My cousin and his friends got me married?!

Relationship Status: Married?

--Soomin's POV--


After being offered a scholarship to study in Seoul National University , I didn't think about anything else but how big the opportunity is and just accepted it. I only realized the problems after accepting it. First , I have no where to live. The school did give me money to get to Seoul but I have no idea where i'm gonna stay. We're not that rich so I thought of turning down the scholarship but my parents wanted me to take it. They called a distant relative from Seoul and asked if they could help us. 


When my parents told me everything was set , they gave me my cousins address as I headed off to Seoul. I was very nervous , riding on a plane. It was my first time. When I arrived in Seoul , I thought I was in another planet. There are lots of tall buildings! Tons of them!! I felt so foreign as people who were passing by me always had a weird look on their faces. I didn't know where to go. I absolutely had no idea. I ended up in a place called Hongdae? There were lots of bars around here. As I was wondering around , trying to find someone to ask about my cousin's address , a couple of guys blocked me. They look a bit drunk , they reek of alcohol.






Guy #1: Hello miss , are you lost?

Me: A-actually , I--

Guy #2: If you're lost , we can help you.

Me: N-no thanks. I need to go.

Guy #3: *blocks me* Hold it miss. You can't go out there where there's lots of strange people.

Me: *in your head* Says someone like you.

Guy #2: You don't look like you're a Seoul native. Where's are you from?

Me: Ijjak-do

Guy #1: Ijjak-do?! Woooooah! Guys , looks like we have ourselves a country girl.

Guy #2: A cute country girl!

Me: I really need to go.

Guy #2: To where?

Me: To my cousin.

Guy #1: We can help you find your cousin. 

Me: I can find him myself. *walks away*

Guy #1: *grabs my arm* I said hold it! *laughs* We can help you. In the meantime , how about we have some fun time together.

Me: L-let me go!

Guy #2: Don't be so stubborn! You're gonna like this anyways!

Guy #1: Just relax! We'll take care of the rest.







The were already pulling me with them by arm. I kept trying to get away from their grips but they were too strong. Suddenly , a guy came over and blocked them as they were dragging me away.






??: Excuse me but I think the girl doesn't wanna go with you.

Guy #1: It's none of your business! Get out of the way!
??: I'm afraid I can't.

Guy #2: Do you want trouble of what?! Stay out of this!!

??: If you're not gonna let her go , you might regret it.

Guy #3: Says who? You? You look like a whimp. 

Guy #2: Let's show him who's mess he's getting into!







The three of them all took charge to take on the guy , but they ended up all getting beat up by him. He didn't look that strong but he actually is. Not long after , we heard sirens from police cars getting close and the three guys ran off. The guy shouted "Yah! You whimps! Where are you going?!!" to the three guys as they ran away. He then sighed and went to me. 







??: Are you ok?

Me: ......

??: Miss?

Me: ...... *cries*

??: W-what's wrong?! Did they hurt you?!







He held my shoulders and kept asking me what was wrong. All I could do was stare at his face while I cry. I was really scared. I thought I was done for that time. If it wasn't for him , who knows what would've happened. I finally got back to my senses and turned around to wipe my tears away before facing him once again.







Me: T-thank you.

??: Are you ok?

Me: *nods* Sorry. 

??: You really should just walk away when guys like those approach you. If you even talk to them , it just makes them want to play around you even more. Plus , people will think you know them so they won't see what's wrong with whatever they're up to.

Me: *nods* I'll remember that.

??: *sighs* You look so clueless. No wonder they went to you as soon as they saw you. You even talked to them even if you already know their bad intentions. That was a really stupid move. Good thing you're pretty. At least you're not lacking of everything.

Me: E-excuse me?

??: Just be careful again next time. I'm not gonna be here all the time to save you.







After his words , he just walked away. What the ... I am thankful he saved me but did he just insult me between the lines too? Uggh! That guy! I wish I was saved by someone else ... Yet again , i'm still thankful. But I hope I never meet him again! He's too boastful. Uggh. And did he just say i'm pretty but stupid?!! THAT GUY! *sighs* let it go. It's not like I have to see him again. I saw a cab and stopped it to ask for directions. Though I don't have enough money left , I had no choice but to take a cab. 


I finally found my cousin's place. It's a dorm. Is it really ok for me to stay here? I went up to find the room number. I felt anxious inside but pressed the doorbell anyways. I heard rambling from inside , as if they were fighting to get to the door first , before the door opened. Two boys opened the door for me. The other one was really tall. I bowed to them and they looked pretty surprised.








Me: A-annyeong Haseyo. My name is Bang Soomin. Does Bang Yongguk live here?

??: Soomin?!







Someone from the inside of the house said loud enough from me to hear. That person rushed to the door and I think I kinda remember him.








Me: Yongguk oppa?!

Yongguk: Soomin! I didn't know you'll arrive today! Come in! Come in! *pushes the two guys out of his way* Yah!! Jongup-ah! Junhong-ah! You two maknaes take her luggage in!

Jongup: Hyung , you can't tell us what to do all the time.

Yongguk: So you're complaining?

Jongup: N-no. Ppali! Junhong-ah! Let's get these inside.







The two of them took my luggages as Yongguk oppa led me inside. I kinda remember his face from when we were younger , when they were still in Ijjak. He was a really quiet kid but he would casually play with me. As we were making our way inside , two other guys approached us.


Afterwards , we were all gathered in their living room. Besides my cousin , Zelo was really welcoming. He asked me if I wanted things and he talked about random things with me. I took out some of the things I brought from Ijjak. I brought food crops I planted myself. Zelo took the container of cherry tomatoes from me happily. He must like it a lot as he started munching on some on the spot. He was really happy about it.


Yongguk oppa then told me that my parents talked to his parents about me staying with him. They agreed to let me stay with him because what his parents know is that he's staying in all by himself when the truth is he's staying with these other guys , Himchan , Youngjae , Jongup and Zelo. He explained how the place is really small and stuff and they're now trying to discuss where I can stay. I could see everything he was saying so I don't think he's saying it because he doesn't want me around. I'm embarrassed that they're having troubles because of me as they were discussing what to do with me.







Himchan: One of us could sleep on the couch!

Yongguk: I'm not gonna let my cousin stay in one bedroom with 4 guys.

Youngjae: Then maybe she can sleep in the recording room.

Yongguk: You know the recording room is small and crowded with our recording materials.

Jongup: Hyung , you sound like you don't want your cousin with us.

Yongguk: It's not that at all. I don't want her to be uncomfortable.

Me: I'm fine anywhere , even on the couch is fine.

Himchan: We can't let a girl sleep on the couch. It's super cold here at night. Trust me , I tried.

Zelo: But hyung , I really like noona here! We can't just send her away. Let her stay in the room with us!

Himchan: Yah! Junhong-ah! You're too young and you already sound like a ert.

Zelo: But noona bought me food. She doesn't even know me yet she knew what I liked *munches on raw cherry tomatoes* And i'm not being y hyung , that's your job.

Himchan: Aish! This kid , seriously , you're getting on my nerves.

Zelo: What I really wanna say is , it's either we let her stay in the bedroom or nothing. We can't  just ditch noona. Yongguk hyung has been talking about her staying here for a while now.

Youngjae: Yeah. We just never got to discuss where you're gonna stay

Me: I'm sorry if i'm causing a burden for all of you. I know it was so sudden. I didn't expect a scholarship. It was too hard to just let the opportunity pass by.

Himchan: It's not like you're a stranger. You're Yongguk's cousin.

Yongguk: And it's fine. Don't say things like that. The scholarship is a big opportunity for you. It's really my fault. I should've told my parents i'm staying with these guys.







Just as we were talking , we heard the front door flung open. Everyone stayed silent. We could hear the person's every step and whining , saying "Himchan hyuuuuuuung~! I need your hel--!" but before he could finish his words , he was suddenly stopped when he saw all of us staring at him. He observed him well and .... he's that guy!! The guy who saved me from those drunk guys!! What's he doing here? I thought i'll never get to see him again! What if he tells them what happened to me? That's embarrassing!! I looked over at him , he looks a bit confused too. I saw his eyes widen when we gazed at each other. Oh no! He remembered me!






Daehyun: W-what's going on?

Himchan: We're discussing where Soomin can stay. What do you want?

Daehyun: Soomin? *looks at me*

Me: Uhh ... A-annyeong Haseyo *bows my head* B-ba-bang S-soomin imnida.

Daehyun: Bang Soomin?

Yongguk: She's my cousin.

Daehyun: Really?! Her? *stares at me* Oh ....

Himchan: Oh! Right! Daehyun!! I have a solution for our problems already! You too , Yongguk!!

Daehyun: What are you talking about and what does it have to do with me?

Himchan: Your problem , remember?

Daehyun: You want her to do it? *points at me*

Himchan: Duh?

Daehyun: Are you sure? Maybe she can't do it.

Me: D-do what?

Himchan: Oh don't be so picky! You need her help!! Yongguk , let's have Soomin do it.

Me: Have me do what?

Yongguk: You mean ... Soomin ... Well , I guess it's ok.

Himchan: Yeah! I'm sure Soomin can do it!

Me: Me?! What is it?! What are you talking about?

Zelo: No! Noona is mine! Not Soomin noona!

Jongup: They'll probably fight a lot. Daehyun hyung can be too straight forward. Are you sure?

Daehyun: What does that suppose to mean?!!

Yongguk: *looks over at me*

Youngjae: Hyung , They can help each other. I think Soomin should do it.

Himchan: Me too!

Me: Hello? Am I invisible?! What are you guys talking about?

Yongguk: *takes a deep breath* Ok. Soomin-ah ... I know where you can live. 

Me: Really oppa?!

Yongguk: *nods* But we have to explain the situation to you first.

Me: What do I do?

Himchan: You have to agree to help Daehyun!

Me: Daehyun? 

Yongguk: Yes. That guy *points at Daehyun* Agree to help him.

Me: With what?

Daehyun: Just agree!







He just yelled at me in a commanding tone. The hell ... I don't even know this guy! He's a bit rude. I don't wanna help him because i'm sure we won't get along. I thought he was gonna say something about what happened to me earlier but he seems to be keeping quiet about it. Nonetheless , I'm still not sure how I can help him and i'm not gonna let him underestimate me! How can he yell at someone he just met?!






Me: You didn't have to yell at me like i'm your slave.

Daehyun: What did you say?!

Youngjae: Woah. Soomin is too honest for her own good.

Jongup: I told you , they'll probably end up fighting.

Yongguk: You need a place to stay right?

Me: Yeah ... But what do I do? And please answer me appropriately.

Himchan: Tell us if you'll agree first before we tell you what to do!

Me: But .. I'm not sure if--

Yongguk: If you need a place to stay then think about it ...

Daehyun: We don't have all night! Just agree already.

Me: Do I really have to do something for HIM?!

Daehyun: And what's that supposed to mean?!

Me: N-nothing ....

Himchan: Aigoo. Already bickering and we're not even starting yet. I'm kinda doubting if this'll work.

Daehyun: It's not like I have any other choice.

Me: What the---

Yongguk: Soomin , what's your decision?

Me: I'm not sure. Should I just go back to Ijjak-do?

Himchan: Daehyun! Stop turning her off! You're too much really , you're scaring her. Look at what you're doing. Aigoo. You're the one who needs her help. Be a bit nicer.

Youngjae: Sorry about his behavior. He always has this bossy vibe. Don't be too scared of Daehyun. He's just like that but he really needs you. He needs your help. He'll lighten up once you agree. We promise.

Me: I can't agree on something without knowing what I have to do.

Yongguk: It's a tough matter but I think you can do it. I just need you to agree. Don't worry , I wouldn't ask you to do anything weird or something. 







They all looked at me with pleading eyes. I had no choice but to say that i'll do it. I just have to take whatever it is they're gonna ask me to do , even if it is from that guy. Finishing my studies is more important right now. They all looked at each other with relieved faces when I said i'll do it. I don't think we'd get along though , but I can't say no now. I'm just curious of what type of work Daehyun would give me. After what happened , he'll probably use it against me.







Himchan: Great! I'm glad you agreed!

Me: So , what do I have to do for him?

Daehyun: I'll tell you the details later.

Me: Can't you tell me now?

Daehyun: I'm hungry. Hyung , do you have food in the fridge?

Himchan: I'm not sure.

Jongup: It's probably full of beer they took home from the bar.

Me: Beer?

Youngjae: Oh , we forgot to say , these two hyungs work in a bar.

Jongup: They usually take home beers from the bar.

Youngjae: Even our Junhong sometimes steals a drink.

Zelo: H-hyung , don't tell noona that! That's not true.

Youngjae: Obviously , it is. We already caught you more than once!

Me: Daehyun , Is it ok if I ask you to tell me why you need my help? I'm really curious.

Daehyun: It's tiring to tell the story over and over again. Himchan hyung , you tell the story to her. I'm getting hungry , i'll go get something to eat. 






He just left and walked to the kitchen like it's his own house and this isn't his problem. I can't believe i'm getting myself in his mess. As I watch Daehyun leave , Himchan sighed.






Himchan: That guy. He's never changed. Still the same as always. Don't worry Soomin-ah. He's a bit stubborn , rude , bossy , mean--

Daehyun: *yells from the kitchen* I can hear you , you know!

Himchan: *yells back at him* You're supposed to hear it!!! *looks back at me* Anyways , You might not get along at first but he's actually kind and warm-hearted. I'm sure he'll take care of you no matter what.

Me: That part is kinda hard to believe.

Himchan: It is but he really needs your help. You're the only one who can help him. We can't ask anyone else but you. He's running out of time.

Me: Why does he need me?

Yongguk: Daehyun's parents has been bugging him to marry this girl. She's kinda annoying. He doesn't want to.

Me: Well , that description is kinda rude.

Yongguk: It's better to tell the truth straight than to say good things infront of someone then backstabbed him.

Me: Oh. I guess I never saw things in that point of view.

Himchan: Daehyun ran away from his parents but they keep looking for him anyways. They really want him to marry to that girl for a merger.

Yongguk: He had enough of what they're doing so he told his parents that he doesn't wanna marry because he's already married to his fiancee , that he married without their permission. They wouldn't believe him because from what they know , he doesn't have a girlfriend. You'd be shocked to hear that he suddenly got married.

Youngjae: It was unbelievable , even when we first heard it. We just laughed at him. We thought he was joking.

Himchan: They can't believe his words because when they asked to see his wife , he had to think of millions of excuses. 

Me: What does that have to do with me?

Daehyun: *walks back in* First , you forgot to mention that they're not my real parents. They're just my adopted parents. My parents died in an accident when I was 10. I was adopted by my rich relatives who can't have a child on their own. I ran away because I could. It's been 2 years since then and I lived all by myself during the time I left them , they're just going back to me now because of the merger thingy.







He just suddenly popped out of nowhere with his explanation. When he mentioned his parents died when he was 10 , that kinda made me feel sorry for him. Maybe that explains the behavior? When he saw me looking at him with sorry eyes , he turned away and told me off. Apparently , he doesn't like people looking sorry for him. I'm still curious. I still don't know what I have to do. I'm really scared because i'm not sure what horrible mess i'm getting myself into. When I looked down , I realized he was holding a pot with him. He cooked? That was kinda fast though.








Himchan: Waah! Daehyun , you're so nice! You actually cooked for us!

Daehyun: You? This is all mine!

Jongup: Hyung is the best. I'll go get bowls for us. *runs to the kitchen*

Himchan: Yah! Jongup! Be careful! You might slip.

Daehyun: Who told him to get bowls? I planning on eating on this pot by myself.

Yongguk: What did you cook?

Daehyun: Ramyeon.

Jongup: *gets back in with bowls and spoons* Let's eat!







They all look so happy with the food. Daehyun sat next to me before Jongup could sit back to his place next to me , which is weird since we're not close. He was on my right and Zelo was on my left. They cheered like they were watching a soccer game or something when Daehyun opened the pot. They mentioned how they liked soccer and how they usually play together. He doesn't look like the type who could cook though , it's really a surprise. I thought it would probably just be instant ramyeon or something but when he took a bowl and gave it to me , I saw how it had lots of ingredients and it doesn't really look like instant ramyeon. Even just the smell says it taste good.







Daehyun: Eat. 

Me: T-thanks.

Daehyun: *whispers to me* Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about what happened earlier.

Himchan: Daehyun's really the best to be with when he's hungry! He cooks! Aigoo. Your wife will be lucky.

Daehyun: *awkwardly clears his throat*

Me: *looks at him* Are you ok?

Daehyun: Y-yeah ... Just eat. Don't mind me.

Me: *takes a sip of the soup* Mmmh! It's really good.

Daehyun: *smiles* Of course it is. I made it.







Sometimes , his personality kinda clashes. He does look handsome when he smiles and he looks different when he looks all proud like that. It made my heart skip a bit ... Oh what am I thinking! He's still rude! Remember! He called you stupid!!!! As they were enjoying the meal , I know I had to ask what i'm gonna do. It's really bugging me and I can't just hide it.






Me: Hey.

Daehyun: What?

Me: Can I ask something? What do you want me to help you with?

Daehyun: How can I answer your 'Can I ask something' question when you already asked me what you wanted to ask anyways?

Zelo: Hyung , don't pick a fight with noona.

Youngjae: They're really both straight forward. I think we'll be seeing lots more of it.

Jongup: That's what I keep saying!

Daehyun: Is it really that important for you to know?

Me: Duh? Of course! It's very important that I know the details.

Himchan: Do you want me to tell her?

Daehyun: No. I will.

Me: So?

Daehyun: Starting from today ............... you're gonna be my wife.

Me: Huh?

Daehyun: Didn't you hear?! I said you're gonna be my wife! I want you to be my wife! Wife! W-I-F-E.

Me: *laughs* Wife? You must be kidding. Seriously , what is it?








I said , while laughing , but my laughter went away when I saw how they were all gazing over at me. They're not joking?! Are they playing with me?! They can't be serious though. I mean , i'll be his WIFE?! Doesn't that sound like a joke?







Daehyun: Do I look like i'm joking?

Me: Well .. N-no , but--

Yongguk: As much as it sounds like a joke , it isn't. 

Me: A-are you all crazy?! You call that as something that isn't WEIRD?! I can't marry him! 

Daehyun: You can't say no after you agreed to do it!

Me: Y-your request is unreasonable! I came here to study!

Daehyun: I'm not really gonna marry you , it's just pretend! PRETEND. I have better taste.

Me: W-what did you just say?!!!

Himchan: Yah! Jung! Stop turning her off!

Me: I don't wanna do it if it's with him.

Yongguk: It's not like you have any other choice.

Me: I'll just look for a job.

Himchan: It's hard to find a good job if you're an undergraduate especially here in Seoul. You may have good credentials but there are lots of picky employers out there if they find out you just got here from Ijjak-do.

Youngjae: Plus , you're new here. They might promise you a certain job but you'll end up getting something else. It's only gonna be for a couple of days , until his parents believe he's married already.

Me: Only for a couple of days?

Youngjae: Yeah.

Me: Well ....

Daehyun: I just need you to be my fake wife so I can live peacefully without them bugging me all the time. You're not gonna lose anything by pretending.

Yongguk: Daehyun. Can you at least talk a bit nicer to her? You need and help and you should remember that she's my cousin.

Daehyun: *sighs* Fine. I'm sorry ... Please. I need you. You know what happened before. This is the only thing i'll ask for in return to that. Please , will you be my wife?








I didn't know Yongguk oppa has this control over him. He just obeyed him like a puppy when he told him to be nicer but his apology didn't seem to be sincere so i'm still unsure. They were all looking at me with pleading eyes. Ok , this is so weird. A sudden marriage proposal on my first day in Seoul. Even though it's fake , it gives a really weird feeling inside. Like what Yongguk oppa said , it's not like I have any other choice. I need a place to stay in and I don't have a choice. If Daehyun can give me a place to stay in then I guess it's ok. It's just pretend anyways. I don't really wanna give these other guys a burden because my coming was so sudden. Besides , he saved me from trouble before. It's the least I could do for him. Even if his attitude towards me isn't so great ,I still owe him something. I don't wanna owe him something forever all the time.







Me: Fine.

Daehyun: *sighs* Well that took long enough. If you only wanted me to plead , you should've said so! It's gonna end like this anyways.

Himchan: Hey. Wait a sec. What's with the 'what happened before' and 'in return' thingy? Did something happen? Something we don't know?!

Daehyun: I-it's nothing.

Youngjae: You're hiding something from us!

Me: *cuts in* But you know , This is just insane. The mess you're getting me in right now is no joke.

Yongguk: Well , you need a place to stay in and Daehyun has it. Renting wouldn't be good for you especially because you're a girl , you'd be alone. You don't even have money to pay for it yet.

Himchan: It's not safe living anywhere else by yourself. At least you have Daehyun. He'll take care of you.

Yongguk: As much as I wanna let you stay here with us instead and not get you involved , I don't think our environment is right for you. I want you to be comfortable because you're here to study. You need a better place to be able to focus on studying.

Jongup: Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung works in a bar. There's alcohol here daily. Like we said , they take home beer from the bar. We're all guys so we fight sometimes too. We don't wanna make a ruckus and disturb you.

Himchan: You need a quiet place to be able to focus on studies. Oh!! Daehyun , as you promised! Drinks on you when I get your job done.

Daehyun: Drinks? 

Himchan: You said when I find you a wife , you'll treat us!

Daehyun: You have way too much drinks on your fridge! Drink those til you can!

Yongguk: *taps my shoulder* Don't worry Soomin. We've known each other since we were young. If he was a person who's mind is full of bad intentions , I wouldn't agree on this. But if he does do something me tell me and i'll beat him up!

Zelo: Me too! I'll beat up hyung with all my skateboards!

Daehyun: Yah! Junhong-ah! What did you say?!

Zelo: It's unfair. You get to be noona's husband *pouts*







I looked at the pouting Zelo and he's too cute. Zelo has welcomed me well when I arrived. He's kinda clingy but it's really cute. We've gotten close in a short time because he treats me well the most. I grew the cherry tomatoes I gave him before , we had a small garden in Ijjak island. I was sitting next to him so I faced his side and pinched his cheeks.







Me: You're so cute!!!!

Zelo: N-noona , that hurts! *rubs his cheeks* *faces me* Oh , noona , can you do me a favor too?

Me: What is it? 

Zelo: After this pretend thing with Daehyun hyung , promise me you'll marry me , ok?







His words kinda stunned me. He didn't looked like he was joking now. His innocent eyes says he has no idea what marriage is really like. But he was really cute. A kid asking to marry you. It's really cute. I know he's only 4 years younger but he's really cute , like a baby. I just smiled at him. Before I even noticed it , Daehyun grabbed my luggage and headed to the door. What is he doing with my things?!







Me: Y-yah!! *stands up* Where are you taking my things?!

Daehyun: To my ... I mean , to our house. We have to go home now. It's getting late.

Me: Our house .......... OUR HOUSE?!!!

Daehyun: Duh , where else?






Our house?! That means .... we're gonna live together?! Wait a sec! We didnt say anything like that! Living with him? Are they CRAZY?! I can't live in one house with just the two of us!! This is crazy. The marriage thingy is already crazy but this living together thingy is making it even more crazier. I can't possibly live with him. The fact that he already judged me as a stupid person after one accident is making me think that living with him is not such a good idea. I didn't think this was the solution to my 'house problems' these guys were talking about. This is just insane.





First chapter!! So , what do you think?! 

I'll try to update it soon ... after midterms. 

We're gonna have our midterms in the next two weeks but i'll try to squeeze this in at that period of time.


I hope you wait for it!

Also , by the time our midterm happens/ends , B.A.P will be having their comeback!

Please give them lots of love and support!


-dorobbongie :3



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New update for Chapter 16 to be posted in 1-2 days!


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Hi author-nim, ive been followed your fanfic since 2013 and i really love it. Your english and story line are very good and im looking for the update though it's already 5 years. Missing you so much author-nim
Baekna #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim!! i'm still waiting for this story to be update author-nim! it's been a year, i'm curious about Juyeon's plan. I keep re-read the story!! Curiousity kill the cat! I hope everything will go well except Juyeon's.
choyriyee #3
really miss this story ㅠㅠ
jmayo81 #4
Just checking in, hope all is well! Can't wait for more ^_^
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 32: Welcome back! That Juyeon >_<! ugh, Daehyun & Soomin's heart to heart was so sweet! but wow.... what on earth is going to happen at that party!? can't wait to find out. Thank you for updating!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 32: Omo....i dont like of what juyeon had been planning..
choyriyee #7
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
choyriyee #8
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: I LOVED their interactions this chapter! it was so sweet to see how Daehyun opened up to her <3 hahahaha, who could fall asleep kissing Daehyun? hehe, too funny! and whoa close call almost 2x's they gave in >_<! UGH, of course Juyeon hired the detective..... can't wait to see how the dinner is going to go, thank you for updating!