Sleepover Again

Love Me
After Amber dropped off Sulli and Minho, she turned to Krystal and smiled. "Want to sleep over?"

Krystal shakes her head. "I need to shower and do homework."

Amber pouts then grins. "Can I sleep over?" 

"Aren't you tired?"

"Not at all."

"Then go home." 

"I want to spend time with you."

"Spend it at school." Krystal glares at Amber.  

Amber's shoulders fall and she sighs. "Fine, I'll drop you off then go home."


"In exchange for a long kiss." Amber smirks evilly and begins driving again. 

Now its Krystal's turn to sigh. "Whats with you and skinship...."

"We colleagues." Amber laughs. "That was a joke, don't hit me."

"That wasn't funny, you deserve to get hit." Krystal pinches Amber's thigh. 

She winces and asks. "What's with your obsession with my thighs?"

Krystal blushes. "Nothing."

"What a fat lie!" Amber turns to Krystal.

Krystal tries to peer out the window, trying to avoid Amber's stare. 

"Don't think you can avoid me, it'll make things worse."

"Who said I'm avoiding"

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You are..."

"Who cares."

Amber drives without replying and turns on music. She hums the tune and drives slowly. Eventually she makes it to Krystal's house. "We're here."

Krystal is silent. 

"When someone talks, usually there has to he a response." Amber leans over to Krystal, confused by her quiet nature. 

Krystal was sleeping, her head slowly tilting to the side. And she looked cold, she only wore a light jacket under her t shirt. Amber frowned, why did she say anything about the heat?

Amber kept watching her until Krystal yawned and stretched her arms. Her eyes slowly opened and she realized how closer Amber was. 

"Wha?" Krystal flinches away. "So close."

Amber backs up. "Sorry. Forgot to wake you."

"We're here already?"

"Of course, it's already 1 am."

"1 AM?!?! That late?" Krystal is awake now. 

"Yeah, you were sleeping for two hours." Amber smiled sheepishly. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful."

Krystal's tired eyes glared at Amber. "You should have woke me up."

"I was about to."

"Whatever. I'll leave now. Thanks for the ride."

"What about my kiss?"

Krystal was half way out of the car when Amber asked that. "You serious?"

Amber sighs. "Nah. It's fine. See you tomorrow."

"How bout you sleep over. It's already late." Krystal offers. Amber looks ecstatic. 

"You sure though?" 

"Yeah, park over there and lock the doors, see you inside." Krystal closes the door and runs to the house. 

Amber is in disbelief. She smiles and quickly parks, then heads inside. 

Krystal is in the bathroom, and Amber sits down. She hears a distant voice, Krystal, telling her to come into the bathroom.   

Amber slowly gets up and opens the door. It's steamy and she sees the silhouette of Krystal's body. 

"Amber come take a shower with me." Amber's jaw drops. 

"Your kidding..."

"It'll save me money. Hurry up." Krystal's getting impatient as the shower keeps going. 

Amber blushes as she closes the door and peels off her clothes. "Uh. Um. Where do I? Ah. Um." 

Krystal's arm comes out, offered to Amber. "Come here."

Amber shyly takes her hand and is pulled closer to Krystal. 

"Come closer. The shower heads not that big."

Amber's face turns the color of a tomato as she can see clearly Krystal's backside. She holds her nose as blood seeps. "I don't think I can."

Krystal sighs harshly and turns around. Amber looks away, averting her eyes. "Amber it up. Now take this spot, I'm almost done."

Amber switches places with Krystal and she tries not to peek while she washes her body clean from the dirt and the sweat from the trip earlier. 

Krystal peers at Amber and she smiles. She wraps her arms around Amber's waist, and Amber jumps out of reflex. Amber can feel Krystal's body agains her's and she doesn't feel comfortable. 

"K-k-k-krys... Stop." Amber bites her lip and pulls Krystal's arms off of her. "I'm at my limit. Don't."

Without a word Krystal releases her. Amber realizes that she hurt Krystal's feelings and turns around., forgetting that she's not wearing any clothes.

"Krystal. Wait. I didn't mean it like that." Amber attempts to grab Krystal's arm. Krystal pulls away and leaves, wrapping herself in a towel. 

Amber sighs and smacks her head on the wall. She rejected Krystal's pursuit. What a stupid stupid girl. 

Amber finishes quickly and looks around for clothing. On the ground was clothes for Amber from Krystal. She put them on and she walked out, looking for Krystal. 

Krystal was sitting, reading a book and wearing glasses on her bed. Amber sat beside her quietly. Krystal did not look at her. Amber plays with her fingers, looking down. 

"Krystal, I don't know what we are. Are we friends. Lovers?" Amber sighs. "I want to have us on the same page."

Krystal puts her book down. "I thought we established that earlier."

"I know but that one is not the one I want." Amber meshes her fingers together. "And I don't want to rush into things like how friends with benefits are."

"Did you think I wanted the benefits?" Krystal looks at Amber. "Do you really think I'm one of those girls who want nothing more than ?"

Amber was about to speak before Krystal interrupted. "I invited you over because it was late. And I asked you to share a shower with me because it saves money. If you really thought I was seducing you. You're wrong."

Amber didn't say anything. 

"Is that what you wanted? To just play with my feelings and throw me away after?" Krystal is angry. "Answer me!"

Amber reaches out for Krystal's hands, but Krystal pulls away. "I didn't say you were a that type of girl. You're better than that. I'm not playing with your feelings. And I definitely won't throw you away." Amber softly whispers. "Because I love you."

It's quiet and Amber tries to lay down, but the bed is too small so she sighs and gets up. A hand grabs at Amber's arm. 

"Where are you going?"

"The couch."


"No room."

"Just sleep here. I'll make room." Krystal pulls Amber into the covers and Amber stares as Krystal turns off the lights, takes of her glasses, and lays down again, coming close to Amber. 

Arms wrap around Amber as she settles in, she feels Krystal's embrace and she pulls Krystal close.

"Sorry. I went a little overboard." Krystal admits and nuzzle's Amber's neck. Amber's heartbeat quickens and feels like it will explode. She sighs with happiness.  

"Are you going to talk?" Krystal won't fall asleep. "Or are you going to act out what you say."

Amber, getting drowsy, is annoyed by Krystal and she searches for Krystal's face. Once she finds her, she pulls her closer and kisses her softly on the lips. She continues to kiss downwards and she pecks her neck. "Go to sleep." She commanded. 

"I'm not tired." Krystal pouts. "Kiss me more then."

Amber furrows her brows. "I'm tired."

"Is that how you treat your girlfriend?" Krystal release's Ambers arms and distances herself. Amber wriggles as she lost a source of heat. 

"Girlfriend? Since when? Now?" Amber's arms search the bed, hoping to find a target. 

"I thought that we should clarify our relationship."

"Good... Okay... Go to sleep and come here. I'm cold." Amber whines. Krystal snickers and she allows herself to be pulled by Amber. 

"... This isn't over." Krystal said as she comes back to Amber's arms. 

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 2: Reading it again...cant get enough of it...thanks
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 40: Omg the best ever..One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
wnnygwee #3
omg!is it ended already?
but by the way awesom story u got here!!
i had so many feels while reading this ;______; thanks author for this wondering fic!!! sdnaslkjd<3
Aww sad that it ended but cute end indeed<3

Thank u author!
bigmistake #6
Chapter 40: End already? Ughhhhhhh but it's the best!
Chapter 40: Dat ending. *stands up and claps slowly while shaking my head left to right* that ending left me... oh god, i can't even put it into words. A job well done author. Gosh, I love this story.
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwwww!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!
Chapter 40: it is worth reading this till the end, bravooooo!!!