CEO's Birthday Party

Am I Good Enough Now?


The day of the CEO's party finally arrived. All classes were cut off at twelve noon so everyone could start preparing. I packed up my things and picked up my bag, deciding to go buy a coffee before heading back to the dorm.

"Yeon Seo!!" I turned around to a panting Ilhoon, 

"You left your iPod!" Ilhoon handed me my red iPod Nano, it must've fallen out of my back pocket.

"Oh okay, thanks!" I took it from him and continued walking.


"WHAT NOW!" I turned around and gave him an annoyed look.

"Um... um... are you.. going to the party...later?" 

"Yeah I am, what about it?"

"Well.... CANYOUGOTOTHEPARTYWITHME!" Ilhoon asked with his head facing down in one breath.

"WHAT??? What did you say???" I , he was super adorable when he was shy.

"Well... my members are bringing the 4minute noonas, and Minhyuk hyung is bringing you know.. so I was thinking, would you go with me?" He looked up at me calmly, obviously trying to hide his panic state.

"I'd love to!" I smiled at him and received a large grin in return.

"GREAT! I'LL PICK YOU AT 7!! SEE YOU!!" Ilhoon ran out of the CUBE building without looking back, I coudln't help but laugh was he really my age?


I sat infront of my dresser, staring at my boring straight hair. Since this event was more formal, I should do something with it. I picked up my curling iron, and started to work some magic on my hair.

After which I moved on to make up, since I didn't really like make up, I just did basic foundation with a bit of eyeliner and a light shade of lipstick, to not seem to be screaming for attention.

By the time I was done, I looked at the clock, "6:45". I should get changed.

I looked at the 8 dresses again. I picked up the light pink dress.

"You're trying the light pink tube dress now right? Sobs that was my favourite pick. I can already imagine you in it!"

Should I listen to him? Minhyuk will like it..... But then again isn't his girlfriend..... sigh.

Alright. You're wearing this for yourself. Its your favourite too, remember that Yeon Seo. I slipped on the dress and my phone rang, it was 7pm, on the dot.

"Yeon Seo are you ready!!"

"Yeah I am, are you here?"

"Yep, should I go up and fetch you?"

"No its alright, I'll be there asap!"

I quickly slipped on some matching rose coloured heels, grabbing my clutch and heading out the door.

I exited the apartment building, and I saw Ilhoon standing infront of a car, since when did this boy drive??? He was looking down at the floor, he was dressed in a suit, giving off a different charm than in practices and on stage, looking super smart too. 

Ilhoon looked up, and looked at me from head to toe, without saying anything. 

"Do I look bad..?" I followed his eyes looking up and down.

"NONONO. You look, amazing, beautiful..." Ilhoon said and I could feel my cheeks flush red.

"Well, you don't look that bad yourself, Ilhoon ssi." He grinned in return.

"Well, shall we go?" He opened the door to the car, and entered in after I did.

I gave him a weird stare, why was he in the back seat?

"YA! Don't forget I'm your age... So I got manager hyung to drive us instead........" He mumbled, embarrassed. 

His manager turned around and gave me a smile, "Hi Yeon Seo ah!"

"Oh! Manager oppa, hi!!" I waved, he was dressed in a suit too.

"Let's go! If we delay anymore, we'll be late!" And with that, we were off to the party.

We arrived at a grand looking place, this definitely was in the prime area of Seoul. I looked around from inside the car, in awe, this place looked amazing. The sign to the club was in bright neon colours, super attractive to the eye.

Ilhoon opened the car door, "After you!" he smiled, and I got out, he was being such a gentleman today.

We stood at the entrance of the club, I was about to enter when Ilhoon pulled me back. 

"Why aren't we going in?" I tilted my head in confusion.

Ilhoon raised his arm, signalling for me to link arms with him.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Are you being serious here?"

"Does it look like I'm joking, come on, one night! Let's just play around and have fun!!" He whined, fine he was right. I tugged and clinged my arm with his, and we entered the fancy looking club.

"WOAHHHH." I couldn't help but let out, the inside was even better than the exterior of the place, everything looked... expensive. Chairs were mainly made out of fabric, so were the table cloths. Neon lights shone everywhere, and the range of wine they had were displayed EVERYWHERE. 

"Impressive, huh?" Ilhoon smirked at me.

I nodded my head, "This is my first time at a club too!" 

"Ah right, we're underage, I forgot about that!" He giggled.

"Ilhoon! Over here!" Ilhoon and I turned our heads towards the voice, and found Hyunsik, sitting with the other BTOB and 4minute members in a corner, while waiting for the CEO to come.

"Do we really have to go..? Its awkward..." I whispered to him.

"Come on! Its not that bad!" He dragged me towards the group.

"WOAHH. Ilhoon who's this? Not bad, not bad at all." Changsub giggled before getting a knock on the head from Jiyoon (A/N: 4minute member^^).

But everyone was nodding in agreement.

"Well, this is Yeon Seo, remember that trainee that I'm working with for her debut, yeap this is her!" Ilhoon smiled and pushed me forward.

I turned back and gave him a small glare, before turning back and flashing my most.. awkward grin ever.

I looked at the member's one by one, most of them either had their jaw dropped, or their eyes widened. Then I locked eyes with him.

Lee Minhyuk.

Minhyuk smirked at me before scanning my dress top to bottom, before giving me a satisfied smile. I quickly dodged my eyes away from his, before I would start blushing all over again.

"YOU LOOK SO... DIFFERENT!!! BUT IN A GOOD WAY." Eunkwang first spoke, clearing the awkward silence my present and just created.

"Mmhmm, you look super pretty noona, I think I might fall in love with you hehe." Sungjae said showing a huge heart shape.


My eyes widened as Peniel, Ilhoon and Minhyuk shouted the same thing at the same time. Sungjae was shocked too. Well. Everyone was.

"I... I was only joking guys.. relax... I just meant noona was attractive.." Sungjae pouted.

The atmosphere was awkward, but soon things changed when Eunkwang decided to play games amongst the 14 of us. I could see Peniel regularly shoot lasers at Sungjae, obviously still displeased, oh well, what can you not expect from couples?

Trainees started to slowly pour in and enter the club, along with staff form CUBE too.

After about 30 minutes, BEAST came, with the CEO. And the party started.

Clubbing music echoed throughout the club, everyone mixing small talks with one another. We sang Happy Birthday for the CEO, and let him blow out the candles. Apparently in CUBE they eat the cake first cause everyone starts drinking after that. 

The 14 of us were back in a circle, and we decided to play truth or dare. Ilhoon started pouring red wine into our glasses, but I didn't really know if I should drink.

"Yeon Seo, pass me your glass!" Ilhoon raised out his hand.

"Urm.. I don't really know if I should...." I whispered to him.

"Come on, a few glasses wouldn't hurt. Like you said, we're supposed to have fun tonight!!" He was right, I gave him my glass, and the game began.

After 20 rounds of truth or dare, instead of a random stick used, an empty wine bottle was used to spin to choose the next person. Not just one, we were on our third bottle of wine.

I myself, I could feel, woozy. 

"Eunkwang ssi................. are you a !!" Jihyun giggled, raising her wine glass, before gulping down the red wine. 

"YA WHAT of course I am!" Eunkwang replied, slightly louder than usual.

Eunkwang spun the bottle, and it landed on me.

"YEON SEO!!! YOUR TURN!" He pointed at me at giggled, I laughed back too. 

"TRUTH!" I shouted.

"Okay..... Yeon Seo, when was your... first kiss!" Hyuna asked me.

First kiss. My eyes widened. I looked from Minhyuk, to Ilhoon, both staring at me intensely. I couldn't say it was Minhyuk...... but neither was it Ilhoon.

"I haven't..... haven't had my first kiss yet!" I just blurted, before gulping down both my glass and Peniel's glass of wine.

"Hey hey slow down there, don't drink so much at once!" Peniel took back his glass. I chuckled.

I could feel both of them staring at me. But better to save myself than hurt either one, right?

After a few more rounds, everyone was drunk and started to split into small groups, I needed to go to the washroom, standing up slowly from my seat, I tried to find the washroom, at least i wasn't that drunk. 

I finally found the washroom sign, it was at the end of the corridor of rooms. I made my way down the corridor, when suddenly someone grabbed me into a room. 

I opened my shut eyes, and found Minhyuk, drunk, pinning me against a wall.

"Minhyuk.." His name escaped from my lips, despite his loosened tie, messy hair, and alcohol breath right in my face, I liked it.

"So.... you're wearing the dress I told you to wear huh? You look fabulous.. by the way." He giggled between his words, taking a mouthful from the bottle of whisky in his hand.

"But.. first kiss? You? Never?" He sneered. "How could you. Wasn't it with me? Don't you love me!!" He shouted, inching his face closer towards mine. I couldn't say anything, everything was true. 

"You..... you hurt me first though." I said, softly. Looking into his eyes.

"But I still love you!! How could you when I love you!" Minhyuk wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"You have your girlfriend, don't you lie." I whispered, sternly and softly straight into his eyes.

"AISH! CAN YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT HER ALREADY!" He flung the empty bottle against the wall, causing me to become shocked.

"Since you have seemed to forget, let me remind you of your first kiss, right here, right now." Minhyuk said before crashing his lips onto mine, my eyes widened, I started to struggle, I shouldn't be doing this.  Memories started to play of our first date, first kiss, back in Chicago, back when I loved him. And now, that feeling, was the same. I returned back his kiss, and wrapped my arms around his neck, just like that time. 

Minhyuk broke the kiss after a while, "Your lips still taste the same, I missed it, hehe." He walked out of the room drunk, and I followed, but I see his girlfriend, outside, with her arms holding the unstable Minhyuk.

"What were you doing with him?" She snapped at me, while adjusting Minhyuk's messy bangs.


"Then why is he in this state?! Please remember he's TAKEN, so don't you dare do anything to him." She flipped her hair, before helping the completely not sober Minhyuk, who seemed to be on the verge of knocking out.

I slowly walked to the bar, her words playing in my head like a broken tape recorder, 

"Please remember he's TAKEN, so don't you dare do anything to him."

"he's TAKEN"

"don't you dare do anything to him."

Tears started to well up in my eyes. She was right, what were you doing? He is no longer and will never ever be yours. What.. are you doing..

"Can you give me the strongest drink you have?" I asked the bartender, and he handed me a glass of Everclear.

"Give me a bottle of this, I'm going to need it." I told him as I gulped down the glass of Everclear. 

And thats all I remember.

A/N: HI GUYS!!!!!! okay i'm back, like super late, but YAY I'M BACK^^ Did this chapter make up for my MIA time???? I know, most of you must miss Ilhoon, trust me, he's gonna be around in the next chapter ^^  How was this chapter guys!! OTL I had a hard time writing drunk scenes since well I was never drunk before but I hope its satisfactory!! I have the next chapter in progress already and it should be out by tomorrow:-) Meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^ D continue to comment, subscirbe and upvote!




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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful