Something's wrong with him?

Am I Good Enough Now?


I walked out of the CUBE Building, and noticed the sun was going to start to rise any moment, SHOOTS am I late? I sprinted back to the dorm, physically exhausted since I haven't slept pratically all night. I opened the door to see 6 faces staring at me, looking up from their positions. 

"Where have you been?" EunKwang Hyung asked me, raising one eyebrow.

Finally catching my breath, I clicked on my phone to check the time, it was 6:15, the members all usually got up 1.5 hours before to get ready for our schedule, okayyy I was late. Dammit.

"Um... practice?" I replied nervously.

"All night? Really Hyung? We have schedules for quite a bit today, especially you..." Sungjae mumbled sleepily as he dragged his body across the house to the washroom. 

"He is right, you are going all night without sleep here, how are you going to survive today?" EunKwang Hyung asked, raising his tone. I felt myself shrink if fright, he wasn't this angry very often.. "But I....." should I tell them about my meeting with Yeon Seo? She doesn't look like she wants anyone else to know though. "But you what?" EunKwang Hyung looked at me. "Ahh.. nothing. I was just too caught up with practice, don't worry I'll be fine!" "Fine, this once. But if you fall ill or faint, I'm going to be held responsible so don't let this happen again!" EunKwang Hyung replied before going back to the TV, and everyone else in the house went back to their normal activities, as though nothing happened. I quickly took a shower and got myself ready in 15 minutes, giving myself an hour to at least rest. I was physically, absolutely, dying, but something inside me was sparking me awake. My mind then flowed to earlier, when I was with Yeon Seo.

"I have a name, and its Yeon Seo, you don't need to keep calling me Miss Chicago." Yeon Seo chuckled.

"Hmmmm I'll see I like the name Miss Chicago though, Yeon Seo Ssi." I gave her a small smile, and I saw Yeon Seo blush, she looked so cute heh.

"Are you blushing?" She quickly turned my face away, hehe she's cute even when embarrassed. 

I unknowingly smiled to myself, WAIT WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING ILHOON. She's just a trainee! G E T A H O L D O F Y O U R S E L FI quickly plugged in my iPod into my ears and forced myself to get some sleep. Flustered I could have such thoughts myself.

"Ya.... Ilhoon ah?' I stirred as someone shook me. I opened my eyes to see Minhyuk Hyung looking at me with weird eyes. "Oh hyung, we're leaving?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. "Yeah we are, its already 730. You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked, with much worry in his voice. Indeed he is the Umma. "Ah of course! That nap I just had really helped, I'll just rest more in the car! Don't worry!" I smiled as I jumped off my bed and felt flat on EunKwang Hyung's bed. Minhyuk Hyung slapped my , "Aigoo you, how can I not you're practicing so hard! Quickly go outside!" 

I don't know if it was because I was particularly exhausted, or was everyone particularly awake, I couldn't even sleep if I wanted to! Everyone was so noisy and high, I had no words for them, I couldn't even be bothered to tell them off anymore. I just looked outside the window, we were going to Busan for a fansign today, the ride was going to be LONGGGG. My mind then wandered off again, to her...

"Yeon Seo ssi, do you want to practice like this every night? If you're uncomfortable with it in the day, I'm fine with it." She looked at me in shock, but nodded.


I saw her continue to pack her things, so I thought it was my cue to leave, when suddenly, I felt her grab my arm. "Thank you, Ilhoon ssi.." I stiffened at her touch, what is this feeling?

"Ilhoon, is the lack of sleep getting to you or something, why are you smiling to yourself?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my members that gave me a funny look. Ahhhh curses Hyunsik why did you ask! "Haha its nothing! Just thought of something funny I read the other day!" I did some aegyo, knowing they will just shudder before turning away, which they gladly did. Oh man, please let today's schedules past faster, I somehow can't wait for tonight, hehehe, just thinking about it gives me energy!


Our schedule ended around 11pm today, finally one before midnight. I pulled out my phone and texted Soo Yeon.

"Hey babe, my schedule ends early! Want to meet at our usual cafe? <3"

"Babe I have an appointment tomorrow so okay, but I can't stay too long! Sorry)-: <3" 

I pouted, slightly disappointed, the moment I am free she isn't?

"Oh alright, better than nothing. I miss you<3"

After our Weekly Idol recording ended, I quickly made my way to the nearest cafe, when I entered, the warmth of the cafe filled me and it felt so good, since the weather was starting to freeze up. I saw her sitting in a corner, dressed in her usual tights and coat, adorable. 

"Hehe hey baby." I wrapped my arms around her neck from behind.

We chatted for hours, and snuggled into each others chest at the usual alley, only if I wasn't an idol, maybe I could do this not in such secluded places and look like some .

By the time I got to the dorm, it was close to 330am, I was about to go up the stairs when I saw our van park by the road. Oh, I guess Ilhoon and manager hyung are back! The van door opened, eh? Ilhoon isn't there? "Minhyuk ah?" "Oh hyung! Heh I went to meet a friend, where's Ilhoon?" I asked, surprised, its so late.. "Ah, Ilhoon is at practice, he said he hasn't had time to practice on his own recently and he needs it." Ahh, I just nodded, and went back to the dorm.



I squinted one of my eyes open, and checked the time on my Iphone, "5:45am". Ahh, two hours of sleep again. I got up sleepily and got myself ready, I'm most of the time the one that wakes up first since I'm pretty much a light sleeper. After brushing my teeth and taking a shower, "6:00am" Just nice! I walked into the bedroom and flicked on the light switch, "KIDSSSS TIME TO GET UP!!!" I shouted chirpily. After getting all the older ones up, I climbed up to the second "floor", the maknae line is forever dead in their sleep. But to my surprise, Ilhoon's bed was still as neat as it was before, as though no one had slept in it, or.. did he not come home? Ilhoon never does that, no matter how late he gets home.. he will still come home at least for 2 hours of sleep before his schedule. 

After much persuasion, I got Sungjae out of bed and pushed him out of the room, only to find Ilhoon entering the house, at 615? Everyone stopped in their place and looked at Ilhoon. "Where have you been?" EunKwang asked Ilhoon, I could tell he wasn't happy. Ilhoon looked down and checked the time, I saw his eyes widen, he probably didn't know it was this late too. "Um... practice?" He managed to say.

"All night? Really Hyung? We have schedules for quite a bit today, especially you..." Sungjae mumbled sleepily as he dragged his body across the house to the washroom. Way to go maknae, he really doesn't know when to say what when he is tired.

"He is right, you are going all night without sleep here, how are you going to survive today?" EunKwang Hyung asked, raising his tone. Ouhhhhh he's mad. I wanted to handle the situation but Ilhoon interrupted the silence. "But I...." He hesitated, "But you what?" EunKwang asked again. "Ahh.. nothing. I was just too caught up with practice, don't worry I'll be fine!" "Fine, this once. But if you fall ill or faint, I'm going to be held responsible so don't let this happen again!" Eunkwang went back to the TV, and everyone went back to their activities, but I stood there. Ilhoon was obviously somewhere, what was he hesitating about?

After about 15 minutes, I saw Ilhoon already ready, and he dragged himself to the bedroom, I could see his exhaustion like some scary aura around him. Hmmm is he okay? I was worried, of course I was, when was I never? I slightly opened the room door, about to ask him if he was alright, when I saw Ilhoon smiling to himself in deep thought, I haven't seen Ilhoon smile so brightly in such a long time, he seemed to be down lately because of the stress. Suddenly his eyes widened, and he put on his earplugs and shut his eyes. Wow that was weird, oh well I'll just talk to him when he gets up.

"Guys its time to go, Minhyuk ah, go wake Ilhoon up!" Eunkwang shouted, and everyone started to fumble for their last things. I entered the room quietly, Ilhoon was still in the same position, curled up in deep sleep. He looked so exhausted, I didn't even want to wake him up. I shaked him slightly, "Ya.... Ilhoon ah?' Ilhoon stirred and slowly opened his eyes. "Oh hyung, we're leaving?" he rubbed his eyes as he sat up. "Yeah we are, its already 730. You sure you're gonna be okay?" I asked, worry evident in my voice. "Ah of course! That nap I just had really helped, I'll just rest more in the car! Don't worry!" he smiled as he jumped off my bed and felt flat on EunKwang Hyung's bed. Oh gosh this kid, I slapped his , "Aigoo you, how can I not you're practicing so hard! Quickly go outside!" 

Everyone was in a good mood today, cracking jokes in the car and blasting songs, its been a while since we were so high, since schedules have been tiring lately. "Ilhoon, is the lack of sleep getting to you or something, why are you smiling to yourself?" I turned to Ilhoon, and saw him smiling and laughing to himself again, what was going on?  "Haha its nothing! Just thought of something funny I read the other day!" He started to do "bbuing bbuing", which forever turns off our members. Everyone turned away, but I looked at him once more, he was still grinning to himself. Now thats weird.. 

A/N: HI GUYSSS! Heh no Yeonseo-Ilhoon moments this chapter ^^ Just basically talking about things from Ilhoon/ BTOB's side! And no there is not going to be anything crazy happening because of Minhyuk's suspicion, I just wanted to bring out his character in BTOB as the umma more you knowww? HAHA! I'll update again tomorrow its finally "tomorrow" night in the story too;-) So keep a look out! 28 subbies omg guys i can't thank you all enough T_T Like I never expected it, I'm very very very very grateful *90 degree bow* Do continue to comment, subscribe or upvote this story!=) I read each and every comment and see each an every subbie i get! ^^
Till next time!

((I find it ironic how in this gif Minhyuk is saying "Juggeseo" which also means "dead/died" but he's smiling a little HAHAHA But still super cute!))



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful