Yuri accident 2/?

How it started

"Why did I give Sunny my apartment phone number again? Pany can you reach the phone. That Sunny is so gonna get it! Interrupting us." I can see my Taetae is a little annoyed.

"Taetae do I have to? I'm so comfortable right now if I move I'll lose this feeling." I really enjoy being in her arms. I can't believe we did it. Well I know I started it and she might've stopped me but its nice knowing that she also wanted it.
"Pany! Please pass me the phone. Now I remembered why I gave it to her. Something must've happened back at the dorm."
"Ok but you're gonna have to make it up to me!" I said seductively while making my way to get the phone that happened to be next to the the closet. " Taetae you better not be checking me out again!"
"But Pany I love everything about you! Your gorgeous body is a plus!"
Do you really want me to go to my room?"
"Only if I can go with you?"
"Yah! That's it Kim Taeyeon! You are sleeping alone! Here catch your phone!" I said throwing the phone to her and making my way out of the room. "Don't even think of entering my room! This is your punishment!"
"But Pany I want to sleep with you!" I noticed that she was starting to pout. No Tiffany you must resist that cute and adorable pout! Don't give in! Fight it! Ok I can't she is just to irresistible to not be able to give in! "Yes! My Pany is going to sleep with me!"
"Shut up! Are you really older than me? You act like a kid every time I try to deny you something! Taetae just once don't be so childish!" I noticed that she was now sad. Don't pout. Don't pout. Oh my god! Why did you have to pout! "Ok I'm sorry Taetae just answer the phone."
"I won! Ok let me answer ok so be very quiet. -hello?... What's the big idea of interrupting my time with my Pany?... Wait Yul's missing? How could you lose her! She was there when I left... Yoona said that? Why that little... -ouch! Why did you smack me?- no not you Sunny. I'm talking to my Miyoung... -ouch! Really are you even sure you love me?- no idiot not you I'm talking to Mi-- Tiffany! -you smack me again and I won't give your special protection- again not you Sunny!... Ok if there are any news on Yuri text me cell ok?... You better!... Ok bye."
"Taetae what are you going to do to me?" I asked noticing the smirk she was giving me. "I'm sorry Taetae. I promise to stop hitting you!"
"Oh it's time for a little revenge. Nope I know you won't keep your promises! Now get back here! Don't make me come after you Pany!" I ran out of her room about to make it to my room when she tackled me once again! "Gotcha! Now be a good little Pany and behave! Lets go back to my room."
"No! I don't wanna! Taetae can't you just forget that I smacked you?"
"No it hurts Pany! Stop acting like a kid Pany! No pouting is allowed!" I guess she noticed I was about to pout. "Now let's get you back to my room and into bed."
"No! You tackled me twice! I REALLY hate you right now!" 
"Oh so you hate me? Well let me call Sunny to come here!"
"No don't even dare bring her here! Mostly if you are going to like that!" I said checking her out. "I love your body Taetae!"
"Yah! Don't stare at me! I'm going to put some clothes on! Don't you dare stare at my !"she said trying her best to cover her .
"Taetae you have a lovely ! The best part is that it's all mine. I want to touch it" I said moving closer to her
"Yah! I told you not to look Pany! Don't you dare touch me Pany! I mean it"
"Ok then we'll see who wins!" I said turning around and going to the living room. "Tae tae I will win and I'm going to enjoy touching that of yours!"
"Who turned you into such a Byun?"
"Let's see... My wife is a Byun that enjoys staring at me. Mostly at my and ! Said person can't keep her hands of me for more than 30 minutes. Oh and she is the second shortest of all of us!... Who am I talking about huh?"
"Ok I get it! I turned you into this! Wanna know something?" I nodded and got closer. "I love that you're this way! It's more fun now!"

Hyoyeon's POV
I just texted everyone to meet me at the hospital. I really hope Yul will be ok. I noticed I accidentally sent it to baby Jung. Wel let me call her to explain it was an accidental text.
"Um... Krystal about the text I'm sorry it was meant for Jessica. Anyways where are you and Amber?... Oh so I see enjoying your Amber huh?... Don't worry about your sister she is pretty busy with Soo... Wait! You haven't talked to Jessica for sometime now?... Ok don't worry I won't tell her that you are coming back in two days... Please don't tell her that I told you about her and Soo... Tell Amber I said hi!... Well I leave you now I have to contact TaeNy!... Yeah those to got together too... Bye Krys! Take care of yourself and Amber ok?... Bye now see you in two days."
"What Jessica doesn't know won't kill her right? Now to get a hold of my dorky leader!" Stupid Taeyeon for not answering the phone! Lets try Tiffany's. "I really hope you and---"
"Really Taeyeon answering Tiffany's phone yet you don't answer yours?"
"It's not my fault! Pany won't give me my phone! -Pany will you stop smacking me! It's getting annoying- Hyo if I suffer from brain loss you know where it start--- -I told you to quit it! That's it I'm going to my room! Is this the thanks I get for trying to be nice to you? Don't you dare pout! *sigh ok Pany I'm sorry for what I did a while ago even though I know you liked it!- what was it that you were gonna tell me Hyo?"
"Oh right! Yul had an accident and is on the way to the hospital... Yes the one closest to our dorms... Yoona is with her... Can you tell Tiffany to stop laughing? Wait why is she laughing anyways?... Never mind I don't want to know! Just get there fast!"
"Idiot I forgot to tell Seo but she went out." Let me call my Seobaby!
"Hello? Hyo? What happened? -yah! Yonghwa stop trying to kiss me! I'm not your actual wife. It was all for the show!- Hyo? Babe? Answer me!"
"Seo where are you? What did I tell you about going out with that guy? Tell me where you are right now!"
"I'm at the park. I'm sorry babe I should've listened."
"Ok I'll be there super fast. We need to go to the hospital! Yul got into an accident so wait for me! I'll call you when I get there. You called me babe? Did you forgive me already?"
"Hyo I didn't mean to call you babe it just slipped out. No I don't forgive you!"
"What do you what me to do Seobaby? I'll do anything just name it!"
"I want you to be mine Hyo! You reject I won't forgive you! Accept and you are forgiven! Which on is it Hyo?"
"Seo don't you think you're being irrational? I want it to be special for both of us... *sigh ok I have no other choice. I'm all yours Seo! I just hope you're happy!" I tried my best not to let her notice my voice. "I'm here Seo! Let's go!"
"Bye oppa! Thanks for today but I'm with Hyo."
"Hyo babe! Are you ready for later on tonight?"
"I guess I'm ready Seo! Let's go meet the others." I can't believe you made choose Seohyun. Yes I want it but not just because of my mistake. What happened to my innocent Maknae? "Seo are you sure you want to do it tonight?"
"Yes babe I'm positive. Lets go see the girls. Just remember tonight you'll be mine!" I miss the old Seo. My Seo wouldn't make me choose. i miss the caring side of hers. I hate this mess.

The girls were all in the waiting room. Hyoyeon and Yoona were worried about Yuri since they had witnessed the accident. Seohyun was thinking whether or not to forgive Hyoyeon. SooSica were just trying to calm Yoona. TaeNy were with Hyoyeon trying to get any information about what truly happened.
"Hyo please just tell us how it happened?" Taeyeon asked "I need to know so I can tell our manager. You, Seo, Yoona, and Yuri were supposed to go do an interview. I know you might not want to go but do it for us. Hyo just to let you know Yonghwa is also going to be there"
"What? That little f--- -ouch ok sorry Seo. Just don't pinch me again- what I meant to say was why does he have to be there?" Hyoyeon said rubbing the spot where Seohyun just pinched
"Unnie do I really have to go? I'm worried that Hyo will try to kill Yonghwa after what he tried to do." Seohyun said getting the attention of all the members.
"What did he try to do to you Seobaby? Tell us we will make him regret ever being born!" Jessica and Tiffany asked getting ready to go look for him.
"You two calm down and let her explain!" Taeyeon said pulling Tiffany to her while whispering something to her.
"Ok Taetae I'll let her explain but you better keep your promise when we get back to our apartment." Tiffany whispered back to Taeyeon
"So what I was about to say was that he tried to kiss me. Good thing Hyo called. Which reminders me are you ready Hyo? Don't chicken out" Seo said looking directly at Hyoyeon
"I told you already Seo I'd do 'it' even if I truly am not ready. For you I'd do anything. Now please let's focus on the situation at hand." Hyoyeon said breaking eye contact with Seohyun and stared at the floor.
"Hyo are you alright? You seem off for some reason." Sooyoung asked still hugging Jessica.
"I'm alright girls just a bit stressed out I guess. Lets just say its complicated. Don't ask why." Hyo answered not looking at the girls.
Just then the doctor appeared. All the girls were anxious to know how Yuri was.
"Girls you might want to stay seated." The doctor said worrying the girls. "Well we tried our best to heal Yuri's wound. We almost lost her for a minute but brought her back. The thing I'm mostly worried about is that she lost too much blood. She needs a blood transfusion."
"Hyo please do it. I'll wait if I have to. You are the only one that can do it. We don't want to lose Yul. I don't think Yoong would like it if she lost Yul." Seohyun said trying to convince Hyoyeon who was processing everything the doctor had said.
"Girls I... Um... Doctor is this the only way? Don't you have a blood bank?" Hyoyeon asked not looking at the girls.
"look miss Kim in normal circumstances we would do that but right now it's not an option. You see we almost lost her. Who says it won't happen again. I doubt we can bring her back if it happens again."  The doctor explained to Hyoyeon who looked at the girls.
"Ok I guess there's no other way. Just let me talk with Seohyun for 5 minutes please?" Hyoyeon asked the doctor who just nodded and left. The girls left Hyoyeon and Seohyun alone "Look Seobaby I know I made a promise to you and I am intend to keep it so after this is done lets go back to the dorms or wherever you want."
"Hyo you don't have to I know you'll be weak. I can wait until you feel better. It's touching that you're trying to keep that promise but I don't want anything to happen to you." Seohyun said trying to convince Hyoyeon to postpone their little agreement.
"No! I will do it! I'll do it since I want you back! I don't care if anything happens to me. I just can't live without you by my side. So you think about where you want to go after this. I've got to go. I love you Seo." Hyoyeon said going to where the doctor was to do what she said she would to in order to save Yuri.

Taeyeon's POV

Just as Hyo left with the doctor Tippany and I went to talk with Seo about what Hyo and her were talking about after we left the alone. Though I think I know what it it.

"Seo... What exactly did Hyo mean by doing it? Please don't tell me it's what I suspect." Pany asked her while I was paying attention to Seo to see if she would lie or not.
"Unnie... It's just that I um..." I can see she is hesitating which means I was right. Now if only I could figure out if she threatened Hyo. "Ok yes! It's exactly what you're thinking. And to answer Taeyeon-unnie's next question. I might have forced her before coming here."
"Seo why would you force her? I know for a fact that she wanted it to be special. You usually are so calm and never forced any of us to do something. Ok other than drinking our vitamins but that's about it."
"Unnie I don't know what got over me. I never intended to force her. I guess the whole thing with Yonghwa got me stressed out and I took it out on Hyo forcing her to do this. I know I was wrong but now she won't wait. I know I've been hurting her by doing that since she has been been trying to get me to forgive her. Yoona and I came up with this plan to make them extremely jealous. We never thought that it would cause this to happen" Seo tried her best to explain Pany is trying to comfort her. I'm still in shock. How can our innocent Maknae do something as irresponsible as this.
"Taetae are you ok?" Pany asked me "answer me please"
"Um... I guess I'm ok though Seo I'm disappointed in you. I always thought that out of everyone you were the most mature and responsible... I guess I was wrong. Tippany I'm going to check on Hyo and speak with the girls... Oh I almost forgot I also need to tell our manager about this." I said making Seo look at me worriedly. "Seo I meant the whole accident thing. You just try to fix everything with Hyo."
"Ok unnie I'll try my best. Just so you know I truly regret everything." Seo said looking me in the eyes. I can truly see she regrets it.
"I just hope Hyo and Yul will be able to forgive you two. Now I'll leave you two." I said walking to the girls. For Yoona's sake I really hope Yul makes it. I really don't want to lose that kkab or any of my girls for that matter. They make life interesting even if at times I want to kill them.


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ArdhytSM #1
Chapter 1: same likeh @idunnoyui... my face just like ._________________. when i read the first chapter..............
idunnoyui #2
Chapter 2: My face was just like ._. when I read the first chapter.... great story btw, hope you update soon
Fanfourlife #3
Chapter 43: Hey I see me
Chapter 76: update soon please
CullenCrest1000 #5
Chapter 1: Great story, author :)
bambam88 #6
Chapter 74: did i really saw my name on few chapters? is it an error? or it's just me?? hahaha. btw, love this story! ^^ keep updating author! ^^
NarniaNew #7
Chapter 74: just found this...
Chapter 74: update soon please