Do you like her?

Relationship Status: Married?

--Your POV--


Taking care of the baby is easy , i've done it so many times , but what's hard is Himchan oppa's strict training for us to become 'The world's #1 couple'. He's really strict , almost like a very dedicated teacher. A really scary one. We came to his place take the baby together after school and he took the opportunity to finally get it with his 'training'. It's only been a day since we got the baby too! I didn't think this training would be so irritating.Jongup serves as his partner as the girl while Zelo plays with the baby in another room.






Himchan: Ok. Now you have to learn how to hold hands!

Daehyun: Do you even have to learn how to do that?! I've already done that millions of times! Everyone can do it , even with a dog!

Himchan: Well , we're talking about holding hands with YOUR wife. Not a dog.

Daehyun: What's the difference?

Me: H-hey! Are you saying I look like a dog?

Daehyun: What do you think?

Me: You're just plain mean!

Himchan: Enough! Right now , i'm the teacher here. What I say goes. Now , hold hands!

Me: Eh? I don't want to!

Daehyun: This is just stupid. Shouldn't you be at the bar to help Yongguk hyung and Youngjae instead of making uss do your crazy rituals?

Himchan: Stop worrying about it and just do what I say!

Me: But they probab--

Himchan: I said do it!








Told yah. Scary. Daehyun and I placed our hands on top of one another slowly. We both have our palms and fingers facing each other , and stopped there. This is really awkward. My heart is beating really fast right now. His hand is so warm. As much as it feels nice , I could feel my face getting hot. I can't even look at Daehyun!







Himchan: See! Wrong! You have to do it like this , like this! *intertwine his hand with Jongup's*

Daehyun: T-this is fine! And you two look gross!

Himchan: Stop trying to change the subject! Your faces are both so red! It's not fine at all! I can tell you two are lying a mile away! Do it properly!

Me: I-it's embarrassing doing it in front of you on demand!

Himchan: Well , get used to it. A married couple shouldn't be embarrassed if they do things like these , willing or by demand!

Me: We can do it just fine if we're already there , right Daehyun?

Daehyun: You're so .................................

Himchan: What is it , Daehyun? Do you have something to say?

Me: W-what's wrong , Daehyun?

Himchan: We're doing this for you , or do you want the thing that happened before to happen again? You don't want that , right Daehyun? Do you wanna see that again? Do you wanna be the cause of that again?







I don't know what he's talking about , but it put Daehyun in a trance. He looked like he was thinking about something so far , so deep. Without any warning , he firmly clasped his hand on mine. He held my hand tightly and intertwined our fingers together. His actions all seem so real. Like he's holding my hand because he wants to protect something important to him. Reluctantly , I did as Daehyun did and intertwined my fingers with his , holding his hand tightly. I looked into his eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off of him now as he stared at me too. The way he's acting now makes me not want to let go of his hand too. I feel so protected by the way he's holding my hand.







Himchan: Perfect~! Wow~! You two really look like a real couple huh?!

Me: ...

Daehyun: ...

Himchan: Hey. You two. That's enough! You already did it~!

Me: ...

Daehyun: ...

Jongup: Hyung , why are they just staring at each other? Are they in love already?

Himchan: H-hey. Why are you two so quiet?!

Jongup: I think this why Yongguk hyung told you not to provoke them.







Provoke? What does that even mean? I could hear them , but my body wasn't responding to my brain. For the first time , I realized how pretty Daehyun's eyes are. They were captivating. I came back to my senses when I felt someone shaking me , almost as if to wake me up. Himchan oppa and Jongup looked at us with worried faces. Daehyun pulled his hand away at that moment.






Himchan: Hey , are you two alright?

Me: H-huh?

Himchan: Seriously guys , don't scare us like that! If you wanna look at each other lovingly that much , warn us first!

Daehyun: W-we weren't looking at each other lovingly! We just did what you said!

Jongup: But you two were staring at each other like ... it's just you two here!

Daehyun: No , we weren't! Your eyes must be having problems or something. Go see a doctor. I only did what YOU wanted , so you would stop blabbing.

Himchan: Ok. Ok. Fine. You weren't. But no matter what the situation is , I want you two to look like that when you need to! You totally had us fooled there , if you really weren't looking at  each other lovingly!

Me: I-i think we should go get the baby and get ourselves going.

Himchan: Ok. Next training will be about hugging and other stuff~!






He told us happily. I have no idea what just happened a while ago. It was like the world stopped and all I could see was Daehyun. No no no! I shouldn't be thinking like this! We just held hands! It's not like it's the first time too! Ah! This is weird! And I definitely don't wanna do hugging and other stuff like that. It's the first time I felt like this.. Himchan oppa must be doing some weird magic tricks or something while I wasn't looking.


--Daehyun's POV--


That Himchan hyung and his weird tricks. I don't know what's gotten into me. When I held her hand , I thought that I wanted to protect her. I didn't want to let her go and have her get into trouble. This is so embarrassing , the things that Himchan hyung makes us do! He must've casted a weird spell or something. To be quiet honest , I never thought i'd do the weird things he'd make me do.


We took the baby from Zelo and left their place. I knew he was plotting something weird when he said he took the baby to their dorm. Soomin was carrying the baby while we were walking at the sidewalk on the way home. She was on the side facing the road when a guy riding a bicycle passed by quickly. She almost got hit , but I quickly put my arm over her shoulders and pulled her closer to me.





Daehyun: Hey! Watch it!

Me: ... T-that was a close one.

Daehyun: Yeah. Everyone is rushing nowadays , they don't even observe their surroundings. That dude's seriously messed up for almost hitting you and the baby!

Me: ...

Daehyun: What's wrong? Why are you so quiet?

Me: I-it's just ... You're too close. Can you let go of me now?





I didn't even realize I was still holding on to her. I quickly let her go when I realized that. Now i'm feeling embarrassed again! My feels feels hot. I looked around , to see some old ladies gossiping about us. This is so irritating. Get a life , people!


--Your POV--


I didn't know why Daehyun pulled me close to him at first , but my heart started beating fast again. What's with me?! Ever since the whole 'training' thing , getting closer to Daehyun made me feel heavy inside. Heavy? I don't know if that's the right wrd to describe it. Even though I knew it was weird , it didn't stop my heart from beating faster and faster.





Daehyun: S-sorry.

Me: I-it's fine. Thanks though. It's fine if I get hurt , but I don't know what i'll do if something happens to Mingguk.

Daehyun: Of course it's not if you get hurt.

Me: Huh?

Daehyun: N-nothing! Give him to me and walk here , to the side that's not facing the road. You're such a kid. You'll surely trip if I don't look after you.

Me: Hey! Don't say things like that. If you're worried , you can just come clean about it instead of showering me with insults.

Daehyun: I'm just saying the truth! It's your problem if you take it as an insult.

Me: Who wouldn't take that as an insult?

Daehyun: Just shut up and give me the baby.

Me: There you are commanding me again. It wouldn't kill you to say 'please' sometimes.





I gave Mingguk to Daehyun. Unlike last time , he seems to be getting used to holding him. Only a day has passed since we got the baby , but I think Daehyun's secretly growing fond of Mingguk. Mingguk seems to be really fond of Daehyun too. He's always trying to portray a tough image , but seeing how the baby feels so calm around him , it shows how soft an caring he really is. This side seems more like the real Daehyun than the tough image his trying to show. Mingguk reached out to Daehyun's head and started pulling his hair again.





Daehyun: H-hey! Stop it!

Me: He was being too mean to me , wasn't he? You're punishing him now , aren't you?

Daehyun: H-hey! Stop poisoning the baby's mind and get his hands away from my hair!

Me: Commanding me to do things. Again.

Daehyun: Come on!

Me: Only if you say 'please'.

Daehyun: No way! Just get his hands off my hair! Now!

Me: Say please' first!

Daehyun: Stop acting llike a kid! Come on!

Me: I'm not acting like a kid , you are! You should show proper manners to the kid!

Daehyun: The hell would I care about proper manners when my scalp is getting torn off?

Me: Would it kill you to say please?

Daehyun: Fine! Fine! Please get his hands off of my hair! Now!

Me: Ok. Ok. *pulls Mingguk's hands off Dae's hair*

Daehyun: That hurt a lot! Geez. You just had to act like a kid now.

Me: *Mehrong*

Daehyun: Tsk. You're having too much fun. For a one year old , he's really strong! Where do you get that strength from , kid?

Me: I'm sure it's because his mother takes care of him well. She's working while taking care of him. That must be really hard. I'm sure he knows that. Seyoung unnie told me he's really well-mannered.

Daehyun: Doesn't feel like it when he pulls my hair out.

Me: Maybe he knows what his mother is going through , so he doesn't wanna be a burden. Maybe that's why he's this playful around us.

Daehyun: How would he know? He's a baby.

Me: It's not wrong to think like that! But when I think about what Seyoung unnie is doing for Mingguk , I feel more grateful towards to my mother. They're not in the same situation , but it's about the sacrifices a mother makes. She almost lost her life when she was giving birth to me. Since I was her first kid , pregnancy was tough on her. It even got to the point where she had to choose between getting me aborted or keeping me , because she couldn't take it. When my father couldn't say anything at that time , she said she didn't want to do that to me. She said she wants to keep me , no matter how hard it is for her. I was always thankful. Even before I was born , she's always been thinking about me instead of herself. If it wasn't for her , I wouldn't be here. My mother is very strong-willed. She would do anything for me. She really is a kind person with a kind heart. She always puts others first before herself.

Daehyun: ...I'm glad she didn't.

Me: Hm?

Daehyun: If she did , I would never know where you got it from.

Me: Got what from?

Daehyun: They way you described her , all I could think about was how you're so like that.

Me: I can never be close to the mother she is. I doubt I can be like mother.

Daehyun: You never know , you're not a mother yet. You're not the one to judge yourself if you're a good mother or not.

Me: I guess. Though I doubt i'll ever get judged for it.

Daehyun: Why not?

Me: I doubt i'll get married anytime soon , so I doubt i'll ever have a kid who can judge my 'motherly instincts'.

Daehyun: You don't wanna get married for real?

Me: It's not like I don't want to , I just don't see myself getting there , you know? I came here , only thinking about studying and doing my best in school for my family in Ijjak-do. I never thought about marriage for real ... What about you?

Daehyun: Me?

Me: If you had so much time to think about faking a marriage , do you ever think about getting married for real?

Daehyun: Not really. Things like that don't concern me just yet , especially since Uncle and Auntie always set in my head that I have to marry Juyeon. The more I think about it , the more I couldn't care less. She's the only one so pumped up about it.

Me: ...

Daehyun: What?

Me: I just think that guys have this thought that girls only dream about marriage and fairy tales and stuff.

Daehyun: Don't they all?

Me: I'm not sure , but the only dream I ever had up until now was to be able to become a real architect and build a home for my parents. I just want to be able to make that place for them. If you ask me what my dream is , that's the only thing I can think of.

Daehyun: ... You're really like your mother.

Me: This is weird , i'm sorry if i'm opening up myself again like this. Maybe you should try opening up about yourself sometimes , so I don't always talk all the time. *laughs*

Daehyun: ...

Me: Hey. I was kidding! Don't take it so seriously. You say I talk too much , but Youngjae says I need to talk more because I don't talk much. Well , he does talk a lot. It's hard to in when he's busy talking.





Me and my mouth. I should be more considerate. I forgot that his parents are dead. Now I feel sorry for blabbing about my mother. I hope that's not the reason why he got all quiet.


--Daehyun's POV--


Youngjae says I talk too much for a guy , but she says I don't talk so much ... It must really be different with people you're so comfortable and uncomfortable with. It's not that i'm uncomfortable with her , it just feels different around her. But I liked it ... her opening up to me. I get to know her more. Somehow , hearing her story made me happy. It made me feel like I was getting closer to her. Soomin did a little school work first while I made dinner for the three of us. It was hard to feed the baby. Because we don't have a high chair for the baby , Soomin has to sit him on her lap while feeding him. She can't even eat her own food yet , and again , it's a messy job.





Daehyun: Maybe we should get him a high chair.

Me: It's fine. Even with a high chair or not , I still have to feed him first. Mingguk-ah , say  ah~! *feeds Mingguk*

Daehyun: How do you do this? This job. It's so hard taking care of a kid.

Me: There isn't much jobs open for people my age , so it was hard to find another part time other than this. It's not so hard when you get so used to it , it's actually fun.

Daehyun: You really did a lot of this before?

Me: Uh-huh. Friends of my parents would get me to look after their kids. When their friends need someone to look after a kid , they'd recommend me. I also babysit my old teacher's kid. He helped me get the scholarship to get to study here.

Daehyun: Seems like they all love you over there.

Me: Nah. It's all work. But I really love those kids , they're adorable. It's so different here in Seoul than in Ijjak though. I seem too get along easier with people there than here. I still haven't made friends in school.

Daehyun: Must be ruff since it's your first time here. I'm sure you'll have friends eventually. That's exactly how I felt when I first moved into Seoul. It's probably harder for you. I moved here when I was young , so it wasn't long before I found friends who I got along with very well.

Me: I'm envious. I did find great friends though , I have you guys.

Daehyun: Yeah ... friends.

Me: By the way , I was thinking of calling my mom tonight. Can you put the baby to sleep again?

Daehyun: Sure.

Me: Thank you! I'm sure mom is worried that I couldn't call often. I'll prepare his milk for you after we eat. I'll make it quick so you can rest.

Daehyun: You don't have to do that. Take your time. It's your mom you're talking to. She's worried , so don't rush her.

Me: You're really ok with that?

Daehyun: What? You don't want to?

Me: N-no! That's really nice of you to offer. Thank you!





She looked really happy. Maybe she thought I would hate it since I always say i'm not good with kids? I'm still not good with kids, in general.. This one's just different. Taking care of it is easy. I called it 'it' again.


--Your POV--


I didn't think Daehyun would be ok with it. He's being extra considerate , especially when it's about me and my parents. at first , He said he didn't want to take care of the baby , but he's been helping me out a lot more than I thought he would. I bet he was close to his parents when they were still alive , I can't ask him that though. After dinner , I gave the baby a bath , got him ready for bed and prepared his bottled milk.





Me: Are you really sure it's fine?

Daehyun: I already did this yesterday! It'll be fine.

Me: Are you really going to be ok?

Daehyun: Are you gonna keep asking me this over and over again? Your mom is  waiting for your call already. Sheez. I can do this!

Me: S-sorry. If you say you're fine , then ok.

Daehyun: It's not like I have to do something special. I'll just do what I did yesterday.

Me: Ok. I'm just at the living room if you need me. Come to me when something happens , ok?

Daehyun: It's not like anything will happen.

Me: Just do it.

Daehyun: It'll be fine. Go talk to your mom.





He took the bottle from my hand and started feeding the baby. He may not seem like it , but he actually has some fatherly instincts. They look so cute. I wanna keep looking at them. Too bad I already texted my mom a while ago that i'll be calling her.


--Daehyun's POV--


Unlike yesterday , Mingguk seems to be pretty energetic tonight. I played with him a little more before putting him to sleep. He's keeps smiling and laughing. It's really cute. The only thing not cute about it is , he seems to have grown fond of my hair. He really likes pulling it. After a while , I did what I did yesterday. Fed him with the bottle as he falls asleep , but he doesn't seem to be falling asleep. Soon enough , his bottle was already empty , yet he still hasn't slept yet. He was raising his arms to me. It's either he's reaching for the empty bottle i'm holding or he's asking me to pick him up. Or maybe he wants to pull my hair again.






Daehyun: This is weird. You should already be asleep by now. What do I do with you? Do you want some more milk?

Mingguk: *waves his arms*

Daehyun: Do you want me to pick you up?

Mingguk: *still waves his arms*

Daehyun: Sheez! How am I supposed to know what you want with that? *sighs*






Maybe I should fill his bottle again. I stood up from the bed to the corner of the room where his things are ... but ... he's crying?! I rushed over to the baby , and he's really crying! What?






Daehyun: H-hey! What's wrong?

Mingguk: *cries*

Daehyun: Did I do something? Do you want something? I-i don't know what to do! Ahh! Why can't you speak yet? I'm so confused!

Mingguk: *cries*

Daehyun: Does something hurt? Are you hungry? H-here! I'll pick you up now!






I lifted him from the bed , but he's still crying. I don't know what to do! I know it's not right to panic , but i'm so confused! Why is he crying?! I patted his back and stuff , I checked his diapers , nothing seems to be wrong. Ahh! I don't know what to do! I put the baby down for a while and tried to get Soomin , but ...






Me: I'm sorry if I caused you to worry. (...) I know. I miss you too. (...) Yes , i'm eating just fine. (...) Don't worry about me , i'm more worried about you there. (...) Yongguk oppa gave me a part time job so you don't have to worry about that. (...) It's fine. I can manage doing this and that. You know that better than anyone. (...)





She's still talking to her mom. I can't bother her. How does she not hear this baby crying so loud? I quickly went back to the baby in the room , he's still crying. Ahhhh. Help me. I filled his other bottle with milk and tried to get him to sleep. It's no use. What to do? What to do? Hmmm ... Maybe I should sing to him? Yea. That works in TV. I fixed his position under my arm so I can pat his side with one hand while feeding him with the other. He goes. I started humming randomly. Slowly , he seems to be falling asleep. It's working?


--Your POV--


My mom kept asking tons of question. She really doesn't stop asking everytime I call. She only stopped when Dad told her so. Dad and I aren't as close as me and Mom. He's not good in talking , but he's also very caring and protective.





Dad: You should let your daughter rest. She's probably tired.

Mom: Oh. Right ... I'm sorry dear. I miss you too much , I didn't even realize I was talking too much.

Me: It's ok. I really miss you guys too.

Mom: It's getting late so get plenty of rest. Call me again when you can.

Me: I'll call again real soon.

Mom: Take care of yourself. Eat your meals on time. If there's a problem , call Yongguk or me. If you need something , you should definitely call me. Get plenty of rest. Don't tired yourself out from school and working. Ok? Do you understand?

Me: 네. I understand. You take care of yourself too. Don't work too hard. Ok?

Mom: Ok. Goodnight dear. I love you.

Me: I love you too , Mom. Tell Dad I love him too.

Mom: He heard you. I'm hanging up now , ok?

Me: Ok. Goodnight.





Mom worries a lot. Because she had to go through so much with getting pregnant with me , she really spoils me with love and worries. It's nice to know that no matter where I am , someone cares and loves me. After hanging up , I went to the bedroom to check up on Dae and the baby. I opened the bedroom door and heard ... humming? Who?





Me: Daehyun , What are you doing?

Daehyun: H-hey! *sits up quickly* You're done talking already?

Me: Yes ... What happened?

Daehyun: H-he wouldn't fall asleep so ... Just so you know , he kept crying like hell!

Me: Seriously? Why?! What did you do?!

Daehyun: I don't know! I didn't do anything! I just took my eyes off of him from a second , then he started crying like hell. So irritating.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?!

Daehyun: You were busy talking to your mom , I couldn't call for you while you're doing that.

Me: Maybe he swallowed something.

Daehyun: He would be choking and dead now if he did. Besides , there was nothing small enough for him to swallow next to him when I went to get more milk.

Me: I wonder why he cried then. He really cried , for real?

Daehyun: His diaper was fine. It doesn't look like something was wrong with his body or anything so I thought that maybe he went crazy after he ran put of milk.





I went to the bed and sat next to the baby. I checked his diapers and stuff , but he seems fine. Maybe it was the milk that made him cry. Daehyun continued tapping the baby's side while I made him another bottle before going to bed.





Daehyun: Well ... I guess i'm going to sleep then.

Me: Sorry for the trouble.

Daehyun: It's nothing. That was scary though.

Me: Sorry.

Daehyun: I'm going to the living room now.

Me: Ok.





Daehyun stopped tapping the baby and was about to head out when Mingguk started crying again! Eh?





Me: W-what's wrong , Mingguk-ah?!

Mingguk: *cries*

Daehyun: It was like this a while ago too! Ahh! The noise hurts my head!

Me: This is so weird! It's the first time he cried like this.





I gave him the bottle of milk , but he's still crying. Daehyun went over to us in bed and started tapping the baby's side again. When he started humming , Mingguk slowly stopped crying. Daehyun said he started crying when he left him for a second to make some milk. He started crying again when Daehyun was about to leave. So ...





Me: Maybe he doesn't want you to leave?

Daehyun: Silly , I can't stay here.

Me: But he might cry again if you leave.

Daehyun: What do you want me to do?

Me: ... You could stay here.

Daehyun: W-what?! N-no way! *blushes*

Me: Why not?

Daehyun: I ... I can't stay in a room with you!

Me: S-silly! What I mean is , you sleep here , i'll sleep on the couch tonight.

Daehyun: He'll stop crying later. Just stay here!

Me: He woke up when you left.

Daehyun: What do you expext me to do?!

Me: Stay here with him!

Daehyun: I can't do that! what if he needs something when you're not here? I wouldn't know what to do!






We continued debating about what to do , in the most quiet way we could ... The baby wants him here , but I can't leave him alone with the baby since he might need something.





Me: I'll sleep on the floor.

Daehyun: I can't let you do that.

Me: ...

Daehyun: W-well ... The bed is big enough. W-we can sleep with the baby between us.

Me: E-eh?!?

Daehyun: D-don't worry! I won't do anything weird. We can't just argue forever. 

Me: T-that's not what i'm worried about!




Well , the bed is big enough. It's a queen size bed after all. But ... sleeping on the same bed?! We just keep getting closer and closer ... literally! I didn't have a choice anyways , so we both ended up sleeping on the same bed , with Mingguk in between us. My heart is beating fast again. This is so awkward. I can't look at him at the face at all! I feel like my chest is about to explode! He called out to me , when I was obviously trying to avoid him , and freaked put a little.




Daehyun: Hey.

Me: W-w-what?!

Daehyun: This feels like we're really married , doesn't it?

Me: W-what are you saying?

Daehyun: Nothing. Just blabbing about random things. You seem tensed. You're really prude , aren't you?

Me: W-what are you talking about?! I'm not prude! Of course i'm gonna be tensed, I never slept on the same bed with a guy before!

Daehyun: Do I look like I slept with a girl on the same bed before?

Me: I-i don't know!

Daehyun: Shut up! Don't yell! You'll wake him up.

Me: S-sorry. He likes you so much , he can't sleep without you anymore.

Daehyun: Weird kid.

Me: You were humming to him. Maybe he liked your voice so much.

Daehyun: Everyone does.

Me: I-i'm going to sleep. You should too , since you have work.

Daehyun: Mmn. Ok.

Me: Goodnight.

Daehyun: Mmn ... FYI , I never slept on the same bed with a girl too.





I couldn't turn around from the baby , so I just tried to close my eyes and get some sleep. No luck there though. I can't sleep at all. I can feel his gaze on me. I want to look , but I can't! I'm nervous. I just tried to drift to sleep , I heard Daehyun mumble 'Sleeping on a bed really feels nice. Thanks kid.' after a while before I finally got to sleep.


--Daehyun's POV--


She's really deep into sleep now. I never slept with anyone else in bed before. My chest feels like it's about to burst , but something about this is actually calming. Soomin's face scrunches up in a weird way when she's asleep , but it's cute. W-what am I saying?! I can't think like this. Yongguk hyung will ...





I was on my way to pick up Soomin when I bumped into Yongguk hyung. He was doing some errands , and he walked with me on the way to Soomin's school.





Yongguk: Thanks for taking care of Soomin.

Daehyun: You don't have to thank me for it.

Yongguk: Nah. I have to. You took my cousin in. I hope she's not a burden to you.

bShe's been a big help. In and out of the house. Auntie and Uncle have been bugging me much less since they found out i'm already married.

Yongguk: About what Youngjae said the other day.

Daehyun: Hm?

Yongguk: Is it true? Are you really liking my cousin already?

Daehyun: W-what?! Youngjae said that , didn't he? D-don't be ridiculous hyung!

Yongguk: You're not denying it.

Daehyun: ...

Yongguk: Don't be an elementary school kid , Daehyun. Only kids tease and their crush because they're too shy to admit it.

Daehyun: You're wrong  , hyung! That's --

Yongguk: Come on. It's not like i'm totally against it or anything. She's just really being dragged in your trouble too much already.

Daehyun: I'm sorry about that , hyung.

Yongguk: I just want to know. Do you like her or not?

Daehyun: I-i don't know.

Yongguk: With what you two are doing , it's not impossible for feelings to develop. I want you to promise me one thing , if you can.

Daehyun: What?

Yongguk: Don't do anything that can hurt Soomin's feelings. She's new to Seoul. She's slowly experiencing what Seoul guys are like , now that she's getting pursued by one.

Daehyun: Do you not trust me?

Yongguk: It's not that I don't. All i'm saying is , if she starts developing something for you and you're not sure about your feelings , she might get hurt. I think it's better if you don't provoke her feelings.

Daehyun: ...

Yongguk: She's a kind girl. She's pretty , but I think another reason she's being pursued is because they think it's easy to get girls like her when she's provoked. Daehyun. I trust you. You're like a brother to me , but after this deal is over , she might get hurt. I don't want her to get too attached to something she might have to let go someday. I'm not saying this because I know what you were before , i'm saying this for Soomin. You should set your feelings straight before you do anything else. I don't want her mind to be pre-occupied with something that might confuse her. She's living with you. Don't make things harder for the two of you.



--End of Flashback--




I was a player , so maybe he's thinking I might play with Soomin. Honestly , I really don't know if all i'm feeling is awkwardness or if I really like her already. Set my feelings straight ... I looked at Soomin's sleeping face. I reached out and placed the bangling hair on her place behind her ears. She moved a little , so I pulled back , but when she was all settled , I gently held her cheek.





Daehyun: Do I like you or not? You tell me. I don't know , so i'm asking you. Honestly ,  It's impossible. I can't be liking you.




There's no way. she's a country bumpkin. No way at all. It's stupid to even think about it. Just plain stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I wouldn't be thinking like this if they never mentioned it! In the first place , they know the real reason why we're together now. This wouldn't be an issue if they didn't make it into one.






There was a storm that hit our country and it caused a burden for us for about a week.

I wanted to post earlier but the circumstances did not give me enough timme to do so.

It's fine here and all now , thank God.


I'm slowly trying to put some more emotions in the chapters.

Some comments and suggestions from the readers have helped out a lot.

I'm hoping to hear more from everyone!

Your comments and suggestion really help.

I might not have so much time to reply to your comments , they are all loved and appreciated.

Thank you!


dorobbongie :3



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New update for Chapter 16 to be posted in 1-2 days!


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Hi author-nim, ive been followed your fanfic since 2013 and i really love it. Your english and story line are very good and im looking for the update though it's already 5 years. Missing you so much author-nim
Baekna #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim!! i'm still waiting for this story to be update author-nim! it's been a year, i'm curious about Juyeon's plan. I keep re-read the story!! Curiousity kill the cat! I hope everything will go well except Juyeon's.
choyriyee #3
really miss this story ㅠㅠ
jmayo81 #4
Just checking in, hope all is well! Can't wait for more ^_^
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 32: Welcome back! That Juyeon >_<! ugh, Daehyun & Soomin's heart to heart was so sweet! but wow.... what on earth is going to happen at that party!? can't wait to find out. Thank you for updating!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 32: Omo....i dont like of what juyeon had been planning..
choyriyee #7
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
choyriyee #8
Chapter 32: i'll wait for the next chap!! im pretty excited now. i hope you will update soon..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: I LOVED their interactions this chapter! it was so sweet to see how Daehyun opened up to her <3 hahahaha, who could fall asleep kissing Daehyun? hehe, too funny! and whoa close call almost 2x's they gave in >_<! UGH, of course Juyeon hired the detective..... can't wait to see how the dinner is going to go, thank you for updating!