Seoul, Here I Come.

Am I Good Enough Now?

After tieing up the loose ends in school and purchasing my plane ticket, I was off to Seoul tomorrow, I sighed at the thought of leaving this place. My friends, family, most importantly returning to Seoul, a place I could say, had many undesired memories. I wonder if my real parents are doing fine.

Yes, the parents I'm living with now aren't my real parents, they took me in when I was 9 and brought me to Chicago.

Memories started flashing in my head, my life playing like an open book. From the times when I was a child, well I didn't have many memories. I spent most of my life going form school, to home, alone, well with the maids. I practically never saw them, always overseas, always not home. I was lonely, but it seemed normal. Thinking and thinking, I started drifting off into dreamland….

"Honey, she's just an additional burden, we can't let this continue."

"I know what you mean, but she's barely 9, how much can she do alone?"

"She's of no use, it doesn't matter! Throw her into an orphanage, she was an accidental child anyways."

Tears started streaming my face as I stood at the doorstep of my parent's room. In one hand, my favourite teddy bear, my test paper, in the other. I got a perfect score and really wanted them to see it, and they were finally home in sight after 3 months. I dropped the paper onto the ground, causing my parents to turn around and look at me in utter shock. I ran away, grabbing my teddy bear harder than ever, till I reached the attic. It was a secret place no one knew of, well no one bothered coming to at least. I hosted my own tea parties with my friends, well better known as soft toys. I could hear my name being called out as people shuffled up and down the stairs, looking for me, well, mainly the maids, my parents gave up after 5 minutes. 

My parents…… don't want me. I was an accident. My whole life was a mistake. They hate me….. Tears welled up in my eyes once again, why? I always thought they were just too busy, but why did they not want me? Soon, i dozed off in tears of what just happened to me.



I woke up to see the sun starting to rise, the wind blowing in my face, maple leaves falling out my window, wow I love Autumn. I looked at my pillow, it was soaking wet. Sigh, it happens whenever I get that dream. Except that wasn't a dream, it was a replay of my past. I went to the washroom and looked at my tear smeared face, I quickly splashed running water on my face. "Its over. Today is a good day. Today is D-DAY." I smiled to myself at the thought of meeting Minhyuk today, it was here!!! 

I quickly took a shower and changed into a comfortable and warm piece of clothing, I heard the weather in Seoul was cooler than Chicago now. I looked back at everything around me for one last time, this was it. I sighed as I closed the door of my house, I wonder when I'll be able to come back here.

Goodbyes were always the hardest, this one was no exception.

I hugged my parents tight and looked at my mom, who was teary-eyed. "Don't worry, i'll video call you guys whenever I can, and send pictures. I'm a big girl now, you guys don't need to worry about me." I gave them an assuring smile, in return getting a proud nod from them. My friends were there too, "OHHH I'M GOING TO MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!" I screamed as we gathered for a group hug. "Don't you forget us!" "Remember to call us!" "Since we managed to accept the new you, I'm sure Minhyuk will too!" I chuckled at the last statement, he will, right? Soon I had to go into the plane. I turned to look at my loved ones one more time as I stepped past the doors, waving to them with a grin before the doors closed shut.

I sank in my seat as tears started to fill my eyes. Was this going to be worth it? I thought to myself. I started listening to my iPod as the plane took off. Second Confession was ringing through my ears as I hummed to the tune. 

~"I am going to find her again, will she now, accept my heart?"~

"Minhyuk, I'm going to find you again, will you accept my heart?"

I looked out the window, Chicago started to look smaller and smaller by the second, Goodbye Chicago, Seoul, Here I come.

Author's Note: YAY second chapter is up!(= How was it? YAY 5 subbies!! THANK YOU SO MUCH<3 I'm really thankful! Do comment too so I can improve(= I wanted to double update today but I kept losing the file and ended up writing this chapter 3 times)= and its 2:05am here now! OOPS. I'll double update tomorrow! I promise! 

How is the poster? I know I said I will update once the poster is up but I couldn't wait I tried to come up with one myself=P

FINALLY.. BTOB will appear from the next chapter onwards>< Sorry it took so long! But her past is pretty important for what I have planned out in the future(=

Hope this chapter isn't too short I'm sorry if it is D= Look forward to tomorrow! Do subscribe and comment!~

Till next time!



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful