World Best Actor Kim Sang-hee

You Again

The next day....

Sang-mi p.o.v

Today is the first day of training so excited! I keep wondering whose our instructors gonna be. Well after Sang-hee and I finish eating breakfast and got ready, we headed to CUBE. But what manger Choi told us made my once cheerful mood into a sad one.

"K girls I'm glad to say that your dance and vocalist instructors are Beast!" he told us. I was totally against it but I couldn't tell him that, because then i would need a reason. And  I don't want to tell him the real reason.

"Well since there's six of them and two of you they decided to divide you two. Sang-mi you'll work on your vocals and rapping with Doojoon, Yoseob, and Junhyung their rapper. As for Sang-hee you'll be working on your dancing first, because you really gotta improve not that I'm saying your not good, just that you need to improve. So you'll be working with Kikwang, Hyunseung, and Doogwoon. You guys got it?" he ask. We just nodded and waited to get to CUBE. I'm happy that i don't need to work with Kikwang yet. I'm not ready to face him yet. Another five minute pass and we arrived at CUBE. We bid our goodbyes to manger Choi and headed to Beast studio. There we saw six boys siting around waiting for us.

"Well we meet again." A guy that look like a monkey(a/n: sorry Yoseob fans couldn't think of any other way to describe him.)"Hi my name is Yoseob I'm the main vocalist and the visual maknae of the group."he said with a big smile. He's cute.

"I'm Doojoon the leader of the group and one of the rappers and vocalist." said a guy with black hair that was all over the place.

"I'm Junhyung the main rapper of the group." said an other guy with bed eyes said. I think I'll nickname him panda. hehehe

"And I'm Hyunseung one of the main dancer of the group after Kikwang." said a guy with shoulder length hair.

"Lastly I'm Dongwoon the really maknae of the group. We all know you two know Kikwang." said the last guy with a really deep voice.

"Well nice to meet you all. Its great seeing you again Kikwang. I'm Sang-mi but you can call me Mimi, amd this is my little twin sis Sang-hee but you can call her Heimi, so you guys can tell us apart." I said to the guys.

"Well now we know each other lets get started with our training. Every hour we will be switching. So Mimi come with Yoseob, Junhyung, and I so we can start with your vocals." Doojoon oppa said.

"Arasso oppa." I said. He was taking aback with what I called him but regain himself and smiled at me. With that the four of us left.

Sang-hee p.o.v

Now that unnie is gone I can start with my plan to make Kikwang feel guilty and make him admit his true feeling. Insert evil laugh here...

"So Kikwang how does it feel to see my sister after you broke her heart?" I asked. I could see the hurt in his eyes. Ha! its working! Time to add nore feul to this fire."Did you even know what happen to her after you left her? No you don't because your a heartless guy!" i said. I know its a little harsh what I'm telling him but I'll apologize later."She gave up everything dancing, singing, and rapping. She wouldn't eat, she was always starving herself that we had to rush her to the hospital a lot. I really wanted to tell Junsu oppa really badly, but she would always stop me saying that I would only hurt her more. So I didn't, that when i decided to bring her to America so she can forget the heartless man that broke her heart." I yelled at him. I should get an Oscar for my wonderful acting. As i look at Kikwang tears were sliding down his face. i Wanted to stop but i couldn't I had to make him admit his true feeling. "There she found friends that made her happy again. She was slowly returning back to herself. I was so happy. But was even more happy when we got a call from CUBE saying that we were selected to become idols. But when we saw you again all that excitement went away." I spat at him.

"I-I-I didn't mean to do it, I love Sang-mi a lot that when manger hyung told me that i had to break up with her i cried every night. Hoping that she'll forgive after doing what i had to do." Kikwang said with tears still gliding down his face. The other two members just watch the arguement that was bouncing between kikwang and I.

"Then if you loved her why did break up with up with her? And don't use your manger as an excused anymore." i say.

"Because we didn't want the media to bother you guys. Or the fans bullying you because you could hang out with us. We were trying to protect you guys." He said.

"You must be the most stupidest guy I ever met. Our brother is in freaken 2pm. Yet he was able to protect us even when the media was on to us. Beat up all the guys that were bullying us. What are you a coward? That you can't protect the girl you love?" I'm sorry Kikwang. I'll make this faster and just ask you already." just answer me one thing. Do you still love my sister?" i ask.

"Yes I do more than ever. I would do anything to get her back. I was stupid and didn't what i was doing." he replied.

"God took you long enough!" i exclaimed.

"Huh?" they asked me.

"I was just waiting for you to admit that you were stupid and you still loved my sister. I knew you were lying when you told my sister that you didn't love her because everytime i was with you two i felt like the third wheel." i said."Oh and don't worry I'll help you get her back." I added.

"Really?" he asked.

"Does it look like I'm lying?" I gave him a serious look. And he shook his head."Good. Now hurry up and train me before I report you to Manger Choi."

"Okay. Thanks Sang-hee. Now Guys lets get started we only have 30 minutes left." Kikwang said. We all nodded. The other two members still in shock of what Sang-hee did. With that they started to teach me all sorts of dance moves.



To all those who asked for an update here it is. Hope you all like it =)

Remember to comment because I love to read them. NO SILENT READERS!!


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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!