
Am I Good Enough Now?


I took in the scent of the fresh air before entering CUBE, today was gonna be the final practice I had with Ilhoon before BTOB starts hardcore practicing for their first concert, also the day I will agree to his feelings.

"Hi Ssaem!" I greeted the dance instructor before settling down to start warming up.

After about 5 minutes, Ilhoon burst into the room, looking like a complete shag, his hair hidden under a beanie, wearing his spectacles instead of contact lenses. 

"Ilhoon ah you okay? Your condition doesn't look so good." Our dance teacher asked him worriedly as he started getting ready for practice.

"Ah yeah I'm fine, just a little headache." Ilhoon shook it off, "Let's start!"

I walked to my position, infront of Ilhoon, "Ya, you sure you're okay?" I reached for his hand, but he immediately pulled back, "Why would it matter to you." He replied harshly, before I could say anything, the music began. Why was he doing this?


"Minhyuk Hyung.. wake up!!" I slowly squinted open my eyes to avoid the blazing light.

"What time is it..." I groaned, checking the time, "9:00".

"What are you going to do!!" Peniel sat next to me on my bed and whacked my arm.

"Do what?"

"Did you forget? Didn't you want to talk to Ilhoon? But he already left for practice!" 

I sat up immediately, "YOU'RE JOKING."

"Nope, I'm pretty serious about it." Peniel said nonchalantly, before getting up. "What did you want to clarify with him anyways?" 

"Ugh, long story Peniel, long story." I sighed as I dug my head back into the covers.

"Well, I'm all ears." Peniel sat down again, grabbing my Chip and Dale soft toys and seating them nicely on his lap.

Well why not right? "Okay fine. It all started out last night...."


"OK! I guess we're good to go, we'll meet again like this after BTOB's concert. Ilhoon ah you worked hard!" The dance instructor placed a comforting hand on Ilhoon's back, he was probably worned out from rehearsals and practices with me.

I quickly grabbed my bag and ran up to Ilhoon, "YA!" I knocked his head, "Ilhoon ah do you want to go eat ice cream with me!! My treat!" 

"Did you not comprehend it when I said I had a headache earlier? Ugh jesus." Ilhoon picked up his backpack and walked past me, "Oh and, stop being so nice to me. Why are you doing this? Who are you trying to fool? Well guess what? I'm done." 

Ilhoon stomped out of the dance studio, slamming the door shut.

Tears started to fill my eyes, starting to tremble, I sat myself down on the cold hard floor. Was I too late? Did he get over me? What did I do? Tears started to break and trickle down my face, it hurt. It hurt to be rejected when I prepared myself to tell him how I felt today.

I clutched my chest, what was this feeling? Why did it hurt this bad? It made me realise how much I was in love with Ilhoon, but I missed that chance.


I clutched my chest as I leaned against the practice room door, biting my lips to prevent the threatening tears from falling. Did I really say that? Was I really done? But then again, did I ever have a choice? 

I sighed and made my way to the conference room, where we were discussing the outline of the concert today.

"Sorry I'm slightly late." I bowed to the concert organisers and the members as I settled into the remaining chair next to.. Minhyuk.

I pulled up my hoodie to avoid Minhyuk's stare, trying to focus on the meeting. 

"Okay, let's take a 10 minute break." The concert organiser said before getting up and leaving the room.

"Ilhoon ah, let's talk for a while." Minhyuk grabbed my arm, before dragging me out of the room.

"Ilhoon ah about yesterday-" 

"Hyung. Whatever it is, I don't want to know. I don't want to know anymore, just do whatever you want. Now, we need to focus on the concert, you should start focusing about it instead of love too." I brushed past Minhyuk and entered back into the room.

"Oh Ilhoon ah! Did Minhyuk Hyung talk to you?" Peniel walked up to me and grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Hyung, not you too? I have enough of this. Lets just focus on the concert alright?" Without waiting for a reply, I sat back down at my seat, waiting for the meeting to start.


Ilhoon sat down at his seat again, I frowned, I hated it when he was so stubborn. Minhyuk entered the conference room again, rubbing his wet hands against his jeans.

I shot him an apologetic glance, "Hyung, I'm sorry about this.." I hugged Minyuk, Minhyuk receiving the hug and hugging me back. "He's right, let's just give him a bit of time to cool off. We need him to give his 110% now anyways." Minhyuk smiled, before returning to his seat.

I pushed my hair back in frustration, I seriously hope everything would turn out okay.


And there it went, one and a half months, both Ilhoon and I were working respectively on our own things, I was preparing for my debut album, Ilhoon and the rest of BTOB were busy preparing for their first solo concert. I met BTOB occasionally but we only exchanged greetings, and every single time, Ilhoon would brush past me, whereas I'd give Peniel and sometimes Minhyuk a friendly hug.

It was 2 days before BTOB's First Concert, I just finished taking the album photos for my debut album. I was on the way back to Seoul, when my phone rang.

"Yeon Seo!!"

"Hey Peniel!" I missed his voice.

"Our concert is in 2 days, you're going to come right?" 

"Of cou-.." I hesitated, was I ready to meet Ilhoon again?

"Hey, I heard what happened with Ilhoon, but don't worry about him alright? He's just having a stupid misunderstanding and he's just so so stubborn. He'll be over it soon." Peniel's reassuring words made me smile.

"I hope so, I'll be there for sure!! I'm excited to watch you guys!!"

"Great, see you there!!! I have to go now!! See you there!" With that, Peniel hung up.


There were 2 days left to the concert, everyone and everything was getting tensed amongs the members.

"Hey, I heard what happened with Ilhoon, but don't worry about him alright? He's just having a stupid misunderstanding and he's just so so stubborn. He'll be over it soon." I heard Peniel say, I stayed put and continued listening, 

"Great, see you there!!! I have to go now!! See you there!" Peniel hung up, turning around, "Oh hi Ilhoon ah!"

"Was that Yeon Seo?"


"Was that?"

"Yeah. . ." 

"Must you invite her?"

"Why not?"

"Did you not hear what happened to me one and a half months ago? DID YOU NOT?" My anger started to rise, why didn't anyone try to understnad.

"Ilhoon it was all a big misunderstanding!!" Peniel raised his voice, he never did that before.

"Misunderstanding? What can be a misunderstanding? The fact that the girl I fell in love with, after swearing off love for three years, is back with the guy, who caused, the only person I loved 3 years ago, to leave me? NO. I don't see any misunderstanding in that." I turned and stomped off in anger, 

"I'M NOT DATING YEON SEO." I stopped in my position.

"I'm not dating her, we're only friends now." Minhyuk's footsteps got closer and louder.

"Yeah, thats what they always say." I muttered under my breath, but amongst the quiet and peace in the hallway, it was heard clearly.

"You can always call her and ask, she can tell that to you. She's in love, but she's in love with you." I turned around.

"What did you say?" My eyes widened.

"You heard me. Look I'm sorry about what happened with Eunji, I know I'm an for that, I know all this time though you acted like it never mattered, you still hold a grudge against me for what went down betweetn you and her, I admit it, and I'm sorry. But Yeonseo. She's in love with you. And for the past one and a half months,Peniel and I both tried to explain things to you, but all you could do was brush it off. You were right, we had to focus on the concert, thats why i chose not to tell you anything. But you went to far to get mad at Peniel for inviting his BEST FRIEND to the concert, you left me with no choice. Whether you like it or not, Ilhoon, Yeon Seo is gonna be at our concert that is happening in 48 hours. Better get yourself in the right state of mind and settle things the right way. Peniel, let's go." Minhyuk grabbed Peniel's arm and brushed past me, entering the practice room.

I pulled my hair in frustration as I fell to the ground. What have I done now?

A/N: HI GUYS!!! Update!!!! Okay so yeah I twisted the story to a horrifying extent, and I bet there are a lot of questions right now aren't there? HAHA. First, Ilhoon's story, it'll be told in the last chapter or so, it isn't that important now but it'll piece everything together at the end ^^ Next: T_____T Hate to break it to you guys, but this story is going to end it maximum 3 chapters!! Well its been 5 months since I started on this fic, its bittersweet now really)= Sorry for not updating, I wanted to enjoy my short break after my exams before class starts again xDD whoops=P 

bY THE WAY!!! 

I have a new fic coming up^^ Not exactly a fic but its one base idea I have but I have two different storylines, I'll post it together in here so please do subscribe and look out for it!! 

Starbucks Crush: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/564820/starbucks-crush-you-btob-hyunsik-changsub

Do continue to subscribe, comment and upvote this fic^^ I'm so thankful for all of you omg T____T

Till next time!




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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful