Coffee Date?

Am I Good Enough Now?


I peeped into the practice room slowly, I haven't spoken with Ilhoon since I ran off yesterday, I was really embarrassed, he must be thinking something is extremely wrong with me sigh. It was close to midnight, I was in the recording studio for vocal practice so I couldn't come down...

I wonder if Ilhoon is still waiting for me.

"Ilhoon ah?" I whispered.


He must have left, I felt somewhat sad he wasn't here, but I have no right to feel that way. I walked to the benches behind the cupboard to place down my things and my eyes widened in shock.

Ilhoon was lying across the benches, fast asleep. He was curled up and his hands were hugging his sides, ah, he must be cold. I took off my coat and covered him with it, and saw him stir and snuggle a little, he looked just like a kid. I bent down and looked at him closely, his bangs were getting long and covered his eyes, and his mouth was pursed together, cutely. My fingers unknowingly rose as I brushed away his bangs slowly revealing his closed eyes, his eyebags evident. He must be so exhausted, yet he's doing this for me, why? 

Ilhoon suddenly opened his eyes, causing me to jump back in shock.

"Am I that attractive?" He smirked. My cheeks started to burn up as I quickly stood up and dusted myself from falling on the dirty floor in the corner. 

He let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes before getting up, and I started to stretch, afraid to meet his eyes.

"I suppose this is yours? Thanks." I turned around and saw him hand me my jacket that i placed on him just now, he flashed me a wide smile. 

I slowly took it from him, "Oh.. yeah it is, thanks.." I walked past him to place my jacket down with my things, 100% sure he was going to ask me something about yesterday next, I started to mentally prepare myself.

"Aigoo, Yeon Seo Ssi you're like a snail, let's start practice!" 

I turned around, in shock, but he shot me an understanding smile, as though he was trying to tell me not to worry about yesterday. I immediately the music and we started to practice. 


"Oops oops oops oops -"

~*I want you back baby, I swear its true, won't ever make them jealous I'll make them jealous of you*~

My ears immediately perked up, wasn't that Peniel's part in Second Confession? 

"Give me a sec!" Yeon Seo ran over and pulled out her phone and picked up the call, what Peniel's voice was her freaking ringtone?! How serious can this couple get?


"oh, no its no problem!"

"Okay bye!"

Yeon Seo hung up and started to pack her things, 

"Hey where are you going we're not done!!" I started to whine, how could she leave like that? We weren't even into half an hour of practice yet.

"Ya Ilhoon Ssi, do you want to follow me to the nearby cafe?" She stood up and turned to face me.

"Me? The cafe?" She nodded, crossing her arms, waiting for an answer.

"Hehe just the two of us? Like a coffee date?" I gave her a cheeky grin.

"Oh boy, I'm out of here." She rolled her eyes, grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

Wait. Wait what.

"Yeon Seo Ssi!! WAIT UP!!!!" I grabbed my things from the side and ran out of the room.

"YA!" I placed my hand on her shoulder panting, she walks fast, really fast. 

Everyone around us started to look at us, I guess I attracted a bit too much attention............

In a matter of seconds she started to walk, again.

I chased her till we got out of the building. "YAAAA. We're not in CUBE anymore can't you wait up!!" I yelled.

Finally she stopped in her tracks, "Fine, but don't ever do that in CUBE again, got it?" I nodded like an obedient puppy, and she returned with a smile. I skipped up to her and we started to walk to the cafe, talking about weird things.

I pushed open the door of the cafe, the fresh aroma of espresso and americano filling the place, ahhh, its been a while since I had a coffee.

"Oh!" I heard Yeon Seo say in english as she dashed towards a seat in the corner, without knowing why, I followed her, but to my surprise, I see Peniel and Sungjae there.

"HYUNG?" Sungjae's eyes widened in shock.

"Ya, why are you guys both here?!" I asked, slightly mad.

"What do you mean? I called Yeon Seo out to join us!" Peniel raised an eyebrow at me.

"Huh who what where I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST GOING TO BE THE TWO OF US!!" I slapped Yeon Seo's arm, who was giggling non-stop.

"Well, I never actually said that..." Yeon Seo replied slowly..

"Yeon Seo ah! Are you free now? Sungjae and I are done with our schedules, and we were thinking if you wanted to go for coffee!"


"Haha yeah, oh is this a wrong time? Sungjae kinda wanted to apologise.................."

"oh, no its no problem!"

"Okay so we'll see you at the nearby cafe in 20?"

"Okay bye!"

My face reddened in embarrassment as she told me what happened. "Oh heh, mian guys.." I said slowly.

"HAHA Hyung its okay! Come on you can join us too I guess!" Sungjae said and patted the seat infront.

"I'll go order the drinks, what do you guys want?" Yeon Seo stood up.

"Hot Cinnamon Coffee for this gentleman here." Peniel pointed at Sungjae, I rolled my eyes at their lovey doveyness, sometimes I wondered if they were a couple.

"And a-"

"Americano for you, of course." Yeon Seo smiled at Peniel.

"Wahh you really know me well! Yeon Seo JJANG!" Peniel raised his thumbs at Yeon Seo, who just laughed. She was always happy around Peniel..

"And you?" I looked up and saw Yeon Seo looking right down at me, making me nervous, somehow.

"Ah, I'll go with you! I don't really know what I want yet, heh." 

"Suits yourself!" I stood up and followed her to the counter.

It was our turn next, and Yeon Seo suddenly nudged me, "Hey, have you decided yet?" 

"Ah, um, give me one Mocha frappe!" I quickly said. 

"Iced coffee during winter? Are you joking?" She gave me a weird face. Ugh I mentally facepalmed myself, how much more embarrassing can you get Ilhoon ah. "Haha I'm just joking, give me one Americano too!" I tried to laugh it off, she laughed too, turning to order our drinks.

We went back after buying our drinks and we all sat down and started to chat, surprisingly, it wasn't as awkward as I thought.

"Yeon Seo noona!" Sungjae suddenly said,

"Mm Sungjae ah?"

"I.... I'm sorry for what happened the last time............errrr........." Sungjae mumbled as he fumbled with the stirrer of his drink.

"Sungjae ah." Sungjae looked up with guilt. "Its alright! It was all a misunderstanding! Don't worry!" Yeon Seo gave him a wink.

"What happened?" I blurted out.

"Oh um well, we kind of had a misunderstanding when we first met ha ha ha ha ha ha." Yeon Seo said slowly.

"Ah, yeah, but I found out she was Peniel's friend so its all over!" Sungjae smiled awkwardly.

"Right......." I said, something was definitely up.

"Noona!" Sungjae tried to lift the awkwardness, "What drink did you buy?"

"Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra chocolate chips and milk!" Yeon Seo replied and sipped her drink.

"Ya! I just realised your drink is cold too!" I pointed out at her, she was taken aback at first, but replied, "Heh ohya, but it became a habit to drink this!" 

"Its funny, you drink the exact weird drink as Minhyuk Hyung does!" Sungjae pointed out.

I saw both Yeon Seo and Peniel freeze in their place. Peniel slowly raised his eyes to Yeon Seo, who continued to look at her drink. Why does she react like this whenever Minhyuk is mentioned? 

"Oh.. oh really? HAHA well we must have some really weird thinking then! I thought this was one of a kind!" Yeon Seo replied jokingly, just like yesterday.

"Hey that was what Hyung said too! He always said his kind of drink was one of a kind and it was specially created." Sungjae replied innocently, but I saw Yeon Seo's eyeballs start to water.

"Oh.. he said that?" She managed to cough out.

"Mm I-" Sungjae was shut up ((finally)) when Peniel nudged him. Sungjae then realised Yeon Seo was really silent, looking down.

"Noona are you okay did I say something wrong??" Sungjae asked as he grabbed her hands.

"Ani, Sungjae ah, the cold from the drink is just making me feel unwell thats all, hey guys, do you think I can leave first? I have training tomorrow and I think I should rest I'm scared I fall ill." Yeon Seo looked up and asked with a smile.

"Okay, rest well noona!!" Sungjae waved bye and Yeon Seo did the same. 

"Yeon Seo, I'll call you later okay?" Peniel said in english, Yeon Seo just nodded. With that, she left the cafe.


I picked up my things and quickly left the cafe, tears starting to run down my face. I felt so lost, my vision got blurry. I just started to walk aimlessly. I crossed the road, I think, I didn't know where I was headed. All I knew was that my heart was exploding with hurt and I didn't know what to do, the thoughts of Minhyuk just hurt me, hard. 

"BEEEEEEEP" I heard the loud honking of a truck.

I turned to the direction of the sound, and saw a truck coming right at me, was I going to die? I was shocked, I couldn't move.

Suddenly, I got shoved over. 

I opened my eyes, and saw Ilhoon beneath me, panting really hard.


Realising what I just did, tears started to come once again.

"I...I'm so..rry.. I.." 

I suddenly felt a warm embrace around me, Ilhoon hugged me, tight, and something about it felt really right, it wasn't awkward, it felt really comforting.

"Sssh, don't say anything. Yeon Seo ah, I don't know what's going on, but don't do that again okay? I'm sorry I got mad.. I didn't mean to. Don't cause me to always be worried about you, I don't know what to do if something happened to you.." Ilhoon whispered into my ear.

I nodded and buried my face into his chest, as he continued to pat my back, enjoying his embrace. After a while, he let go and looked at me, "Its getting late, I'll walk you back to your dorm alright?" He smiled. 

I nodded, but I couldn't budge. 

"Ya, come here." He grabbed my arm and dragged me back home.

A/N: HI GUYSSSS. YAY AN UPDATE! How was it? Its such a bipolar chapter isn't it? Sad happy sad happy sad HAHAHHAHAHAHA. I hope this chapter is good though, I spent 1.5 hours writing it but idk))= I'm really excited to write now since my fic is kind of gonna hit the in about 5-6 chapters I hope? I don't want it to end too fast honestly)= I really really really love writing this fic!=) OMG 58 SUBBIES YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST.

I really don't know how to thank you guys T_T It makes me really happy to see people liking my story((= Hehe do continue to comment, subscribe and upvote if you like my story!! 

Till next time~!

(anyone saw this boy's twitter update omg my feels T_T)

(pretty sungjae for all of you since he appeared quite a lot in this chapter heh^^)




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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful