What happened?

Am I Good Enough Now?


I slowly opened my eyes, ugh what happened last night?

Suddenly a strong pain hit my head and I couldn't help but groan and throw my head back into my pillow. 

Wait. I was at home.

Who brought me home?

"Oh, you're awake." I turned to the direction of the voice, Ilhoon was giving me a small smile. 

"Ilhoon? What are you-AGH" The pain striked my head again, I grabbed my hair in pain. 

"You must be feeling horrible now eh? Get more sleep, we'll talk abouut it later." Too exhausted, I just nodded and turned back into bed. 


After about 2 minutes, I heard her breathing calm down and  become slow, I took slow steps towards her, her exhausted body. I pulled up her kicked off sheets, the weather was chilly today. I walked out of her room and sat in her living room, staring at her board of photos, and there again, her and him. 

Tears welled up in my eyes, why did you have to...

Everyone was getting drunk and slowly we all split into small groups. 

I saw Yeon Seo stand up and head somewhere, stumbling as she walked. 

"Hey Ilhoon ah, we're going to the dance floor, you coming?" Hyunsik and Changsub asked .

"Yeah.. I'll be there, just give me a sec I wanna go to the washroom."

"Alright, be here soon!" With that, I followed Yeon Seo, she looked like she was going to collapse.

I followed her down the corridor, suddenly she got grabbed into a room. 

I dashed forward and as my hand touched the door handle, "Minhyuk.."

I froze.

"So.... you're wearing the dress I told you to wear huh? You look fabulous.. by the way." I heard Minhyuk say.

"But.. first kiss? You? Never? How could you. Wasn't it with me? Don't you love me!!" My eyes widened, I never heard Minhyuk Hyung this.. enraged.

"You..... you hurt me first though." Yeon Seo whispered softly.

"But I still love you!! How could you when I love you!"

"You have your girlfriend, don't you lie." 

"AISH! CAN YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT HER ALREADY!" I heard a loud crash, my eyes widened, was Yeon Seo hurt? I was about to push open the slightly ajar door,

"Since you have seemed to forget, let me remind you of your first kiss, right here, right now." 


I pushed open the door slightly. And saw Minhyuk's body covering a petite figure, his lips right on hers. He tilited his face to the left, then I saw her,

her face. 

She kissed him back, her arms wrapping around his neck, her eyes shut, both enjoying the moment.

*click click click* I heard someone coming, and immediately dashed down the corridor, into the male bathroom.

Tears welled up in my eyes, why was I feeling like this?

Do I like her.... that much? But she doesn't like you back. Yeon Seo loves him.

I stood by the sink.

In deep thought. 

I don't know how long I stood there. But all I know is that I was broken, and I haven't felt this way ever since she left me 3 years ago. 

I in my tears rolling in my eyes, I can't break like this. Not now. I splashed some cold water onto my face, before leaving the washroom, just not tonight.

I went to the bar, "One glass, please." Understanding my usual for the past few years, the bartender nodded. 

While waiting for my drink, I saw Yeon Seo at the other end of the bar. She was sitting alone, her back facing me.

"Who's that girl, a trainee?" The bartender asked me as he handed me my drink, I nodded.

"She has been drinking Everclear for the past 20 minutes, I tried to get her to stop, but she never wanted to." He said before going back to his work.

I picked up my glass, before making my way towards her.

She was pouring another glass of wine.

"Stop." I said, putting down the bottle from her hands. 

She looked up, her cheeks were all red, her hair a mess.

"Oh? Ilhoon ah!" She waved cutely, but she was no longer sober, I could tell. 

"Come here, sit and drink with me!!" She smiled at pat the chair next to her.

"No, you're drunk, I should take you home." 

"One! Just one more glass!!" She raised one finger at me, before grabbing the bottle and emptying it in the glass.

"NO, NO MORE." I pulled the bottle and glass out of her reach and tugged on her arm.

"Why can't you all just leave me alone?!" She shook my arm off her wrists. Gulping down my glass nearby, 

She looked down, not saying anything anymore. 

Then I suddenly heard soft sobs, I looked down, and I could see her shaking.

I sat on the chair infront of her, and raised her head towards mine. 

Tears were flowing down her cheeks, she didn't bother wiping them, and she stared right back at me. 

Different from all the other times we stare each other, there was sadness, right in her eyes.

"Why? Why can't you all leave alone?!" She cried harder, her sobs turning into wails.

I pulled her in and hugged her tight, her sobs got louder as she soaked up my suit, which definitely now needed some dry-cleaning, but that didn't matter. She rested her head on my shoulder,

"Why can't he leave me alone, why must he make me love him." She whispered really softly, before digging her head into my chest, tears silently falling. But admist all the clubbing music, I heard each and every word clearly.

After a while, I pulled her away, "Come on, let's get you home now, okay?" 

She shook her head, "Its okay, I can get home, on my own." She stood up, and stumbled off the chair, she took 3 steps before tripping on her own feet. 

I quickly helped her up, "See? You can't even walk 3 steps, I'll help you."

Her eyes already half shut, she just nodded, and I picked her up bridal style, she was light, really light. 

I found Manager Hyung sitting with the other managers at a table, "Hyung, do you mind taking us back now?" I asked, tilting my head towards Yeon Seo, who was dozing off in my arms, "Oh what happened, okay fine."

"Hyung, do you think I can stay with her tonight? I think she'll need someone.." I asked slowly as I looked at Yeon Seo, in deep sleep, her head on my shoulders.

"But Ilhoon ah...." He didn't sound happy.

"Please? We don't have schdules tomorrow. Please..?" I asked again, I was practically desperate.

"Okay fine, if you want to that much. I'll bring over some fresh clothes later so you can wash up. Make sure she has a good rest, take care of her!" 

"Thanks Hyung!! See you later then!" I carried Yeon Seo out of the car and headed upstairs. 

I stood at her door, where were her keys again?


"Where are your keys?" I asked, Yeon Seo pointed under the potted plant by the door..."


Oh right.. I reached for the keys, and opened the door. I carried her to her room, and saw dresses laid all over her bed, very pretty looking ones.

I laid her on her couch in the living room and went to her room, carefully picking up the dresses. She has some good fashion sense there.

Then I saw a note on her dressing table,

"Seo ah! Minhyuk here! I didn't know time passed so fast and manager hyung came to fetch me to go to my schedule already! I'm so sorry I had to go! You're trying the light pink tube dress now right? Sobs that was my favourite pick. I can already imagine you in it! Hope you will wear at least one of them to the party, see you there!



So the dresses were from him.. they went out together? I ruffled my hair in frustration.

I picked Yeon Seo up and laid her on her bed, removing her heels and putting them by the side, she snuggled into bed, her face facing me directly, her tear stained face and bright red cheeks staring right at me. 

I covered her sheets, before moving away the messy strands of hair on her face.

"Why do you have to love him if he's giving you so much pain?" I whispered, tears breaking loose from my eyes, trickling down my cheeks. "Can't.. you give me chance to love you instead?" I moved closer towards her, till our faces were centimetres apart.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate, I guess Manager Hyung was here. I kissed her cheek softly, before standing up and wiping my tears as I left the room.

"Yeah Hyung?" I answered my phone.

"Ilhoon ah.." I woke up, was it from drowning in my thoughts, or a whole dream?

I saw Yeon Seo staring at me, her head tilted in confusion.

"Are you feeling better?" She nodded, giving me a thankful smile.

"Go wash up, your hair is a mess and you're still in your dress!" I pointed at her, she looked up and down and her eyes widened, "Omo I didn't know!" She said before dashing for the washroom.

I decided to cook ramen for both of us, halfway, Yeon Seo came out of the washroom, in a simple pink tank top and shorts, her wet hair combed back.

"What are you cooking! I'm starving!" She sat down at the counter, as I served the ramen. 

"Well, I'm not exactly a masterchef so this is all I can do..." I said sheepishly,

"Its alright, I can't cook very well myself either!" Yeon Seo took a spoonful of it, "Mmmm its really good!! Come on, you eat too!" 

I nodded, before digging in with her.

"So.. what happened last night exactly?" Yeon Seo asked nervously, looking up at me.

"You don't remember huh?" I smirked at her, and her eyes widened.

"N.. no.... we didn't do anything right!!" She covered her chest with her hands.

"What do you think?" I winked at her, and her eyes widened even more.

"No way......." She said softly looking down at her body.

I burst out laughing, "Of course not silly!!" 

She looked up, and gave a sigh of relief. "OH MY GOSH YOU!!" She started whacking me, "You scared me there!"

"Your expression was priceless, just saying." I was still laughing, earning a glare from her, I decided to stop.

"You were drunk, as your DATE, I decided  to just take you home, thats all." I said cleanly, before going back to eating Ramen.


I looked up, and Yeon Seo's body was stiffened, "Ya, what's wrong with you? Aren't you eating?" She snapped out of her thoughts, looking at me, "Oh yeah yeah, let's eat!"


"Manager Hyung called, I need to go back now.." I told Yeon Seo and she just nodded, walking me to the door.

"Ilhoon ah... thanks for last night... I really had fun." Yeon Seo smiled, with him she did, was all I thought.

"Yeah, so did I." I gave her a small smile, before turning to walk off.

"WAIT!" I looked up and turned around, 

"Did...... I say anything last night.... you know..." About Minhyuk hurting you? About you kissing him? About you loving him? 

"Nope, not at all." 

"Oh what a relief, thank you again Ilhoon, I'll see you tomorrow!" She waved and shut her door, I waved till her door completely shut, then my smile fell along with my hands, "Fun..... what fun could I have when you were with him." I sighed, and left the building, back to the dorm. 

A/N: HI GUYSSSSS. As promised, I updated!^^ So all of you are going "WHERE'S ILHOON" so yes HE'S HERE LMAO HAHAHAHAH. Anyways, how is this chapter?:-) Things are going to get even crazier from here as all of you can see. I'll try to update again tomorrow, since we don't have school till Monday since its a National Holiday in Singapore:-)))) omg 121 SUBBIES IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE. Omg thank you<3 <3<3 You guys are the best, and are really my motivation to write ^^ Do continue to comment, subscribe and upvote, till next time~!

 ( I miss BTOB, SO DAMN MUCH, don't you all too??)

((on a side note, I'm super sad cause BAP is performing in SG in 2 hours and I'm not going /cries a waterfall/))



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful