Chapter 29: My nurse best friend!!

A Twist In My Story


☻☻☻☻ Henry’s POV ☻☻☻☻


It’ll count weeks before SS4 begin but I haven’t told the two siblings the truth. This is not the right time to tell them, most importantly on Kaori, she’s still having troubles. Leeteuk hyung and I haven’t told her either who did those incidents to her. We don’t have the strength yet, and we both don’t know how to tell her. I don’t want to act like I know everything. But anyway, there are no secrets that last. And Hee-nim, I think he already knew it but he doesn’t want to tell others still, maybe he’s just waiting for the right time.


Urg! My head aches with all of these thoughts.


Things don’t get any better as time goes by. How could they accept everything? And my hyungs how would they treat Yoona after if they know it’s all her fault?


I should be quiet as for now. I need to know their sides first…


Our schedule ended early and Kyuhyun asks me to accompany him in a pet store.


“Hyung what are we doing here?”

“I’ll buy you food.” He smirked.

I frowned.

“What else? Will you stay still and just help me find a pet?”


PET??? Is he serious?


“BWOH??” he glared on me.

“Nothing, nothing” I shook my head.






☻☻☻☻ Kaori’s POV ☻☻☻☻


We went back to the dorm after the show and some press conference. SJ oppa’s arrived first before us.

I’m really grateful that I’ve known them. I felt relieved every time they were here, knowing that they care about me. It’s really touching. They act like a real family to me, I haven’t experience such things like this. My heart was overwhelmed.

I never know that Yesung oppa, that weirdo guy that I sometimes bully. He gave me the courage to go on in my life, to pursue this career. I almost lose all my strength after that incident yesterday and decided to back out. But here he is, and the monkey guy Hyukkie. I thought he doesn’t like me because he often talks to me but this morning, he told me that he sees me as a family. I want to cry again. Cry because of happiness.


Thank you!


I want to tell them and hug them.


I drop myself in the sofa and rest my f***ing aching head! While we’re in the SBG van I keep on sneezing, coughing and my head ache’s really bad. Kim Kaori is exhausted I think.


Then I saw Sungmin oppa coming with his guitar.


He uses his aegyo. “Kaori, let’s play guitar together.”

I’m just like a dead man staring at him. I didn’t answer.

He went closer and pinch both of my cheeks.

“AAAWWWWW” I cried

You won’t feel that you’re tired if you are smiling. Then he pinched it harder to form a smile in my face.

I grab his hands. “AAAHhhh AHHHH OPPPAAA IT HURTS!!”

He removed his hands and I flash a fake big smile. “I’m smiling now…see?”

He chuckle. That’s the power of happiness.

“yeah power!” I smirked.

“Come on let’s play guitar.” he dragged me up but I trip my toes causing me to fall

“Ooooohhhh.” I screamed, fortunately pumpkin guy catches me.



He carried me to my room and asks Wookie to bring medicine. There’s Heechul oppa inside the room, beside me and looking worried AGAIN.





☻☻☻☻ Kyuhyun’s POV ☻☻☻☻


I asked Henry to come with me in the pet shop since he had nothing to do this afternoon. I’ll be buying a puppy for Kaori so she has company if she feels alone. Aside of it I have a plan too. ^_~

I remember what Pauline gave me yesterday.



Here I am begging Pauline to tell me everything that Kaori likes in a guy, what she hates, and everything that she knows.


“Please? Tell me everything you know.” I begged Pauline.

“NO.” She looks away.

“Please????” I pouted.

“I can’t!! I said NO!!” she glared on me.


THINK Cho Kyuhyun.


“Okay let’s have a deal.” I said with a playful smile.

“What deal?” her eyebrow raised.


She likes my Donghae hyung, right? Huh! You’ll be on my side now.


“I’ll tell you everything about Donghae hyung.”

O_________O “How did you…how did…” she’s stuttering.

“I caught you.” Evil smile..

“Okay, okay. deal.”

“YESS!!” I punched the air.


I gave a her a thumbs up and naughty wink.





I’VE LEARNED THAT Kaori is not looking only in good-looking guys. She only dreams of what to do when she had a boyfriend and get married. Pauline gave me a list; she said they made it when they were daydreaming once for their prince. It was listed there that Kaori wanted to have a baby girl.


I can’t give you mine but I can buy it for you.


I said to my mind. Then I saw a cute puppy.


“Hey Henli, look at that one” I point the dog.

“Mm…dog?” he thinks for a while. “It looks cute.”

“Okay I’ll buy it.”

“You’re going to buy a pet?” he’s confused.

“Not for me…” I said then pay for the dog.




We got home easily and I can’t wait to tell Kaori about this and gave it to her.


“Whoaaahh..” Mika looked amaze in the puppy.

“Aaawwww. So cute.” Pauline commented.

I wink at her. “Where’s Kaori?”

“She’s sick.” Sungmin quickly answered.

“WHATTT??” Henry and I in unison.

“In her room” Pauline point where Kaori is.


I ran to her room and Henry followed me.


“KAORI” I shouted but Heechul throw a pillow on me.

“Keep quiet! She’s sleeping now.” He whispered.


My brow raised. Is he here all the time?


I don’t know what Kaori did to change this guy in front of me.


“Is she okay?” Henry asks.

“Ne. she needs rest.”

“I’ll just talk to her tomorrow.” Henry the mochi sighed then leaves.

I kiss Kaori’s forehead. “Get well soon.” I said.


I’m making my way out but Heechul grab my arms.


“We need to talk.” Sounding serious.

“Okay, what abou…”

“About Kaori.”

“MMM?” I got confused.


What is he up to? Is he going to beg me to stay away from Kaori because he likes her now? OMO!!!


“NOOO!!! YOU CAN’T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME” I panicked. “NO HYUNG! You know I love her SO PLEASE…don’t ask me to go away.” I’m in a rising and falling tone.

He slaps my . “CRAZY!!! I haven’t say anything. What are you talking about?”

I awkwardly smile. “HE HE HE, I just thought you’ll ask me to leave her.”







“Hyung what will you tell me about Kaori?” looking all over his room.

“SS4 is near” he started.

I look at him, he’s pretty serious.

“And after that Leeteuk and I will go to the army”

“Nan arrayo, so what…”

He cut me off. “I want you to protect Kaori while I’m away”

“Why are you like that to her? You’re always worried about her.”

“I think I should. The moment she told me about her, her life; I already admire her. Maybe you didn’t know anything about her past. And my mind was saying “PROTECT HER” every time I see her suffering.”

“Pauline told us everything.”

He nodded. “Feel me now?”

I nodded. “Ne hyung.  I’ll protect her not because you ask me to, I’ll protect her because I want to.”

“You really like that dongsaeng huh?” he tapped my chest.

“Ah!”….”yes, I do!”




☻☻☻☻ Henry’s POV ☻☻☻☻

I can’t sleep because of Kaori is in my mind. I’m the only one here who knows everything now, not Pauline anymore. And it’s scaring me with the fact that she’s sick now only because of the other day incident. What more if she discovers everything? About her whole life?


Kaori…what am I going to do with you?


I look at the clock and it says 4am


Then I decided to visit Kaori in her room.


“Oh Mojako” she sounded weak but shocked.

I smiled at her worriedly. “How do you feel now?”

She exhale a big load. “Honestly? Nahh!”


Well her skin was really pale, she looks like a dead man, a zombie.


I sit beside her and feel her forehead. “You’re still burning! Why did they leave you just like this??” I got pissed.

She looks at me and pouted.

“I’ll get some medicine, stay still okay?” I said and make my way down.



I took medicine from the cabinet, get ice packs, thermometer, and a clean towel.


This is the least thing that I can do for you as of now.

I said to my mind and went back to her room.


I found her reading a letter. “What’s that?” I asked.


She almost jump in shock. But she looks scared, she quickly fold the paper and keep it in the box and lock it.


“Nothing. Just a fan letter.”




Fan letter? She must be smiling if it’s a fan letter.




Forget about it!


“’re encouraging yourself? That’s good.”


I feed her porridge then take her temperature. After she ate I let her drink the medicine then cover her with comforters since it’s raining outside and it’s a little colder than it used to. I feel like taking care of a baby. She’s not talking all the while.


“Mojako” she finally speaks.

“Why?” I look at her.

“Just sleep here.”


“Does Korea have brownouts too?” she asks innocently.

“Yes?” I’m not sure.

“Then don’t leave me here.” She pouted. “I’m afraid in dark places.”

“Can I turn you down?” she pouted even more.

I chuckle and sit beside her.

“Thank you." She pinched my cheeks so hard.

“AAAAHHHH!!” I exclaimed

“You’re so kind.” She pinches it harder.

I grab her waist and tickle her. She giggled. “Stop pinching my cheeks!!!”

I tickle her again, she giggled like a kid showing her deep dimples. “Then stop tickling me!!”

I stopped, she did too. “Kaori”


“You should tell us everything from now on. Who bullies you or what. Feel me?”

“Okay.” she simply answered. “Can I hug you?”

“Why not?”

“Coz I’m sick and I’m afraid that I may pass it to you.” She explained pouting her cute lips.

I hugged her. “I’m glad I had a best friend that look like Pikachu and act like Doraemon.”

She pushed me away. “STUPID!!”

I chuckle. “What? Where’s the naughty Kaori I know?”

“Aish! You must be thankful that I’m sick right now” she glared on me.

I kneeled and put my hands together. “THANK YOU GOD.” I act praying.


She looks frustrated and looked away from me.




“Are you mad at me?”




I turn her face to see her eyes already closed. She’s sleeping. I embrace her in my arms and let her head rest in my chest.


I sighed. This baby. Even if she’s not the maknae anymore she’s still acting like a baby.


Her lips move as if she wants to say something.

She’s still loud even in her dreams.

I didn’t control myself and gave her a smack on the lips.

She didn’t respond.

I hugged her tighter as my eyes closed slowly and fell asleep.






☻☻☻☻ Kaori’s POV ☻☻☻☻

My eyes were still closed but I already can hear loud voices inside my room. They are fighting. I know who owns those voice even my eyes were close. It’s Daddy Teukie, Heechul oppa, Kyuhyun the curly head and my best friend Mojako.


“WHY?? I just sleep beside her that’s all”

“THAT’S EXACTLY IT!!! You sleep beside her and yah know that’s not the right thing to DOOO” the curly head was shouting.


“AAiiishhhh!!! I’m sure you hugged her…you’re trying to take her innocence away!!!” I heard Heechul oppa said.

“HYUNG!!! I didn’t do anything!! I SWEAR!!”

I stood up. “WILL YAH ALL PLEASE BEE QUIETT?? I’M STILL SLEEEPPPIINGG!!” I glared on them in English.

They all shut up.

“And please..” a little calm “don’t get mad on Henry. I asked him to sleep here because I’m scared” I defended my best friend.

“Are you feeling well now?” Heechul oppa changing the topic.

I stand beside Henry and cling my arms on his. “Yes, and it’s because of Henry” I smiled at them.

I saw Heechul and Kyuhyun frowned then Teukie appa smiled.

“See hyung? I didn’t do anything.”

“Okay we’ll believe you but stop clinging on his arms.” Kyuhyun parting us.

But I hugged Henry and kiss his cheeks.. “Thanks.”

Kyuhyun’s jaw dropped.

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Chapter 100: amazing story ever <3
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 71: Totally random but that gif made me cry... Hangeng. ㅠㅠ k... Back to the story.
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH... this is literally one of de best kyu fic I read ever!! it's so goooooood!!!! nw I'm off to read ur other stories~~ haha~ de chullie in SS5 gif is it from SS5 malaysia?? haha
Chapter 76: OMG... this chapter is jz soooooooo sweet!! I cried when jino called kyu appa...
ZeloBabys #5
Chapter 101: Ends already? Aaaaaa I love your story good job author-nim ;)) I'm going to miss this story tho :'( kekekee keep on writing
iLoveSJ01 #6
Chapter 101: That ending was really sweet <333
First time I encountered a scene like that :)))
If ever something like that happens in my life ("Pretend we haven't met each other") then I'll definitely do Kaori's style :)))
Thanks for this lovely fanfic unnie ^^
feliciahung_ #7
I love this ff kk :3
mching101177 #8
Chapter 100: oh so sweet....i wish it didn't end.
4everlovingkyu #9
Chapter 100: authorniiiiiiiim!! this.,.. ahhhh! it's sooooo sweet!! eotteokhe?? will you make more??
mching101177 #10
Chapter 99: authornin i cant wait the nxt u wanna really end this fanfic