How Can I

Love Me
At 5 am, peaceful and sleeping Amber is pulled away from her dream when Krystal pulls the curtains back and light hits Amber. Amber scowls and tried to hide under the covers, but Krystal steals it away. 

"Wake up. It's time to get ready for school." Krystal pats Amber's arm. 

Amber simply rolls over so her face is enveloped by her pillow. Krystal sighs. 

"Amber, I'm going to change, don't turn around okay?" Krystal says and immediately Amber sits up. 

She turns around to see a fully clothed Krystal and groans. "Such a liar." 

Krystal smiles and plants a kiss onto Amber. "It still got you up, didn't it?"

Amber nods like a child and rubs her eyes. "I told my uncle that you and I would be skipping some days."

"Why? How long?"

"It's only for two weeks. And because you need to have some fun before you go back to your stressful life." 

"What about our finals?!?" Krystal asks. "We have to go to school, it's our job as students."

"Two week break... It's not that long. And we get homework during our break... Finals will be done when we go back..." Amber yawns and gets up. "I'm hungry."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Krystal crosses her arms. 

Amber chuckles at Krystal and takes her hand. "Let's make breakfast."

"Don't change the subject!" Krystal tugs back her hand. Amber looks back with puppy eyes. "Don't make those eyes either."

"I'm sorry princess that I made you skip school, but its for a good cause." Amber pouts. "Two weeks... Are short. And I want to make sure you are free of stress before you go back."

Krystal turns away. Amber sighs and leaves Krystal in the room to make breakfast. 

"If you want to go to school I'll call my uncle." Amber calls from the kitchen as she cracks an egg. Amber called her uncle so she could spend her last moments with Krystal, but Krystal would rather go to school. Amber felt dejected. 

Krystal walks in silently and sits on the counter. "Its okay... I'll adapt."

Amber beams and hands her a piece of bread. "Sit there, I'll make you breakfast my princess."

"Ugh stop calling me that."

"Call you what? What would you like my queen? Sunny side up or scrambled."

"That... Your nicknames for me, and sunny side up please." Krystal says while eating the bread. 

"Nicknames? What I say aren't nicknames, they're synonyms for Krystal Jung." Amber grins and brings out jam for bread. 

Krystal rolls her eyes and Amber sees it. "You don't believe me? Hah!" Amber wipes jam onto Krystal's face. 

"You didn't...." Krystal watches as Amber dips her finger in jam. "Don't you dare..."

Amber smirks and chases after Krystal who dashed into the bedroom. Amber corners her to the wall and she chuckles. "Prepare to be my breakfast."

"Don't be erted in the mornings, seriously." Krystal keeps her eyes on Amber's jam covered hand.  She charges at Amber and she pins her onto the bed. Amber struggles to get up and Krystal sits on her lap, holding her Amber's hand. "Yum." Krystal Amber's hand. 

Amber laughs nervously. "Guess I am breakfast, huh?"

"It seems so." Krystal continues to her hand until it is free of jam. "You taste yummy."

Amber restrains herself from kissing Krystal and pushes her off. Krystal looks confused. "I better check on the... Eggs... The eggs."

Krystal awkwardly sits on the bed and goes to follow Amber. 

"You started it." Krystal says, standing beside Amber. 

"I know, I shouldn't have." Amber looks at Krystal for a moment. "I didn't mean like that. It just makes it hard for me to stay in control of my.. You know.. Urges."

"Like last night..?" Krystal plays with her hands. 

"Exactly. So when I play around, don't do things that make me get . I want your first to be with someone special."

"Isn't it obvious who my first will be?" Krystal glances at Amber and then to her hands. 

Amber sighs deeply. "Krys... I love you, but theres always a possibility that we don't end up together, you know? And I don't want you to regret it." 

"Don't say things like that. If it's because of yesterday, I'm sorry I was just alarmed." Amber is silent. "We're going to be together, always right?"

" ... Of course we are." Amber says hesitating. Krystal catches onto to that. 

"Why can't you be straightforward with your feelings? I love you and I only want you." Krystal stares at Amber, with tears threatening. "Why do you keep playing with my feelings?" 

Krystal walks away and storms to the bathroom, Amber sighs angrily and smacks herself with a towel. "Why do I say the wrong things."

Amber puts breakfast on the table and sits outside the bathroom. 

"Hey. I'm sorry, let's talk it out."


"Babe, please?"

Amber ruffles her hair. "Krystal. Listen carefully."

No response.

"I.... Made a deal with your sister."

Amber continues as Krystal is not responding. "Two weeks from today, you're going to California."

"And you're going to leave me. But that doesn't matter. I'll always love you, no one else."

"And if you move on when you're there, I'll be happy for you. So please don't be like this right now." Amber clenches her jaw to prevent the foreshadowing tears. "The time we have is short. So please can you come out?"

The door is still closed. Amber sighs and brushes off her jeans. 

At the last second, the door squeaks open a tad bit and Krystal's swollen eyes peer out. "Why?"

Amber pushes the door open and she closes the door behind her. Krystal looks at her with vulnerable eyes. "Why did you make the deal?"

Krystal maneuvers to make eye contact, but Amber casts her eyes down. "I'm sorry."

Krystal begins to cry and Amber hugs her tightly as tears drop for her as well. "How can I live without you?"

Amber holds Krystal's face and kisses her nose. "Don't cry, princesses are prettiest when smiling."

"It's not possible. If it's not you, I don't want anybody." Krystal's tears drench Amber's shirt. 

"Princess don't worry. We have two weeks... Don't cry, my heart shatters when you do." Amber wipes Krystal's tears. Amber smiles sadly. "It's not like we're dying, we can still see each other."

Krystal grasps onto Ambers collar. "Where you are is where I want to be. I'll never leave you."

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!