
How it started
While Yoona was out with Donghae Seo decided to continue texting with Yonghwa.
'Seohyun do you think I can call you'
'Ok no one's here anyways ^^'
'I'll call you now'
"Hello Yonghwa-oppa"
"Hi 'wifey' how are you"
"I'm ok I guess... Just disappointed on someone that made me mad. And you oppa?"
"I'm ok just bored trying to stop thinking about you which is useless. Seohyun did you know you're gorgeous?"
"Yah! Oppa stop saying that. I missed talking to you oppa."
"I know I'm irresistible Seohyun! Anyways want to go out today?"
"Oppa I can't today. Sunny just got back from Japan."
"Oh ok then how about tomorrow? I really want to spend time with my 'wife'"
"I really don't know oppa. I'm busy but I'll try my best. Talk to you Lat--" Seohyun was cut off by Hyoyeon
"Don't you even dare to go out with MY i repeat MY GIRLFRIEND! Don't even call, text, im her! SHE is MINE and ONLY MINE!" Hyoyeon threatened Yonghwa then turned off the cellphone. After that she turned to Seohyun. "And you if I even hear that you were talking to THAT GUY OR ANY GUY I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET IT! Get this through your head YOU ARE MINE!"
"But it was going to be a frie--" she was silenced by Hyo who kissed her roughly at first then slowly turned passionate. Seohyun broke away from the kiss and just stared at her love. "Hyo so how did you feel right now?"
"Don't you dare ask that question babe. You should know how I felt." Hyo said giving a quick peck. "Anyways I have to help Taeyeon cook. Remember my warning babe YOU ARE MINE! Love you Seo!"
"Ok what just happened?" Seohyun asked no one in particular. Was she just jealous? Maybe she was. She raised her hand to touch her lips only to feel pain. "Ouch! Hyo you are going to pay for this. My poor lips are swollen."
Yoona and Seohyun are both in their room since the whole switching rooms happened. None daring to start a conversation. Until they heard a knock on the door.

"Seo do you think you can please open the door. If its Yuri tell her in not here or that I'm asleep." Yoona said as she tried to go to sleep. Since she was worn out due to a surprise invitation by Donghae. Yoona texted him and told him she was feeling sad. He asked her out to go to a new restaurant that had just opened. "Seo I had fun today with Donghae-oppa."

"Yuri-unnie Yoona is asleep. Apparently she is very tired due to her outing with Donghae-oppa. So could you please let her rest. Plus your new room is with Hyo." Seohyun explained to her. Since either way Yuri had heard it.
"WHAT! She went out with HIM! Why? I swear I'll kill that guy! Doesn't she know that he likes her! I'm not losing you Yoong! No matter what you're mine!" Yuri said which made all the girls go see what had happened.
"Yul calm down! It's almost time for dinner and we are trying to prepare something special for Sunny!" Said Hyoyeon and Taeyeon "So please leave the poor girl alone."
"Ok but I'm warning you Yoong you EVER go out with him again and I'll personally make both of your lives miserable! Mostly his but you get the picture. YOU ARE MINE YOONG!" She shouted going back to her new room.
"Um... Should we be careful with her? It seems she has finally lost it!" Sooyoung said
"Let's just keep an eye in her right now Soo. She is just upset by what she heard." Tiffany said while trying to control Taeyeon who wouldn't stop touching her. "Taetae do you really have to do that? Weren't you and Hyo cooking?"
"Yah! Hyo the food how could we forget about it!" Taeyeon said while dragging Hyo to the kitchen "I told you to watch the food you idiot! Pany this is all your fault for distracting me with your gorgeous body!"
"KIM TAEYEON! Don't you dare blame me! You are the one that can't be without me for less than 30 minutes. If you continue acting this way you are not laying a finger on me for a month! This time I mean it!" Hellfany screamed while going to her room. "Just for that you are sleeping in the living room you dork!"
"Pany come on you know I can't sleep without you! A month without touching you really? If so then I'm going to end up either losing my mind or dead due to that punishment. If you aren't going to let me touch you for a month then you might as well kill me!" Taeyeon said knocking on Tiffany's door. "Pany you know I can't live without you! I should've just let Junso do what he wanted to me when I ran into him... Instead of beating him up and calling the police."
"WAIT! you did what?" All the girls asked
"Well he was following me the day Tippany wanted pancakes. He stopped me when I was on my way back dragging me to an alley. I looked around for something to defend myself only to find a glass bottle close to where I was backing into. He asked me one more time to go with him nicely or he would start touching me again. I agreed but had stepped on my shoelace on purpose. I kneeled down to tie my shoelace. When he turned around I hit him with the bottle, beat him up, called the cops, got the groceries I had bought and made my way here! There happy now you know why that day I was smiling. I got my revenge! Hyo ask Sunny to help you cook please I'm going out. I can't stand it in here!" 
"Yeah ok I'll tell her. Taeyeon be careful please. Come back in 15 minutes ok?" 
"Ok don't worry I'm just going to a place I found that day. Bye girls"
"I-I-I-I can't believe it! My Taetae beat him up! I remember hearing something about it on the tv but would've never thought.. I'll be back!" Tiffany said running after Taeyeon.
"Ok let's get cooking and getting everything ready for dinner!" Hyo said going back to check on the food. "Girls please tell the rest that dinners almost ready and tell Seo... Never mind I'll do that later."
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ArdhytSM #1
Chapter 1: same likeh @idunnoyui... my face just like ._________________. when i read the first chapter..............
idunnoyui #2
Chapter 2: My face was just like ._. when I read the first chapter.... great story btw, hope you update soon
Fanfourlife #3
Chapter 43: Hey I see me
Chapter 76: update soon please
CullenCrest1000 #5
Chapter 1: Great story, author :)
bambam88 #6
Chapter 74: did i really saw my name on few chapters? is it an error? or it's just me?? hahaha. btw, love this story! ^^ keep updating author! ^^
NarniaNew #7
Chapter 74: just found this...
Chapter 74: update soon please