I Made It.

Am I Good Enough Now?


"Congratulations Miss Park Yeon Seo, you are selected as one of the trainees for CUBE Entertainment, we will send out an email to you regarding your flight details to Seoul for your training. We hope you can tie up your loose ends there in Chicago in a week, since we want to start your training as soon as possible! Do you have any questions?" My eyes widened as I took in everything the caller had told me, my mouth hung open but I couldn't utter a word. Am I dreaming? 

"Hello? Miss Park are you there?" I snapped out from my thoughts and realised this is reality, I'm a trainee for CUBE! "Yes yes I'm here oh my thank you so much sir I will check my email immediately and get back to you soon! Thank you thank you thank you so much! I'll work really hard!" I heard the man on the receiving end chuckle. Oops I am probably sounding overly-excited.

I got off the phone with the staff from CUBE. I can't believe that this is actually happening. I jumped on my bed and started screaming on top of my lungs "I'M IN I'M IN I'M IN I AM FINALLY IN!!! KYAAAAAAAA" Suddenly, my room door opened with a loud bang causing me to stop jumping. "Will you keep it down and stop jumping?! You're going to break a hole in the ground at this rate! The lights beneath your room downstairs are starting to shake do you—" My mom saw the wide smile on my face and tears starting to form in my eyes. "—did you get—" I jumped off the bed and hugged her tight, cutting her off. "YES MOM YES I FINALLY DID IT!!!" I could sense my mom's joy for me as she held me tight in her arms, patting my back to let me know I did well. Today is really a good day.

As night fell, I stared at the stars in the balcony, they all shone bright, i thought to myself, but not as bright as you. Finally, after 3 years, you're going to be meeting your star, Minhyuk. "Will he recognise me like this? Will he notice me at all?" I sighed. I had so many questions, next week please come soon, I just can't wait any longer.




Author's Note:

YAY! The first chapter is up:-) Its short, but I just wanted to give you guys a rough idea of well yourself before anything else happens =)

What do you guys think? Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! I may update again tomorrow ^_^ Do subscribe and comment! Till then~

(Don't you guys just love this gif)



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful