
Love Me
Amber checked her plane ticket once again. It was at 8:30 am and it was very early in the morning. Krystal sat beside her in the taxi, leaning against her shoulder while Henry sat in the passenger seat next to the driver. 

"Why are we leaving so early?" Amber stretches. 

"8:30 shouldn't be early." Henry whips out his phone. "Besides. Your parents want to say say bye before you leave."

"..." Amber glares at Henry who smiles back. 

"This might be the last time you see them." Henry adds and Amber sighs. 

"They will never leave me alone." Amber relieves her scowl when Krystal pecks her check. Smiling at her, Amber puts her hand around her waist and kisses her back. 

Henry rolls his eyes and tells the driver to speed up. 

Krystal's hands come up and wrap around Amber's neck. Ba dump. Ba dump. Amber pulls Krystal closer and smiles into the kiss. They separate and Amber elbows Krystal lightly. "You want me."

Laughing, Krystal jabs her finger into Amber's side. "You do too."

"Please!" Henry abruptly says. Amber and Krystal stare at him. "I'm trying to plan out this month."

"Put on headphones." Amber sticks her tongue out. 

"I'll assign you more papers." Henry threatens. 

Amber shrinks. "No more papers. Pwease." Krystal giggles and hugs Amber. 

"I'll read them for you." Krystal rubs against Amber's shoulder. 

Amber smiles back at her and gently intertwined their fingers. 

Arriving at the airport, Amber grabs Krystal's bags and hoists them to Henry. "Take this."

"What? I have my ba-" Amber shoves Krystal's purse at him, blockling his face.

"Thanks assistant." Amber grabs her bags in one hand and takes Krystal's hand in the other. "Shall we go princess?"

Krystal looks worriedly at Henry, but Amber pulls her along. Henry managesto take his bags with Krystal's and drops them once they find seats. 

"Where are my parents?" Amber narrows her eyes, checking every group of people around her. 

"I told them where we are, they'll be here momentarily." Henry pants. 

Within minutes, Amber's parents emerge from the crowd and her father has his arms crossed. Beside him is another couple and a girl. Amber gets up, still holding Krystal's hand, but Krystal pulls away. 

"Hello." Krystal bows politely. Amber's dad nods. 

"Hi." Amber looks at her dad. 

"Amber!" Her mother exclaims and hugs her, Amber restrains herself as there is company and rejecting her mother in public would seem disrespectful. She returns the hug awkwardly and her mother squeezes tight. 

"Anyway." Amber releases from her mother's grip. "May I know why you are here?"

Amber's dad motions to the other couple. "They are the Ham's and this is their daughter Eunjung."

"Yes?" Amber greets them politely. 

"She's your fiancé." Her dad says. "She's going to be managing models in the Californian branch."

"What?" Amber and Krystal say at the same time. Amber looks at Krystal. She never mentioned what her father told her before, about her fiancé. Krystal seems a bit angry. 

"She's heading to LA with you so that's why we came. Now that we're done here. Let's leave." Her father and the adults leave. 

The girl bows politely. "Hi my name is Ham Eunjung."

"Hello. My name is Henry." Henry offers his hand. "I'm the new assistant."

"Hi." She shakes his hand and looks at Krystal. "And you are?"

"Krystal." Krystal glances at Amber before shaking her hand. 

"Nice to meet you." Eunjung smiles, then looks at Amber with a blush. "Nice to meet you Amber-nim."

"So you know who I am." Amber shakes her hand. Eunjung nods quickly. "Well enjoy your flight."

Amber leaves, grabbing Krystal's hand but Krystal stops her. 

"Don't be rude.... She's your fiancé." Krystal scowls at her, leaving by herself with Henry trailing after her. 

Amber sighs. Krystal's mad. Turning back with a fake smile. "I'm sorry, I'm very impatient. Shall we go?"

Eunjung turns red as a tomato and nearly trips as she walks to Amber. Amber couldn't help but chuckle and Eunjung looks down. 

"Let's go, it's time." Amber pulls Eunjung by the arm. 

While boarding the plane, Amber tried to sit by Krystal, but she rejected her and dragged Henry beside her. Henry felt Amber's glare and tried to fall asleep as fast as possible. 

Eunjung peered outside the window with wide eyes. Seems like she's never been on a plane before. "First time?" Amber asks. 

Eunjung nods, while still looking outside. 

"You don't talk much do you." Amber notes. "You just nod."

Eunjung nods, stopping halfway as she looks at Amber. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you would be so handsome in real life."

Amber raises an eyebrow. "Are you saying you had a picture?" 

Eunjung blushes. "Yes... My parses gave me your picture two weeks ago."

Amber sighs. "Well. This is the first time I've seen you or know about your existence."

"Oh.." She looks a bit disappointed. "I spent those two weeks learning about you..."

Amber stares at the girl. She wasn't ugly, but pretty with her gentle short hair and she blushed a lot. "How about I learn now then?"

Smiling brightly, Eunjung begins to talk about herself. While listening, Amber would stare at Krystal, who seemed to be asleep. Amber's heart sunk. After this plane ride, Amber didn't know where Krystal would be. Jessica was picking her up and Amber would have no contact with her. Wanting to get up and sort it out, Amber restrained herself. She didn't want to sound rude like she was earlier. 

"... My parents own a small company for training models, and I've seen trained to work with them as a photographer." Eunjung continues. 

Amber turns to her and Eunjung stops talking, and turns red instead. "I'm sorry, but I am a bit tired. Do you mind if I sleep for the remainder of this flight?"

She shakes her head, motioning Amber to sleep. Amber gives her a small smile and leans back while closing her eyes. 

Not being able to be comfortable, Amber wriggles around. Eunjung notices that and lifts the armrest between her and Amber, and gently let Amber's head rest on her shoulder. Amber opens her eyes to look at Eunjung who opened a book to read. 

She's not that bad. Amber thought. But Krystal's better. 

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!