The Adventures of Marriage (Sequel to


I wouldn't leave you guys hanging like that. I ended "Two Shades of Love" to start a new story for the new year! 


Jaebeom and Delilah tied the knot and now are on the long journey of marriage. If you thought everyone was negative before, it gets worse since they're married. They have their ups and they have their downs, but their love is pretty strong, at least that's what everyone thinks...


Sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have no internet!! I'll update soon! Merry Christmas Everyone!


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Erica1153 #1
Chapter 31: I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH words arent enough to explain how much i loved this sequel and two shades of love i also love more of your work all of your stories make me so happy thank you so much
Chapter 31: Loved it!! Words aren't enough
Lotuspassion #3
Chapter 31: Cool ending I lo e this story
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 29: I want a relationship like that.

I want to actually get to know Jay Park the real him
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 29: There a beautiful couple
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 28: Awwww I hate her mo momma
Chapter 28: Her mom is RUDE.
I would have gone off.
Itzbrittany #8
Chapter 27: Oooooh.! Offspring.! Cuuute.!