The rules of this fake marriage.

Relationship Status: Married?

-- Your POV --

Minhyuk asked me to go out on a date with him. He literally left me speechless. I have no idea on how I should react to it , so maybe not doing anything is the safest possible option I could go with , I might say something i'll regret if I rush with a response. I can't say yes because i'm not in the position to date. I can't date with this whole deal with Daehyun , not like I want to. I don't even know if I actually wanna date him or not. Guys like him are usually troublemakers. How to turn him down politely?


Minhyuk: Monday , after class? Is it good?

Me: Huh?
Minhyuk: Our date. Since we're in the same classes , lets go out to dinner after class.
Me: Minhyuk-sshi , you see--
Minhyuk: Minhyuk. Just Minhyuk.
Me: Ok. Minhyuk.
Minhyuk: Good. So , what's wrong? You can't?
Me: Actually , I ... I have plans.
Minhyuk: Uhh ... Tuesday?
Me: Eh?
Minhyuk: I'll take any day , until we reach a day you don't have plans anymore.

Me: Actually , i'll just be honest , I don't think we should date.
Minhyuk: Why? Am I not your type?
Me: It's not that ...
Minhyuk: Then what? Do you have a boyfriend? You know , I don't really mind. In the end , i'll make you fall in love with me so much , you'll have to dump him over me.


I-is he serious or is he just trying to intimidate me?! Does he always do this to girls? I'm not a Seoul girl but i'm sure this is how Seoul playboys are like. Before I could say anything back , my phone started vibrating. I excused myself took my phone out. I got new messages from Zelo , Jongup and Daehyun. Did they plan on sending these all at once? I read the messages , starting from the one who sent them first.

From Zelo: 
Noona! The line is still pretty long. Wanna buy Ice cream at the convenient store instead? ("=D)


Figures. I can see the line from where I am. Does it really take that long to serve gelato? It looks like the line got longer than how it was when we got here. Maybe there's a 'grand opening promo' we didn't see? I read Jongup's text next.

From Jongup: 
Hey. We should just go back. I'm losing hope , this is taking forever. Look for us somewhere along the line when you're out so we can get out of it.


He gives up too quickly. This is exactly what the people behind him want him and all the other people infront of him want him to do. I read Daehyun's next , because his message was the last one I received.

From Daehyun: 
Yah!! Where the heck are you?! Why are you guys taking so long?! Don't tell me Zelo dragged you somewhere besides that gelato place?! o-(''>o<)-o Text me where you are , i'm gonna come and get you. 



He asked 3 questions in a row. I could imagine him saying that to me in an 'I demand an answer!' tone , and looking like his emoticon. He's really a worrier. I quickly texted him back , saying 'We're going back' and that's it. He quickly replied ....

From Daehyun:
That's it? I typed all that and all I get for a reply are 3 words? You're heartless.

I don't know how that's funny but it sure made me laugh , a lot. I texted him back saying:

I'm sorry , your highness. We're on our way back now. The line at the gelato place is mega long , so we couldn't get any.  We're dropping by the convenient store first though , want anything? 


Hopefully , that satisfies his needs. I probably set myself into a trap for asking him what he wants. He's such a worrier , but even he won't admit that , it makes me laugh when he's acting like that. I can't help but smile , thinking that he's worried about me. I realized I forgot Minhyuk was even here with me when I heard a cough from him.



Me: Oh. I'm sorry.
Minhyuk: Boyfriend?
Me: Huh?
Minhyuk: You were smiling ever so beautifully while reading that text you got. So , your boyfriend?
Me: Uhh ... My friends from outside. I have to go. They gave up on the line already so we're just leaving.
Minhyuk: I can just get you guys whatever you want for you. I have a VIP pass.
Me: Thanks but it's ok. We'll just leave. It was nice seeing you.
Minhyuk: Ok then. I'm still gonna wait for an answer and a date , ok?
Me: ...
Minhyuk: See you in school.



He stood up , took my hands in his and shook them. He leaned his face close to mine and flashed a smile at me before he left.



He's so handsome. So .... handsome .... What am I saying?! I really have no idea what I should do. It's like he knew if he flashed a smile at me , he'd get me. I shake my head , trying to get these thoughts out , and went out of the gelato shop. I searched for Jongup and Zelo in this long long line , it was easy to find them since Zelo's height stands out. Daehyun said he wanted a cheesecake so we bought those sliced ones in a container at the convenient store while we bought food for us too. It was pretty quiet in the bar when we got back. It's stranded by day but super packed at night.


They were busy preparing our lunch on the table. They're really family , even if all of them are completely unrelated. I think this bar is the perfect place for them all together. I really feel so at ease here , maybe because they're here. When there are costumers here , I feel a bit unease. They don't control the type of people who leave here , I guess. Their faces lit up when they saw us.



Himchan: Finally! You guys are here so we can eat.
Daehyun: Cheesecake! You're finally here!!
Yongguk: Who's Cheesecake?
Youngjae: You call her 'Cheesecake'?
Daehyun: What? Don't be silly. I meant the cheesecake. The cake. I've been waiting for it.
Me: You're more excited about the cheesecake getting here than us?
Daehyun: What else?
Youngjae: Really? Because you were getting ready to go to that gelato place a while ago , saying you'd drag her away from Zelo if you have to.
Daehyun: Pfft. I just want to go there to stop her from eating!! I don't want them to say I married a pig.
Me: A pig?! You're calling me a pig?!
Daehyun: Not yet but that day may come soon.
Me: Hahahaha *sarcastic laugh* Wrong answer. No cheesecake for you!
Daehyun: Yah!!! That's mine!
Me: How is it yours?! I bought it! It's mine! *snatches the cake*
Daehyun: Hey! *tries snatching it back* I'm the one who asked you to buy it , it's mine!!
Me: Says who?!
Daehyun: Says me!
Me: I couldn't care less! I was gonna give it to you , but then I changed my mind. It's mine now!
Daehyun: Yah! Do you wanna keep getting fatter?!
Me: Stop saying i'm fat!
Daehyun: Why?! Because the truth hurts?!
Me: Yah! You're not gonna get your cheesecake from me that way!
Daehyun: See! You just said it's my cheesecake!
Himchan: WOAH! Stop it! Are you guys always like this at your house?
Me: He started it.
Daehyun: How is it me who started it?!
Me: Because you called me a pig!
Daehyun: Are you not?
Me: YAH!!!
Himchan: HEY! Can you two please stop? How do you even live together?
Youngjae: They're just showing off.
Me: Showing off? *clueless*
Daehyun: We're not showing off.
Me: Showing off what?!
Daehyun: Shut up.
Me: Hey! I was just asking!
Yongguk: Do you guys usually fight like this at home?



Actually , no. Daehyun acts so different towards me when we're with them. I don't get it. We fight like cats and dogs in front of them. We sometimes fight at home too , but it's worse here. He acts as if he hates me in front of them. When we finally stopped fighting , we started eating lunch. I can't stop thinking about Minhyuk. No , it's not like I can't stop thinking about him because i've fallen in love with him , i'm just thinking why he asked me to go on a date with him and stuff. 



Daehyun: Hey.
Me: ...
Daehyun: HEY!
Me: What?! WHAT?!
Daehyun: Why are you so quiet?
Me: I'm eating. Can't you see?
Daehyun: Eating? It takes you exactly 3.5 minutes before you pick up food after eating another.
Me: You had that much time calculating that?
Daehyun: Everyone's on their seconds already.
Himchan: Leave her alone. Girls like to eat their food thoroughly. Plus , she's probably admiring the taste of my delicious cooking , right Soomin?
Me: Oh. Yeah. I guess.
Daehyun: Yah. Maknae , what happened back there?
Zelo: What? Nothing happened , right noona?
Me: ...
Daehyun: Maknae-yah! Did you leave her alone?!
Zelo: We were waiting in the long line , noona got tired so she went to find a seat. 
Daehyun: I told you not to leave her alone!
Zelo: Did something happen? Why didn't you tell us , noona?!
Me: No. Nothing happened. Himchan oppa's cooking is just too delicious. I wanna savor the taste.
Himchan: See?
Daehyun: If you say so. *whispers* But i'm still not convinced. I'm gonna make you tell me later.
Youngjae: Hey. Stop showing off your wife , Daehyun.
Daehyun: Shut up.
Himchan: Why do you love to say 'Shut up' all the time?!
Daehyun: Because you guys never make sense! It's better to shut your mouths if you can't make any sense.
Himchan: You're the only one who doesn't sense here!




I just went back to eating. They argue even when eating , they must really be close. Honestly , I can't stop thinking about Minhyuk , about what happened earlier. It kinda got me worried about some other things , I lots of things I want to ask Daehyun. Is it ok for us to date someone else , even when we're both in this fake marriage set-up? He said I shouldn't care about what he does , but I think I recall him telling me I can't date. What if he dates? I just don't know what our do's and don't's exactly are. I wanna ask , not because I want to go out with Minhyuk , I just wanna know.

--Minhyuk's POV--

I met up with hyung (cousin) after Soomin left. He was waiting for me , right out of the gelato store. He really gets impatient. Gikwang hyung was showing off his gelato to me. He's so impatient that he went inside even if he knows i'm in the middle of something there.


Minhyuk: You went inside?
Gikwang: It was getting bored. Watching and waiting. How did it go?
Minhyuk: It went well , I guess.
Gikwang: What happened?
Minhyuk: Well , I told her and she hasn't answered me.
Gikwang: So she's thinking about it?
Minhyuk: Maybe. She actually said she doesn't think we should but then I told her i'm willing to date her even if she's already taken and stuff.
Gikwang: That sounds like you. Junhyung wanted to hit on Soomin instead but--
Minhyuk: Hey. Soomin's my problem now. He better back off.
Gikwang: *smirks* You act like she belongs to you , she's married!
Minhyuk: Or maybe she isn't , remember? She's the first girl who dared say no to me. It just makes me want to go for her more.
Gikwang: You're always like girls like that. Did she mention she's married?
Minhyuk: No i'm not. No one ever dared to say no when I asked them out before. It's just her and no , I don't remember her saying that. I think she doesn't see the need to say it unless she's asked. It's either because it's not true or she's just interested in me.
Gikwang: Or maybe she's not interested in you so she doesn't see the need to discuss her private life with you.
Minhyuk: Yeah. Hyung. Thanks for the encouragement. *sarcastic* That totally makes me feel more confident. 
Gikwang: You should just ask her about being married and all. To get this over with.
Minhyuk: Are you really sure you're my cousin? That's the most stupid idea I ever heard. If I ask her , she'd wonder why I asked. And I don't want to get this over with , i'm just getting started.
Gikwang: What kind of plot do you have in mind then?
Minhyuk: Plot? I don't have a plot. I'll do what I always do. Get the girl I want to fall in love with me. I get whoever I want. I'll get Soomin. She'll fall in love with me so bad , she won't be able to handle it. I won't take no for an answer.
Gikwang: Geez man. You and your ladies! What if she really is married?
Minhyuk: She can get divorced then. *smirks*
Gikwang: Hey. How did you remember Daehyun's face , by the way?
Minhyuk: You bring me with you when you're snooping around him lots of times. How can I not remember him? He already saw me with Soomin at school before but I doubt he knows who I am.
Gikwang: Be careful. If Soomin finds out we're related and i'm bestfriends with Junhyung--
Minhyuk: Thats out of my proportion. You're bestfriends , it has nothing to do with me. Even if you didn't have plans of exploitation , I would still go for Soomin.
Gikwang: You're incredible. Just incredible. I can't defend us being related. You even use big words like 'exploitation'.
Minhyuk: Hey. I'm still an SNU student after all. I didn't get in there because of some miracles.
Gikwang: Really? I thought you charmed your way to SNU!
Minhyuk: Maybe I did. I just didn't realize it.


This is how we usually joke about each other. When I tell him I like a girl or i'm going for a girl , he says he can't believe we're related when he's actually just the same anyways. He acts all pure , when he's even worse sometimes. Bang Soomin is different. She's not like the others girls I go for. Those girls want me. Those girls wouldn't hesitate when I ask them out. She challenges me. I like a good challenge.

--Your POV--

When we got home , I started cleaning up. I didn't get to clean up that much when I woke up this morning. I woke up late too. Daehyun was like a whining baby when he got drunk. I had to wait for him to fall asleep before I actually got to sleep myself. That was like , 2AM. I kept myself busy to avoid him , but it didn't work.



Daehyun: You think I forgot?
Me: Hopefully , but it looks like you didn't.
Daehyun: I know something happened. What happened?
Me: I already said nothing happened.
Daehyun: Don't 'nothing happened' me. When you enjoy food , you blab about it. I know you.
Me: How can you say that?
Daehyun: Say what?
Me: That you know me.
Daehyun: I just do.
Me: Well , If you think you know me so much then I wanna know something too.
Daehyun: What?
Me: I wanna know the rules.
Daehyun: Rules?
Me: The rules of this fake marriage. I need the rules.
Daehyun: Didn't I already tell you the rules?
Me: You didn't tell me the rules for you. That was only the rules for me.
Daehyun: Why would you need my rules? I know what I should and shouldn't do.
Me: You said I can't do this or that. What about you? What can you do and not do?
Daehyun: I wouldn't do any inappropriate things or whatsoever that can affect our situation. We're doing this because I need to do this. I'm not gonna ruin my own plans.
Me: What if you find someone? What if you date someone during all these? What? Is it ok? You can while I can't?
Daehyun: Why? Is there someone already? Do you wanna date someone?
Me: ... That's not exactly it. But what if I really do date someone else?



Please say no. Please say I can't. I don't know why , I just want him to say no. When he's telling me not to do this or that , it's almost as if he really wants to protect me. I waited for his answer. A long silence filled the room. I looked at him with anticipation as he kept his stare at me too. After a while , he looked away. I could've swore his cheeks were getting tinted. He took a deep breath and ...


Daehyun: Do whatever you want.
Me: What?
Daehyun: Do what you want. If you wanna date then fine. I can't stop you if that's what you want. Just don't get caught.
Me: It's not exactly like that.
Daehyun: Well , i'm sure you got the answer you want. If you're not doing anything in the room , i'll be in there for a while , checking some test papers for a while.


He left the living room without another word. He almost sounded as if he's mad or something. Maybe I said something I shouldn't have. Why do I feel so disappointed he didn't say no? Did I really want him to tell me off that much? Maybe I was a bit insensitive. I may have promised I wouldn't date anyone , which I don't quiet remember , as long as he needs me to pretend to be his wife. Maybe he thinks the person who he thought would be the one to help with his plans might be the one to ruin everything. Maybe that's why he seemed so mad. I was insensitive , I should apologize.

--Daehyun's POV--

I was checking some school test papers , but God knows I can't concentrate. I keep checking the answers wrong , thinking the answer to #1 is B when it's A. #2 is C when it's A. #3 is A when it's D. Ahhh! Why can't I stop thinking about it? Is she seeing someone?! Does she like someone? Why else would she ask that?! Gaaah! I put down my pen and my head down on the table. After a few minutes , I heard a knock on my door.

Me: Daehyun.
Daehyun: What? I'm busy.
Me: What do you want for dinner?
Daehyun: Whatever you wanna cook.
Me: Hey.
Daehyun: WHAT?!
Me: I just asked. I didn't have anyone. Dating isn't one of my concerns when I came here. You know what I came here for.
Daehyun: You don't really have to explain anything to me.
Me: I was just worried , you might find someone else. I mean if that happens , I don't know what'll happen with your plans. I don't want your plans to be ruined. That's why I wanted to know the rules. It's too late to change everything now I didn't mean to be clingy or make you feel like I think I have authority in you life , It's your private life. It doesn't involve me. I'm sorry.
Daehyun: ...
Me: Hey. If I did something wrong , i'm really sorry. But I promise , i'll help you. I'll be with you til the end. I'll help you as long as you need me. I won't let you down.
Daehyun: ...
Me: By the way , Youngjae called. He couldn't reach your phone so he called the home phone. He said he's coming over for dinner. I'm going to start cooking now so if you want something , just go to the kitchen to tell me , ok?


I still didn't answer her that time. I could hear her footsteps slowly going further away. Why am I so mad at her? I don't even know if i'm mad , I just don't wanna talk to her. If she's dating someone or wants to date someone , she can just say it. She doesn't have to make excuses about it. Wait , why do I even care? It's her life , she can do whatever she wants.

--Your POV--

Days have passed since my confrontation with Daehyun , yet he still hasn't talked to me! Our days passed with mainly us just one of us trying to sense what the other one is doing or wants to say. Also , Youngjae walks me to school and back home. That night when Youngjae came to dinner with us , Daehyun mentioned that things are getting pretty busy at school so he has to leave early in the morning and can't walk me to school. Youngjae offered to walk me instead , because his work place is just near by. I didn't want to because I could go to school by myself just fine but ... Here I am , with Youngjae taking me to school. Besides the stress i've been getting from home , trying to sense Daehyun's actions , school's finally starting to get tougher.



Youngjae: You look really tired.
Me: Things are finally getting harder in school. The lessons are becoming more and more difficult as the days go by. It's really tiring but it's not something I can't handle just yet.
Youngjae: That's normal. If it isn't like that , it's not school.
Me: I guess. 
Youngjae: Doesn't help that you're stressed at home too , right? Daehyun's pretty hard to handle when he's sulking.
Me: I'm sorry you have to walk with me like a bodyguard everyday.
Youngjae: It's no big deal , really. It's nice talking to someone on the way to work.
Me: Then , i'm glad.
Youngjae: Zelo's been complaining that we spend a lot of time together now. 
Me: Really? That's cute.
Youngjae: Give the kid a break. He's got such a big crush on you!
Me: Don't be silly. Zelo's still a kid. 
Youngjae: Well , since we spend lots of time together , am I rank #1 on your closest friends list now?
Me: *chuckles* I don't have a list but if it makes you happy , then fine. You can be #1.
Youngjae: Ehh ... It's like you're just forcing yourself!
Me: Of course not. I guess we have become closer because of this.
Youngjae: You still fighting with Daehyun?
Me: We're not fighting.
Youngjae: Sure , you're not.
Me: We're only together because of the deal. We normally don't get along. I guess that's why we're not so close. It's not like we have to. We only have to act like we're close. It's only a temporary thing , we don't have to get too attached.
Youngjae: Really? You two look perfect together for me!
Me: Don't be ridiculous. The only thing we're perfect together at is killing each other. I'm sure Daehyun's just sulking a little because he's stressed too , with work.
Youngjae: Yeah. His work does get pretty stressful as the semester goes by.
Me: What about you?
Youngjae: Me? Well , i'm sure my work is not as stressful as his. I'm doing fine.
Me: Is it ok for you to take me to school everyday?
Youngjae: Yeah. I still have an hour before my shift starts.
Me: You're spending your extra time to rest just so you could take me to school. I can just tell Daehyun you still walk me to school and all , you don't have to do it daily. I can take care of myself.
Youngjae: Yeah. And if something happens to you and i'm not there , he'd kill me.
Me: You can't be with me 24/7 and i'm not a kid anymore.
Youngjae: It's not like i'm with you 24/7. I'm just taking you from school to home. From home to school. I need to walk you to school , especially at night. Do you even watch the news about girls getting abducted by psychos at night?
Me: Psychos would be real psychos if they try to make a move on me. I'd beat them up!
Youngjae: *pats my head* You still don't know Seoul , kid. Don't talk so confidently.



My first meeting with Daehyun flashed back to my head. He's right. I don't know Seoul that much. If I told Daehyun what I just told Youngjae , he'd use that accident over me. It was just scary that time because it's my first day in Seoul. Now that i'm a little used to Seoul , I know where not to go to. I pushed his hand away and kept quiet. I guess Daehyun did keep his promise , that he wouldn't tell anyone about that accident. I desperately tried to change the topic.

Me: Hey. Have you talked to your manager about the job vacancy I asked you about?
Youngjae: Yeah. He said we still have some vacancies. He just needs your resume , but are you sure this is ok? Daehyun already said you can't get a job. Plus , it's hard to work while studying.
Me: I'll be fine. The scholarship money isn't enough for my school needs and I can't just let Daehyun pay for my living expenses. I feel like i'm freeloading.
Youngjae: I'm sure he doesn't think like that.
Me: Well , I do!
Youngjae: It's dangerous. The only shift you can take is the night shift , after your classes til 11PM. My shift is in the morning. Daehyun would wonder where you are during 7PM-11PM.
Me: You're right. If only he stays in school a bit longer. He'd need me to cook for him and stuff.
Youngjae: Daehyun's last class would end at 6PM , right? The only break in school he has is lunch break. He likes to make sure he's using his time efficiently , but that's not what I meant , that he only needs you to cook and clean for him. We both know Dae is capable of doing that for himself. What i'm saying is , it's too dangerous for you.
Me: It's not like he'd allow me to work at the bar again. Not after what happened last time.
Youngjae: Yongguk hyung can talk to him. You know he doesn't have the power to say no to Yongguk hyung.
Me:  *claps my hands together* You're right! I should ask Yongguk oppa. I'm going to the bar later! Youngjae-ah! *taps his head* You're really smart!!
Youngjae: *pushes my head away* Stop it! I'm not a dog and you know you're gonna have to give hyung a convincing performance before he agrees.
Me: Tsk. You were doing the same thing to me a while ago , then you complain about being a dog?! I'm sure i'll be fine. It'll be easy. It's Yongguk oppa. If Daehyun can't say no to him , Yongguk oppa can't say no to me.
Youngjae: Your true manipulating nature is finally coming out? You're really compatible with Daehyun. Why don't you just marry Daehyun for real?
Me: You're joking , right?
Youngjae: *laughs*
Me: Stop saying weird things!! I don't want monster in-laws.
Youngjae: You're scared of his parents?
Me: Adopted parents.
Youngjae: See? You sound like Daehyun now.
Me: Whatever and yes. They're so intimidating! My parents would never talk like that. I didn't think parents could talk like that about other people they don't know in front of their kids. They should be goods examples to their kids.
Youngjae: Well , like you said , they're just adopted parents. I'm sure if they had their own children , they'll realize that.
Me: I guess you're right. I wonder how Daehyun's parents were like?
Youngjae: As much as I can remember , they're pretty nice. His mom would make a boxed lunch for him , sometimes she even makes extra ones for us since we and the hyungs went to the same school.
Me: He loves food so much , now I see why. He must really miss her a lot. 
Youngjae: It'll be better if you ask him so he can open up to you. Or maybe you should try to open up to him , I'm sure you miss your parents too.
Me: Yeah. A lot ....... Oh! *stops walking* We're here. We got so carried away talking.
Youngjae: I guess. It's really nice talking to you.
Me: Aigoo. Don't start flattering me now!
Youngjae: You're just reeeeeeeeeeeeally cute all of a sudden.
Me: Yah! Yoo Youngjae , don't start acting like you like me now.
Youngjae: *smiles* You know me so well that fast? 
Me: You've been joking around like that a lot these passed few days. I'm beginning to get nervous.
Youngjae: Hey. I'm just joking. I don't want Daehyun to beat me up!
Me: Like he'd care. Well , i'll see you later.
Youngjae: I'll text you when i'm on my way here.
Me: Ok. Thank you! I'll see you later!

After my long chat with Youngjae , we went our separate ways in front of my school's gate. He's become such a good friend , the first day he started taking me to school , he pestered me so much on why I choose Jongup over him. It's nice sharing stories with him and he explains a lot about Seoul to me. I waved goodbye at him as I watch him grow smaller in the crowd. Now , I hope I can handle another day in school where Minhyuk is ... again. 

I went on my way to enter the school gate when I saw Minhyuk at the left side talking to someone. I always see that guy with him , he's not a student here though. They just talk outside all the time. I don't really wanna talk to him now. I tried to hide myself and quietly go to the right side. When I finally got to enter the school grounds , thinking I was safe , I hear my name getting called out. Uh-oh. I knew it. It seemed too easy for me to get away just like that.



I finished this days ago but I was too lazy!

This was actually longer but it seems pretty long already so I took the next few parts out.

Anyways , i'll try not to be too lazy next time. 

I hope you liked this chapter! 

Thank you!

Readers and subscribers! I hope you guys will always wait patiently!

Thank you again!

-dorobbongie :3

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New update for Chapter 16 to be posted in 1-2 days!


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Hi author-nim, ive been followed your fanfic since 2013 and i really love it. Your english and story line are very good and im looking for the update though it's already 5 years. Missing you so much author-nim
Baekna #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim!! i'm still waiting for this story to be update author-nim! it's been a year, i'm curious about Juyeon's plan. I keep re-read the story!! Curiousity kill the cat! I hope everything will go well except Juyeon's.
choyriyee #3
really miss this story ㅠㅠ
jmayo81 #4
Just checking in, hope all is well! Can't wait for more ^_^
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 32: Welcome back! That Juyeon >_<! ugh, Daehyun & Soomin's heart to heart was so sweet! but wow.... what on earth is going to happen at that party!? can't wait to find out. Thank you for updating!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 32: Omo....i dont like of what juyeon had been planning..
choyriyee #7
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
choyriyee #8
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: I LOVED their interactions this chapter! it was so sweet to see how Daehyun opened up to her <3 hahahaha, who could fall asleep kissing Daehyun? hehe, too funny! and whoa close call almost 2x's they gave in >_<! UGH, of course Juyeon hired the detective..... can't wait to see how the dinner is going to go, thank you for updating!