Just Friends

Love Me
Author POV

Krystal and Amber stayed together for a little bit more, then Amber grabbed her hand. 

"Let's go somewhere." Amber suggests with a smile.

"Now?" Krystal is taken aback.  

Amber nods. 

Krystal sighs, thinking for a minute. "How about we go to your house instead." Amber's face slowly turns red and Krystal is clueless. 


"Fine, we can go to my house if you are so against it." Krystal pulls Amber towards the direction of the bus stop. "My house is kind of far. Sorry."

"It's okay. As long as I can spend time with you." Amber smiles widely. Krystal's heart speeds up. 

Luckily they managed to catch a bus. They get on and there is no room besides the doorway and Amber pushes Krystal to the wall and she puts her arms on the wall, protecting Krystal from any creepers. 

Krystal stares intently into Ambers face, while Amber looks at the surroundings. A smooth jaw line Krystal thinks. Amber from the corner of her eye sees Krystal staring at her so Amber looks at her. 

"Something wrong?" Amber asks her.  

"I'm fine. Just... Fine."  Krystal blurts out fast. 

Amber shrugs. "Okay? So where do you live?"

Krystal looks down, "The edge of the town."

"That's the poore-" Amber shuts . "S-so you live on the edge of town. That's nice."

Krystal bows her head ashamed. "Yes. The poorest part of the town."

Amber is silent. 

"It's all I could afford." Krystal whispers. 

Amber mentally punches herself. Stupid stupid stupid. 

"It's not that bad... Say something." Krystal nudges her. "You being quiet is kind of weird."

"Really? I'm usually quiet unless there are people around me." Amber looks up. 

"You don't seem like that type." 

"I know, but I am." Amber recalls the times when she was home alone. "You're right to some extent. I am around people because I like it. I guess thats why it seems I like talking."

"I like it when you talk." Krystal smiled. 


"This is our stop, let's get off." Krystal scurries out the door with Amber trailing behind. 

They made way down neighborhood that is erie quiet. Krystal so walks quickly Amber almost has to jog. 

"Home." Krystal says opening the door of a small home.

Ambers heart hurt, Krystal lived like this. Krystal must have seen her face, she held Amber's hand. 

"Why so sad?" Krystal tapped Ambers forehead. "I like it when you smile." 

"Krys..." Amber hugged Krystal tightly. 

"Amber what's wrong?" Krystal patted Ambers back. "If it's about me living here, it's fine. I have water, electricity, food, a bed."

Amber lets go slowly and stares into Krystal's eyes. "Let me help you."

"Amber, I said I'm fine." Krystal brushes Amber off to go to the kitchen to make some tea. 

Amber sighs and looks around the small living room. On a coffee table, she finds a picture of Krystal and three other people, probably her family. Krystal looked young, and cute. Amber smiled gently and put the frame back. 

Krystal comes back with with two cups or Ginger tea and she spots Amber sitting nervously. 

"Something wrong?" Krystal hands her a cup. 

"Not really. Kind of? I don't know anymore..." Amber stares intently at Krystal. "Do you know what it means to invite someone over to your house?"

"We are good friends?"

Amber bit her lip, thinking about how to word it. "More like friends who have benefits."

"What's that mean."

"They do things normal friends don't." Amber says very slowly, but Krystal has a blank stare. Frustrated Amber's hands come into the air, "How you managed to take top 1 is clueless to me."

"I got top 1 because I studied hard..." Krystal frowns. 

Amber face palms. Shes too innocent. "Never mind."

"Are you trying to say that we are friends with benefits?" Krystal tilts her head sideways, Amber finds it cute. "What are the benefits suppose to be?"

"Drop it. It's nothing."

"Why would you mention it if it's nothing. Tell me."

Amber shakes her head roughly, "You're too young to know."

"We're the same age..."

"Our maturity is different."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"I guess you are right, you are immature." Krystal crosses her arms.

"Look who's immature now! Calling someone immature means that you're immature as well."

"No it's not."

"It is."

"It's not!" 

"It is!" Amber sticks out her tongue. 

"You're impossible!" Krystal glares at Amber. 

Afterward, it's quiet and both just take sips of the tea. When they finish, Krystal takes the cups and heads to the kitchen, Amber follows. 

As Krystal finishes washing the cups, Amber comes up behind her. "Do you want me to tell you what the benefits are?"

"Ye-." Krystal turns around and her lips lock with Amber's. Her eyes close slowly as Amber wraps her arms around her waist. They hold the kiss for a few more seconds, and Krystal broke it off to breathe. 

Amber smiles and back hugs Krystal, "I like you." Krystal has no response. Amber takes this into account and releases her. "Sorry."

"Amber we're not in that relationship right?" Krystal says momentarily she turns to Amber. "I mean, we're both girls and..."

Amber looks down, "Yeah.. You're right. It's not that type of relationship..." 

"Look Amber I value you as a good friend, but this is..." Krystal feels bad, her parents wanted her to find a good husband, but Ambers not a boy and she wants to fulfill her parent's wish, even if it meant not being able to do what her heart desire. "I'm sorry, could we remain friends?"

"..." Amber nods weakly. Soon after she left quickly, grabbing her jacket and leaving without a word. Her heart was broken. Tears fall as Amber gets in a taxi, she understood Krystal's point, she wasn't a boy, yet it still hurt her deeply. Her feelings were rejected. 

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!