Playing Alone

Love Me
Amber sat in the car, bored. She still wanted to play but she didn't want to leave Krystal. Pouting she stares at Krystal. It was such a waste to return home on such a beautiful and sunny day. Amber watched enviously as little kids bounded into the entrance followed by their parents. "Lucky kids..." She mutters. 

"If only you had a hard head, you could have just been knocked down." Amber leaned on the steering wheel. "Should we go home? Or should I wait for you to wake up..."

"Do I hear 'go play?'" Amber leans into Krystal. "Well then, I will go play."

Amber finds a pen and pad, then she writes Krystal a description of where she was headed, which of course was inside the amusement park. 

Silently scribbling on the pad, Amber furiously writes and smiles with contentment. 

The message said. "I am going to play at the amusement park, you got knocked out by a little girl so I brought you here. Don't worry I will play by myself." 

Amber nods and opens the door, while rolling down the windows halfway so Krystal doesn't suffocate. She also left a water bottle, in case of dehydration. 

Bounding happily, Amber returns to the park and walks around, scouting for a good roller coaster. On the sidewalks were vendors, so Amber bought cotton candy. Walking around without Krystal was lonely. Amber begins to regret leaving her and sighs as she unknowingly enters a couple's ride. She sits down and  is shocked to see a girl seated beside her. 

"Can I help you?" The girl asks, noticing Amber's stare. The ride sets off and Amber is alarmed. 

"Excuse me, what ride is this?" Amber takes a quick look around her surroundings, everything was pink and red and hearts... 

"It's called the 'Tunnel of Love'" The girl replies. "Dog worry, I'm just a mechanic in case this ride goes haywire."

"... Ah..." Amber bit her lip. Krystal should have been beside her. She grimaced as couples in front of her kissed. 

"So may I ask why you entered this ride? By yourself I mean." The girl raises an eyebrow. "Did you break up with your girlfriend?"

"Not at all, my girlfriends knocked out in my car." Amber frowns after she said that. "I didn't cause it." Her hands come up defensively. 

"Is she all right?" The girl touches Amber's arm. 

Amber cringes away from her touch and nods. "She's sleeping."

"That's good to know." The girl nods and looks ahead. "There's a picture at the end, make a funny pose."

Amber grins and makes her eyes wide, and mouth full of air. The girl goes cross-eyed and gives a goofy smile. 

Click! The camera snaps a picture and the ride is over. Amber gets up and kindly leaves the girl. 

"I didn't get your name." The girl bounded up to her as Amber speed walked out of the exit. 

"Ah my names Amber." Amber bows apologetically. 

"That's a feminine name for a..." The girl pauses. "You a girl?"

Amber smiles, embarrassed. "Yes I am a girl."

"Cool, anyway my names Tiffany." She holds out her hand. Amber shakes it. 

"FFANY!!!!" The lifeguard from earlier runs into Amber and hugs the girl. "Don't cheat on me!!

"I-it's you!!" Taeyeon points accusingly at Amber. "The person who wants their girlfriend to drown!"

Amber face palms. It's this weirdo again. "She's fine and I didn't need your help."

"You were trying to get rid of her so you could hit on FFANY!! Liars must die!" Taeyeon jumps on Amber and falls to the ground as Tiffany grabs the back of her shirt. "Let me go!"

"Tae. Stop being so rude, Ambers a nice person." Tiffany scolds a pouting Taeyeon. 

"He's. I mean. She's a player! Stay away from my precious - I mean Tiffany!" Taeyeon blocks Amber. "I may be short but I am feisty!"

"Calm down child." Amber flicks his forehead. "I was just leaving."

"That's right you better walk away!" Taeyeon shouts as Amber heads to the vendors. Amber scoffs and can hear Tiffany scolding Taeyeon. A odd couple. Then again, so was her and Krystal. Going to the market area, Amber stocks up on sweets and snacks. An angry Krystal would be quelled with food.

Leaving the park, Amber heads back to the car, only to find Krystal angry with crossed arms. 

Knocking on the window, Amber catches Krystal's attention. Holding up the bags, Amber managed to get Krystal to open the door. 

"Hey baby." Amber puts down the food on the dashboard. "You wake up fine?"

Krystal glares at her. "You left me here... Alone... And with water!" She jabs a finger at the water bottle. 

"How's your head?" Amber ignores the complaint. 

"How's my head? How about my feelings?!" Krystal swats away Amber's hands trying to probe Krystal's head. 

"Does it hurt at all?" Amber runs through the bag and brings out a hamburger. "If it doesn't, this burger needs to be eaten before it gets cold."

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Krystal her lips. Smiling, Amber hands it to her and Krystal rips it open, eating dirty like a child. 

"Doun't thuiink thous iss obber." Krystal says, cheeks full of meat and tomatoes. 

Amber grabs a napkin and wipes Krystal's face. "Eat slow, I bought eight burgers."

"Eight??" Krystal's eyes widen. "I don't think I can handle eight."

"Some are for me too." Amber pinches Krystal's nose and laughs. "So eat slow."

"It's really good." Krystal admits, full again. "But not better than my own mom's homemade burgers." Then her eyes fall as she realizes that her mom isn't here anymore to make them for her. 

Noticing the girl's glistening eyes, Amber hugs the girl. "I'm sure that your moms were the best." Krystal muffled her crying with another bite of the burger. 

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!