Go out with me?

Relationship Status: Married?

--Your POV--


Daehyun was really pissed off tonight after the dinner. He expected bad things to happen but he kept complaining how it was worse than what he expected. He dragged me with him to a pojangmacha to drink. We could've went to the bar but he said he didn't wanna disturb 'em.






Daehyun: I knew she had something to do with this. She's really persistent.
Me: I'm sorry for what happened back there.
Daehyun: Nah. It's not your fault. They don't know a thing about respect. I can't forgive them for saying those things about you. 
Me: I already said it's fine.
Daehyun: Says the girl who almost drowned herself from tears.





Ok. So I admit , I did cry. We kinda had this .... encounter at the restaurant.





I knew it. We knew it. It was Juyeon. Juyeon arrived and the already awkward atmosphere somehow managed to get more awkward. She sat next to Daehyun's aunt , who's sitting right infront of me. They were talking to each others , almost boasting things about Juyeon infront of me , which showed their closeness. I felt out of place to them but Daehyun made sure to keep paying attention to me as we ate. I don't know if he's doing this just to show them how 'newlywed' like we are or he really just shows courtesy like this.





Daehyun: Do you want something?
Me: No. I'm fine with all these.
Daehyun: Do you want me to serve you some chicken? You should try it. It's good.
Me: Oh , sure. Thanks.
Daehyun: *puts chicken on my plate* There. Eat it all , ok?
Me: *nods*
Juyeon: Uhh ... so , auntie , did you receive the present I sent you from my trip to Taiwan last time?
Mrs. Jung: Oh. That. Yes , it was a beautiful piece of ornament. It's displayed in my room.
Juyeon: Really? I'm glad. I bought it especially for you. I just really know your tastes.
Mrs. Jung: So , why were you in Taiwan again?
Juyeon: My father met up with some officials from Taiwanese airports and talked about stuffs related to that. He dragged me along so i'd know some things.
Mrs. Jung: Then you must be very busy.
Juyeon: I'm more busy with starting my own fashion label. My father promised to give me my own label.
Mrs. Jung: Really?!
Juyeon: *nods* Actually , he said he will when everything with the company is settled. All I need is ... *looks at Daehyun* to get married.
Daehyun: Do you mind? Some people are trying to eat here. You're so noisy.
Juyeon: Oh. Sorry.
Mrs. Jung: Don't be rude , Daehyun. These are the exact things you'll encounter in the future.
Daehyun: I doubt.






They kept talking. She kept boasting what she has over me indirectly. I don't know what to do or say , I just tried my best to ignore them. As long as they're not talking to me , i'm fine. After the main course , dessert was going to be brought in. Finally. After this , it's all over. As we waited for the dessert to come in , I didn't realize that the attention would be brought over to me.




Mrs. Jung: Soomin , what does your parents do?
Me: H-huh?
Mrs. Jung: What's does your parents do for a living?
Me: Uhh ... well ... they work in a grocery in Ijjak-do.
Mrs. Jung: They own a grocery?
Me: No. They work in one.
Mrs. Jung: Ohh. I see. I'm sorry I asked
Juyeon: Why are you saying that auntie? It's cute. *quietly chuckles*
Mrs. Jung: You would say that?






I've had it enough of her! Really ... If only Daehyun's 'parents' weren't here , I would so not stop myself from talking back to her. She can insult me or stuff but i'm not stupid enough to see how she's also insulting my parents. I just looked away and took a deep breath before looking back at them , trying to smile. They're targeting me again , asking me questions. They probably don't want this night to end without satisfying themselves with whatever they wanna do with me. I don't wanna lose my cool. I'm bad when I lose my cool. Questions are coming in again.





Me: I'm currently studying right now.
Mrs. Jung: And what are you studying? What school?
Me: Architecture. I'm a scholar at SNU.
Daehyun: Can you stop it with the interrogations?
Mrs. Jung: Why? What's wrong with wanting to get to know your wife? We should know these details.
Daehyun: Well , you know enough.
Mrs. Jung: Not at all. Soomin , How did you and Daehyun meet , exactly? 
Me: He's friends with my cousin. We met through him.
Juyeon: She's Yongguk oppa's cousin.
Mrs. Jung: Oh. That kid? He's such a waste. He had such great potential in the business world like Daehyun. No wonder they're friends.






I had no idea if that was meant to be an insult or what. This might sound rude but as the night goes by , lots of things that i'm sure is meant to be insults just keep coming out of . She's like a rapper. She comes up with lots of things in a minute. She kept saying how a waste Yongguk oppa was because he's so smart and he may have had this influence on Daehyun. When she finally had enough , she turned the topic back to me. What's taking the dessert forever to come?! I want this over with ASAP.






Mrs. Jung: How much did you know about Daehyun before you got married?
Me: Eh? Sorry?
Daehyun: Of course she'd know a lot. Why else would she marry me?
Mrs. Jung: I'm asking her , not you. Did you know anything about Daehyun's background? Like how he's in line to be the heir of our company?
Me: Y-yes. He told me all of it.
Mrs. Jung: Hmmm. Then you must be thinking of how you hit the jackpot after marrying him.
Me: Huh?
Daehyun: What are you talking about?
Mrs. Jung: You don't have to keep pretending. It's obvious. I'm sure you wouldn't marry so fast if you didn't think you'd benefit from it.
Me: Excuse me?
Mrs. Jung: You must be thinking how you're in such a great position now.
Me: That's not it at all!
Mrs. Jung: Of course you'd say that. Isn't this a great deal for you? You're thinking you can finally get your family out of that island and let them live in luxury here through Daehyun , am I right?







I can't believe what i'm hearing right now. Is she saying I married for money?! Ok. Calm down. Is she really doing this to offend me on purpose? Because i'm offended right now.





Mrs. Jung: Am I right?
Daehyun: What do you think are you doing right now?! How can you talk to her like that?
Mrs. Jung: I'm just stating a fact , Daehyun.
Daehyun: No. You're being rude! Is that why you asked me to come here?!
Mrs. Jung: Daehyun , compared to our status in life , we're on top and she's under the food chain. Isn't obvious that she only married you for money so she can get out of her miserable life? She's poor. Of course she'd grab the opportunity! Her parents probably told her to marry someone rich for them to get out of poverty.
Me: You're wrong!
Mrs. Jung: Hmm?
Me: If sorry if my next words might come our as something rude but my parents would never tell me something like that. My parents raised me well , they told me to do what I want and do it with dignity. Never once have they bragged to me about marrying someone rich to get out of poverty.
Mrs. Jung: And how can be so sure of that? Why would you marry Daehyun as soon as you could? It's only because you want his money!
Me: Is that the only reason someone has to marry Daehyun? Only for money? Can't he get married to someone because he's loved? If he got married to Juyeon , you'd take it as because she loves him but when it comes to me , it's because I want his money? Is he not allowed to be loved? Don't you think he deserves to be loved by someone he also loves? Daehyun is a nice person. He deserves to be loved more than anybody. He has the right to choose , who he's supposed to love and marry , and anything that concerns his life. You have to respect that no matter how much you're against it!
Mrs. Jung: ...
Daehyun: Soomin ...
Me: I admit that i'm poor but I never once thought that marriage is the only solution to get out of poverty. That's the reason why i'm studying. If I got married just because I wanted to get rich in an instant then why do I even bother studying? My parents raised me well. Even if they're salaries are low , they were able to provide everything we needed with hardwork. They never stepped on anyone or talked bad about anyone just to give us a normal life. I love them and I can never stand people talking bad about them , especially those who barely know them! Maybe if you tried taking care of Daehyun like you actually care about him and not just because you need a heir , then maybe you'd understand and he'll understand too.
Mrs. Jung: How dare you talk to us like that?!







I was silenced. Even I shocked myself , I didn't know what I was saying. I was shocked with what was happening. I never meant to say those. It just came out of my mouth. I froze for a moment after realizing what I just did. I stood up and looked down the floor as I said 'I'm sorry'. I was about to walk out of the room but Daehyun grabbed my wrist and stood up. He looked so serious. He glared at them.





Daehyun: It's her idea , isn't it?
Mrs. Jung: What?
Daehyun: Juyeon , thanks for telling them about Soomin. I knew this was your plan the moment you walked in.
Juyeon: Oppa ,  just wanted to prove that--!
Daehyun: Shut up!!! I can't take you talking bad about her or her family in front of me anymore! I tried to keep my cool , but if you got Soomin to say things like this , then I can't let this last any longer. You can't even respect my wife. You never respected my choices. You always try to make the choices for me and nag when I don't follow you. For the first time , someone understood my feelings and told you about it. Then again , if you never listened to me , I don't know what'll make you listen to Soomin. Thank you for the dinner. You can have the dessert by yourselves. We'll just leave. We overstayed our welcome.
Mrs. Jung: Jung Daehyun , go back to your seat!
Daehyun: You think i'd stay here after all these? After everything I heard? You offended us enough. Let's go Soomin.






His auntie kept screaming at him , telling him to come back but he kept on walking and pulling me along with him. He didn't stop until he was sure enough that we were far from the restaurant as possible. I didn't even realize that tears were already falling from eyes as he pulled me. He stopped and faced me. He looked so sorry about what happened. Tears kept coming out of my eyes , I can't stop them. He brought his hands to my cheeks and wiped my tears away.





Daehyun: *sighs* Stop crying.
Me: I'm sorry , Daehyun.
Daehyun: It wasn't your fault.
Me: My emotions got in the way. I said things I didn't mean to say. I just got mad. I expected something bad but this was worse than what I expected. *sniffs* I.... I'm sorry.
Daehyun: *hugs me*
Me: Daehyun?
Daehyun: Thank you. 
Me: For what?
Daehyun: For saying those things about me. Like money isn't the only reason for someone to love me. I deserve to love and be loved. That they should respect my choices. I never once had the chance to tell them all that before. You said my entire feelings towards them in minutes while it took me years before I got to say it with my own mouth.
Me: Because it's true.
Daehyun: I almost believe you cared for me that much for a second.
Me: Of course I do. I care about you a lot , Daehyun. You're really nice to me. You take care of me. You're always making sure i'm safe. I'm a total stranger yet you've been treating me so well , even letting me live with you. 
Daehyun: But I couldn't do anything back there for you.
Me: *shakes my head* That's not true. You took care of me well in there. 
Daehyun: I'm really sorry if they talked badly about your parents.
Me: I exploded because of that , huh?
Daehyun: I'm really sorry I got you in to this.
Me: It's fine. Don't worry too much about it. It already happened. They probably think you married someone so disrespectful. That you're so irresponsible. I'm sorry I did something bad.
Daehyun: No. You did the right thing. I promise , i'll protect you until this all ends.





--End of Flashback--




That's how we ended up here. The turnout of events were too much for me to take. Thinking about it again , maybe I could use a drink. I took one of the bottles of soju on our table and Daehyun glared at me as he also held on the bottle , trying to take it away from me.




Daehyun: What are you doing?
Me: Drinking. Duh?
Daehyun: Why are you drinking?
Me: You brought me here to drink , so i'm going to drink!
Daehyun: I brought us here for me to drink. Do you even drink?!
Me: Of course I do!
Daehyun: No.
Me: What?! Give me that!
Daehyun: I said no!!!
Me: Why did you bring me along if you're not gonna let me drink?!
Daehyun: I wouldn't let you go home on your own. You'll get lost.
Me: I said i'm not a kid. But if you don't want me going home , then i'm drinking. *yanks the drink from his hand*
Daehyun: H-hey!
Me: *drinks straight from the bottle* Ahhhh! That's so good!

