
How it started

you's POV

Ugh! I hate this! Not being able to visit my buddy who's in a coma. My boss won't give me a day off not yet at least. I'm an idiot for wasting that week off I took to visit my cousin who lives out of town. Now I'm stuck here!
"Hey! Are you listening to me, you?" My boss asked
"Huh? Oh! Um... Yes?" I wonder what he was saying.
"you I said your phone is ringing. Answer it and we'll talk later ok?" Wow he is nice too nice. What does he want this time.
"Yeah. Sure ok boss." I said exiting the room answering the call without checking the caller id. "hello?"
"you what took you so long to answer?"
"Hyo what do you want this time?"
"Is this how you speak to your buddy who misses you? You don't love me anymore?"
Hyo please stop with the crying I know you are faking it. And I was getting scolded by the itiod boss of mine for dozing off. You missing me as if you are surely mistaking me with your Seohyun. I don't love you idiot Seohyun loves you! I love my Sunny Bunny!"
"Ok forgiven and true we love each other very much. Anyway I called to see if you can visit your other buddy she is finally awake!"
"WHAT! Yuri is like finally awake?"
"Don't yell and yes that kkab is back and wants to see you."
"I'll see what I can do and tell HER that I miss and love HER."
you're a meanie but ok. I'm so telling Sunny about this."
"Hyo I've got to go need to finish talking with my boss. Ugh! Don't you dare tell my Bunny anything!"
"Yeah sure hope you visit her or us soon. Bye!"
"Ok I'll try and bye idiot take care." Guess I better get back
"Um... Boss can I come in?"

"If you are done with your call then yes you."
"Yes I'm done with it I guess..." I mumbled trying get comfortable in this chair for what seems is going to be like hours of talking from this idiotic boss of mine.
"So I'll start from the beginning this time please pay attention you." Yeah see I know this would happen. I'm bored to hell here and it's just starting. "I'm going to shorten the whole discussion with you since you are way to distracted. You've been one of my best employees so far. You remember that I said I wanted to open a club close to where your two dear friends live right? Well I just found the perfect location but want you to see if its ok? I mean you've been here longer than any other employee. So will you go check it out tomorrow? I'll give you a week off if you do." Aha! I knew it! Wait did I just here right a week off for just checking this place out?
"Um... Boss did I hear you right?"
"Yes a week off if you do me this little bitty favor."
"Ok I guess I could do it but why me?"
"Now I know why your friends say you're an idiot! I told you I trust your judgement since you have been with me for what 3? 4? Years? So you know what I like"
"I am not an idiot! And it's about 2 years going to 3 dad I mean sir."
"Ok see you have been working under me since I started."
"Boss I have not or will ever be under or on top of you! I love my life to get with a married man."
"Idiot! I said 'working under me' not 'under me'. Sometimes you worry me you. Did you hit yourself on the hear when you were little?"
"Hehehe... I'm sorry boss. Forgive this idiot employee of yours?" ! Did I just state I'm an idiot? Oh! Hyo would die of laughter right now.
"Really you agree that you are an idiot?"
"It sort of came out boss. Ok I'll go to the place you told me just give me the address."
"Yay! I mean here's the address you can leave early from work today. So go and have fun. Bye!" I was about to leave when "oh and tell your mom I'll be back home around 1 am."
"Ok whatever you say dad! I mean boss. I mean... Ugh! Forget it I'm out!" Why didn't I continue studying? Oh right mom decided I should work here to get experience. Stupid dad making me work from the bottom up!


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ArdhytSM #1
Chapter 1: same likeh @idunnoyui... my face just like ._________________. when i read the first chapter..............
idunnoyui #2
Chapter 2: My face was just like ._. when I read the first chapter.... great story btw, hope you update soon
Fanfourlife #3
Chapter 43: Hey I see me
Chapter 76: update soon please
CullenCrest1000 #5
Chapter 1: Great story, author :)
bambam88 #6
Chapter 74: did i really saw my name on few chapters? is it an error? or it's just me?? hahaha. btw, love this story! ^^ keep updating author! ^^
NarniaNew #7
Chapter 74: just found this...
Chapter 74: update soon please