KIDNAP…The birthday special. (PART 2)

A Twist In My Story


☻☻☻☻ Kaori’s POV ☻☻☻☻

I was blindfolded and tied up inside the van. My heart was pounding. Freaking out! I only use my feelings to know what’s going on around me. I hear them talking, murmuring, whispering about something. I wasn’t a numb not to feel the knife sliding on me, from shoulders down to my lap and the gun was pressing hard on my back straight to on my heart. It’s the not the first time that I was going through this kind of things. This is my phobia, one of the reasons why I almost suffer from anxiety and the reason why I had to undergo therapy.

Years ago, I was being kidnapped. I’m with Pauline, Cristal, LJ, Nica and MJ that time. The kidnappers first beat the guys and pulled out a gun when they learned that we’re practicing martial arts. I thought it was Pauline who they wanted because she was known as the only child and the Heiress of FORDS. But the guys take me instead. They asked money but I told them I won’t give them even a single peso so they cut a small part in my arms. Two years ago…I was crying, praying to God, begging for my life, I’m calling my dad too. Wishing that he can save me knowing that he was in heaven, and now, once again, everything was being replayed.

I felt the gun slide on my arms then followed by evil laughter’s.

“NOOOO!!!” I cried. I’m scared! I was like one hell of a pathetic kid who’s been begging for food.


I don’t want to die yet! I haven’t done anything good! i haven’t discover the truth in my life as what my dad told me before he died. And I haven’t told Kyuhyun that I love him.


“NO NO NO! DON’T KILL ME PLEASE!” I was yelping.

“We’ll just play around…” the guy said followed by their evil grimace.

“Pleaaseee…” sobbing. “I’m Begging you…” I suddenly formed Kyuhyun’s face in my mind.

“OPPPAAAA!! Kyuhyun-shhhiiiiii!” I shouted his name as if he can hear me.

“HAAHAHAHAHAH! NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU!” A man’s voice came full of sarcasm.

Then someone touches my so I got scared…

Are they going to me? OMO! GOD HELP ME PLEASE!!

“If you hurt me Kyuhyun will not stop to look for you all! You’ll rot in jail! I swear!” I was getting mad, scared, and nervous.


☻☻☻☻ Henry’s POV ☻☻☻☻

I noticed my hyung’s and the girls became all dizzy, Yuri told me that she’s sleepy and Zhou Mi hyung said he’s too dizzy. It’s when they drink the soda which the waiters gave us. I didn’t drink mine instead I send my hyung a message. And it’s really weird having a press with unknown reporters, with us, Zhou Mi and Me, it’s sort of weird having SJ-M on the said press too. Leeteuk hyung dragged me inside the nearest restroom. We had a conclusion that it has something to do with Kaori since she was left all alone in the dorm and she’s not yet coming.

Even our manager has strange acts too. He did change his cell number and just sent us SMS to inform us about it. I peep on slightly opened door and found body guards outside as if waiting for us to walk out of the restroom and guarding us, they are waering shades and suits. Leeteuk hyung had a suspicion that this damn whole thing was just a set up. They asked me and Zhou Mi to go here with them though obviously this doesn’t concern us and Kyuhyun hyung, they asked him to go to SM building so they would get to Kaori easily. I worried about Kaori. I worried about what they are planning to do to my best friend. My heart’s on the race track. It was beating faster than a horse could run. It’s anxious and doddering.

They will not gonna hurt her, right? She’ll be safe. She’s a black belter so I know she can protect herself.


But she’s a girl still.


I protest to myself. We’re now riding at Leeteuk hyung’s car. We did what he planned to escape from the building without anyone noticing it. We head back to the dorm where Kaori was. And I hope she was there still.


“Manager-nim, did you change your number?” Leeteuk hyung was talking over the phone.

“Hyung I wonder where was Kyuhyun hyung too…or was he missing too?” I asked when I remembered him.

“BWOH? Other groups will be there too? Arasso, I’ll hang up now.”

“What did manager-nim said?”

“He hasn’t changed his digits and that other groups will attend the press too.”

I got confused. “What are they up too?”

“Henry, do you know what it means?”

I shook my head.


My phone beeps. It’s a text message from unknown number.


                If you don’t go back here…Kaori will die!

My eyes got widened. “Hyung they got Kaori…they’re asking us to go back or else they will kill her.” I panicked.

“DARN IT!! They are playing games with us!” My hyung shouted, striking the wheel.

I replied on the number.



Message sent. Then in just a minute or two my phone rings. They are calling.


“Hyung it’s the number.”

“Answer it.”

“TALK! Your group member Henry is on the line!” a man’s big voice came.


“Henry…” I heard a familiar voice.

“Kyuhyun hyung?” I asked to make sure.

“Yes…it’s me. Listen closely; go back to the press please. They will kill Kaori if you don’t do what they wanted.”

“Hyung gwaenchanahyo? Are you with Kaori?”

“What did he said?” Leeteuk interrupted and sounded tense.

“They’re asking us to go back…they will kill Kaori if we refuse to obey them. They got Kyuhyun hyung too.”

“NO PLEASE! DON’T HURT HER!” I heard Kyuhyun shouted.

“Hyung…hyung, what are they doing?” I got stricken by my dread.

“Henry listen to me…they have guns. So please…go back now.” He said sobbing.


Is Kyuhyun hyung crying?


“Hyung we’ll help you…tell us where you are…”

He cut me. “…DON’T YOU GET ME? THEY HAD KAORI…THEY HAVE GUNS! THEY ARE TORTURING HER!” he shouted on me, crying. Then the line hung up.

I glance on Leeteuk hyung. “We should go back.”

“WHAT ABOUT THEM?” He glared, his eyes were focused on the road.

“It’s the only way to save them hyung…they have guns.”


☻☻☻☻ Leeteuk’s POV ☻☻☻☻

I’m driving back to the dorm while Henry was talking to the-should I call them kidnappers?-over the phone.


“We should go back.” He said.

“WHAT ABOUT THEM?” I protest.

“It’s the only way to save them hyung…they have guns.”

“DAMN IT!!” I angrily shouted.


I was really worried about my dongsaeng’s. I’m the eldest and yet I can’t do anything to save them.


“Kyuhyun hyung was crying.” Henry’s worried voice echoed all over my car.


Kyuhyun cried? He’s that scared? This must be serious, no doubt.


“We need to know who did all this.”

Henry was silent for the first minutes then finally heard him speak. “Is it Yoona again?”


Yoona? She can’t do this kind of tremendous thing! I knew her; she’s sweet and kind even from the start. She can’t do this to us. She’s not that wicked.


“Ask her…” I said choking.

“Hyung, she said they were preparing to go to the press too. She doesn’t know anything.”

“Then WHO THE HELL did this?”


My phone suddenly ring so I had to pull off the road and park my car on the side. I answered it.



“Apppaaaa…” I heard Kaori’s voice.

“KAORI!” Henry and I both shouted. I the loud speaker.


“No please…NO!! I’m begging you!” she was crying. “Ahuhuhuhu! Oh God please help me! AAAAHHHhh!” she’s terrified, she’s screaming.

“Kaori speak up…it’s me Leeteuk.” I said.

“Don’t kill me…don’t kill me…I’m begging you!” she’s crying again.

“HAHAHA!” An evil laugh came. “Don’t worry my dear…we’ll just play. You’re pretty huh?”

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER? DON’T TOUCH MY BEST FRIEND!!” Henry snatched the phone from me.

“ERT!!! DAMN YOU!!! Leeteuk oppa…Hennrryyyy…Kyuhyunnnn” she’s calling our names.

“They won’t hear you…no matter what you do.” The man laughed evilly again.


 A tear in my eye started to show. Kaori doesn’t know that we heard her plead. She doesn’t know we heard her calling us, shouting our names to help her. Henry was sobbing. He can’t control his emotions anymore after we heard what Kyuhyun and Kaori were going through. What hurts most is we’re here, we can help them but the only way is to leave them there with those bad guys.

“She’s scared hyung.”

“DON’T TOUCH ME MORON!!! You can’t win here…my oppa’s and unni’s won’t let you.”

“HAHAH! You wished they know all where you are”

“HEARTLESS! COWARD!! Why don’t you fight with me huh? Without those knife and gun. I bet you can’t ‘coz you’re scared of me! COWARD! DAMN YOU ALL!”

“Beg for your life. Pray to God…If that would help you.”

“DAMN YOU! LEAVE HER ALONE!” I finally shouted out of my anger. The call ended then I received a message from the same number.

                Time to go back. NOW!

I replied:

                We’ll do wat u wnt. Just don’t hurt my dongsaeng, at least none of them, not Kyu nor Kaori.

Message sent. I turned the wheels.


☻☻☻☻ Kyuhyun’s POV ☻☻☻☻

The kidnapper’s kept the line on. It’s their way to get what they wanted from me, I bet. I hear every word Kaori screamed. When I tried to fight against their force they had to tie me and put a blindfold on me.

“Oh no no no…please! Huhuhuhu! Help me please…somebody help me please.” I heard her cried again.

“Don’t touch her!”

“Hey we got a problem.”

“What’s it?”

“The other member’s escaped the building.”


“The leader and the Canadian guy.”

“Hey, singer…tell your members to go back.”

“I won’t!” I said ironically.

“Then…hey you! Tell them to kill the girl now.”

“NO!” I sighed then I said, “Okay, I will.”


I instructed Henry to go back to the press-con so it would be safer for Kaori but they refused to do it instead they want to help us. For only God knows how they can lend their hands on us. I don’t even where I am.




I clench my fist and heard Kaori screamed again.

“Kyuhyun…” She’s shouting my name. “Don’t touch me MORON! NOOO!!” She cried out loud.


Touch her again? Are they abusing my baby Kaori? 

I was hurt too. The fact that I can’t protect her from these bad guys hands then what more in the future? She’s out there scared to death. I felt my tears rolled down like their competing who’s the one will go down first. I knew I’m crying not because I was dead scared that my life was in danger but because there’s nothing I can’t do to help the girl I love.

“Hyung we’ll help you…tell us where you are…”


“OHHHH!!! Are you scared?” I heard the big man’s voice again.

“DAMN YOU!!!” I exclaimed.

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Chapter 100: amazing story ever <3
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 71: Totally random but that gif made me cry... Hangeng. ㅠㅠ k... Back to the story.
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH... this is literally one of de best kyu fic I read ever!! it's so goooooood!!!! nw I'm off to read ur other stories~~ haha~ de chullie in SS5 gif is it from SS5 malaysia?? haha
Chapter 76: OMG... this chapter is jz soooooooo sweet!! I cried when jino called kyu appa...
ZeloBabys #5
Chapter 101: Ends already? Aaaaaa I love your story good job author-nim ;)) I'm going to miss this story tho :'( kekekee keep on writing
iLoveSJ01 #6
Chapter 101: That ending was really sweet <333
First time I encountered a scene like that :)))
If ever something like that happens in my life ("Pretend we haven't met each other") then I'll definitely do Kaori's style :)))
Thanks for this lovely fanfic unnie ^^
feliciahung_ #7
I love this ff kk :3
mching101177 #8
Chapter 100: oh so sweet....i wish it didn't end.
4everlovingkyu #9
Chapter 100: authorniiiiiiiim!! this.,.. ahhhh! it's sooooo sweet!! eotteokhe?? will you make more??
mching101177 #10
Chapter 99: authornin i cant wait the nxt u wanna really end this fanfic