. Anyways, I'll be back probably at the end of the week or longer cause more tests are coming now sobs T_T So till next time~!

PS. Did you guys hear the video CUBE released of Peniel rapping and Sungjae singing 충분히 예뻐? hehe its S O GOOD okay Peniel is so talented I'm expecting CUBE to let him rap more now =P 

If you haven't though, here it is!^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAZhzE0Gi0U&feature=youtu.be

     Till next time lovelies<3



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful