
A Twist In My Story

Talking to Super Junior’s leader made Kaori’s heart at ease for a while. She felt long before that either his dad or God sent Leeteuk for her to feel the love she never had from a father. She left the place and drove to her next schedule.

It was hard for her to stay focus on work in that situation but she was trying still and keeping in mind that she should be a professional after working on stage for so many years. Her co-actors acknowledged her professionalism and determination on screen regardless of the never ending issues about her real identity.

Yes it didn’t stop but she’s ignoring everything.


▣▣▣▣ Kyuhyun's POV ▣▣▣▣

“How much did she drink?” I asked Kaori’s stylist and her assistant.

She hired the last one few days after she came back to Seoul. Want to know what’s her assistant’s work? It is to accept calls and reply messages for her. My girlfriend never answered calls since she came even if it’s our manager.

“She drank a glass of soju and this happens.” Stylist Hwang explained to me.

I helped them and carried Kaori in her room. Others were already asleep when they came but not me and Heechul hyung, but this time, I waited for her alone. Almost every night we stay awake to wait for Kaori and her condition were all the same, drunk.

I left her and get a glass of water for her to sober up. I came back in her room and placed the tray beside the bed. I wet the towel and wring it. I adjust Kaori on her bed and sat beside her and gently wiped her face.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

“Are you alright now?”

Her eyes blinked and she sat on her bed hugging her knees.

“Drink this water.” I said and reached for the glass.

She took it from my hands and drink. “Thanks, I think I’m fine now.”

My eyes didn’t leave hers. “Can we talk about us?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t right now.”

I lowered my head and looked at her again. “Alright.” I bit my lips and nodded. I got up and took the tray with me. “Take a rest.”

“Kamsahamnidda!” She said before I step out of her room.

I smiled a bit without looking at her. “”


▣▣▣▣ Kaori's POV ▣▣▣▣

For the second time, I came back to see Leeteuk oppa. It’s like I was taking some counseling for free and I know it’s better than legal counselors, this way, I feel more comfortable.

“Can I talk to Teukkie oppa?” I asked him with a mere smile.

He chuckled. “He’s talking to you now."

“Don’t worry; I’m not mad at you or anyone else in the dorm.”

He smiled at me. “I know how good your heart was.”

I chuckled a bit. “But it still hurts me seeing them.”


“Henry, Heechul oppa, Lei unnie, and…” I paused. “…Kyuhyun.”

“You’re not completely forgiving them; I think it’s the reason why you’re hurting.”

“I love them so much oppa but whenever I see them I still feel like I’m going to cry again.”

“What happened to you was still fresh, I can’t blame you.”

I exhaled from my nose. “Actually I prepared myself for this; if I wasn’t only adopted then I am a bastard.”

 “Hajima!” He sounded frustrated. “Don’t ever call yourself that way, it isn’t your fault.”

I nodded. “Yeh, mianhe. Thinking about it is different than feeling it. Really.”

He was listening.

“Do you know what hurts me the most? It’s when I heard from my own mother that she regretted giving birth to me.”

He looked down. “She’s still your mother.”

I looked down too and smiled a bit.

“How are you and Kyuhyun?” He finally looked back at me.

I lowered my head more.

“You haven’t talk?”

“I refused to talk to him.”

“But why?”

“How can I love him if I don’t know how to love myself?”

“What are you planning to do? You can’t let him wait for you forever.”

My head lowered and my eyes blinked.

“They chose you to sing for an OST.”

“For?” I asked my manager.

“The remake of Mulan.” He said leaning a little over the table. “You’ve been gaining attention with your confession.”

I nodded. “I’ll do it.” I decided right away.

I did the recording of the song after a week they told me about it. I know one day I’ll be fine…I just can’t tell when. Aside from singing the soundtrack they added to the contract that they will be making a music video for it. I’m good about it but what I didn’t know is that they shoot while I was recording the song. All my emotions showed that garnered a lot of attention when it was released; and again negative feedbacks and scandals started.

I was in rage when I first saw the music video.

“I never read or watch any news or videos because I don’t want to be bothered anymore; I stopped talking about my life. Why do they keep on bringing it up?????” I shouted.

“Kaori-shi, calm down. Let me talk to the producer.” My manager was telling me to cool down.

“How could you let it happen, it’s not a part of the contract.”

“We didn’t know it too, alright?”

“They don’t know anything about me!! Just…WTF!” I cursed in English.

“The best thing you can do for now is to go home, don’t think about anything, just relax and I’ll try to fix it.” My manager told me that made me calm down.

“Okay. Unnie.” I called my assistant. “Can you please drive for me?” My voice calmed down but still shaking in anger.

I went back straight to the dorm and found no one there.

They must be busy. I thought.

I entered my room and found something weird hanged on the wall. I walked closer to it. I started to read it.



                Leeteuk hyung told me everything that you guys have talked about.  First, I am so sorry for keeping it a secret. Like I said to you before, I am afraid that you might get hurt so I waited some time. Yes, I didn’t lose my communication with Eric because I want to help you. I planned to tell you so I went to Paris to talk to your mom. I can’t just tell you this and that when I myself was not that sure. Are you still mad at me?

P.S. If seeing me already hurts you, I wished this would work out.


Slowly, a smile started to be drawn on my lips. I searched for a pen and paper and started to write him a letter. . I folded it and sealed it with a heart on the right side of the paper. I left it on top of his laptop since it’s the first thing he’s using when he got home from work.


▣▣▣▣ Kyuhyun's POV ▣▣▣▣

“Hhaaaaaaahhhhh!” I tiredly yawned when I entered my room. I sat on the chair and saw a folded paper on top of my precious laptop.

I got awakened and unfolded it in a hurry. It somehow made me excited.


                Psh, that old guy! >.< I know it’s hard for you too and just like what Henry did. Honestly, I’m not mad at you anymore but as what I said to Leeteuk oppa. There are few things that remind me about it and it’s when I feel the pain. I think I understand now why you did it. I’m actually thankful, seriously! I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. But I’m sorry if I can’t give back the love that you’ve given me and I won’t ask you to wait for me. I’m sorry.

P.S. I wished I can be healed in a snap.



When she said not to wait for her, I already thought that we’re over but her last sentence gave me another chance.

It’s better this way.



“Noona please put some on here too.” I told the make-up artist.

We’re preparing for a stage performance for a popular University that’s celebrating their anniversary.

“Huh, jinjjaroo! It’s like you came back to 1970’s or later.” Ryeowook was chuckling when he finished reading Kaori’s letter.

“Can I see it? Can I see it?” Donghae hyung was acting eager.

I saw Eunhyuk hyung’s gummy smile again. “Just continue that.”

I nodded and felt Kangin hyung messed my hair. “YAH HYUNG!”

“I’m just happy that you’ve grown like a real man what more if you entered army?”

I chuckled a bit and the thought of enlisting made me worried.

Heechul then came and patted both of my shoulder. “I’m giving you both my blessing.”

It made others grin while others just laughed it out.

“You know what?” Siwon was flipping the magazine’s page. “You guys are strange; it’s too obvious that you’ll still end up being together.”

My stylist nodded. I looked up at her. “You think so too?”

She shyly giggled and shook her head. “Love letters are daebbak!”

Donghae heard her and pulled a swivel chair near me. “Noona, do you think it still works with girls these days?”

“Yeh, it’s a bit old fashioned but with Kaori-shi and Kyuhyun-shi’s situation. It shows the guy’s sincerity.”

All of us were nodding. “Noona is an expert in dating.” Wookie commented.

I looked at her in the mirror. “Then why are you still single?”

“YAH! KYUHYUNAHHH!!!” My hyungs all glared at me.

I chuckled. “Mianhe, I thought I’m in Radio Star. XD”

“Did you already reply to this?” Wookie suddenly asked me still scanning Kaori’s letter.

“Yeh! Give that back to me.” I answered with a grin.


▣▣▣▣ Kaori's POV ▣▣▣▣

Did he prepare for this? I asked inside my head.

I woke up this morning wearing a necklace. It has a small bottle and it was clear so I already know it was a letter from Kyuhyun.

It caused me to smile a little. It’s a good way to start this morning. I removed its cap and flipped it over to get the letter. Just like what I did on my letter he sealed it with a heart.


                I know it’s funny but how ELF’s call him ‘Angel without wings’ I guess it was true. He’s here to be an angel to both of us. Do you know what I really wanted? I want to stay beside you at times like this. I know I’m not like Leeteuk or Eunhyuk hyung who can give you good words to make you feel better. But I’m willing to stay, get hurt and cry with you. I want to hug you until you feel better. Kaori, I’m willing to wait.

P.S. “Our love glows even in darkness, I’ll be yours forever!”



▣▣▣▣ Henry's POV ▣▣▣▣

 “It’s been so long since I saw you smile.” I noticed Kaori.

She looked at me, her eyes were only smiling. Pau left the spoon in thinking of what’s going on.

“Kaoliii…since you are my favorite dongsaeng, I’ll give my share to you.” Akiko told her passing her dessert to Kaori.

“Ehh? Yeh, kamsahamnidda.” She took the plate from Aki with both hands and bowed a bit.

Time would come Kaori would accept it but for now I’m glad that I saw that smile from her. The girls didn’t seem to notice it but I know her, there’s reason for that tender smile from her eyes. Her actions didn’t change. It was still cold and she’s treating herself like a stranger to all of us.

A lot of people calling her bastard made her distance herself to everyone. Netizen’s might see that she’s still the crazy Kaori and the music’s treasure. The Kaori they see on stage and on cam were the same Kaori as before but when the lights turned off everything changes.

My phone suddenly beeps. I got a text message from Amber.

Amber: Dude, we’re going to eat out tonight, ask Kaori to come.

I replied.

Henry: It’s impossible. Tsk.Tsk

My phone beeps again.

Amber: Why? She’s free tonight.

Henry: It’s not that easy to ask of her now.

Amber: Dude, nothing’s changed. Put her on phone I want to talk to her.

Henry: I’ll try.

Happy New Year babies!!!! ^^
Hope I made you smile for this chapter XD
If you were Kyuhyun in the story what song would you sing for Kaoli??? comment comment comment hihi 

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Chapter 100: amazing story ever <3
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 71: Totally random but that gif made me cry... Hangeng. ㅠㅠ k... Back to the story.
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH... this is literally one of de best kyu fic I read ever!! it's so goooooood!!!! nw I'm off to read ur other stories~~ haha~ de chullie in SS5 gif is it from SS5 malaysia?? haha
Chapter 76: OMG... this chapter is jz soooooooo sweet!! I cried when jino called kyu appa...
ZeloBabys #5
Chapter 101: Ends already? Aaaaaa I love your story good job author-nim ;)) I'm going to miss this story tho :'( kekekee keep on writing
iLoveSJ01 #6
Chapter 101: That ending was really sweet <333
First time I encountered a scene like that :)))
If ever something like that happens in my life ("Pretend we haven't met each other") then I'll definitely do Kaori's style :)))
Thanks for this lovely fanfic unnie ^^
feliciahung_ #7
I love this ff kk :3
mching101177 #8
Chapter 100: oh so sweet....i wish it didn't end.
4everlovingkyu #9
Chapter 100: authorniiiiiiiim!! this.,.. ahhhh! it's sooooo sweet!! eotteokhe?? will you make more??
mching101177 #10
Chapter 99: authornin i cant wait the nxt u wanna really end this fanfic