Miss Chicago?

Am I Good Enough Now?


"Waaa finally done with today's schedules!" I heaved a great sigh as i plopped myself on a seat in our van. I was filming Weekly Idol earlier and unlike the other members, I was in an extra segment. I looked at the time "2:30am". "Hyung, can you drive me to the practice room?"

"This late?" Manager hyung gave me a weird look.

"Don't we have schedules tomorrow? I need to practice, I haven't practiced in a while.

"Alright, but all of you have a schedule at 9 so we are leaving by 730! Plan your time well!" He warned.

"Alright alright." I replied lazily as I slowly dozed off into dreamland.


"ILHOOOON!!!!" My eyes snapped open in shock. 

"We're here already! You sure you want to practice? You seem tired." Hyung looked at me worriedly.

"Ah yeah!! Don't worry I'm fine! Go back to the dorms to sleep hyung! I'll see you later!" I smiled as I hopped off the van.

The moment I opened the door of the van, a strong gush of wind blew against my face. Arghhh its so cold!!

I entered the company and it was completely dark, hmmm so I guess no one is staying in today. I made my way to the practice room and......... the lights are on? I was about to turn to go to the other practice room when I saw her. That girl from before, ohya I haven't got her name. The girl I saw this morning, the girl I met in the recording studio, the girl I had to practice "Oops!" with. WAIT. The girl I had to practice "Oops!" with....... my mind started flipping like an open book as I recalled how she stumbled over and over again, then I looked infront of me. This girl's dancing was just beautiful. I peeked through the door of the practice room as I saw her move gracefully across the room, every dance move in precise though. I saw sweat drip all over her body, but she just smiled and continued to dance to the beat ringing through her ears. Even though I couldn't hear what music it was, but her moves could just tell me how the music was sounding to her ears, it had so much emotion. I stood there and watched her intensely, I haven't seen someone dance like that in so long, she looks so.. carefree? I thought of the times before I entered the company, how I danced and rapped because of my passion for performing. After entering CUBE, the stress sometimes made me detest all of this. I was lost, lost at why I was even doing this everyday, when I only get exhausted, forgetting my roots of why I started all this in the first place. Till now, I could feel her passion, and joy, and it reminds me of myself 4 years ago, it was like a new ball of energy just hit me. 


I heard something fall to the ground, breaking my chain of thoughts. I saw her lying on the cold practice room floor, panting harder than ever. She was probably exhausted, she didn't even take a break. But something caught my attention. Her smile, it was so beautiful, even more beautiful than her hair, than was in a mess, sticking on her arms and face, but it didn't seem to matter to her. She got up, her back facing me, as she was packing her things. Argh she was going to leave, what do I do I can't miss her AGAIN.

"Your dancing is not bad huh, miss Chicago?" The words just came flying out of my mouth. Oh damn what did I just say!

I saw her freeze in her spot.


You froze.

That voice.

"Oh come on, if you can dance when no one is here, I suppose you can talk when no one is here right?" 

I slowly turned around, coming face to face with Ilhoon, who was walking towards me. 

"How long have you been there?" I asked nervously, why was my heart beating so fast? 

"Long enough to know you dance well but stumbled over earlier today. And your korean isn't bad for someone from Chicago eh Miss......."

"Yeon Seo." He looked up with widened eyes. "I have a name, and its Yeon Seo, you don't need to keep calling me Miss Chicago." I chuckled.

"Hmmmm I'll see I like the name Miss Chicago though, Yeon Seo Ssi." He gave me a small smile, I blushed, his smile was cute aside from his cold appearance.

"Are you blushing?" I quickly turned my face away, oh gosh how embarrassing!! I mentally scolded myself.

"Ahh, its cute." I heard him whisper to himself. I felt like my cheeks were on fire.

"Soooo. Mind telling me about your difference in skill during the day and night?" He asked me as he started stretching. I guess he was going to practice after I did. I looked down to the floor. Could I, should I.....? NO no I can't, he is an idol he wouldn't care. I looked up to see him staring at me, his eyes sparking curiousity. After 10 seconds, he quickly turned to face the mirror infront of him. I was about to pick up my bag and go when, "Hmmm, should we practice now then? At least I will know that you're good and well...... won't flip at you during practice." He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. I smiled, "Sure thing."

I "Oops!" and started to dance to the music, I was a bit, no very stiff, being the only two people around, at about 3 in the morning...... when I suddenly felt him grab my arm. "Hey just relax, no one is going to look at you now other than me, so dance like how you did just now and impress me." He whispered into my ear and gave me a reassuring smile. I started to relax and move more naturally to the beat. It went on for about an hour. Ilhoon helped me out with the steps I was off, while we tried to move in sync. 

"Okay! Lets end it here today!" Ilhoon clapped his hands together as the song came to an end. We started to get ready to leave when Ilhoon suddenly said, "Yeon Seo ssi, do you want to practice like this every night? If you're uncomfortable with it in the day, I'm fine with it." I looked at him in shock, how does he know I........ I nodded my head, slightly shocked and embarrassed. He was about to walk out of the practice room when I grabbed his arm, OMG WHY DID I DO THAT. "Thank you, Ilhoon ssi.." I said while I felt my cheeks burn up at our skinship. I heard him laugh. He bent down at looked at me, raising my head. "No problem, I don't know why you're like this but I'm sure you have your reasons. I really like dancing with you Yeon Seo ssi, you're a really good dancer keke. See you tomorrow then!" He moved my hand from his arm before heading out of the practice room. My heart was thumping so fast, what was this feeling? I was somehow really looking forward to tomorrow night.

A/N: HI GUYSSS! Okay so I didn't manage to update last night, but at least I'm here now! ^_^ So how is it? Some Ilhoon-Yeon Seo moments for nowwww! I'll try to update again tonight if I can but I have an exam tomorrow so I'll try my best *cries* My holiday doesn't seem like a holiday at all T_T Do continue to comment and subscirbe PLEASEEEE I'm super thankful for all of you ^^ 

Till next time!


(( BTW did you guys see the video of BTOB BTS for Dream Concert??? Peniel had so much screentime and he was so adorable I was literally sobbing at his cuteness!))

Here's the link if you haven't!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpPJs-L0iNM



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful