Chapter 34

But she's a playgirl....right??


“YOU?!?” yelled Joooyeon. I placed my hand on to silence her. Some people around the cafeteria looked at us weirdly and some fans gave Jooyeon glares filled with jealously.

“Shhh…” I hissed and released her.

“You saw everything?! And you?!” she hissed pointing at me and Luhan. We nodded.

“But- Nobody told me?” she asked with a hurted expression. Oh God! I have never seen this side of her and it’s hurting ME.

“I feel so stupid.” She said and stood up ready to leave. She turned around and started walking. I sighed and placed my head on the table. *Is he worried? Woohoo…Something’s happening here…* Luhan stood up too and followed her.

“What are you going to do, Kai?” asked Suho. That question again. Can’t it be other one.

“I don’t know.” I said exhausted

“But she’s your fiancée.” Said Chen

“It’s arranged, guys! Do you think I want to marry a playgirl?! I’m just doing this because my parents promised me freedom and I can finally be out of that freaking house.” I said before leaving too. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh and cruel, but I’m just SO confused right now. I need time to think.


Jooyeon POV

“Jooyeon! Wait!” yelled Luhan as I exit the cafeteria and headed to the doors of the building.

“You don’t need to do this. You don’t have to feel responsible of me. I’m fine.” I told him as he approached me and walked fast beside me. He stopped me and turned me around to face him.

“I want to do this.” He said and I sighed

“Well…” I said and started walking again towards the gates.

“Where are you going? School it’s not over.” He said

“I don’t care. I’m not in the mood to sit for hours and listen to those grumpy teachers. Besides, you may not know this but I skip classes a lot and thanks for everything but don’t follow me, it will damage your student record. By the way, please give Jongin a ride to my apartment.” I said as I hurried my pace to the parking lot, got in my car and exit the school. Luhan sighed and returned to his classroom.

I went to my part time job. I’m a waitress after school, but since it’s a crowded and busy restaurant and the boss likes my personality, he lets me work extra time when I want to or skip classes. Anyway, they need help to handle all those costumers. I entered and one of my friends who works here too greeted me

“What can I d-? Omo! Jooyeon! I heard the news. Junghong told me. What are you doing here? Where’s your husband?” said Sungje excited.

“Relax. I came to work.” I said

“Fine. But you have to tell me everything later.” He said and went to some costumers as I went to the back to get my uniform and start working. It was 9:00 pm when I decided to leave. I left in my car to my apartment. When I opened the door, Jongin was already inside in the living room, sitting on the couch with his phone out. I walked in and when he noticed me, he spoke

“Finally you are here! Why didn’t you answered?” he asked relieved and angry at the same time.

“sorry. I was at my part time job and didn’t checked my phone.” I explained. Jongin sighed and I continued

“I’m sorry for getting mad too. And for leaving and making you having to take a ride from Luhan.” I said

“It’s fine. I understand.” He said

“Did you already ate?” I asked changing topics and he shook  his head in denial.

“We are lucky. I brought food from the restaurant.” I said while placing the plastic bag on the small table in front of the couch. I sat on the floor and Jongin sat across me. I opened the bag, took the plates out and we started eating.

“How was school without me?” I asked

“The same.” He answered. I gasped faking a hurt tone and place my hands over my chest dramatically.

“How come? I’m entertaining and paying attention to classes at the same time. School is boring without me.” He laughed and added

“Yeah right! You are always sleeping.”

“I am not. It’s called listening to class with your head down. Hearing it’s better that way.” I said and he laughed hard.

“That doesn’t even exists and I doubt it’s possible. Admit it, all you do is sleep during class.” He said grinning.

“Hey! I- uhm- … ok. You win. But I don’t sleep. I just rest.” I said

“It’s the same.” He said teasingly and turned to his plate again.

“Yah.” I finished before eating too. After eating I went to take a shower.



I was in the couch watching TV alone when I decided to drink some water. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen and returned to the couch with a big glass of cold water. So thirsty…that food was awesome but it made me very thirsty. After finishing the glass, I paid my attention to the TV again. Just when the movie was getting interesting I felt the urge to pee. I groaned and stood up, heading to the bathroom. I opened the door and went to the toilet. Just when I ed my pants I heard something fall. I turned behind me and found Jooyeon.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” I yelled from shock from seeing her in the bathroom. I didn’t know she was here and she was only wearing a towel around her perfect body, kneeling down to pick the bottle of hair cream that fell to the floor.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!” she screamed too when she heard and noticed me. From the surprise she quickly stood straight and held tighter the towel. She dropped the bottle that has just picked, again.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” we both asked at the same time.


“I WAS TAKING A BATH.” We both explained at the same time again. We stayed silent but in shock. I eyed her unconsciously from head to toes. If it was hard when we slept for the first time together at my room because of her pajamas, imagine now that she was looking gorgeous with her wet hair falling over her shoulders, her skin sprayed with water she didn’t dried and covered her body just with just a towel.

“Oh my God.” She expressed as she looked at herself realizing she was only wearing a towel. Before I could say something, she was already gone. What the hell happened here? I locked the door and peed. When I exit the bathroom, into the bedroom, I saw her laying on the bed while doing something on her cellphone.

“I’m really sorry about earlier. I didn’t knew you were in there.” I apologized standing beside her.

“It was my fault for leaving the door unlocked. It’s just that I’m used to being alone so I didn’t locked it.” She said and I nodded as I slip under the comforter beside her. I was trying to sleep, but I just couldn’t concentrate. All I kept thinking was about her. I can’t erase the picture of her from before. She looked so… anyway. With her beside me, it’s even harder to forget about it for now. I turned my head and saw that she was already asleep. She looks so beautiful. Wait…I still can believe that she’s my fiancée. I’m going to marry the girl beside me. The girl that’s driving me crazy. I don’t know what are my true feelings for her. I don’t know what she really thinks of me. I don’t know if all this marriage thing will work out. Will I be happy? Will we get out of this? What about during school? Or with our families? It is to soon and I’m confused. The only thing I know for sure is that she’s a playgirl. But why does my heart doesn’t seems to understand that?

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Chapter 41: i love this. pls update
Can u plz update soon!
author-nim,..where are you???please update soon^.^
atoeva #4
Chapter 41: waitiiiiiiiing update soon *new reader*
Chapter 41: After the steamy scene in their hotel room, sorry Kris. Please concede defeat and go back home. Jooyeon doesn't want you anymore. Point blank. Period.
Great update! :D
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 41: Update soon!
DarkerThanBlack15 #7
Chapter 41: Kyaa kris should just give up lmao
lyhome #8
Chapter 41: <3 please update soon <3 XD
lyhome #9
Chapter 40: Finally, they admitted to each other!
Chapter 40: Wooooooooooooooooo! This chapter was hot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* LOVED THIS UPDATE! Can't wait for more!!!! :D ♥