Bye Kim Sang Mi

You Again

Sang Mi's POV:

I was on my regular morning jogs but for some reason today seems a bit off. I don't know why but I'm getting this bad vibe that somethings gonna happen. But I shrugged it off and continued my jog. I was crossing the street when this black car came out of now where! I was to much in shock to even move. Next thing I knew my body went flying then I landed head first on the ground. Then everything went black.

Cho Rong's POV:

I knew that Sang Mi always go on morning runs so that is where I began all my plans. I waited for her in my car in one corner. Then I saw her jogging up. So I started my car and sped up hitting her little body. I watch her body fly and hit the ground. After that I drove away laughing. Goodbye Kim Sang Mi. Hope you dissappear from my life for good.


Nobody's POV:

Everyone crowded around the girl's body not knowing what to do. Until someone screamed for someone to call an ambulance. In less than five minutes the peremedicts got the girl on the garney and drove away to the hospital.


Sang Hee POV:

I was at home waiting for Mimi unnie to get home, when I heard something crash on the ground. I went to where the crashing noise was and found a picture frame of me and Sang Mi unnie on the floor all broken. I started picking up the pieces when I heard the phone ring.


"Is this Kim Sang Mi sister?" Someone asked.

"Yes, May I asked who this is?" I replied.

"I'm calling from Seoul Hospital informing you that your sister is currently in the Emergency Room. She was banged by a car. Could you please come down now please." The nurse explained. Tears started to form.

"I'm on my way." With that I took my keys and phone and drove to Seoul Hospital.

Kikwang's POV:

The guys and I were practicing in the studio when I heard my phone ring.

"Yeobosayo?" I answered.

"O-o-oppa. M-m-mi Unnie." It was Sang Hee she sounded like she was crying. This got me worried.

"Sang Hee what's wrong with Sang Mi?!" I asked getting impatient.

"U-n-nie is in the Emergency room right now. She got runned over by a car."

"WHAT!!!" I screamed. "What hospital is that tell me now." I yelled. She told me and I started to run out the door.

"Kikwang where are you going?" Dujoon hyung asked.

"SAng Mi Is in the hospital I gotta be there." With that I left and took a taxi to the hospital. Once I got there I immediately went up to the front desk. They told me where Sang Hee was. I saw her sitting on the chair crying.

"Sang Hee what happened?" I asked once I was next to her.

"Mollayo she left to go on her morning jog when I got a Call saying she was here." She explained. In the next ten minutes Beast, and 2pm was all gathered at the waiting room.

"Who would do this Sang Mi. She is the nicest girl ever." Junsu hyung exclaimed, while crying on Nickhun Hyungs shoulders.

"Everything's going to be alright hyung." Junho hyung said. While on the other side of the room Yoseob hyung was still trying to calm down Sang Hee. 

It's been two hours already and nothing happened. Then the doors opened and out the doctor came.

"Who are the relatives of the patient?" The doc asked. Junsu, Sang Hee, and I stood up and walk towards the doctor.

"We are doc. I'm her brother and this is our sister, and her boyfriend." Junsu hyung said.

"Well Sang Mi isn't looking to good. She's in a coma right now. She suffered a severe hit on the head. So there is a possibilty that she will end up having anmesia. But that can't be determined till the patient's awakened." THe doctor explained. Hearing that Mi might not remember me when she wakes up hurted so much. But if it does happen then I will help her.

"Right now we will keep her in the ICU till further notice." With that said the doctor left.

"Guys you go home first, I'm staying here with Junsu hyung and Sang Hee." I told the guys.

"Ok. We'll come by tomorrow." Hyunseung Hyung replied. One by one they left the hospital except for Yoseob hyung who stayed with Hee.

We headed off to Mi room. When I entered the room my heart just crashed. There layed Mi all covered in cast and banadages. Fresh new tears formed in my eyes. I took a chair and put it by her bedside.

"Mi I'm so sorry. I should of been there for you." I cried. Then I felt pressure in my shoulder I look up and saw Junsu hyung crying besides me.

"Hyung I let you down I couldn't protect her." I continued to cry.

"Kikwang it wasn't your fault. Don't beat yourself up. Mimi wouldn't like that." He said.

Days pass and still no progress she hust layed there. The fans are so worried for her. They send so much gifts for her. I was sitting by her watching her sleep.

"Jagi irona. Stop making me wait. I miss you so much." I said as tears slide down my eyes."Mi sarangheyo."


Oh no will Sang Mi ever wake up? What will Cho Rong do next? Wait and find out...Comment and Subscribe =)

<3 you all


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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!