Daehyun: Hey! 
Me: It's no fun drinking all by yourself! Come on , don't be such a baby. I'm old enough to drink!
Daehyun: You said you were fine already. Are you sure you are?
Me: Yeah. But drinking sometimes isn't too bad. It's the first time we're drinking together.
Daehyun: You drink like a man.
Me: Shut up.
Daehyun: Hey. That's my line. I'm just sayin'. Don't drink too much.
Me: You know , my parents , they sacrificed everything for us. I would never understand how people can talk badly about them. 
Daehyun: Hey. They don't know anything about your parents so don't take it too seriously. 
Me: I know. Is it always that difficult for you with them?
Daehyun: Yeah.
Me: No wonder you needed help so bad.
Daehyun: When you were talking there like that at the restaurant , I didn't know what to do. I knew it was my fault for bringing you there. But you know what made me feel completely numb there? When I saw you crying. I couldn't stand it. It was bad enough they made you feel bad because of me , but they made you cry. I had no idea. I don't know what I should do. I was going crazy inside. I didn't know how to handle situations like that.
Me: I'm sorry if I made you feel like that.
Daehyun: I'm not saying this the way you think I am. I'm saying this because , seeing you cry makes me feel uncomfortable. No. Uneasy. Wait , not. Ahhh! I don't know! Just ... Can you promise me something?
Me: What?
Daehyun: If ever you cry again , will you come to me? Only to me?
Me: Huh?
Daehyun: I want to be the one to comfort you.






He wants to comfort me whenever I cry? When he hugged me back there , I felt more at ease. Safe. Is he serious or is the alcohol getting into his head? He's probably drunk.





Me: Do you wanna drink some water? I think you're getting drunk.
Daehyun: I'm not drunk at all. I'm serious. Promise me!
Me: Eh?
Daehyun: *holds my shoulders* Promise me! *shakes me violently* Say you promise! Say you promise!
Me: Ok! Ok! I promise! Stop shaking me!!
Daehyun: Good!
Me: Seriously , you're so violent. What if I cry because of you?
Daehyun: Why would you cry because of me? Are you in love with me or something?
Me: N-no! It's just , you always bully me. If I cry because of you , i'll go to someone else to comfort me!
Daehyun: You can't do that , you crybaby!
Me: Why not?
Daehyun: Because i'm the only one who's allowed to comfort you. Get that? 
Me: You're crazy. Oh , by the way.
Daehyun: What?
Me: If you ever pull me by my wrist again , i'm gonna break yours.





I just had to say it. It may look sweet in dramas but it hurts a lot in real life! He has a really strong grip too. Ignoring what I said , he continued to drink. I drank too , but when I started to feel hot , I stopped. One of us has to be sober.


--Daehyun's POV--


Why is it so bright?! I opened my eyes and .... i'm in the bedroom? I looked around and , yeah. This is my bedroom. I looked at the clock , it's 1PM?! Where's Soomin? How did I get home? I tried to stand up , but my head started hurting like hell. Oh yeah , I drank last night. The door opened and Soomin came in holding a tray.





Soomin: Hey. You're finally awake. How's the hangover? Pretty bad , I assume?
Daehyun: Did you bring me home last night?
Soomin: I called Yongguk oppa and he came to pick us up. There's no way I can take you home in that situation. You fell asleep!
Daehyun: And I slept here?
Soomin: I asked him to drop you off here. I can't let you sleep on the couch in that situation. 
Daehyun: Where did you sleep? 
Me: Couch. Duh? You were really sound asleep. Good thing the living room here has something the living in Yongguk oppa's place doesn't have. I wonder why they never thought of buying a heater there.
Daehyun: You should've slept here though.
Me: ert. I'm not sleeping with you.
Daehyun: That's not what I meant.
Me: Relax. I was joking. You're too serious. It's hard to believe you're the guy who chugged all those drinks!
Daehyun: What's that on the tray?
Me: Hangover soup. I cooked one for you , since i'm sure you need it a lot. You should be careful. If your students see you drunk , you'd get in trouble. That's not a very good example to kids.
Daehyun: Thanks.
Me: For what? The soup? It's no big deal , really.
Daehyun: I mean , with everything. For taking me home and stuff.
Me: I won't go home without you , you know. I'm living in your house , might as well go home together. Oh. Do you .... do you remember anything? While you were drinking?
Daehyun: Huh? Why are you asking? Did I do something weird? 
Me: Not really. I was just asking. You seem so drunk.
Daehyun: Aside from drinking , I don't really remember anything.
Me: What about talking? 
Daehyun: What? What did I say?!
Me: You don't remember talking to me about anything?
Daehyun: No clue. What is it? Did I say something? If I did , it's the alcohol talking!
Me: N-no. You just kept bullying even when you're drunk.
Daehyun: Ha! I knew it! Now that was really me talking.





I laughed , but then my head started hurting after laughing so hard , which made her laugh. She took the soup bowl from the tray and started feeding me. In the end , I told her I could eat it myself. I don't get why I felt so fuzzy inside as she was feeding me. No girl has ever fed me before. So that's how it feels. It felt really weird. Even when I was sick , I never told auntie or uncle. I end up hiding it and taking care of it myself. Besides my parents , I never had someone care for me enough to cook for me or even feed me.


--Your POV--


When Daehyun got all sobered up , we went to the bar to see the others. Like how I did , everybody also greeted him with a 'How's the hangover?'. It was really funny. He looked all pissed. He doesn't remember what he told me , that I should only go to him when I cry. Maybe it really was just the alcohol talking for him.





Himchan: They must've grilled Soomin over there!
Youngjae: Ahh. I feel so bad for you.
Zelo: Noona , are you ok?
Me: I'm fine. 
Zelo: You still look a little troubled though.
Me: You're too young to be able to tell those things.
Zelo: Noona , i'm not a kid anymore. I'm a man now! When will you treat me like a man? I have feelings too.
Me: Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. You're right. You're a man now. What can I do to make you feel better?
Zelo: There's a new gelato place nearby , wanna go on a date with me?
Daehyun: Ice cream? Really? She'll get even fatter!
Me: Yah! Gelato is different! You're as mean as ever! After I made you hangover soup , you're still mean!
Daehyun: I didn't ask you to make me some.
Me: You should be thankful anyways. Let's go Junhong-ah. I'll go with you.
Zelo: Really?! You'll go on a date with me?!
Me: If that's what you wanna label it as. 
Daehyun: Who says you can?!
Me: I do! 
Daehyun: And I say no. What if something happens to you?
Me: I'm not a kid! 
Daehyun: Yeah. You're a klutz.
Me: Meanie. *pulls Jongup's arm towards me* Then we'll take Jongup along.
Zelo: Wae?! Noona , we finally get to go on a date. Why does Jongup hyung have to come?!
Me: Do you have money?
Zelo: No.
Me: You can't go on dates if you don't have money. That's why we'll take Jongup with us. He's gonna treat us , right Jongup?!
Jongup: Eh?! H-hyung!
Me: Come on!
Daehyun: H-hey!
Yongguk: Just let them go. Those kids have been wanting to see that place.
Youngjae: She should've asked me to come with her instead. Jongup only has $13 with him.
Me: That's enough for us! Byeeeee!






I dragged Jongup with me , while Zelo looked like a sulking baby as we went out of the bar. It was so cute. I never had the chance to spend some alone time with the maknaes.


--Daehyun's POV--


What's up with her? She's suddenly acting like a carefree kid and that scares me the most. She can't be carefree here in Seoul. Even I hard a hard time when I first moved to Seoul.





Youngjae: Since when is he closer to Jongup than me?!

Daehyun: Tsk. That Zelo. He's acting to get to go out with Soomin. He's such a kid yet he nags about being a man.
Himchan: Are you jealous?
Daehyun: Of course not.
Youngjae: I heard you had it bad yesterday. The dinner went completely wrong , did it?
Daehyun: Juyeon was there.
Himchan: She really has a strong nose when it comes to smelling Daehyun. She knows exactly where he is.
Daehyun: Hey , Yongguk hyung. I think I have to tell you. I'm sorry that I got Soomin into trouble.
Yongguk: They made her cry , didn't they?
Daehyun: She told you?
Yongguk: Her eyes were really swollen last night so I had to ask her to tell me what happened. I mean , forced. Anyways , it's fine. It wasn't your fault. 
Youngjae: Isn't it cool that they still remember you though , hyung?
Yongguk: They did pester me alot too before. I got a perfect SAT result and they go crazy trying to recruit me even if I haven't entered college yet.
Youngjae: You can't blame 'em hyung. You were one of the very few that got it perfect. It was really hard.
Himchan: How come they never offered me anything?
Daehyun: What would they offer you? 
Himchan: Hey! They can benefit a lot from this face!

Daehyun: They don't need another maid. They have enough of that.

Himchan: Aish , this kid. You're no fun!

Daehyun: I should go to that gelato place to check up on them.

Yongguk: Since when are you concerned about what Jongup and Zelo do when they're not in here?

Daehyun: I'm not concerned about those two , i'm talking about Soomin.

Youngjae: Aww. Someone's in love!

Daehyun: I said i'm not!! What if Junhyung is still following her? I have to be there. Zelo and Jongup can't do anything.

Himchan: They'll be fine. They can call when something goes wrong. That gelato place is just right around the corner. Look *takes out his phone* , i'll even text him and tell him to call if something comes up. Why don't you help me cook so we'll have something to eat when they get back?

Daehyun: Ask Youngjae to help you.

Youngjae: Either you help him cook or do inventory with Yongguk hyung.

Daehyun: I don't even work here , yet you force me to do something. 

Himchan: Come on.

Daehyun: Fine. Fine. Inventory anyways.





I was dragged by Himchan hyung to the kitchen. I wanna to go to Soomin but they'll just keep grilling me about me being 'in love' with her. It's just irritating.


--Your POV--


If I stay there at the bar , they'll grill me about the details. I'd rather have Daehyun tell them , it was an emotional night for me and I don't want to relive that memory just yet. There was an incredibly long line at the Gelato place , maybe because it's new , lots of people are interested to try it out. My legs are getting tired from all the standing , and standing next to Zelo , I probably look like his little sister from behind.






Zelo: Noona , you should find us a place to sit , you're getting tired. Hyung and I will order for us.

Me: Are you sure?

Jongup: Yeah. We'll just look for you inside.

Me: Well , ok. But if you need help , just call me up.

Zelo: You better call us if something comes up too , noona.

Me: I will.





I went in the store and looked for a table we could sit on when they get to order the gelato. The place was cramped with people. I looked around , looking for people who's about to leave. I looked around and when I spotted some , I waited for them to finish from a far. It'll be embarrassing if I wait right next to them and stare at them as they ate. As I waited , I felt someone tap my back. Without thinking , I just turned around since I might be in the way or something , but boy I was wrong ...





Me: Lee Minhyuk-sshi?

Minhyuk: Soomin! I didn't expect to see you here. And didn't I say before that you can call me just Minhyuk?

Me: Yeah. Sorry. What are you doing her?

Minhyuk: Came to check the place out. It's new.

Me: Ohh...

Minhyuk: You like gelato?

Me: I guess?

Minhyuk: This must be awkward?

Me: N-not really. I just didn't expect to see you here. That's all.

Minhyuk: Then , do you want some gelato? I can get us some right now.

Me: The line is kinda long , i'm sure it'll take some time.

Minhyuk: Nah. I have a VIP pass here.

Me: VIP pass?

Minhyuk: Let's just say i'm close to the owners.

Me: I see. Well , it's fine. I'm with my friends and they're in line to buy us some.

Minhyuk: Then , do you mind if we talk for a while as you wait? I'll get us some drinks instead. I'll get us a table.

Me: I guess it's fine.





He smiled and quickly lead me in further the store. There was an area I didn't see where there weren't so much people. Minhyuk guided me to a table and went to get us drinks. I texted Jongup and told him I was further in the store. He texted back , saying they'll take a while since it takes a while for the long line to progress. Minhyuk quickly got back with the drinks. He looked really cheerful. We don't talk in school much , so it's kinda awkward for me , but I can't tell him that.





Minhyuk: I hope juice is fine.

Me: It is. You didn't even have to get me drinks. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Minhyuk: Anything for the pretty lady.

Me: *blushes* Uhh .. S-so , what did you wanna talk about?

Minhyuk: There are two things I wanted to ask.

Me: What?

Minhyuk: We're going to have some kind of pair thingy activities for Chemistry class , which I find totally unnecessary to take up with our Architecture course , and I was wondering if I could pair up with you.

Me: How did you know we're gonna have those kinds of activities in class?

Minhyuk: Let's just say I have sources. Friends from higher year levels say that our teacher usually makes everyone do that. I wanted to ask you to be my partner now before anyone else gets the chance later. So , is it ok?

Me: Sure. It's not like anyone else in class would ask me.

Minhyuk: You really think that? Lots of guys in class would ask you.

Me: I don't think so.

Minhyuk: I think so , i'm one of them.

Me: Uhh ok ... and the other question?

Minhyuk: Oh ... Actually , this one is kinda ...

Me: What? 

Minhyuk: I'll just say it. I was wondering if you and I can go out?

Me: Go out?

Minhyuk: Yeah , like on a date. Will you go out with me?





W-what? Did he just say he's asking me on a date?! Is he serious? This is like someone's high school fantasies come to life!! The hot guy in school asking you on a date. I've dated before but no one has ever asked me as directly as Minhyuk. But , wait , I can't go on a date with him! Daehyun wouldn't like it. He'd get mad. I don't even know if I like it. He's handsome and all but I barely know him. I didn't know how to answer his question , he kept his eyes on my me with anticipation , waiting for an answer. How do I answer this?!





I'm back! I made this longer than it should be to make up for not posting a new chapter for a while.

I hope you all like it and patiently wait for the next one.

I'm trying my best to write when I can , really.



How are you guys? Me? I'm good.

I read a great book yesterday night , finished it today.

It totally changed me.

The title is 'The Fault in our Stars'.

It's a tear-jerker book for sure!


Anyways , lovies! I'll keep you posted. 

Thanks for subscribing , reading and everything else!

I appreciate you guys taking the time to even read my story.

I really do.



dorobbongie :3


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New update for Chapter 16 to be posted in 1-2 days!


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Hi author-nim, ive been followed your fanfic since 2013 and i really love it. Your english and story line are very good and im looking for the update though it's already 5 years. Missing you so much author-nim
Baekna #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim!! i'm still waiting for this story to be update author-nim! it's been a year, i'm curious about Juyeon's plan. I keep re-read the story!! Curiousity kill the cat! I hope everything will go well except Juyeon's.
choyriyee #3
really miss this story ㅠㅠ
jmayo81 #4
Just checking in, hope all is well! Can't wait for more ^_^
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 32: Welcome back! That Juyeon >_<! ugh, Daehyun & Soomin's heart to heart was so sweet! but wow.... what on earth is going to happen at that party!? can't wait to find out. Thank you for updating!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 32: Omo....i dont like of what juyeon had been planning..
choyriyee #7
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
choyriyee #8
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: I LOVED their interactions this chapter! it was so sweet to see how Daehyun opened up to her <3 hahahaha, who could fall asleep kissing Daehyun? hehe, too funny! and whoa close call almost 2x's they gave in >_<! UGH, of course Juyeon hired the detective..... can't wait to see how the dinner is going to go, thank you for updating!