My date with Kikwang

You Again

Sang-mi's p.o.v

"I'll pick you up around 6 tonight okay." Kikwang asked. I nodded my head then headed towards our van with Sang-hee. When we arrive at the apartment I rushed towards our room and in our walk-in closet. 'What to wear? What to wear?' I asked myself. It's only 5 which gave me an hour to gwt ready. I didn't even hear Sang-hee enter the room and is laughing at me.

"You poor love-sick puppy." She said with a smirk.

"Yah shut-up and help me pick something to wear." I  complained.

She handed me a checkered grey shorts, black tank top, and a white sweater, Then advices me to wear my black converses to go along with it.(a/n: go to google images and type in korean fashion you'll see a girl with similar clothes.) Sang-hee then pushed me the bathroom to take a shower. After doing so I went outside and she help me apply make up and curled my hair. After we were done the door bell rang signaling Kikwang arrival. I git up and hugged Sang-hee.

"Thanks for all thw things you do for me Sang-hee. I don't know what I'll do without you." She hugged me back.

"I'd do anything to keep my big sis happy cause I know you'd do the same for me if I were in your position." She said. We hugged a little longer then I left to get the door.

"Hey Kikwang let's go?" I asked as I started dragging him to the elevator. That is until we heard Sang-hee.

"Yah Lee Kikwang if my unnie is not back by 12 am I'm calling Junsu oppa!" She threaten Kikwang.

"Arasso umma." He replied sarcastically. I giggled then got into the elevator and into his car headed to who knows where.

Kikwang's p.o.v

She's so beautiful tonight. I couldn't help but steal glances at her. Tonight is gonna be really special. I'm gonna do same date we had on our first date for this date. Except with a little twist. That means we're headed to Lotte World. As I parked my car I looked at Sang-mi knowing what she was thinking but didn't say a word and lead he inside. We bought our tickets and got on our first ride.

Roller coasters were first on the list because I remember how she would hold my hand so tight whenever we reached th downhills and loops. It was fun screaming our heads off while holding on to each others hands so tightly. We got off and headed for the next ride. By the time it was 10 we rode all the rides and played a lot of games. I won her a Piro Piro plushies. Then I lead her to the last ride of the evening. The Ferris wheel. We got inside and soon we started to go up.

"Sang-mi I just wanted to say thanks again for giving me another chance. I promise to always love you and work hard to win your heart once more." I said with a serious tone.

"Well don't try to hard I still want my fun loving Kiki oppa." She teased. We were on the very top of the ride when I told her to look outside, and right on cue the fireworks started to soar across the night sky. It was so beautiful but it was the last firework that got her attention. There in the sky was a heartshape fire light with a message in the middle saying 'Kim Sang-mi I love you so much!!'. After she saw this she jumped on me hugged me really tight while tears go down her beautiful face.

"Sang-mi I don't want to wait anymore Would you please be my girlfriend once more?" I asked. She shook her head up and down and placed her soft lips on mines. She look back and smiled at me.

We got off the ride, then went in to one of the couple shops. We bought couple shirts and hairband and walked around wearing them. Then it was time to head home. On the way home we talked about what we did the past two years. Time seemed to fly by so fast because next thing we knew we were in front of her apartment building.

She was about to get out when I stopped her. "Can I get one more and kiss before you go?" I asked shyly. She giggled and kissed and hugged me gently.

"See you tomorrow Kiki oppa." With that I watch her go up to her apartment. Then drove home. Once in the dorm I told the guys everything. They were so happy for me.

"Yay Kikwang is back! Better than ever!"Yoseob hyung said. I laughed and headed towards my room.

I layed in bed replaying what happened today. This is the most happiest day of my life. I just wish time would go by faster. Aish Kim Sang-mi you got me head over heels for you. With that I fell asleep dreaming about Sang-mi and I.


Finally found the problem...Hope you guys enjoyed it... 2pm is gonna start coming in the next chapters so watch out...Remember to leave comments and please NO SILENT READERS! I REPEAT NO SILENT READERS!! THANKS!!



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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!