Sunday with Peniel.

Am I Good Enough Now?


It was another usual Saturday night, and I was in the practice room for practice. Hmm was Ilhoon going to come today? I practiced, with somewhat a bit of anticipation inside of me. After an hour, he didn't show up. Hah, as expected! I grabbed my things and left the practice room, as I started to leave, I saw BTOB enter the CUBE building, I quickened my pace and went past them,

"Yeon Seo..." I heard him whisper, but I ignored it and left the building.


We finally ended our schedules and were down for some training, we entered the company building and I saw her. Her hiding her gorgeous face under that cap. We had a second of eye contact, before she quickened her pace. "Yeon seo.." Her name escaped from my lips, but she just left the building. I know she heard me. I turned around, wanting to go after her. I don't know why but I just did. I was about to go when, "Ilhoon, let's go for practice? What are you looking at?" "Oh, um nothing Peniel Hyung, let's go." I followed the members into the vocal training room, with regretful feelings ringing through me.


We ended our schedules finally! The schedules are getting less since our promotion ended, it feels good to have a breather now. We entered CUBE and I saw Yeon Seo, hair tucked under her cap as she walked towards the exit of the building. I saw her suddenly quicken her pace, I was about to call her but I suddenly heard someone call her instead, "Yeon Seo..." I turned around and saw Ilhoon look at Yeon Seo as she pushed the doors and left the building. Ilhoon knows Yeon Seo? I thought the last they met was the first time they met? I saw the members start to leave for the vocal room, when I saw Ilhoon about to head for the other direction, not to go after Yeon Seo right? Hmmm. What's up between both of them?  "Ilhoon, let's go for practice? What are you looking at?" I asked cautiously, "Oh, um nothing Peniel Hyung, let's go." Well thats weird, I decided not to press him for anything, and we headed for vocal practice.


~*I want you back baby, I swear its true, won't ever make them jealous I'll make them jealous of you*~

I opened my eyes slowly, ugh it was my sleep-in-Sunday! I picked up my phone lazily, "Yeah Peniel?" That was my ringtone for him, yes his part in Second Confession.

"Yeon Seo!! Are you free like now??" He sounded really excited.

"Well, is being in bed counted?" I yawned as I replied.

"Oops sorry did I wake you up!"


"Heh, I'm sorry!! I finally got a free day and I know the trainees have their Sundays off too! I was thinking we should go out!" 

You checked the time, "09:25". You sighed. "Alright, but give me some time to get ready?"

"Okay, I'll pick you at 11? Is that okay?" 

"Mm alright, see you!" I said lazily as I hung up the phone. I could finally be MYSELF today, its been so long. I started to flip through my closet, throwing aside all the training suits and plain tops. After much searching, I finally found the perfect outfit.

Right when I was done, my phone started to ring again.

"Alright alright I'm coming!" I quickly ran to put on my boots and went out of the house. I saw Peniel standing at the entrance of my apartment, dressed in a Black coat with khaki coloured pants, of course with a hat and shades to hide his identity. "You look amazing Yeon Seo!" He immediately took my hand and brought me to his car parked by the road. After settling into the car, he started to drive off excitedly. "You look good yourself too Peniel, its been a while hasn't it!" I heard him laugh, "Definitely!! I'm so excited!" We started to chat about well anything and everything, I swear both of us just won't ever keep our mouth shut.

