A jealous Tiffany and Yoona

How it started

Tiffany's POV

We ended up following them everywhere. They looked happy together. It was tearing Yoona and me apart. I would've never thought that Taetae and Yuri would play us like this. Did she even mean it when she said that she loved me?
"Unnie what's wrong? What are you crying?"I didn't even notice I'm crying. "Let's face them now I can't take it anymore!"
"Yeah let's go" I seriously am jealous. What does Yuri have that I don't? "Yoona you should go. I'm not even dating Taeyeon even If that's what I want. I'm a fool to think that she loved me. I'll wait for you in that bench over there. Look for me after you're done. Ok?"
"Ok unnie!" I hate that I love you Taetae.
"I'm an idiot! I should've told her earlier how I felt. I don't belong here. I should go back to the states. I'm going to quit all this. I never want to come back here again!"
"Pany don't quit. I need you here. You are important to all of us to me!" Yeah like I would believe you.
"Why would I be important to you huh? Didn't you say you loved Yuri! Go to her! Wanna know something that truly is worse. I love you Taeyeon! I was confused for a while but I guess you played with me. I'm sorry for everything I caused you. You won't have to see me again. Be happy with whoever you choose. I need to tell the girls that I'm out of the group. Bye!" I was about to run out of here when i felt her grab my wrist. "Let me go Kim Taeyeon!"
"Please let me explain. It's a misunderstanding. I was playing a prank on Yoona. That's why I had to use Yuri. I never meant anything I said to her. You are the one I want to be with. You make this person happy. Yes I know I'm a Byuntae but only for you! I love everything about you. Even that slap you gave that night! I know I'm stupid to have asked Sunny to bring you here but I wanted to make sure of what you felt for me. I'm begging you please don't leave me! If you do I might as well be dead! You're everything to me. I know I want you in my life." It sounds like if she is asking to marry me. I guess I can't go anywhere but let's have fun for a bit
"Taeyeon I might not go but you have to convince me. I want to make sure you are really telling me the truth."
"I'll do anything my for adorable wife! I'd even give my life for you. I would be foolish to let someone like you go" why is she smirking? Oh no! Not that again "plus I love this of yours. I want it only to be mine. Your is so hot wifey. Will you let me give it special protection?"
"Yah! You Byuntae! What did I say about touching me? Ok I admit it might be hot but stop touching it! It's mine and you don't have permission to touch it!" She let go of my just started to sulk.
"What? Why? Can't you see my hands love your also?"
"Ok the reason is you, my dear, are not my girlfriend. Also we haven't even gotten to dorm yet! You really need to learn self control." I said as I pecked her on the lips and ran for it.
"Yah! Miyoung! Get back here! How dare you steal a kiss from me! Once I catch you I will get my revenge!"
"No you won't remember I have my own bedroom! This is not going to be near you tonight. I can't believe I love you. You're a Byuntae! I'm really something to fall for a shorty like you!" Crap! She's catching up! Shouldn't have called her shorty.
"Miyoung I've got you now!" I was about to open the door to the dorm when I got tackled. It's not a pretty sight to see. We both looked up to see the girls shocked faces.
"Girls this isn't what it looks like I swear! This Byuntae tackled me! I would never let her near me if I... Um... Didn't !"
"Pany! I tackled you because you stole something from me and I want it back! Come on return me that kiss you stole from me!" I'm literally gonna get it.
"No I will not return anything it's mine! Yah Byuntae! Why are your hands on my again! I swear I'll go back the states if you don't let go of my this instant!" Finally she let go only to start sulking again. "You big baby come here. I'm sorry for teasing you though not for stealing that kiss nor this one!"
"Yah! That's twice! Get back here! Face your punishment like a man!" I laughed at what she just said so did the girls
"Well I'm sorry I can't because as you can see I'm not a man! Where's Sunny anyways?" A asked noticing that were were missing that shorty. "Yah! Just leave my alone Taetae! Just hug me or something."
"Ok I choose something." She turned me around and kissed me. I love her. I can tell by this kiss she really does love me. Oh crap the girls! "Girls guess what?"
"Wait! You two are together now?" Sooyoung asked being the first one to recover
"Not exactly. This Byuntae keeps avoiding asking me by grabbing my !" I said as I glared at Taetae to which she just shrugged. "Byuntae can't your hands go anywhere else?"
"You mean here?" She said as she placed her hands on my s "I like this better than your . Let's go"
"Yah! You just touched me again! Not only that in front of the girls! Why Taetae? What did I ever do to you?"
"One you don't stop asking questions. Two I love your body and three would you be my girlfriend? Ok three isn't a reason but I really do want you to be my girlfriend. Please?" Not the pouting again!
"ok you win. Yes I'd love to be your girlfriend ok? Happy?"
"I'm not happy. You don't mean it!" Why is she such a baby?
"Ok wifey I would love to your girlfriend! I love you my Taetae" I said closing my distance to her lips. Giving her a just a peck. Since the girls are about to bombard us with questions.
"So now are you a couple?"
"Yes Soo we are. Aren't you girls happy?"
"We are but from what we gathered you like guys?"
"That's was what I thought to but this Byuntae here somehow won my heart!"
"Yah! I'm only a Byuntae to you! Thanks Yuri. You really helped me a lot today. Sorry Yoona it was not my intention to hurt you." I decided to give my Taetae a taste of her own medicine. "Yah! Pany! Why did you squeeze my ? It felt good but still you're not allowed to touch it!"
"Oh really? Then what I'm going to do next is also not allowed huh?" I grabbed her s causing her to moan due to the sudden contact. "Taetae did you just moan?"
"N-no I didn't moan! That's is also not allowed and you just traumatized our daughter Seo!" Oops! Forgot we were still in the living room. "Seobaby I just scolded your Omma for misbehaving."
"Hyo! Did unnie really moan? I blanked out after hearing something about her grabbing Tiffany-unnie's !"
"Ok girls everybody to bed. It's past your bedtime. Good night everyone" I said grabbing Taetae's hand and leading her to my room.

Yoona's POV

I left Tiffany to go to talk with Yul. I really wanted to punish her. I mean from what I heard she didn't love me. If she didn't why did she confess to me? I grabbed Yuri by the wrist and dragged her away from Taeyeon.
"Taeyeon go speak with Tiffany I think she is hurting more than me! Yul you are coming with me. Why Yul? Did I do something wrong? Did you even mean it when you said you loved me? I'm not used to being betrayed. I hate you a lot!" I said punching her
"Yoong Taeyeon tricked me! She made me prank you for what we did to her that time when we saw her in Tiffany's room! You are everything I need to be happy! Please all those words I meant were true. I love you more than anything! I'm sorry. I promise not to do it again. I really hate that Byuntae! She touched my abs! She told me that my abs are hot!"
"Yul stop whining or I will knock some sense into your thick head! Yul don't let anyone touch you! I'm only allowed to touch you! Taeyeon is right though your abs are hot!" I said touching her abs. I notice she is shocked by my action. "Yul let's go back to the dorm I'm going to punish you."
"But I didn't do it on purpose! And stop whatever you're thinking! I'm not letting you get what you want you Byuntae" we'll see about that
"Yul have you seen Sunny? She hasn't been seen for awhile and when we see her she has a goofy smile in her face."
"We'll find out what's going on with that girl! Even if it means forcing her to tell us."
"Let's get inside we need to plan our attack on a certain shorty" I said giving her a peck on the lips. "Don't you ever dare make me jealous again Yul or you'll see!" you are going to pay for making me feel jealous! You are in for a long night!
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ArdhytSM #1
Chapter 1: same likeh @idunnoyui... my face just like ._________________. when i read the first chapter..............
idunnoyui #2
Chapter 2: My face was just like ._. when I read the first chapter.... great story btw, hope you update soon
Fanfourlife #3
Chapter 43: Hey I see me
Chapter 76: update soon please
CullenCrest1000 #5
Chapter 1: Great story, author :)
bambam88 #6
Chapter 74: did i really saw my name on few chapters? is it an error? or it's just me?? hahaha. btw, love this story! ^^ keep updating author! ^^
NarniaNew #7
Chapter 74: just found this...
Chapter 74: update soon please