
Love Me

Amber slowly crept to Krystal's bed and she sat beside her feet. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the fiancé situation. I didn't think it would turn this way. I want to tell you how much I miss you, but you would just ignore my feelings if I did. I didn't play with your feelings. They were true and I can't live without you. That's why I came back to America, to LA so I could be beside you." Amber rubs her arm. "I miss you so much, look how desperate I am, I found out where you lived and came into your room without permission."

Amber sighs. "If I woke you up, would you kick me out? Or would you let me hug you and make up to you."

Krystal shifted a bit, making Amber flinch. "Should I come back again later? When your awake and when I'm not a creeper?"

Amber nudged Krystal lightly, trying to wake her up. "Soojungah. Wake up. Let me talk to you."

She didn't react... She was like a block of ice. No reaction. Amber went up to her face, poking, pulling, pinching. "Wake up."

Krystal's eyes slowly open and she frowns when she sees Amber. 

"Wow. I even dream of you..." Krystal mutters before pulling Amber into bed. "Come here."

Amber frowns as she is cuddled by Krystal who sighs in contentment. "I missed you."

Amber swallows. "I missed you too...."

"Too bad it's a dream right? The real Amber doesn't even try to visit me." Krystal smells Amber. "But it smells just like you."

Amber chuckles. "And what if I'm real Soojung?"

Krystal scoffs. "I wish. But your just a dream."

"Am I?" Amber smiled at her. "I missed you so much princess."

"This is too impossible." Krystal snuggles into Amber's collarbone. 

"I'm real I'm telling you." Amber pouts. "I snuck into your room."

The latter's eyes grow suspicious. "This isn't a dream."

Amber nods. 

"You have a fiancé." Krystal kicked her away from her. "Why'd you come here... More like how did you get in here."

Amber smiles. "Yuri let me in."

"That stupid girl...." Krystal sighs. "Get out."

Amber frowns. "Why."

"Because your just a player who is evil." Krystal crosses her arms. "You have a fiancé that you didn't tell me about."

Amber throws her hands into the air in frustration. "It's my parents doing. How can I stop that!??!"

"How can I believe you..." Krystal glares at her. 

"My fiancé isn't the one for me. You are." Amber walks to Krystal's bed. "I called off our marriage."

"I don't believe you." Krystal holds a pillow defensively. 

Amber sighs. "How about a new topic... Who was that guy I saw you with yesterday?"

"My friend..." Krystal scowls. "Why do you care."

Amber sighs. "I came here to make amends and start our relationship again. Why do you think I care..."

"You could be tricking me... Does my sister know you're here...?" Krystal asks. 

"No. I snuck in..." Amber kneels down. "I want you to be with me."

"And if I don't?"

"I'd give up and probably move back to Korea so you wouldn't have to see my face, but I'm here now. To tell you that you're my other half." Amber looks down. "I love you more than you can imagine. You need to trust me."

Amber waits as Krystal thinks. It was taking a long while. Amber finally looks up at Krystal, who is still glaring at her. "Is that a 'no'?"

Krystal doesn't respond. 

Amber gets up, with a groan of aching discomfort. "I'll leave then."

"Don't." Krystal demands. Amber looks at her with a frown. "Let me think."

Amber shrugs and sits closer to Krystal, hoping she wouldn't hit her. "I'll be here."

After ten minutes, Amber was still staring at Krystal. After thirty minutes, Amber was laying down, she was tired. After an hour, Amber had fell a sleep. 

Waking up three hours later, she saw Krystal still thinking. "Have you made up your mind?" Krystal nods. "What is it?"

Krystal sits beside Amber. "I'm going to trust you on this one."

Amber beams and hugs the girl tightly, pushing her back down onto the bed. "Thank you!!!!"

Krystal groans. "Don't suffocate me."

Amber kisses her and takes in her smell, sighing and smiling. Krystal believed her. She was with her soulmate. It was heaven. "I love you."

"Me too." Krystal smiles and kisses Amber. The kiss was like a spark, it felt so so so right and Amber's heart was mending itself back, strengthened by Krystal's love. 

The two were in their own world so they didn't hear the door open. 

"Ahem...." Jessica came in with crossed arms, Yuri glancing behind her shoulder with apologetic look.

Amber and Krystal pull away and Amber bows slightly. "Hi Jessica."

"Excuse me, president... What are you doing in my house?" Jessica says, angry. 

Amber thinks for a moment. "I came over to tell you that you will get a large promotion if you let me date Krystal."

Jessica raises her eyebrow. "How large?"

"Vice president." Amber smiles. Krystal frowns at her. 

"Okay. But keep it PG." Jessica walks away, knowing she is now richer. Yuri smiles at the two before following Jessica. 

"You are my sister's boss?" Krystal giggles. Amber nods. 

"I call the shots." Amber smiles and pecks Krystal on the cheek. 

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!