
Am I Good Enough Now?


"Ahhh okay let's take a break!" We all died and laid on the floor, breathless. Exhausting, continuous dance practice that has been going on for forever. Finally! "Okay kids, now we'll have a break till midnight, so take your pee, snack, poo whatever break now, then its hardcore vocal training for 2 hours. If you have nowhere to go, hang in the practice room, NO going out, understand!!" Eunkwang Hyung told us as we used towels to soak up the sweat dripping down our bodies. I checked the time, "23:30". Hmm, will Yeon Seo be in the practice room? She should be right? 

"Hyung, I'm gonna go to the washroom, I'll be back!" I shouted as I ran out of the room.

"Ahh, be back quick!" Hyunsik shouted from the practice room.

I quickly entered the lift and pressed "B1", to the basement. If anyone entered, they would probably wonder why I was going to the practice room for the trainees. My heart started to beat faster as I went down each floor, why was this making me nervous all I am doing is explaining? 

*ding* The lift door opened and I tip-toed towards the practice room Yeon Seo was always in. I silently pushed open the door, but I immediately frowned, she wasn't there. But something caught my eye, her bag was placed on the chair in the corner.

That means she was still in the building!

Ahh, but I can't stay here for long, hyungs are waiting. 

I found a piece of paper among the stack of lyric sheets at the side, and started to write... What should I say, how should I call her, what words should I use to not make her mad? I kept hesitating, but after a while, I finished writing! I decided to put the letter on her bag and go, but just as I was about to put the letter down, someone pushed open the door of the practice room, my eyes widened in shock..

It was Yeon Seo. 

I stood there and stared at her, she looked equally shocked as well. Maybe this is the wrong time to explain, the tension in the air was high. I immediately headed for the door and decided to leave. 

"Ilhoon, don't go!" Yeon Seo grabbed my arm, tight. My body immediately stiffened, I felt my ears start to burn, why was the room suddenly so hot?

"I...I'm sorry." 

Huh? She's sorry? I put my arm down and turned around,

"What for?" 

"I.. I didn't know you were down for practice everyday now and it was because of me and yet I got angry at you when you didn't do anything I absolutely didn't mean to it was really not intentional I don't know why I reacted that way I didn't listen to your explanation I......" Huh why was she sorry? She didn't do anything wrong.... 

 "Ya, its not your fault okay? Like I said, I want to practice with you, and I definitely did not regret any of what I said. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know it was that important to you, I won't do it again okay?" I replied softly, I felt bad for making her feel guilty...

"But I....." I was shocked when I saw tears start to fall down her face. I didn't know what to say, I knew she was waiting for me to respond, I didn't know how. 

"Ssssh. Don't say anything. Most girls look pretty when they cry, but Yeon Seo Ssi, you certainly are different. So stop crying pabo ya." I slowly raised my hands and started to wipe her tears, my heart rate increasing rapidly by the second, her cheeks were icy cold due to the temperature. To my surprise, she didn't show much signs of discomfort.

After taking a few deep breaths, her tears slowly stopped flowing.

"Now thats a prettier Yeon Seo." I smiled, oh no how long have I been here? Eunkwang hyung's angry face suddenly came into my mind. I checked my watch, "23:55" Oh I should get going.

"Oh Yeon Seo Ssi I need to go for practice now, we'll talk another time alright?" She gave me a slight nod and I quickly turned to leave. But something in me didn't want to go, with the situation half solved half explained like that, I know inside she still feels guilty. Its written all over her face.

"Don't be sorry anymore alright! And no more crying! I'll see you again soon!" I quickly left the room, as I was in the lift, I realised I left the letter in the practice room. Ahh Ilhoon why are you so stupid!! I whacked my head. My number is in there..... I hope she contacts me though.

Pinning high hopes, I went for vocal training.


I clenched my phone tightly in my hands as I paced up and down my room, why was I so nervous about this? 

"Its just an explanation, nothing much." I said as I typed out his number.

"Argh but what if he is busy?" I quickly back-spaced the numbers.

"But a phone call wouldn't be much." I typed it out again.

"Ahhh but what if he gets in trouble cause of me again!!" I back-spaced the numbers. 

A text wouldn't hurt right...............................?

After 15 minutes of typing and back-spacing, I finally sent the text. I dived under my covers in excitement, Ilhoon ah, reply me soon please...


"Guys lets go!!" Peniel shouted as we started to leave the practice room, as we got into the van, I immediately whipped out my phone.

*1 New message*

Omg please god please let me pray argh is it her omg I was dying on the inside. I clicked on the message and it read:

"Anneong? Ilhoon ssi. 

This is Yeon Seo, sooo. I just wanted to explain a few more things we left off just now, hmm. So should I call you? Or we meet somewhere? Whatever is convinient for you(= I'm still sorry...

Miss Chicago (heh)" 

"YES!" I shouted and all heads turned to me. Everyone was exhausted and they all just gave me a WTF face. 

"Heh sorry, I won a game!" I tried to sound enthusiastic. Everyone just turned away, but I suddenly felt someone whisper in my ear, 

"Really, Ilhoonie?" I jumped and turned, and saw Peniel smirk at me before going back to typing on his phone. What does he mean?

I quickly typed back, 

"Oooh Hi Yeon Seo ssi!!! Heh I just finished my training, are you awake? We can meet at the park inbetween our dorms? At about 230? Thats if you're awake><"

Ahh please be awake please be awake...............................


I immediately looked at my screen.

"Hehe yeah I am! You sure you won't get in trouble?"

"No no of course not! A little while won't matter!"

"Alright then, see you!(="

I immediately jumped out of the car the moment we reached the dorm, "215", ah I should go now..

"Hyung? Can you help me tell Eunkwang hyung and the rest I want to buy somemore chicken to last me tomorrow? Its late and I know I will not want to move my lazy tomorrow pleaseeeeeeee!" 

"Alright alright, just go."

"Keke thanks Peniel!!"

I immediately took off for the park, somewhat excited to see her. 


The streets were completely silent, it was honestly, frightening. I walked to the park and saw a girl wearing a tracksuit, sitting on a swing, her hands rubbing her shoulders, ah she must be cold.

"Yeon Seo ssi!!" I called out, she looked up and smiled, oh that beautiful smile. Her hair was let down nicely, and I could see her big brown eyes shining despite the darkness of the night.

"Oh Ilhoon ssi, anneong!" She waved.

"Did you wait long? I'm sorry!" 

"Nah its okay, I didn't!"

There was a period of awkward silence...

"Sooooo." I started...

"Well......." She was about to start when.

"Ilhoon what are you doing here!" We both turned around in utter shock.

A/N: HI GUYS!!!! Omg so sorry I didn't update yesterday T_T I realised I don't want to make it a point to update everyday cause I want to write better chapters for you guys instead of rushed ones! SO I know its pretty bad to keep leaving cliffhangers but I LOVE IT HAHAHAH. Oh well I'll try to update tomorrow but guess who has extra classes? *points to self* How is this chapter though?? Omg 45 subbies *cries a waterfall* THANK YOU ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS<3 Do continue to comment, subscirbe and upvote!! I have to go now so I'll end it here!(=

Till next time~!


((btw 1: DID YOU GUYS SEE THE PHOTOS OF BTOB AT TBC RECORDING TODAY?? T__T OH GOSH I CRIED THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD. But I'll just leave some Ilhoon here for you guys;-) ))

((btw 2:  Did you guys see Sungjae's twitter update just now? T__T Oh gosh Look at Penjae they look so freaking smexy *dies* Seems like they're practicing really hard now *prays for BTOBBACKAGAIN*))



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful