Chapter 39

But she's a playgirl....right??


“Uhm…I met Jooyeon when she was like fifteen at a party that our parents organized because we were like neighbors. So we got along and when her parents left to China and I found out she was alone when she was already like 16, I visited her. I kept going to her house and then we kept going out until we became a couple. We didn’t care about the others at school or anything. I was actually her first love.” He said smiling at his own memories when I’m like WTF. Did he just said that he was her boyfriend for some time? Her first love??

“Wait, WHAT?!!”

“I know. It’s hard to believe and everyth-”

“But what happened after that? I mean it didn’t ended there.”  I said

“Well. Uhm…”

“What are you hiding?” I asked because obviously I think he hurt her somehow because he apologized and she said that ‘I’m sorry’ wasn’t enough.

“I kinda broke her heart.” He muttered looking away.

“THE , MAN??!” I yelled at him while standing up. He quickly pushed me down on my seat again so we wouldn’t get kicked out from the café.

“Why did you do that??!?” I asked

“Uh. I was stupid, I didn’t realized how lucky I was to have her and one day the queenka from SM High at that time broke up with her boyfriend and asked me out while I was still dating Jooyeon. I said yes thinking that there was no way that Jooyeon would find out since she was busy at her part-time job and it would be just once, but her best friend saw me and she told Jooyeon about it.” He explained.

“You cheated on her?!” I asked him shocked with a disgusted face and Kris nodded while looking at the table.

“After that I apologized like 100 times, but still she broke up with me. I felt like a complete imbecile and idiot for hurting her, but she said that even if she loved me, I wasn’t worth for her and that she would try to move on.” Now it all makes sense to me. Why did he knew so much about her house when we went to visit her. Why he was so quiet when she was around. Why her friends Woori and Seungyeon wanted to kill him the day we were at her house waiting for our clothes to dry from swimming.

“I watched her from afar during school. She seemed less happy and always gloomy, and it was braking my heart. She went out with a lot of guys, I think in her effort of moving on, but she always ended up being dumped because they claimed that she was going out with them because of their looks, when in reality she was just still in love with me and couldn’t move on and like them. So people started calling her a playgirl and after getting tired of the rumors and watching my face everyday she changed schools.” He continued. So it’s true after all. I didn’t wanted to believe what was true all this time. She’s not a playgirl. She was just heartbroken and trying to move on from her first love: a stupid, imbecile, moron and ing guy who cheated on her.  Wait….that is my ‘hyung and friend’.

“YOU IN-” I yelled standing up but he pushed me down again covering my mouth and ignoring the glares from other costumers.


“I thought I had moved on too, but during the wedding I realized I haven’t. I just want another chance. I will prove her that I still love her and get her back.” He said full with seriousness and determination.

“Dude! Don’t you dare get near her, got that? Back off! You don’t have a chance. She even said it, she moved on, unlike you. Plus, wake up; she’s already married. Ok?” I said in a defensive way and serious like him. I’m sick of him, I can’t believe that my friend is the one who broke Jooyeon’s heart. Kris had his eyes wide open but it wasn’t because of my outburst. It was like realization of something.

“Wait…..Do you like her? Do you like Jooyeon, Kai?” asked Kris deadly serious. I analized his question and accepted the truth before answering what has been bothering my heart for so long.

“No. I don’t like her, I love Jooyeon. I love MY WIFE! So stop bothering her and get lost.” I said as I stood up and started leaving.

“I won’t give up on her, Kai! Watch your back!” he yelled as I left the place. Huh!

“This is war, Kris.” I said to myself as I made my way to the hotel. I will make her mine no matter what. I will make my wife love me too. I will make her forget you, Kris.


Jooyeon POV

I walked silently into the suite. It was almost midnight, I hope Kai is still asleep. I think he is because the lights are off. I tapped my cellphone and use it as a flashlight. When I got into the room, I noticed it was very dark, but as soon as I approached the bed the lights were . I mentally cursed and turned around to see Kai standing at the door.

"Are you alright?" he asked me. wait! Aren't you going to ask were was I first?

"Uhm- I-I think so, yeah." I answered

"Good." he said smiling. Is he drunk again  or what?

"Why are you still awake?" I asked him

"To wait for you." he said as he approached the bed and sat on it. I sat beside him and mumbled a little thanks.

"You should sleep, you seem tired." he said brushing my hair. I swear my heart wanted to burn a hole on my chest from beating so fast at his action.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I touched his forehead and he nodded. I still had my hand on his fore head when I asked another question

'Are you drunk again?" He shook his head and grabbed my hand from his forehead. It felt so right when he holds my hands, as if they are made for the other one's.

"About that....I'm really sorry." he said holding my hand tighter.

"Don't worry at all." I said smiling and he chuckled.

"What did you did today?" he asked looking at me curiously.

"Walk around..." I answered avoiding about finding Kris, but I felt as if I was lying to him. Kai nodded and stayed silent for a while.

"And I found someone at the bar... actually it was Kris." I whispered nervous at his possible response.

"Thanks for telling me." he said and I looked at him shocked. He's not angry or something. Well, probably he thinks that we are just friends or less than that.

"Uh-huh." I mumbled still surprised and he laughed at my response.

" Wait here.' he said as he stood up and went to the nightstand. He came back and sat beside me again, holding a little box in his hand with the other one he took mine again and placed the box on it.

"What is this?" I asked him

"My apology gift." he said and I shook my head.

'You don't have to, I told you it was nothing." I lied because I clearly remember how much I cried. I desperately wanted to know what was inside the box and I felt very touched at his action, but I think it's to much to accept a gift.

"Please, just accept it." he said smiling.

"Are you hearing my thoughts?" I and he laughed.

"Maybe~" he sang and I chuckled.

"But seriously, take it. Besides, what's wrong with a husband giving a gift to his wife?" he said and I blushed as my heart melted at his words. I slightly nodded and opened the little box. Inside I found a beautiful couple of rings. I somehow felt like crying right now. I hugged him tightly, and that took him by surprise. When I released the hug, he took my right hand once again and placed the rings on my finger.

"I love them. I really really like them a lot. Thank you." I said smiling as I looked at them on my finger.

"That's good, I hope you forgive me because I love you, Jooyeon." said Jongin.



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Chapter 41: i love this. pls update
Can u plz update soon!
author-nim,..where are you???please update soon^.^
atoeva #4
Chapter 41: waitiiiiiiiing update soon *new reader*
Chapter 41: After the steamy scene in their hotel room, sorry Kris. Please concede defeat and go back home. Jooyeon doesn't want you anymore. Point blank. Period.
Great update! :D
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 41: Update soon!
DarkerThanBlack15 #7
Chapter 41: Kyaa kris should just give up lmao
lyhome #8
Chapter 41: <3 please update soon <3 XD
lyhome #9
Chapter 40: Finally, they admitted to each other!
Chapter 40: Wooooooooooooooooo! This chapter was hot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* LOVED THIS UPDATE! Can't wait for more!!!! :D ♥