After about 30 minutes, he finally stopped the car. "Oh where are we?" I asked looking outside, it was a pretty crowded place, I couldn't even see much cause of the people. "Hongdae!!! Its a really good place to shop! Come on!" We got out of the car and started to go around the shops. Peniel brought me around to almost every shop, and bought me a lot a lot of clothing, I felt really bad, cause he kept paying for everything. I really need to bring more money with me next time.. We then entered a CD shop, I saw the rows of kpop albums infront of me and my eyes couldn't help but beam, of course, albums are sold in Chicago, but how often would you see big racks of them with all kinds of albums in countless number infront of you. You spot VIXX's "Hyde" album on the rack and immediately picked it up, "AHHHH VIXX!!" I couldn't help but start to jump in the middle of the store. "So you turned into a fangirl over these 3 years eh?" Peniel couldn't help but at laugh at me spazzing. "YESSSS I like so many bands, Oh right!! PENIEL BTOB IS CLOSE WITH VIXX RIGHTTTTTT" I started to nudge him, sending crazy winks at him. "Oh oh oh oh alright stop that I can't stand your aegyo!! Autograph?" "YOU'RE THE BEST!!!" I hugged him on the spot, getting many stares from people around us. "Skinship isn't exactly normal around here Yeon Seo..." He whispered to me. "Oh right, noted!" We quickly paid for my album before continuing to shop.

Before we knew it, it was already 6pm. We quickly settled down at a Korean restaurant for dinner, famished from all the walking all day. We had meat, lots of meat, it was super yummy, I haven't had such a good meal since I came to Seoul! 

After dinner, we went to the nearby cafe by CUBE for some coffee, which finally, I paid for. We sat at a side in the cafe. Peniel drank into his warm espresso before sighing. "What's up? Why the sigh?" I asked curiously as I sipped my drink. He looked at the time, "Now its 20:30, I have training at 21:30 sigh." He frowned.

"Training? I thought you guys just ended promotions?" 

"Yeah but since we have time, they want us to brush up on our skills so we have been having training all week till late hours like everynight I......" WAIT ALL WEEK? EVERY NIGHT? LATE HOURS? My attention towards Peniel diverted to why Ilhoon didn't appear for the past few nights... no it couldn't be.


After saying goodbye to Peniel I went back to the dorm and got ready for bed, I wanted to go for an early jog tomorrow so I decided to sleep earlier. I lay in bed and recalled what happened at the cafe, oh gosh what should I do now...

"Yeah but since we have time, they want us to brush up on our skills so we have been having training all week till late hours like everynight I......" WAIT ALL WEEK? EVERY NIGHT? LATE HOURS? My attention towards Peniel diverted to why Ilhoon didn't appear for the past few nights... no it couldn't be.

"Helloooo?? Earth to Yeon Seo are you with me??" Peniel waved his hands infront of me.

"Oh yeah, um Peniel, you mean training, as in ALL the members?" 

"Oh yeah, they totally banned the whole going out at night thing for a while and replaced it with training to keep us all busy." 

"Why did they suddenly?"

"Oh cause Ilhoon didn't come home all night a few days ago and even came late before our schedule, I mean not late, but we all agree to get redy from 1.5 hours earlier, its a pretty strict rule. He said he was caught up in practice, but it never happened before." Peniel continued to drink his coffee and my mind wandered off.

So he was late because of me? And now he is stuck in training every night along with the other members because of me? 

You thought of what Ilhoon told you on Friday night, 

"I came here for you, and you ignore me? I did not do anything to deserve this from you!" 

Argh he really didn't do anything, and after getting him in trouble, I ignored him, what do I do now? Should I tell him? Thats the only way I can apologise, but no what will he do if he found out? Sigh, I'll ask Peniel for advice tomorrow or something. My eyelids started to shut as I drifted off to sleep, Ilhoon I'm sorry.......

A/N: HI GUYS!! I'm back with an update!(= So the truth is out! Honestly, I didn't want the story to go this fast, but oh well/= But how is it? 31 Subbies and 2 upvotes T___T Guys thank you so much!!! Thank you for all the support for this story *90 degree bow* Minhyuk won't be appearing for a while, at least no drama yet hehe. Oh but who do you guys want Yeon Seo to end up with? Do comment! And subscribe and upvote if you like this story^^

Till next time~!


((Did any of you see BTOB as Men In Black members in Monstar??? Oh gosh they all look so hot!! I want them to comeback with these hairstyles ;A;))



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful