Cold shoulder.

Am I Good Enough Now?


I entered the dorm and headed for the bedroom immediately, ignoring my 6 other members that were hogging a video game on the tv, with my other manager hyung.

I threw myself into my bed, if I like her..... it will just happen all over again. It will, it always does.

I dug into my pillow and pulled out a polaroid photo, "Why did you leave me.." I said as I 'touched' her face. "For him, who else." I sighed and chugged the photo back into my pillow case.

"Ilhoon ah, you alright?" I turned around and saw Hyunsik standing below the ladder of my bunk bed, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Yeah Hyung of course, why wouldn't it?" I wanted to cry and pour everything out to Hyunsik, his hugs were always the best, his advice was always the wisest.

But he might flip if he found out I like... love.. Yeon Seo.

"Don't lie to me Ilhoon you know I can see it. I heard what you said. I know what you're thinking about." Hyunsik climbed up the ladder and made himself comfortable on the other end of my puny sized bed.

"Hyung, its happening again. What happened then. Its going to happen again." Tears started to water in my eyes, it felt like yesterday when she left.

Hyunsik moved forward and wrapped his arms around me. Causing myself to cry harder.

"I..I sw..swore fall in love again... and.. I did and.. it..s" 

Hyunsik hugged me tighter, hushing me occasionally, "Ssshh Ilhoon ah, the members might hear you." I didn't really care about the members, but he was right. I started to take deep breaths and calm down.

"Now. Who's the lucky girl?" I chuckled, Hyunsik really knew how to make me feel better.

"Secret." I placed my finger on my lips.

"Oh please, I'm no fool, its Yeonseo, isn't it?" I choked on my own saliva and looked at Hyunsik with wide eyes.


"Well, I see things..."

"Ooh, Baby Boy." Suddenly, Ilhoon grabbed her hat and pulled it off, her long hair fell and I was taken aback, she looked gorgeous, she had been hiding it all along...

She was stunned as well, probably a good 5 seconds standing still. But I saw Ilhoon look at her, sending her a gaze i haven't seen him send to a girl, in 3 years. I looked at her, she gave an eyesmile back, before the performance continued.

"oops oops oops oops oops, oops oops oops oops oops."

The last line of "Oops" finally came, we were done with the auditions! But Ilhoon suddenly grabbed Yeon Seo in for a back hug for the last movement, my eyes widened, and I nearly jumped out of my chair. Ilhoon never did skinship with girls.. maybe work purposes? Yeon Seo's cheeks started to flush red, aw how cute, they are really going to be something though. I smirked.

"It was obvious. Very obvious psh. You were happy to leave us, and me to go practice with her everyday!" Hyunsik fake sobbed and I giggled, coming to think of it, it was pretty true..

"But Hyung..... she's in love with someone else." I said, reluctantly, catching Hyunsik's attention immediately.

"Please don't tell me she.."

"Yeah, its Minhyuk Hyung, again." Hyunsik's eyes widened, he sighed, leaning back in deep thought. I couldn't help but sigh too. Do I get rid of my feelings or go for it?


"OH Ilhoon ah!!" I smiled as Ilhoon entered the practice room, debut was getting closer and closer time was precious now!

Ilhoon looked at me, before turning away and starting to stretch.

Why was he ignoring me? 

"Ilhoon ah..?" I looked at him again with worried eyes.

"Let's start now." He stretched one last time, before getting into position. Warily looking at him.


"Okay lets end here, I have a schedule in 3 hours, I need to prepare. I'll see you again in a couple of days." Ilhoon grabbed his things and left the room.

Why was he doing this to me?

Was he having a bad day?

Whatever it was, it wasn't a good feeling. And somehow, something in me hurts, but why does it hurt? Cause of Ilhoon? 

I left the practice room, praying tomorrow would be better, looking down at my phone, I crashed into someone's hard chest.

"Hey babe." I recognised that voice.


"So how was practice?"


"Please remember he's TAKEN, so don't you dare do anything to him."


"What does any of that have to do with you?" I started to walk off, but his footsteps could be heard right behind.

"Well cause I know Ilhoonie is giving you the cold shoulder eh?"

I turned around, "How do you know and why?" I needed to know, I couldn't stand it.

"Hmm, looks like someone's taking interest in him eh?"

"WHAT?" My eyes widened. "NO. Just collaborating partner, bad chemistry will affect our progress."

"Oh wow, so you think you guys have good chemistry? I think our is better." He leaned closer to me. "Isn't it?" My face was a few inches away from his,I gulped.

I got to my senses and pushed him away.

"Minhyuk ssi, please act appropriately, you are taken, stop looking for me unnecessarily."

I ran off. But this time, it hurt, but not as bad as I thought it would, to have that come out from my mouth.

I was so confused, why though?

I pulled out my phone and dialed Peniel's number, "Peniel are you free now? I need some advice."

A/N: HI GUYSSSSS. omg i'm back!! Okay tbh this was a really crappy chapter and I'm disappointed in it as much as you probably are. I think this fic might end in another 15-20 chapters? But thats still long no worries^^ But whats bad is that... My finals are starting in a month, so I might be on hiatus for a month plus /= Unless I finish revising ( NEVER) but yes)-: Let's not think so far, I hope you all enjoyed this update though^^ Since tomorrow is F R I D A Y \o/ i should be able to update^^ Till next time guys~!






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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful