Your Time Is Up

You Again

Sang Mi's POV:

Finally after four hours of endless performing, the concert has finally finished. We were gathering all our things and getting ready to leave. The guys were still packing.Hee and I were all ready to go. So we told the guys that we'd be leaving first.

"Oppas we'll see you at home ok.?" I asked.

"Sure you guys got all your things right?" Junsu oppa asked.

"Yeah we do." Hee answered.

"And I'll see you tomorrow." I told Kikwang and gave him a quick kiss.

"Be careful on your way home ok" He said.

"Always." I replied and gave him another kiss.

"Hee let's get going." I said.

"Bye guys." We called out.

"Bye Mi and Hee." They chorused. We giggled and made our way to our van. Thank god they parked close. Wearing all that heels killed my feet!

"Ok let's get going ajushii." I told the driver after Hee and I got settled in. He just nodded and started to drive away. I was looking out my window when I notice that we passed our turn.

"Um ajushii you just passed our turn." I told him. We got no reply, then I looked at the mirror. This isn't our driver.

"Yah who are you?" I asked while hugging Hee.

"What do you want from us?" Hee asked.

"I'm just following orders." Was his only reply. I looked at Hee and told her something.

"Hee I want you to jump out of the car and get help." I told her.

"No, Unnie not without you." She said.

"Hee if you don't do this both of us is gonna get hurt." I reasoned.

"But unnie what about you." She asked.

"I'll be fine." I assured her. I lift up the lock and push Hee out the door. She stared at me with wide eyes. I watch as she landed of the grass.

"Yah what the hell are you doing!!??" The man asked me. I said nothing.

"Look you already  got me! Leave my sister out of this" I snapped. He looked at me then back at Hee outside. He just kept driving. Once the van stop he got out and made his way towards me. I took the chance to kick him at the stomach and started running for my life. But he called for help. Soon enough five big men were on my tail. One of them caught me and cover my face with a cloth. In a matter of minutes I started to feel drowsy and fainted.

Sang Hee's POV:

After Unnie pushed me out the van my body collided to the ground. I laid there for a couple of minutes until I sat back up and started calling people. I started with Junsu oppa.

"Yeobosayeo?" He answered. Tears started to fall.

"Hee what's wrong?" He asked starting to worry.

"Op-p-pa u-u-unnie." I stuttered due to the tears.

"Hee what happened to Sang Mi?" He asked again.

"She was kidnapped again." I said then I hear his phone drop only to be picked up again.

"Hee what's going on?" It was Kikwang Oppa.

"Unnie was taking away by an old man." I said. The phone was passed to someone again.

"Hee where are you right now?" It was Yoseob oppa he sounded very worried. I explained to them where I was at. Then in five minutes all of them found me sitting down crying. Yoseob oppa picked me up and hugged me really tight.

"Hee tell me excatly that has happened." Kikwang oppa demanded.

"Well we were heading home when unnie noticed that we missed our turn. We questioned the driver but he wouldn't reply. So unnie looked at the mirror and the driver wasn't ours. So she started to get worried. So she told me to jump out of the car and get help. I didn't want to go not without her. But she insisted. So she unlock the door and pushed me out." I explained hugging Yoseob oppa tighter.

Kikwang's POV:

No not again. Not my Mi again. Not after I proposed to her. After Hee explained to me what happened this shiver went through me I was so angry. I wanted to find who kidnapped Mi and cut their head off. All of a sudden my phone started to ring.

"What?" I shouted the guys looked at me shocked.

"Kikwang oppa?" It was Na Eun.

"Oppa stay close to Sang Mi unnie. Cho Rong unnie is planning something bad for her." She said. I drop my phone.

That . I swear she's gonna pay!!!


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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!