
Am I Good Enough Now?

You breathed in the fresh cool air blowing against your face as the airport doors opened infront of you. Seoul, its been a while. I looked around, there was supposed to be a man with a card that says "CUBE" waiting for me.. Where is he..... Oh! There he is! You walked up to a man in his 30s, "Hi there, I'm Park Yeon Seo, are you the staff from CUBE I should be looking for?" He gave me a weird look, but nodded. My Korean must sound so weird here, well, I didn't speak Korean as often and got an accent in Chicago, point noted on "things I should work on." 

I looked out the window as the staff, who told me to address him as "Jong Hwan", drove me to the company to settle some admin stuff. Seoul changed so much, everything looked so... new. We drove past the Han River, wow, the view was definitely breathtaking. I heard that people go there when they need a breather, now I know why. Exhausted from the long plane ride, I started to drift off into sleep once again..



"Hyung, why are there so many new people walking around today? I was wondering if I walked into the correct building when I came to practice this morning!" Sung Jae screamed across the room to Eun Kwang, who was way too focused on playing with his iPad to even hear his question.

"HYUNG! HYUNG! HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!" Sungjae started to get impatient, picking up the first thing he saw, which was the TV Remote, and flung it in Eunkwang's direction. Eunkwang jumped when the control hit his arm, flinging his iPad across the practice room, causing members to burst out in laughter, this wasn't the first time it happened, Eunkwang really needed to cut that habit of throwing things due to fright. "YA WHAT! YOU MADE ME LOSE MY GAME!" Eunkwang whined as he stood up to pick up his iPad.

"What did you ask me!"

"I asked why there are so many newbies around today!"

"Today is the day the new trainees come in, and I want you to help them along when you guys are in the building alright? Some of them are from foreign countries, like Singapore, Thailand, and Chicago." Our manager said as he came into the room and gave us our lunches. Peniel immediately looked up at the word 'Chicago', "Chicago?? Really! Who!! How many of them!!" Unlike Minhyuk, Peniel's parents remained in Chicago when he came to train, so he definitely missed Chicago much more than Minhyuk ever would. "Hmmm one of them is from Chicago! I'm not sure of her name though!" 


Omg finally someone from Chicago, Minhyuk has completely adapted to Korea, it was like he never lived in Chicago at all. I hope she's nice.


The car jerked hard, stirring me out of my sleep. I realised we had reached the company building. I quickly bun up my long hair that was falling down to my waist, and hid my head with a duck cap, wanting to hide my identity, so I can surprise them. Once I was sure I could not be identified, I got out of the car and went into the building.

After handling the administrative work, and receiving my training schedule, night had already fallen and I am going to be taken to your dorm. With the duck cap on, vision was pretty limited, and suddenly, I bumped into someone's hard chest.........


It was really late by the time you got to your dorm, surprsingly, I was living alone. It was big and spacious, but definitely lonely. I immediately threw yourself onto the bed, wiped out from today's events. Your training was going to start tomorrow from 6 in the morning, and jet lag was still killing you all over.

Sigh....... he didn't even recognise me. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. 

"Ouch." I bumped into someone's hard chest while walking out of the building. I looked up and to my shock, it was Minhyuk.

"Minhyuk..." I couldn't help but call out his name. Its been so long. 

"Can you please watch where you are going? If that stupid cap is blocking your view, don't wear it next time!" MInhyuk spat at me, before rushing off into one of the rooms nearby.

Maybe its cause I look different. Definitely. He couldn't have forgotten you, 3 years.... its not that long. I told myself. My eyelids started to droop once again as I fell asleep from a exhausting day.


Author's Note:

GUYS I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT UPDATE T__T And I realised there was a bit more before I could add in BTOB! In the next update, we will fast forward a few months as Yeon Seo trains in CUBE, then more things will happen! And I know this encounter doesn't seem important now, but trust me, it will in the future:-) I wanted to double update but I realised I have intensive classes tomorrow and since my exams just ended, that makes me so mad :< PLEASE STAY WITH ME GUYS I have so many ideas that I want to type out! My holidays are coming and I can update even more than too! 8 SUBBIES. I am so thankful<3 Do comment and subscribe~ I'll be back tomorrow:-)


Till then~



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Chapter 53: Great story! I loved it very much! <3
nice story ^^
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 53: Hha , i love ths stry . Jung Ilhoon ahhhh ... good job
Chapter 54: haha i like how they end up together after such a pain . after all you did a good job . ilhoon ah is such a cute guy haha . i love this story so much :))
Chapter 52: It took me a while, but I finished this all in one day! Gosh, this was such an amazing read! Im so glad in the end after A LOOONNNGGG wait, ilhoon finally ended up wit Yeon Seo and they are like happily ever after! ♥
Chapter 24: Wait wait wai, i know i'm late but what happened with btob? What issues?
Chapter 11: Yey she talked to one of the btob member good for her xD
Chapter 9: is peneil and sungjae together ??
Chapter 6: Ommo ilhoon xo
Chapter 54: It's so beautiful